Author Topic: Christopher Hansard  (Read 26592 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Christopher Hansard
« on: May 22, 2008, 01:26:46 am »
A new member brought him up as someone he's had personal experience of, the worst kind. The kinds of things he mentioned, fraud, lies, and above all emotional and physical abuse of followers, would normally put someone under Fraud right away.

But Hansard claims to be a Tibetan Buddhist healer, which is something I know little about. For now he'll stay under Research Needed, but will likely get moved to Fraud as soon as we get evidence that confirms the abuse.

There's a blog devoted just to Hansard that sums up quite a bit. At the bottom there's a number of British sources. Could our members over there help us track these down?

.....Here are the central points that demolished Hansard's claims.

1) Dur-Bon is an archaic traditional practice which does not involve medicine or healing whatsoever.

2) There, is amongst the traditional and authentic Tibean Bon tradition no recognition or practise of 'Dur-Bon'

3) Written and spoken Tibetan is required to learn, and achieve a full understanding of genuine Tibetan medicine, Hansard is fluent in neither.

4) The so-called 'Tibetan Bon Community', which Hansard claimed predicted his birth, is completely unknown to the actual Tibetan Bon Community.

5) The teacher Hansard claimed came from the remote wilds of Amdo would be most unlikely to have learned sufficient English, to tutor a four-year old New Zealand boy in the complex mysteries of Tibetan medicine.

6) Based upon a reasonable estimation of Hansard's age, his supposed Tibetan 'teacher' would have been required to obtain travel authorization from the Communist Chinese Regime, during a period when Tibet was sealed-off from the outside world, and religious persecution and cultural destruction was being visited upon Tibetans. This is highly unlikely.

7) The 'tribe' Hansard claims his 'teacher' came from, the so-called Ngam, is completely unknown to Tibetan Bon scholars and does not appear as a clan name on authentic Tibetan Bon texts.

8) The name Hansard gives as his 'teacher', 'Urgyen' is not a Tibetan-Bon name, its is a Tibetan Buddhist name, closely linked to the Nyingmapa tradition.

9) There is no correspondence of "twelve teachings", which Hansard describes, within the traditional and genuine native religion of Tibetan Bon.

10) The so-called 'Northern Treasure School' Hansard claims as his 'lineage' is in fact not a school at all, but is based upon texts found in the Northern part of Tibet.

11) Not a single individual has been able to provide objctive and verifiable information to corroborate any aspect of Hansard's claims. Moreover a number of 'reviewers' of his books have proved to be Hansard's fictitious creations, as demonstrated by the singular lack of proof concerning their claimed identity, career, and location.

12) Hansard's claims to be Physician of Tibetan medicine were exposed (in an affidavit) as completely misleading and baseless, by Doctor Barry Clark an internationally respected and qualified Doctor of Tibetan medicine .

There are many other inconsistencies and troubling questions concerning Hansard's bizarre account, these were publicly challenged by Jeff Bowe, whose research thoroughly exposed the claims and background of Christopher Hansard, as being a cynical and self-serving invention. His misrepresentation and exploitation, of the Tibetan Bon tradition, has been explored in depth elsewhere, details of which may be found in the previous postings on this Blog.

Apart from such a parasitic and systematic distortion, darker concerns were to surface, these centred around his practice, at the thankfully now defunct, ‘Eden Medical Center’. Former clients made allegations of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, these disturbing reports were eventually submitted to London’s Metropolitan Police and the organization Witness Against Abuse.

Following such exposure, public examination via the Internet, and with the concerned attention of authorities, such as London’s Westminster Trading Standards Office, it was perhaps inevitable to note the sudden closure of his former center. The self-styled ‘Master Physician’ had run to ground it seemed. Not quite. A brief attempt to resurrect his reputation, and one imagines lucrative career, was attempted from less glamorous premises in London’s Victoria district, much to the alarm of local traders, who had it seems been notified of the questions surrounding their new neighbor. Despite several visits by a number of officials Chris’s door remained firmly closed, and calls answered with silence....

