Author Topic: Hi, I'm a new member  (Read 7146 times)

Offline DavidB

  • Posts: 4
Hi, I'm a new member
« on: February 12, 2009, 12:58:10 pm »
Many of the topics on here are interesting, like the 'plastic shaman', etc..  I never had any religion forced on me as a child,  and for much of my life I was an extremely close-minded skeptic.  During the 80's, I tried a method of becoming aware in dreams (referred to as lucid dreaming now)--it took about three weeks and I was successful; it was alot of fun.  About a week after that I had a spontaneous OBE, and then another.  Since it didn't fit my views I didn't give it much meaning.  I became a single dad and my son is autistic (still lives with me).  About four years ago I had a number of experiences that I could not explain by any methods of logic or close-minded reason.  My parents died about a year apart, I moved into a haunted house (I was taking pics of my canine friend, Edd's bed (he spent the night at the vet.  I found thing on camera that strongly contributed to a new paradigm for me.  I base my beliefs on personal experience and observation, an open-minded sceptic.  This has taken me very far (by my personal perspective).  I'm interested in discussing topics such as Balance, Polarity, OBEs,  autism, etc.  I have enjoyed many of the posts I've read on this site, a great sense of humor!  I hope to get to  know you all (or most of you, talk and laugh.

Offline DavidB

  • Posts: 4
An observation which has probably been made before
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2009, 02:45:50 pm »
I have read some of the 'justifications' for ripping off native churches/beliefs.  Here's what I see; would you go into a Catholic/Episcopalian/i.e. any established religion, learn some of their rituals, start a website claiming you have been taught by so and so, give yourself a name associated with that church (perhaps of some angel or demon, etc.) and with a few cryptic quotes begin to market yourself and products?  Of course not.  Why?  Because anyone interested in one of these belief systems would go to the source, and they already have built-in money-collecting as part of their beliefs.  Nobody would believe you nor by into your scam.  Why do the same with any of the established belief systems of the Lakotas, Navaho, Cherokee, etc. etc. etc.?  Because you can get away with it and make a profit from the more gullible people out there?  Yes, I have observed 'Christian' religious characters send plastic crosses in the mail promising a 'prayer' if and only if the recipient wraps the cross in 'no less than' a twenty dollar bill and send it off at a specific time.  If it wasn't working, they wouldn't pull that sort of scam--it is not justified by anyone doing it, and I applaud anyone who is standing out not just against cultural theft, but blatant ripoffs of any kind, especially those having to do with spirit.  If anyone of us wants to learn spiritual truth, the answer is found in the last place most people look--inside yourself.  It is useful to learn externally, but with discernment.  Respect other people's beliefs, and they may respect yours.  It's pretty damn simple....

Offline DavidB

  • Posts: 4
Re: Hi, I'm a new member
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2009, 02:57:27 pm »
I almost forgot one very important observation.  If you are so ultra-sensitive that you cannot withstand the humorous chiding you encounter, you are taking yourself and your experience here way to seriously.  The ability to laugh at yourself is a simple baby-step to any spiritual awakening--and I sense that and push in that direction is meant for your own benefit.  I do it at myself all the time, and I welcome it from others.  Laughter is a great thing, consider it a 'gift of spirit'.  I don't want to sound like I'm 'lecturing' here--actually I really don't care  ;)


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Re: Hi, I'm a new member
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2009, 04:45:29 pm »
Your welcome here, but you need to start a new thread.  This is mostly for introductions.  Thanks.