Author Topic: Metis Lodge  (Read 11689 times)

Offline earthw7

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Metis Lodge
« on: February 28, 2008, 04:48:54 am »

We are in the process of changing our official name to Metis Lodge ™  to better serve our Membership.

The American Metis Aboriginal Association Lodge name is quite long and encouraged the use of initials to identify us, AMAA Lodge, or AMAA for short.

Over the years we found that there are a great many associations and organizations that use the initials AMAA to identify themselves that have nothing to do with our organization. For instance, the American Association of Medical Assistants, American Medical Athletics Association, and Arizona Media Arts Association. These are only a few of the many in the United States alone, making it very difficult to find us and distinguish us from all the other organization using the acronym AMAA.

After months of research, a proposal was presented by our National President, and the National Council and our Council of Governors voted unanimously to adopt our new name, Metis Lodge ™, and establish the Trademark for it.

This name best describes who we are, it is short and doesn't encourage the use of any initials, and isn't likely to be confused with anyone else.

The name Metis Lodge™ better serves our Membership by making it clear that we are the one and only Metis Lodge, a distinct group of People with a common bond working together for future generations to come.

We have also launched our new website, please visit us at

Thank you!"


Metis Lodge | P.O. Box 130 | Wilkesville, Ohio | 45695-0130 
Oh heavens that's just what we need here in Ohio..!!
Would like to get input from people who are legitimate Metis  on this topic.
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 03:27:13 pm »
Putting up the money to trademark your name, when probably Metis Lodge is a pretty commonly used phrase. Not a good sign.

At least some of their members are questionable. Notice that this guy claims they are in fact a "church" and not an advocacy group like I first thought.
"Was skeptical about a powwow listing I read and went looking for "names" in attendance elsewhere online that didn't sound quite right (as I thought, they are fakers)...well that got me off in all kinds of direction and I came across this site.

Now there is no D/N/Lakota mention or claim so no worry there, but it just bugged me still and I only have to assume he still tries to use similar ways though, or new age impersonations. Quote:
About Spiritweaver
This Shaman is a healer, teacher, intuitive, and visionary, tracing his ancestry to the Ciboney Indians who occupied Florida and the Caribbean for more than 13,000 years. He is a member of the Ciboney Tribe, the Woodland Metis Tribe, and the American Metis Aboriginal Association Lodge."

And if you go to that orginal site-
"About Spiritweaver
This Shaman is a healer, teacher, intuitive, and visionary, tracing his ancestry to the Ciboney Indians who occupied Florida and the Caribbean for more than 13,000 years. He is a member of the Ciboney Tribe, the Woodland Metis Tribe, and the AMAA Church of the Me'tis Tribe.

His life's path has always been traveled in the non-ordinary realm. He has had extraordinary visions in this lifetime since he was a child. He would lie on his back under star-filled skies, and he knew that life could not be categorized. The stars, birds, animals, grass, and fish were all individually a part of the greater whole.

The Wisdom of the Ancients is manifest in Spiritweaver, and he draws from this mystical history in all his work. He is able to draw on the vast storehouse of all he has learned in past lives, and he is able to bridge the worlds to elevations beyond the ordinary.

Spiritweaver is a student of the ages. His perceived purpose is to guide others to the level of awareness where they can be free to become who they are meant to be.

Indigenamous ~ We are all one People

We are now located in Palm Bay, Florida. He continues to offer Shamanic Healings, Regressions, Reiki treatments, and consultations at the new location in Palm Bay. He can travel to your location if the situation warrants.

Spiritweaver has just been named the Behike (Spiritual Leader/Shaman/Healer) of the Ciboney Tribe of Florida and Cuba. It is a great honor and a Sacred Trust, and he accepts this appointment with deep gratitude and reverence for the trust placed in him. To learn more about this ancient tribe, look at

Spiritweaver has once again been honored to be named the Florida State Peace Chief for the Florida Metis American Indians. It is an indication of the trust placed in him and he does not take the appointment lightly. He will meet with the various individual tribes throughout the State, as required, and attend all the State meetings, as well as the local Band meetings.

Spiritweaver has created a new publication called "The Elder". If you wish to receive this monthly issue, contact us at to be put on the mailing list. We can send you back issues if you so request....

300 Viking Street NE
Palm Bay, FL 32907
Telephone: (321) 951-8774

There are a few very remote NDN villages in Cuba. Don't know of the Ciboney are even among them, but I really doubt the Ciboney in Cuba have any contact with this very-white-looking guy in Florida claiming to speak for them and selling cermony and talking about reincarnation.