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2008, 01:46:43 am »
Seems he and a Nuage fraud, "Oriah Mountain Dreamer" had some problems. It appears he quoted a poem of hers without getting permission.

His own site is very general. None of what's on there strikes me as exactly deep.

Discussion by UK Skeptics board.

ON the Rick Ross cults forum.,25113,page=1

Both threads are extremely long, with lots of questions and counterclaims about the critics.

Alsoa petition with a couple dozen defending him

Probably the biggest interest for us.

Conning Canada's Native Peoples
To Any Canadian-Based Viewers of this Blog

As part of my efforts to research and expose Christopher Hansard's 'Dur-Bon' fantasy I have over the past year been informing a considerable number of 'First Peoples'; organizations, chiefs, and individuals, about the fraudulent and explotative nature of Mr.Hansard's claims and activities.

Perhaps you may be aware that he was active in the Vancover and Alberta regions, peddling his quasi-shamanistic twaddle as a genuine native tradition. In so doing not only did Christopher Hansard exploit and plagiarize Tibetan culture, but cynically deceived native peoples of Canada. He was it seems greatly aided in this regard by a Mr.Steve Lawson (aka Medicine Man), and Ms. Susanne Hare (aka Island Mama), both of whom, rather ironically work with the First Nations Environmental Network (FNEN). They apparently assisted in the promotion, publicity and organized a number of 'events'. There are some serious questions to be asked of these individuals.

They can be contacted at the following:

Mr.Steve Lawson

Susanne Hare or

Another active acolyte of Christopher Hansard was radio presenter and 'poet' Mr. Paul Nelson
Mr.Paul Nelson


Offline Lodro

  • Posts: 32
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 05:49:16 pm »
For the sake of providing a different angle to this: there is such a thing as Dur Bon, it is the older form of Bon that was the "institutionalized" form of Bon that first established itself in Tibet. A characteristic of Dur Bon is that it is the stream that established rituals for the graveyard and burial and for exorcism, being "between the living and the dead". In fact, Dur Bon practices are meant to draw a sharp line between these two realms. This is called "closing the door to the tomb". The objective in Dur Bon practices is to subjugate the demonic powers that hang around those who have died, so that they don't bother the living. As such, Dur Bon practices are mostly concerned with "taming the dead". This was of enormous influence, also on present-day buddhist practice in Tibet, and it is with Dur Bon that practices to remove obstacles for the living and make tombs for the dead to hold them there first entered Tibetan practice. So it is with Dur Bon that subjugating the "spirits of the earth" first starts.

Which makes it so surprising that with Christopher Hansard, Dur Bon emerges as a healing practice aimed at the living. I can imagine, that in some way Hansard uses practices aimed at blocking demonic forces associated with the dead to remove obstacles from the life path of living clients, but to be honest, I find it hard to see a connection between what Dur Bon was, in a mythical - historical sense, and the healing practice Hansard seems to base on it. I see that his blog now carries a legal threat to detractors. 

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 10:47:32 am »
I understand that Hansard is notorious in the UK for sexually abusing his vulnerable clients.

I do not have any personal experience of him, however people close to me have worked with his victims and I believe that their accounts are credible.

Apparently his victims are too terrified of his "powers" and / or too ashamed of falling for his BS to go to the police.

It is interesting that there is a thread here about him as he is on my "to do list" of predators to expose.

I will try to get one of the people I know who has more knowledge of him to read this thread and either post here or contact Al by PM, although, as with many giving, caring people, I suspect that they are overwhelmed with tasks, just like the rest of us who spend a lot of time trying to stop these people - so it may not happen as soon as I would like.

Some of the links in Al's original posts are now dead

Here's a link to the discussion on the Rick Ross forum,25113,page=1

« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 10:56:03 am by nemesis »

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 03:40:06 am »
interesting looks like he lied to the web sight registrant as well
Registrant Contact:
   Christopher Hansard ()
   63a Kings Road

address:   Eden Medical Centre
   63A Kings Road
   SW3 4NT

The Wellington Clinic

63A Kings Road

still checking
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 03:51:16 am by dabosijigwokush »

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2010, 03:47:07 am »

Hans G Schrauder

Address: 63A Kings Road
Town: London
County: London
Postal Code: SW3 4NT
Fax: n/a
URL: n/a
Category: Homeopaths

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2010, 04:11:48 am »
sight might be closed, but here it is any way

Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Another Website Removes Christopher Hansard!

