Author Topic: Thinker, Creator, Perceiver  (Read 3779 times)

Offline Thinker

  • Posts: 9
Thinker, Creator, Perceiver
« on: May 09, 2008, 11:55:43 pm »
Hi everyone!!

I've come up with the title to this thread because my username might give the false impression that I'm too much of a thinker. Fact is, thinking is as important as creating and as important as perceiving to me, but since we communicate via written language, the thinking part of mine will be the most predominant here.

Maybe for those of you who are familiar with the Tarot, thinking is swords, creating is wands, and perceiving is cups/water. (In my understanding, which is a bit more esoteric than the usual one.) And the three of these together form the fourth thing, coins, our "world view", if this expression is not too simplistic.

Well, to explain why I have come to your board and would like to contribute a little, I've been a victim to the Castaneda people, who are not just a fraudulent group without spiritual powers, but who are actually evil sorcerers, among the worst on this planet, and have cheated me and distorted my live for about twenty years, and in the last weeks and months it finally became possible to liberate us from them. (I know other victims who were in about the same position as me, some actually in a much worse one, but I also got to know some magnificent spiritual teachers in the last years who actually helped us out of this.)

The story is a long one, too long to tell all of it here, so I'll only mention the core points and will elucidate further only if there's some interest, as I'm also not too interested in talking about destructive things that are about to be gone now, but am much more interested in contributing something positive to the spiritual quest all of you most certainly have and which in the end is the ultimate reason why this place exists.



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Re: Thinker, Creator, Perceiver
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 10:51:49 pm »
Hi Thinker, im still a newbie too, but welcome, and very sorry to hear about what happened   to you with the CastenEgo cult,
and i am sure that anything you share will be very important and be very useful to us here in this forum, take care- sam

Offline Kevin

  • Posts: 182
Re: Thinker, Creator, Perceiver
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 11:43:31 am »
Hucksters, crooks and con artists abound - it seems the more people are hooked into defining themselves by their material possessions and the power of acquisition, the harder they fall for fake alternatives. The abundance of Nuage bullsh** only exists because of the sterile alternative that defines humans as master of the planet. I talked to a man yesterday who told me he gave $98.00 to fill his Lincoln Navigator with gas - now here is a guy ripe and ready to be wearing some colored turkey feathers.