Author Topic: Mary Jo Gardner AKA Maria Naylin AKA Maria Yraceburu, Lynda Tari AKA Lynda Yrace  (Read 102459 times)


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Re: Maria Yraceburu
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2013, 02:36:32 am »
It will be challenging and rewarding

It will be challenging for you, and rewarding for them (3 hours for $240)  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Maria Yraceburu
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2014, 06:19:12 pm »
Her current site:

TAA-NAASH-KAA-DA SANCTUARY COALITION, LLC was incorporated in 2011 New Mexico, looks like it still exists
YRACEBURU EARTHWISDOM in N.M. is a domestic nonprofit, not in good standing, looks like they've not filed required paperwork in a few years

I'm uploading a letter she wrote to her coalition members in August 2014. I found this through a public online Google search, this is publicly available.

Several things are very concerning. She writes "my depression over lack of community here overcame my work capacity and my desire to do so" - this really reminds me of destructive group leaders I've known in the past. They all blame others, they don't take personal responsibility.

She writes of Phil's initiation retreat, I believe she is speaking of Roque "Phil" Chavez. She refers to Phil as a member of her  "Yraceburu Extended Family", this is the only Phil on that list. She says that Phil's girlfriend had a "psychotic break" during this event and attacked several people including Maria and her partner Lynda. She says Phil left the coalition and stopped contact with them.

During this time we were told the local community viewed us as witches, and the catholotism here is 75% of the population.  This because we are shamanic in nature.  We were told by the Jemez pueblo that with the situation between us and Phil, and what town was saying, we  would be watched and they would let us know when and if they would return.
(my bolding)

« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 07:12:02 pm by Piff »

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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2014, 08:00:19 pm »
The Pueblos are definitely not Catholic. They are some of the least Christianized rezzes in the country. In fact the council is make of up traditional priests.
Her story is an attempt to appeal to the persecution complex of some white pagans, and to anti Catholic bigotry. Witch or witchcraft accusations don't mean nearly the same on SW rezzes as they did in Europe or colonial America. It means that people are angry at someone disrupting the community's spiritual life. Some places it means they are accusing someone of being a skinwalker, not a real human. I can't say if this is true among the Pueblos too.

She seems to have a whole list of projects in NM now to make money since the San Diego center failed. Her "church" and calls to help them buy land, an apothecary, selling jewelry, "African bags," greeting cards, even tote bags, coasters, mousepads, and water bottles.
And she will literally sell you snake oil. You can't make this up...

And you can do the time warp with her for a couple hundred...
I find it interesting how she's quit trying to alter her appearance. She's not hiding being blond and fair skinned anymore, where older photos showed a brown haired woman with either a tan or tanning makeup.
Add her to the list of frauds claiming to be trained by Tibetan healers too, and Australian Aboriginal.

Her origin claims have changed. Now she's claiming appointment by Apache elders in Bavispe Mexico.
Problem is, that area was not traditionally Apache. It was Opata, a completely unrelated people. There were raids there by the Chiricahua, but no community.
This alleged elder was named Mr. Thompson, no first name mentioned. Not exactly a common name for anyone in Mexico. And since they claim these are Apaches hiding out reel sooper seekrit, no reason an Apache would have an English name given by a missionary. But don't worry, apparently they kept the whole tradition thing 007-top-secret for 100 years until she came along. I think she's been reading Kiesha Crowther's sites...

Her site lists books for sale from "family." Whether she works with them or not, she certainly is endorsing them and implying they endorse her:
Beatrex Quntanna
Corinn Giuntoli
Janet Lightstone Blessings
Juliette de Bairclai Levy
Brooke Medicine Eagle
Nicki Scully
Luisah Teish & Leilani Birely
Linda Star Wolf
Patricia Cori
Alberto Villoldo
Oscar Miro Quesada
Dan Furst

That's at least three obvious frauds. Many of them seem to work with her at this "Starseed" school.\
A couple seem to be obvious Huna frauds. Note again the different appearance of Naylin. Hair the color of shoe polish, her skin tanned. That's three different shades she's had. Here she is with graying brown hair.