The Yuthog Foundation, a highly respected organization etablished for the purposes of preserving and developing authentic and traditional Tibetan medicine, has decided to remove all references to Christopher Hansard from its website. I would like to express publicly my genuine thanks to Yuthog for disassociating itself from the Master of Dur Con.

i believe there are charges pending in london

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2010, 09:32:43 am »
Thanks for finding and posting those archived links dabosijigwokush, much appreciated

i believe there are charges pending in london

I hope there are.  This has been going on for far too long.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2011, 10:11:23 pm »
Just a little update

Christopher Hansard Workshops Return to Vancouver Island, Sept. 2011


#1)   Transform Your Everyday Life : A weekend for changing your Life
with Christopher Hansard ....
Sept. 9th - 11th:  at Mount Washington Alpine Resort near Comox, B.C.

In this workshop of two and half days you will learn how to understand and heal emotional, spiritual and psychological pain caused by life events. You will gain the skills to transform uncertainty and fear and pressures of daily living. You will learn how to move on from broken relationships or major life events. You can discover how to gain insight and resolution about any health problems you may have. You can learn how by changing the way you relate to obstacles, heal them- so they no longer have a hold in your life. Christopher Hansard will show you how to discover and create the core statement that dwells at the heart of what you really believe about yourself and through its discovery unlock your inner capacity for transformation. Christopher will share with you 5 ways to change how you experience life and relate to the every day world:

1)  Learn how to understand and heal your emotional, spiritual and psychological pain

2)  Learn how to understand and heal  your health issues

3)  Improve your quality of life in every aspect, creating certainty in uncertain times

4)  Learn what holds you back from living the life you want and then discover how to  make it happen

5)  Discover your essential core statement that will unlock your capacity for change

You will learn how to directly heal fear, cultivate mental clarity and develop active forms of intelligent self-compassion that will solve any problems, regardless of what they are. By learning from a fusion of western cognitive psychotherapeutic methods and Tibetan Dur Bon healing practices you will discover effective self healing over the course of a weekend that will change your life.

After the conclusion of the workshop Christopher will offer support for those who wish it by email or Skype .

Cost: $450.00 all meals included.  Camping, Hostel or Lodge Accommodation available
(shared accommodation is being reserved)
$400.00 if attending both workshops
$100.00 deposit required to reserve space; (non-refundable upon cancellation), remainder of payment required at workshop

For More Information Contact:  1-250-726-5265      Email:


#2)  A Place Before Time: A Direct Experience of Who You Really Are
with Christopher Hansard  Sept. 12th to 14th, 2011 at a remote beach retreat near Tofino, B.C.

A gathering for quiet listening, healing and powerful change. A reflective retreat over two days at a private beach near Tofino, B.C. to restore spiritual and inner balance. You will experience a series of empowerment's from the sacred sound tradition of the Tibetan Dur Bon tradition. Come, rest, learn to be still and receive healing, balancing, insight through listening to the use of Kapi; the sacred ceremonial language of the Tibetan Dur Bon tradition. By the gentle use of ‘Sang’, empowerment through incense,chanting and sacred fire rituals, you will be guided quietly to discover your inner most sacred place- a place where you truly exist, a place beyond time.  Come and experience this ancient form of empowerment where a deeper world and a profound link to its dimensions can be experienced by receiving the energy generated behind this use of sacred sound and language. Christopher Hansard will guide you personally through each step to a profound experience of who you are to a direct experience of beauty, grace and renewal.