The Ciboney Tribe website is now up for sale.
"Ciboney Tribe of Florida History, Culture, Organization, Services, Marketplace, Comments, Newsletter. Descendants of the original tribes of the island of Cuba founded the Ciboney Tribe in June 1998 as a non-for profit organization in the State of Florida. It was formed to provide leadership within our community, ensure that the necessary legislation is put in place to protect and recover our patrimony, to research, document and archive the cultural phenomenon of our region, and most importantly to provide management and conservation of our cultural Cuban Indian heritage. Jorge Luis Salt, Pres. Tamara Cunill-Salt, V.Pres. Robert Cunill,Sec. Rosy Vazquez,Treas"

I don't know of Salt is also "Spiritweaver." There's an online thank you note from Salt mentioning his becoming a member of a Jewish temple.

Also his involvement in an arts group doing sculptures of different tribes.

At this link "Shamanweaver" says he's trained in Tensegrity. That's the Carlos Castaneda ripoff of Tai Chi.

He also mentions his work with "Shamana." There are a number of people calling themselves by that name, including one who has been identified as another fraud on other sites.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2008, 03:36:55 pm »
"Suspect "Tribes" or Other Organizations Operating in Arkansas:
American Metis Aboriginal Association Lodge
Headquartered in Wilkesville, Ohio"

AIHSC doesn't say what aroused their suspicions. Dayfyd is over at the Yahoo group sometimes.

Another member, the treasurer.
94 years old [Typo I think. Elsewhere says she is 44.]
Michigan Center, Michigan
United States

 MySpace URL:   

Occupation: Aboriginal Minister Nondenominational
   Valerie's Companies 
Falling Waters Pow Wow
Jackson, Michigan US
Board of Directors
Church of the Metis Tribe, inc.
, Indiana US
Minister for State of Michigan

American Metis Aboriginal Association Lodge
Wilkesville, Ohio US
National Secretary/Treasurer
National Council
Tecumseh Band of Metis of Southern Michigan
Michigan Creek Longhouse , Michigan US
Fundraising & program development

Valerie's Latest Blog Entry  [Subscribe to this Blog]
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What is offensive, insensitive and stereotypical Native American characterization.  (view more)

Offline earthw7

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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2008, 03:49:29 pm »
Metis Lodge is very strange to me
In Spirit

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2008, 04:02:16 pm »

I am never amazed, or amused, by the use of the Metis name, as an attempt to gain "credibility" as Aboriginal people, by people with no understanding of the heritage, history or struggles of the Metis people.  As far as I know, we Metis have not sought to trademark the word Metis, but we have worked very hard, over centuries, to maintain survival as a people and maintainging a distinct Cultural identity.

While we, in the Metis Nation, do have an "Order of the Sash", many of our people have sashes that represent their families or other things.  The sash was not a symbol of "office", as is stated in the "Metis Lodge" website.  The use of the sash, by Metis people, was often as a tool that was readily available for use as a tump line, on the trail as well as many other uses.  

Our governmental structures have been developed over centuries and were instrumental in our becoming Federally recognized, under Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution, as an Aboriginal people.

With more people becoming aware of the fact that Metis people do have credibility and recognition as Aboriginal people, it is truly unfortunate that there are those who would try to misrepresent the Metis, by formeing groups that try ride on the coat tails of those of us who are Metis, by birth and Culture.  

This is an abuse of our ancestors, our history and our Culture!


Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2008, 04:58:29 pm »

I have taken a look at some of the websites that promote this Cultural abuse and have noticed that they have used symbols of the Metis Nation, such as the sash and one of our flags.  To me, this is further evidence of Cultural misappropriation of our people.

As well, there is reference to a "Church of the Metis Tribe."  since we do not use the term "Tribe" or have a church, this is meant, I believe, to further confuse people who are sincerely looking into who the Metis are, as a people, as a Culture or to mislead.

While not surprising, this is another ripoff!

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2008, 01:54:05 am »
 The Indians in Cuba are Taino and misplaced Timucua and Cayusa from Florida. I don't see them having anything to do with "El Gringo" or a "Blanco".
  This Metis crap has been cropping up all over lately. They seem to be the most clueless. I think they call themselves "Metis" so they can make up their own culture and a real tribe can't call their play.

 Peace- Rich aka "Piney"

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2008, 01:28:25 am »
Some are clueless. In one of my groups a well meaning person said she was Metis, because she is mixed blood. She hhonestly doesn't know.


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Re: Metis Lodge
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2008, 02:54:00 am »
And I think that is what happens when it becomes used as a general term as it has been in the past few years.  It is just accepted by some as meaning "mixed blood" as most do not know any better and some really don't care if it fits their agenda.