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2014, 08:26:00 pm »
In past Arizona court records her name is Maria Naylin Yraceburu. Her birthdate 11/1954

Search can be done here

Minor charges, 2011 in Rio Rancho NM, dismissed, but this is helpful since it confirms her name

She also has had the married surname of Tucker.


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2014, 10:16:38 pm »
Roque "Phil" Chavez was Vice President at Yraceburu EarthWisdom/Taanaashkaada

From the investment roster accessed through

Roque F. Chavez member since December 12, 2012  Voting Stock #17
Donated back into to Church holdings upon his leaving coalition 3/2014

Maria wrote this in 2011:

In the last three months we have entered discussions with representative of the 19 Puebloan Tribes and the American Indian Arts Institute in Santa Fe, to launch our Elders Wisdom Program by May 2012.

Our team includes a retired, regional branch manager trainer for Bank of America.

The retired person she is referring to is Chavez.

So he has left, and Pueblo reps, most likely Flo & Sal Yepa, will no longer work with her either.

Her group looks to be out of money, she complains a lot that she isn't getting the help she wants, and then there are  things like:

5/1/2014 - Jamie  was here for Day of Miracles, during the course of her stay she went over legal paperwork of TSC and found all members to be in default of contracts since day one.  She promised to go home and begin educating members of the coalition based on her business background.  Since that time, Jamie has been unavailable, not responding to calls, texts or emails.  We pray for Jamie and her family.

This is a stressed out group and people are wisely leaving it.

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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2014, 01:09:34 pm »
Many of the older links are not up. One of the archived ones lists her former "elders council," mostly known frauds and some Huna types. While the best known frauds still endorse her, I don't see much sign of the other still around. As you mentioned, her two Jemez associates disavow her now.

 Yaya Talasyamka
 Grandmother Gwendalle Cooper, EdD
 Hummingbird Consulting
 Aunty Kalei'iliahi & Papa Reynolds Kamakawiwoole

Kalei's Kreations
Twin Flames for God
 Aunty Happy Pahia

 Brooke Medicine Eagle

 Alberto Villoldo, PhD
Four Winds Society 
 Uncle Kilipaka Ontai

 Beatrex Quntanna

 Don Oscar & Cindy Miro-Quesada
The Heart of the Healer
 Yaya Arlene Magarian
Traditional Braided Rugs 
 Uncle Phillip Chavez

 Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Coyote Healing Intensives
 Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma...
 Hopi Fire Clan Priest
 Grandfather Joe Montoya
A contemporary understanding to earth as the root of humanness, adding ceremonies of cyclic earth renewal brings the spirit of evolution into experiential understanding.

 Grandfather WhiteWolf Switzer
 Sun Priest in Temple of the Sun, initiated by Mello Rye, Cherokee Bear Clan from Arkansas and Irish Dragon Clan. Singing Healer & Folk Healer.

 Luiseh Teish
Ile Orunmila Oshun

 Serena Poissen
Mountain and Mist Reiki Center
9 Gates Mystery School

 Nicki Scully
Sacred Journeys

 Maria Theresa Valenzula
Toltec Curandera

 Michael & Raphaelle Tamura...

 Flo & Sal Yepa
Jemez Pueblo


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2014, 05:59:18 pm »
Two photos uploaded, one of a younger Maria, second one from 2013 is a good example of why locals may not be too happy with Maria and crew. Fits what was said earlier in thread: "Witch or witchcraft accusations don't mean nearly the same on SW rezzes as they did in Europe or colonial America. It means that people are angry at someone disrupting the community's spiritual life."


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2014, 06:15:01 pm »
Uploaded clip from part of her claimed genealogy from

The Jeremy and Jason listed are her sons Jeremy and Jason Tucker. Note that she claims she is descended from Kokopelli.

From this I'd assume her father's name is Richard, so he would be Richard Naylin. Although I wonder about that surname Naylin too, wonder if Maria changed that also.