So What Do You Need  to Do ?
Come, sit, listen, receive. Allow the empowerments to be within you, like seeds of healing, comfort and positive change. Empowerments throughout the retreat will bring you closure, healing and insight over challenging aspects of your life. Each empowerment will heal specific areas of your life just by your learning how to listen and receive. This will be done through gentle morning, afternoon and evening sessions. You will discover how to be in communication with your deepest Self. You will leave with empowerments alive within you -assisting you to live a more balanced and complete life. In this period of retreat and reflection you will have a private ten minute session with Christopher in which a direct and personal empowerment will be given to anchor your experience and help to take the lessons that you learned at this gathering into the everyday world.

After the conclusion of the gathering, Christopher will offer support for those who wish it by email or Skype

Cost: $450.00 with camping, all meals and boat transportation included.
$400.00 if attending both workshops
$100.00 Deposit to reserve space (non-refundable upon cancellation); remainder to be paid at workshop

For More Information Contact:

Ph: 1-250-726-5265   Email:


also, according to the thread on the Rick Ross Cult Education Forum, more victims of this man are coming forward.  

The UK based charity The Clinic for Boundaries Studies (formerly Witness Against Abuse) at are in touch with a solicitor who knows about Hansard's activities and who is working with victims.  

The Clinic for Boundaries Studies number is 0203 468 4194. They have a file on Hansard and have done excellent work in the past with victims of predatory and abusive therapists and healers.  I would encourage any victims of  Hansard to make contact with The Clinic for Boundaries Studies to receive the support they need to take things further, should they wish.  

« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 10:22:48 pm by nemesis »

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1414
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2015, 03:28:33 am »
There's a blog devoted just to Hansard that sums up quite a bit. At the bottom there's a number of British sources. Could our members over there help us track these down?

.....Here are the central points that demolished Hansard's claims.

1) Dur-Bon is an archaic traditional practice which does not involve medicine or healing whatsoever.

2) There, is amongst the traditional and authentic Tibean Bon tradition no recognition or practise of 'Dur-Bon'

3) Written and spoken Tibetan is required to learn, and achieve a full understanding of genuine Tibetan medicine, Hansard is fluent in neither.

4) The so-called 'Tibetan Bon Community', which Hansard claimed predicted his birth, is completely unknown to the actual Tibetan Bon Community.

5) The teacher Hansard claimed came from the remote wilds of Amdo would be most unlikely to have learned sufficient English, to tutor a four-year old New Zealand boy in the complex mysteries of Tibetan medicine.

6) Based upon a reasonable estimation of Hansard's age, his supposed Tibetan 'teacher' would have been required to obtain travel authorization from the Communist Chinese Regime, during a period when Tibet was sealed-off from the outside world, and religious persecution and cultural destruction was being visited upon Tibetans. This is highly unlikely.

7) The 'tribe' Hansard claims his 'teacher' came from, the so-called Ngam, is completely unknown to Tibetan Bon scholars and does not appear as a clan name on authentic Tibetan Bon texts.

8) The name Hansard gives as his 'teacher', 'Urgyen' is not a Tibetan-Bon name, its is a Tibetan Buddhist name, closely linked to the Nyingmapa tradition.

9) There is no correspondence of "twelve teachings", which Hansard describes, within the traditional and genuine native religion of Tibetan Bon.

10) The so-called 'Northern Treasure School' Hansard claims as his 'lineage' is in fact not a school at all, but is based upon texts found in the Northern part of Tibet.

11) Not a single individual has been able to provide objctive and verifiable information to corroborate any aspect of Hansard's claims. Moreover a number of 'reviewers' of his books have proved to be Hansard's fictitious creations, as demonstrated by the singular lack of proof concerning their claimed identity, career, and location.

12) Hansard's claims to be Physician of Tibetan medicine were exposed (in an affidavit) as completely misleading and baseless, by Doctor Barry Clark an internationally respected and qualified Doctor of Tibetan medicine .

There are many other inconsistencies and troubling questions concerning Hansard's bizarre account, these were publicly challenged by Jeff Bowe, whose research thoroughly exposed the claims and background of Christopher Hansard, as being a cynical and self-serving invention. His misrepresentation and exploitation, of the Tibetan Bon tradition, has been explored in depth elsewhere, details of which may be found in the previous postings on this Blog.

