Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 704455 times)

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #540 on: May 27, 2008, 11:17:07 am »
ALL Rapters are covered by the international CITES restrictions,a concept beyond this womans limited knowledge..apparently.Fiding a dead eagle in australia require's the same notification there as it does in the USA and Canada.


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #541 on: May 27, 2008, 01:41:50 pm »
That's one big eagle, she's been selling the feathers on-line for several years, (smudge Feathers) and make a costume out of these also, wings and all. Makes me wonder.

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #542 on: May 27, 2008, 05:19:05 pm »
Her wings were taken away.  and we know how prevalent eagles are in Alaska.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline coyote

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #543 on: May 27, 2008, 07:35:16 pm »
Suraj has a cellphone #  for while she's in Isreal  050 8526671

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #544 on: May 28, 2008, 03:12:19 am »
did fish and game get the feathers that were on the drum?
pictures show that they were all around it

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #545 on: May 28, 2008, 08:46:55 am »
Thry took everything they found except some "painted chicken feathers".  They did say if we knew where she was going to "land" next we should call FWS there and they would go check her out.  She is under active investigation and next time it will be worse for her.  DNA works wonders!
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #546 on: May 28, 2008, 07:07:07 pm »
Manifest Destiny; the New Age version - Letter and Statement from Monica Ravenheart

Okay, it all started when I contacted Bison Vision (Monica Ravenheart) regarding bringing Suraj to do there to do her thing.  This is the response we got:


Hi All
Back home from the road trip - Spaewife - thanks for posting that for us we appreciate it.  Got alot of catchin up to do....

Offline porkypine

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #547 on: May 30, 2008, 05:15:05 am »

Monica has done extensive work on the songlines, especially working with the issue of the atrocity of the slaughter of Bison and the disruption to their migration from Yellowstone to the Black Hills of South Dakota.

uh... I appreciate their effort to save the Yellowstone buffalo from the cattle ranchers in Montana who want to kill them all, but the buffalo leaving the western door of Jellystone are not trying to migrate to the Black Hills.  They just want the closest accessible grass at a lower elevation.


OUR HOST: Monica Ravenhart
Monica has worked extensively with the healing and dimensional work of the Bison. Bision Vision is a center for cultural and environmental enrichment, offering unity-based teaching for all ages around the social structure of an intact bison herd--to show the importance of place and purpose for each individual in today's society. They strive to bring peoples of all walks of life into the fold of a new and bonding culture--the culture of the Heart. Bison Vision is based in Livingston, MT but our cultural enrichment center is located in eastern Montana on 3,000 acres of pristine prairie land.

This land sings of buffalo hooves and moccasined footsteps of a pre-war minded peoples. You may view some photos of this land at
   ahahahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahaha     sheesh!  sorry for laughing...  but my hubby's people is FROM Salmon area of Idaho and the tribes in that area of Idaho, Montana are NOT peaceful and pre-warlike!  Absalooke (Crow), Peigan )Blackfoot), Nemeepoo (Nez Perce) Flathead, Shoshone?  at peace with each other in the old days?  NO WAY in h-e-double-toothpics were they non-or pre-warlike with each other!!
  ahahahaha..   such a silly thing to say....
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 05:31:06 am by porkypine »
Get used to it... I CAN NOT type worth a darn.. lol

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #548 on: May 30, 2008, 05:32:52 am »
Suraj has a cellphone #  for while she's in Isreal  050 8526671

Hello, coyote. You joined this forum just to give us her phone number? Where'd you get a hold of her cell phone number?

Edit for typo
« Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 03:06:00 am by bls926 »

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #549 on: May 30, 2008, 03:40:37 pm »
Bennie Bennie Bennie.... From what I have heard - it was you and Suraj coming into the Gatrhering of one and saying "This is how we are gonna do it" you wanted to make it a Native oriented gathering along with Garys support.... now when you were told no by Robbie and Joe - because that wasnt what they were doing.... you left..... BTW people he wanted to teach them the Ghost Dance.... no that wasnt a typo - I was rolling on the floor when i heard that..... WOW....