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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2014, 10:02:18 pm »
I think she tripped herself up by claiming Massai as an ancestor, supposedly her great grandfather. He's pretty well known, one of the scouts who fought against Geronimo. When both Geronimo's fighters and the scouts were rounded up, Massai escaped and later had children by a Mescalero woman. Most accounts have him murdered by a posse in 1904. There are fanciful stories of Massai making his way back to the stronghold Victorio once had in Sonora, where so many were massacred by the Mexican Army. That's what she seems to be relying on. It's not too different, and about as believable, as all the people claiming distant Cherokee by saying their ancestor hid from the Trail of Tears.

Except that she claims her great grandmother Naylin Lage married Massai and her grandfather Juan Ten Bears was born in the Sonora stronghold almost 30 years earlier. Massai did have an earlier wife, but we know very well who the descendants were. Massai's daughter Alberta Begay talked to anthropologist Eve Ball and told his life story in detail. At the time Maria Naylin claims Lage was living and having kids with Massai in Sonora, Massai was actually a US Army scout. Naylin is claiming a lineage that isn't hers, and she's dumb enough to post that claim about one of the better known Apache figures. Burt Lancaster even played Massai in a 50s western.

In the book she depicts the Sonora stronghold as this hippie dippy place of peaceful dancers when it was a hideout for raiders. And she writes about them being attacked by the Sixth Cavalry allied with Oodhams and Mexican civilians. She's confusing the stronghold attack with the Camp Grant Massacre almost a decade earlier, which was on other Apaches who had already surrendered, not the Chiricahua.

Her Legends and Prophecies book has quite a few other mangled claims. She claims Kokopelli, a sacred Hopi figure, was also the name of an ancestor, a supposed Toltec trader. She talks of an ancestor fighting Aztecs several centuries after Cortes's conquest, and another traveling to Cahokia, which was a mound builder's city in what's now Illinois.

She also has Coyote spouting Nuagespeak all the time in stories, "Through the dream the time of peace will manifest...Humanity stands in a position of actualization." Reel spirchul...

Is this her son? The name can't be very common.
This definitely is him.


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2014, 04:45:10 pm »
Maria's partner Lynda Yraceburu was born Lynda G Tari. I pieced this together through first seeing the surname Tari associated with her in public records, then found perfect match in birthdates, also the fact that she was born in San Diego and her father served in the military.

Her mother's obit: Lynda's parents were Roman Catholic, so most likely she was raised Catholic also.

Lynda's "lost gypsy art of healing" looks like a mish mash of palmistry, massage, chakras, meridians, etc. - all with the Yraceburu woo woo spin. Lynda markets herself with all the usual Nuage claims - secrets, world renowned, initiations. With the added lure of gypsy "color".

Lynda lived with Juliette de Bairclai Levy for a period of time. While there she became Grandmother's healer, and was infused with Juliette's Gypsy Wisdom. She continued to be imbued with Vas Pesh through a variety of teachers and hap-circumstances.

Lynda Yraceburu is world renowned as a lineage carrier and practitioner of the lost Gypsy Healing Art of Vas Pesh - HandWalking. Neither her ancestors nor Lynda herself know who first conceived their ancient Vas Pesh - HandWalking. They simply knew that stimulating the lines of the hands could heal, rejuvenate and balance with nature and the powerful knowledge of the Romani Chovani... master Gypsy Healer.

Juliette de Bairacli Levy was born in England in 1912, she died in 2009 Switzerland. She died in Switzerland, looked after by her daughter and her daughter's family - was Lynda actually there? Was Lynda in the Azores or Greece when Juliette lived there prior? Or has Lynda simply read Juliette's books, maybe met her and attended events Juliette was at here in the states?

Juliette is called an "anthologist of gypsy lore". She had her own firm ideas about herbs, healing, and veterinary care. She did not believe in vaccinations, for instance. Much of what she wrote is not necessarily true. And her stories of gypsies and other nomadic peoples are all seen through her eyes and beliefs.

So Lynda's supposed strong connection with Juliette is probably not true, and then even if this connection did exist, Juliette's beliefs are all to be taken with large grains of salt.

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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2014, 09:53:13 pm »
Maria's partner Lynda Yraceburu was born Lynda G Tari. [...]
Lynda's "lost gypsy art of healing" looks like a mish mash of palmistry, massage, chakras, meridians, etc. - all with the Yraceburu woo woo spin. Lynda markets herself with all the usual Nuage claims - secrets, world renowned, initiations. With the added lure of gypsy "color".