Apart from such a parasitic and systematic distortion, darker concerns were to surface, these centred around his practice, at the thankfully now defunct, ‘Eden Medical Center’. Former clients made allegations of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, these disturbing reports were eventually submitted to London’s Metropolitan Police and the organization Witness Against Abuse.

Following such exposure, public examination via the Internet, and with the concerned attention of authorities, such as London’s Westminster Trading Standards Office, it was perhaps inevitable to note the sudden closure of his former center. The self-styled ‘Master Physician’ had run to ground it seemed. Not quite. A brief attempt to resurrect his reputation, and one imagines lucrative career, was attempted from less glamorous premises in London’s Victoria district, much to the alarm of local traders, who had it seems been notified of the questions surrounding their new neighbor. Despite several visits by a number of officials Chris’s door remained firmly closed, and calls answered with silence....

This site seems to have been taken over by Mr. Hansard himself. The opening page now reads:

Christopher Hansard
Christopher Hansard is a Psychological Trauma Therapist and Therapeutic Facilitator. He is a specialist in Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine and focuses on health, well-being and spirituality to name a few.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Christopher Hansard: Why People Criticise Tibetan Healing Methods
Tibetan Medicine has ancient roots, various traditions and ways of practicing. Within the Buddhist schools of medicine there are varying schools all with their own world view and with the advent of Communist China, Tibetan Buddhist medicine has been diluted from its former vibrant self. Within the varying schools of Tibetan Bon medicine, of which I practice one small lineage, there are even more differences in methods, views on illness and the use of botanical and other treatments.
There existed many forms of Bon medicine belonging to different ethnic groups migrating into Tibet. They each brought their version of the Bon medical teachings with them. The origins of Tibetan Dur Bon medicine evolved from priests who were expert in death and funeral ceremonies and had wide experience in helping people to die well. They gained experience through observation of the pathology and process of dying, death and illness.
These priests laid the foundations for the further development of how to avoid illnesses and stay healthy. These experts laid the foundations for the medical system to evolve. People often criticise Tibetan medicine of any tradition and particularly the older Bon medical traditions because to a modern person they seem unscientific or out of context from the culture they live in. This can be so, but yet for all their strangeness they work and people become well, my own patients over many years are testament to that and to those to whom I have taught aspects of the Tibetan Dur Bon medical tradition find positive outcomes with their own clients. In fact there is much western scientific research carried out in the last 40 years that looks at how effective Tibetan medicine is when compared to other indigenous systems of healing including Western medical procedures.
People who criticise these methods do so I am sure because they want enquiry, understanding and in a culture of free speech I think everyone should express their views in a socially and legally responsible way. The diagnostic methods of the Tibetan Dur Bon system may seem externally similar to Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine but are directly involved with discovering the emotional and psychological interactions between a client’s ill health and their life circumstances. In other words how a distressed life can create a distressed mind which can influence a distressed body. Yet even the most distressed can help themselves to health and balance.
Often in life people will criticise or deride what they do not understand even when it is helpful for them. In my experience as many practitioners of any discipline have experienced, certain individuals who will not apply the expert advice given to them. Occasionally advice given does not want to be heard. Thankfully such situations are few and far between and the hundreds of clients over the years have found Tibetan Dur Bon medicine an effective and tangible health system that has improved their health and that of their families and friends.
In my first book, The Tibetan Art of Living, which successfully aimed to take the core teachings of Tibetan Dur Bon medicine and apply it as a guidebook for readers, who not needing any background knowledge or specialist understanding, could apply the basic principles to improve the quality of their lives. People around the world have found that it has helped them greatly based upon the communication I have received over the years. I mention this because Tibetan medicine still not well understood in the West strikes a deep chord in people who experience it as a solution to their physical, emotional and spiritual health needs.
When people criticise Tibetan Healing methods I often question why and what do they know about the methods involved. People have a right to question anything and to receive helpful informative answers that can guide them as to their choice. I am fully aware of how Tibetan medicine to be truly relevant in the west must evolve in order that one of the most ancient and continuous systems of medicine, healing and well-being can contribute to an individual’s evolution and to society’s greater resilience and balance. If you would like to know more please explore my three best-selling books, The Tibetan Art of Living, The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking and The Tibetan Art of Serenity. You can also visit my website, to discover more.
Posted by Christopher Hansard at 07:00
Labels: Christopher Hansard, Hansard Christopher, Tibetan Dur Bon medicine, Tibetan Healing