On Wed, 5/21/08, Bennie LeBeau <> wrote:
From: Bennie LeBeau <>
Subject: Boycotting Dance of Oneness June 18th-21st

Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 2:27 PM
Please send this message out if you like, its a reply to many who are asking what is happening in West Yellowstone, Montana and the ceremony with the White Nations, Circle of Seven, the Global Eden Event.  Here is what is happening which is a great wake up call for humanity to learn from, this is my feelings, every thing is in order as it should be bring a great awareness about peace and how it works in our Indigenous Nations, thank for your time and efforts for peace and harmony...aho...BlueThunder



Message to Humanity

Over Who Has the Rights to Do Ceremonies

In the Homelands of the Indigenous Nations


The Dance of Oneness I Will Boycott as An Eastern Shoshone

The Circles of Sevens Have Not Been Iniated to Do Ceremonies In West Yellowstone Montana

My heart feels the sadness of Mother Earth's Spirit that the Circles of Sevens has not taken into consideration the protocols of the Stewards of the Lands the Shoshone Nations and how we initiate others to do ceremonies in our homelands in our traditional ways.  I am sending a message to many nations of all colors of humanity of how peace works in our lands.  We are Indigenous Nations of peace in the ways we were given to follow in the Native American Ways to promote peace, it seems this White Nation Group, The Global Eden Project, Circle of Sevens is still following the way of the mind that there ancestors brought to our homelands 500 years ago.  I have no choice but to back away from this ceremony they asked me to help support.  If not then I will be hit with the tribal nations asking if I am working in a traditional manner or now joining those new agers out look of doing ceremonies charging for ceremonies.  This is not what I represent or want others to think that I am selling ceremonies. 
I have been asked by my Elders to be a spokes person on their behalf, my Eastern Shoshone Elders from Fort Washakie , Wyoming .  I only took on this situation to promote healing the Volcanic Energy in Yellowstone to do the best that I could to help protect Mother Earth. I have been here working on this Yellowstone Volcano Since 1999.  And now this group has come to disrupt all the work many of the past nations have done healing this volcanic energy by not following our protocols of peace.  Many have sat in peace doing our ceremonies together in one circle under our way of life as Shoshone and other Nations as one.  Many have gathered in peace in the past, in similar ceremonies to bring awareness in the present for peace in the future, such as it was done on May 8th, 2004 healing the Yellowstone Volcano in the Grand Teton Medicine Wheel Ceremony.
I  pray that all this that has happened, has happened to help many cultures understand us as Native American's in our ways teaching them how peace works in our ceremonial ways of life we live within  Especially when it come to doing ceremonies, such as dances or seminars or conventions in our homelands.  We have to hear everything that anyone wants to do in our lands as stewards.  Then think about that it will do for the betterment of all living things in the circle of life: For we know thoughts and emotions and actions imprint and impacts Mother Nature under those vibrations that are put out. This is where initiations take place allowing other cultures into our homelands to do ceremonies as we consider all that they have dreamed to happen in visions or new ceremonies to bless things. 
When we do not work in a great manner honoring each other we affect all that it is, Mother Earth's Creations; by working together with natures laws in agreement with one another as Indigenous Nations this is our teachings and our ways of life for healthy environments to rebirth around us helps us stay in peace. The lands of abundance return, the Garden of Edens .
This situation within the Circles of Sevens in their Global Eden Event will trickle out across this huge Nation of the America ’s about the truth that has happened here in my peoples homelands.  Many thoughts and actions not of great hearts has not healed over what has taken place because not following the Indigenous Nations ways of doing things.  Many are still upset across America because of what has happened and that will affect all of creations life force beings for what has happened in last few months. Especially what has happened to a person that they invited to our homeland to do ceremony with, White Eagle Medicine Woman (Suraj Holzwarth). Rachel Holzwarth aka Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine woman is looked at as new age exploiter of Native American spirituality. You only have to do a search on Youtube for "Grandmother Drum" to find out what this lady is all about. She claims Seneca (or sometimes Seneca Metis or Tribal Metis) and depending on the crowd will claim other nationalities/ethnicities such as Irish or Celtic or Jewish. She cannot verify her claims and contacts with Seneca communities or confirm she has been initiated or adopted into a Indigenous Nation to do her ceremonies their homelands or our homelands. 
Many have forgotten the lands have been stolen in name of greed and materialism that still exists in groups actions that are taking place today. In our Native American ways if anyone has a dream to do something like her or the Circle of Sevens they would come forward and explain there dream and what it instructed them to do.  If the Indigenous group that lived near her or them approved them to do this kind of work in there homelands they would have to initiate them to do that ceremony.  They would now have a huge gathering and present them and honor them as this person so everyone knew that they were Okayed to do this there.  Now if they left and went somewhere else they could now say they had been adopted and okayed to do their work or ceremonial way of life that had been approved of.  And this did not matter if they were enrolled in the tribe or not.  It only mattered that they were now adopted into a very sacred circle of life for the betterment of all things for peace and harmony within that circle to do that ceremony for healing or what it represented.