Lynda lived with Juliette de Bairclai Levy for a period of time. While there she became Grandmother's healer, and was infused with Juliette's Gypsy Wisdom. She continued to be imbued with Vas Pesh through a variety of teachers and hap-circumstances.

There are a few red flags about Lynda Y. and her alleged methods.

A) "Gypsy"
The term 'gypsy' is used by outsiders, the prefered name is Roma and Sinti ('Rom' means 'human').

B) Palmistry
Palmistry is no R&S tradition. More precisely: it is not done among R&S themselves. Palmistry was sold to gullible gadje (Non-Roma and Non-Sinti) to contribute to the group's income. It is therefore not based on R&S traditions or religions.

C) "Lost" arts/Gypsy Wisdom/religion
Generally speaking, R&S did and do not share their traditions with outsiders, and did/do not even teach them their language. It is therefore not very likely that Linda Y was taught any "gypsy wisdom".

Generally speaking, R&S in Europe accepted xtianity. There is no reason why they would deal with "chakras". Since meridians are part of altmedicine practices based on Chinese thought, it is even less probable this would have entered R&S traditions.

D) Doing a search for "Vas Pesh" only brings up sites mentioning Lynda and Maria Y.

E) Juliette de Bairclai Levy
Again, most sites Google presents in a search for this name are sites mentioning Lynda Y, plus a few sites/ forums discussing pet foods, since de Bairclai apparently wrote a book titled "The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat". Not very much traditional R&S. Other than Lynda Y.'s claims, nothing indicates de Bairclai Levy might have seen herself as a Roma or Sintizza. 

F) The names
Neither Tari nor de Bairclai Levy sound convincing for a name of a Roma or Sinti family.
In European countries, R&S families will have names quite common in the respective state they live in, or in former times, mostly lived in. That is you get German, English, French, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian etc names.
What you will not get is names hinting at a noble descent ("de", or "von" etc), or Jewish family names.

To give a few examples:
Spanish musician José Antonio Reyes is of 'gitano' background, so e.g. is Paco de Lucia whose real name is Gomez. A football player is called José Rodriguez Martinez.
A French musician: Bireli Lagrène
Two Brits: Ian Hancock (linguist and R&S rights' activist), Ron Wood/Rolling Stones is also said to be from an R&S family.
A Greek musician from an R&S family: Kostas Pavlidis
Just listing the names of well-known musicians brings about names like Reinhardt, Weiss, Rosenberg, Winterstein, Spindler, Adler. There are other names, too, e.g. Rudko Kawczynski (president of a European R&S organistion), but he was born in Poland and his parents migrated to Germany.


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2014, 06:10:01 pm »
Marie's son Jason has used the name Jason Gabriel Massai Tucker in some public records. He was born in 1977.


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2014, 07:28:00 pm »
She holds a Lld from Greenwich University for Eco-Psychology.

da'igoti Maria Yraceburu has an Lld from Greenwich University


In the United States of America, the LL.D. is awarded as an honorary degree only. The equivalent academic degree is the Scientiae Juridicae Doctor (S.J.D. or J.S.D.)

That degree is in legal studies. I've no clue why she claims this.

There is no "Greenwich University" accredited here in the USA. (accreditation search here

There used to be a "Greenwich University Applied Ecopsychology" The place referred to is a known degree mill


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Re: Maria Naylin AKA Yraceburu
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2014, 08:33:51 pm »
Entity Number:   C2373100
Date Filed:   12/20/2001
Jurisdiction:   CALIFORNIA
Entity Address:   19550 A HIDDEN GLEN RD
Entity City, State, Zip:   ALPINE CA 91910
Agent for Service of Process:   MARIA YRACEBURU
Agent Address:   19550 A HIDDEN GLEN RD
Agent City, State, Zip:   ALPINE CA 91910

California corporation.

The past related web site*/

I notice that at one time they added:

Nohwike Bagowa is in no way affiliated with
the White Mountain Apache Museum by the same name.