About Me
My Photo
Christopher Hansard 
Christopher Hansard practises as a Psychological Trauma Therapist and Therapeutic Facilitator. He  practises Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT) and is a CCC registered Counsellor and Schema Coach. He is  a physician of Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine, trained since childhood, and an international workshop and seminar leader in the areas of health, mindfulness, well-being, humanity and spirituality. He is the author of three best selling books on pre-Buddhist Tibetan medicine, health, lifestyle and spirituality.

He was first published in the United Kingdom by Hodder & Stoughton and in the U.S.A by Simon & Schuster. Each of the books took traditional Tibetan medical, psychological and healing wisdom and showed the readers how to apply these principles to improve the quality of their lives without any prior or specialist knowledge of Tibetan culture or beliefs. The books are:

    * The Tibetan Art of Living: Wise Body, Wise Mind, Wise Life;
    * The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking: Successful Thoughts for Successful Living,
    * The Tibetan Art of Serenity: How to Heal Fear and Gain Contentment

His bestselling books are published in over 14 languages and various English language editions including e-books. He has been a keynote speaker worldwide and has twice spoken at the Oxford Union. Christopher has written regular columns on health and well-being for British national newspapers and magazines.

Christopher is also invited to give his opinions to key individuals on social trends, geopolitical and economic scenarios and outcomes caused by the changing psycho-social, emotional and resource based demands on society. He also contributed to the HSBC World Technical Analysis and was a part time  co director in a specialist strategy and investment consultancy.

He has had a radio show with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and has written regular columns in the British national press. Christopher has also been featured in The Sunday Times, The Times, The Financial Times, The Independent, The Scotsman, Scotsman on Sunday, The Daily Telegraph, Vogue, The London Evening Standard, The Daily Express, Mail on Sunday and many other publications and general interest magazines. He has appeared on both radio and television in the United Kingdom, and around the world.

Christopher works with emotional and psychological aspects of serious and terminal illness including tropical illness and disease. He assists clients who experience depression, grief, anger, anxiety, identity, religious and spiritual crisis, internet harassment and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He works with patients experiencing Chronic Pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Repetitive Stress Injury and Fibromyalgia and psychogenic illness.

He runs a general practice in Tibetan Dur Bon medicine treating a wide range of common and more serious health conditions. He teaches well-being and lifestyle skills and mindfulness training for business people, artists and public figures. His clients and patients come from all parts of the world and all walks of life and backgrounds. He practices in Mayfair, Central London, England.

Christopher Hansard is a member of the following organisations appropriate to his areas of work:

    * United Kingdom Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners;
    * International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy
    * United Kingdom Psychological Trauma Society;
    * European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies;
    * International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies;
    * Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists;
    * Society for Clinical Mindfulness and Meditation;
    * Association for Contextual Behavioural Science;
    * International Society for Mental Health Online;
    * International Association of Coaching;
    * International Association of Facilitators;
    * Association for Death Education and Counselling;
    * Fellow of Royal Institution of Great Britain;
    * Fellow of Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA)
    * Royal Society of Medicine;
    * Fellow of Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene;
    * British Holistic Medical Association,
    * International Association for the Study of Pain
    * The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London (Faculty of Crisis and Catastrophe Medicine)

View my complete profile

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1414
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2015, 03:35:32 am »
Probably the biggest interest for us.