When entering into another Indigenous Nations they would approach that nation also and offer tobacco and ask for permission to do their ceremony there and give the purpose of the intentions of why they are there to do what they are up to explaining every last detail.  If that group then saw it as something that was beneficial to the circle of life for the betterment of all things equally then they would approve it. This now would promote peace and everyone would now hear from the Traditional Leaders that this had been Okayed or initated to do so and all things now would be alright for them to practice their ceremony in the homelands of the Indigenous Nation that they were in.
Many Native Americans are upset with the ways the Whiteman are still acting like they can do anything the want in our lands we were given to take that responsibility as stewardship by the Great Spirits covenants our ancestors agreed to.  The White Nations are not honoring what we agreed to in our original instructions for peace to endure in our homelands in our ceremonial ways of life. If we did not follow these ways we were told nature would fall apart and may individuals and groups would turn on each other.  Many things would happen and now we see it happening all around the world as Nature now reacts because of our reactions such as:  Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Volcanoes, Floods, and on an on and on.  The news shows it everyday now and it will only becomes worse if the Nations do not consider peace and stop the greed and materialistic ways of life they are affecting Mother Earth with following the Indigenous Nations teaching of Nature.
I have done all I could by asking and asking this Global Eden Project, the Circles of Sevens to consider what I have spoken on behalf of to allow us to work in oneness with our ways as an Indigenous Nation ways of peace.  To no avail has this worked out to get this ceremony worked out and to approve of the initiation process for this ceremony to take place. I have tried my best to using our ways as an Indigenous Nations member of the Eastern Shoshone Nation working a a Peace Maker of my homelands Protocols for the betterment of all of creations life forces.  I feel they the Circles of Sevens have chosen the road of selfishness in greed and materialism in what they feel they want and that is the bottom line of the disagreement, It is there way period and I have been pushed into a corner and have not had not much of a say so for them considering what I have presented to them on the behalf of my Shoshone Peoples Nations ways of life I consider to be truth. 
I have done my best to get them to consider what this meant for many months, enduring the agony and pain in emotions that I endured working with them to get them to consider our ways.  They have chosen not to follow our ways of our Shoshone Nations that are similar to the other Native American Tribes in America and the America's as a whole, as one;  And the call this a gathering of oneness? There for I ask all Indigenous Nations not to participate in this ceremony because of what has happened and is taking place at this moment: For they are still there and plan to do what they want without our initiation for them to do this Dance of Oneness.  For it is not of oneness that they are representing because of greed, about money and egos.
Blessings are to those that chose to join us in a new location within the Grand Tetons on June 18th to June 21st, 2008 as we now prepare to move to a new site to bless the Yellowstone Volcanic Energy from that location. The area we will be negotiating with will be in the Bridger Teton National Forest in view of the Grand Teton Peaks , near Jackson Hole , Wyoming .  We are now on the move to find that location. 
We are doing our best at this moment to find that location and it is sometimes times tough to getting that permission, I pray that it will be simple and easy to get the permits.  Our homelands are still held in bondage with permits and guidelines held by the National Parks of the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone:  Including the National Forests in the areas of the Grand Tetons so permits have to be negotiated before they will allow us in those areas if there will be more than 75 people or more. 
I thank each and everyone for their patience and consideration of our protocols for peaceful intentions within the ceremonies and for the consideration our ways as Native American Tribes in America .   We are still working with many who understand our ways and will join us in our ceremonial ways of life in this Solstice Celebration for this Earth Healing Ceremony to Heal the Super Yellowstone Volcanic Vibrations.  Ahwee hooo...Many thank you's and many blessings to the Circles and Sevens and other Nations may we all walk in peace together in harmony as one following the teaching of peace in our homelands as Indigenous Nations. So Be It...Blessings be for peace, love and harmony to follow.
Aho...BlueThunder, Eastern Shoshone Nation, Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie , Wyoming , 307 851-6249, Email, May 15th, 2008
Those wanting to join us on June 18th to June 21st are invited to help us work in the healing of Mother Earth, the Yellowstone Volcanic Energy.  We will be in the Grand Teton ’s in the Bridger Teton National Forest Service located on the North Toppings Road above the Triangle X Ranch.  This ceremony will be directly across from the Grand Tetons, near Jackson Hole , Wyoming …please check my websites at: and .  All nations of all cultures are invited to attend this ceremony at no cost.  This is a ceremony for all Nations and Cultures to attend to begin to understand how to heal Mother Earth’s for coming Garden of Eden’s, we understand the as the great lands of abundance where all things are given freely to us by Mother Earth.  Using our ceremonies keep the gardens growing foods for us, when we need the food, we go out and gather what we need for subsistence for our survival.  Blessing be come join us…Ahwee hooo…BlueThunder