Conning Canada's Native Peoples
To Any Canadian-Based Viewers of this Blog

As part of my efforts to research and expose Christopher Hansard's 'Dur-Bon' fantasy I have over the past year been informing a considerable number of 'First Peoples'; organizations, chiefs, and individuals, about the fraudulent and explotative nature of Mr.Hansard's claims and activities.

Perhaps you may be aware that he was active in the Vancover and Alberta regions, peddling his quasi-shamanistic twaddle as a genuine native tradition. In so doing not only did Christopher Hansard exploit and plagiarize Tibetan culture, but cynically deceived native peoples of Canada. He was it seems greatly aided in this regard by a Mr.Steve Lawson (aka Medicine Man), and Ms. Susanne Hare (aka Island Mama), both of whom, rather ironically work with the First Nations Environmental Network (FNEN). They apparently assisted in the promotion, publicity and organized a number of 'events'. There are some serious questions to be asked of these individuals.

They can be contacted at the following:

Mr.Steve Lawson

Susanne Hare or

Another active acolyte of Christopher Hansard was radio presenter and 'poet' Mr. Paul Nelson
Mr.Paul Nelson


As I just noted, this blog, that was very critical and documented Hansard's fraud, seems to have been taken over by him. The current text on that link is:

Christopher Hansard
Christopher Hansard is a Psychological Trauma Therapist and Therapeutic Facilitator. He is a specialist in Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine and focuses on health, well-being and spirituality to name a few.

Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1414
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2015, 03:48:36 am »
ON the Rick Ross cults forum.,25113,page=1

Some of the links in Al's original posts are now dead
Here's a link to the discussion on the Rick Ross forum,25113,page=1

This link, with no less than 139 pages, has been changed to:,25113,page=1

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1414
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2015, 04:29:21 am »
In 2008, for good reasons, I looked closely at everything I could find on the Internet about Christopher Hansard. Almost all the critical debunking and documentation sites I found then seem to have evaporated. Except for the Cult Education Institute link I just gave, it seems difficult to find anything more than his own pages, like these: (See my previous posts.) Example:

Info on.....

Christopher Hansard,
Master Practitioner of Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine

For more extensive information: (information on Christopher Hansard) for general info.on workshops, history and more for Christopher's regular update
On Facebook:
On Twitter:

It seems that he is mostly active on Facebook these days:

A shortened version of his invented biography, and then a rant of threats:

      Short Description ??
      Bio??United Kingdom Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners;
      International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy
      United Kingdom Psychological Trauma Society;
      European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies;
      International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies;
      Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists;
      Society for Clinical Mindfulness and Meditation;
      Association for Contextual Behavioural Science;
      International Society for Mental Health Online;
      International Association of Coaching
      International Association of Facilitators
      Association for Death Education and Counselling;
      Fellow of Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures&Commerce (RSA),
      Fellow of The Royal Institution of Great Britain,
      Royal Society of Medicine;
      Fellow of Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene;
      British Holistic Medical Association,
      International Association for the Study of Pain,
      The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London
      ( Faculty of Crisis & Catastrophe Medicine)
      Personal Information??
Christopher Hansard practices as a Psychological Trauma Therapist and Therapeutic Facilitator. He also practises Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT) and is a CCC registered Counsellor and Schema Coach. He is also a physician of Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine and an international workshop and seminar leader in the areas of health, mindfulness, well-being, humanity and spirituality. He is the author of three best selling books on pre-Buddhist Tibetan medicine, health, lifestyle and spirituality.
      Please note:
any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile. You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee, agent, student or any personnel under your direction or control the contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE??


I very much doubt that he can effectively prohibit quoting from a Facebook page like that one.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1414
Re: Christopher Hansard
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2015, 04:40:38 am »
[Q] With regards to Christopher Hansard - have you seen the posts on the Rick A. Ross Cult Education forum? Google 'christopher hansard cult' and you will find the website.

[A] Yes I have. I went there just the other day with people saying that he is a complete fraud and then other sticking up for him.

It is a shame the press can't expose him for what he is!!

Here's hoping.

I support that hope, and I suggest this thread be moved to the "Frauds" section.