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #550 on: May 30, 2008, 05:59:20 pm »
Bennie sure has a way of twisting events to suit his purpose. Sounds like he's trying to distance himself from Holzwarth too, even though he'd been working with her for months. Thanks for posting this, Cat.

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #551 on: May 30, 2008, 06:57:06 pm »
The pot is calling the kettle black.  Seems like we heard from the Gatehring first and now he and Racial Holzwarth are both making out like it is good for them that people are seing through there crap.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #552 on: May 30, 2008, 07:35:28 pm »
Ain't it a hoot?? They're both uninvited and now they make it look like it was their idea. Why let the truth stand in the way of a good story?

Rachel Holzwarth
As one door closed, another one opened immediately! We have, within the same day been contacted by Monica Ravenhart of Bison Vision and we will now host our work near Livingston, Montana during this same period. We are honored as this feels so much more in alignment to our hearts work.

Bennie Lebeau
My heart feels the sadness of Mother Earth's Spirit that the Circles of Sevens has not taken into consideration the protocols of the Stewards of the Lands the Shoshone Nations and how we initiate others to do ceremonies in our homelands in our traditional ways.  I am sending a message to many nations of all colors of humanity of how peace works in our lands.  We are Indigenous Nations of peace in the ways we were given to follow in the Native American Ways to promote peace, it seems this White Nation Group, The Global Eden Project, Circle of Sevens is still following the way of the mind that there ancestors brought to our homelands 500 years ago.  I have no choice but to back away from this ceremony they asked me to help support.  If not then I will be hit with the tribal nations asking if I am working in a traditional manner or now joining those new agers out look of doing ceremonies charging for ceremonies.  This is not what I represent or want others to think that I am selling ceremonies.


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #553 on: May 30, 2008, 08:11:08 pm »
Probably look bad for their business's if they didn't.  Geeze, these people are manuplative, I guess that part of the game.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #554 on: May 30, 2008, 10:47:17 pm »
This thread is now result #5 on Google for "suraj holzwarth"

and result #11 for "white eagle medicine woman"