Author Topic: 'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'  (Read 9891 times)


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'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'
« on: January 24, 2008, 08:14:29 pm »
I was 'scanning' the term 'heyoka' to understand something more about this and found something on 'YouTube' about this and am suspicious because there is an 'admixture' of many things. I am not an 'expert' or a person of 'knowledge' about these things, but I feel something wrong about this - perhaps I am wrong; I do not know.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2008, 08:39:21 pm by Leonard »


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Re: 'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 09:49:45 pm »
He's been around awhile, one of Harley Regan's, Scott Anderson group. Here is the thread. Claims no Nation but uses Cherokee and Lakota terms. Use to have the Cherokee Secret Medicne Twisted Hair Society. Which doesn't exist,


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Re: 'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2008, 06:10:52 am »
I am rethinking my opinions on many things. Thank you for the postings.

After looking on many 'web-sites' here, I think that my 'western culture' is in 'flux' and is searching for something and I am afraid that a lot of 'white' people are trying to 'tap in' to 'native american' culture as a novelty to make money.

interesting video - to 'believe' in something that you do not understand ? 'superstition' is not the 'way' ?

I think this may say something about my own 'culture' - I mean; if some 'guy' in 'austria' dresses up in a 'bird suit'; I think that we are all in serious trouble.

Stevie Wonder =>

« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 03:41:12 pm by Leonard »

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: 'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2008, 04:31:41 am »


A lot of stuff was posted on this character on Indy Media post about NAFPS being shut down

Red Elk appears frequently on Coast to Coast with Art Bell or George Noory and his interview is still on Prophecy Keepers radio hosted by someone calling himself Blue Otter
Icy winter is coming
red Elk’s great vision
Red Elk: Medicine man inner heyoka society’
You can look for new videos in the archives

The last time I heard him on Art Bell, he said he was retiring because of his enemies.  His claims are way, way out there!


Now don't take my word for it - go get on you tube or google video and look up Red Elk and see for yourself the kind of bullshit that LeKay's Loonies think is ndn



Thunderbirds Lizard People & Earth Changes Pt.1
CLAIMS: Red Elk claims to be an inter-tribal medicine man, a member of Heyoka society, member of Red Web society whose mission is to bring hidden sacred knowledge to public
Claims to be Black Feet and Shoshone Cherokee Nation’s twisted hair society
He later claims to speak Cree after spending 3 months with the Cree.
“They went against tradition they did what we the native we hold sacred knowledge they went against the tradition of no we keep this for themselves I begged many Indian people lose the knowledge you’ve got it because it’s to be given for now.???

Thunderbirds Lizard People & Earth Changes Pt.2
Red Elk tells about Thunderbirds mostly down in South America that had a twenty-seven inch wingspan.
“I spent three months with the Cree Indians (located all over Canada and down into the United States
They are a huge bunch of sweethearts and some pains in the rear as a National I love em I wish I was Cree.???
“Five women came to me very hesitantly and said Red Elk we have something to share they thought they were in trouble sharing this you could see it in their eyes they are the protectors of the thunderbirds and they were stepping out of bounds as a society by coming to me and presenting this knowledge to me
Protector of the thunderbird bird cave of the three mountains up there by the Yukon in a face of the cliff of the three mountains a slope that goes down inside granite
They started chatting away in Cree and one of them looked at me and said he knows

“I am called to go back to the sacred bird cave – the ancient breeding ground before one of the 4 of 5 flips of earth and what happened is that explosions and volcanoes and everything and they left their eggs there and I rode them I rode their mind medicine people know what I’m talking about Pterodactyls flying around thousands of birds but these are the human type thinkers of the birds 22 -28 foot wing span they’re eagles but they’re something else .???

“The top medicine man of the Cree across Canada the top medicine man is going to make me a eagle flute er not flute or eagle whistle and I’ve got to climb this mountain.
I’ll do it if I’ve got the money to do it.
I’ve got a certain ceremony and I will literally call them back to their old breeding ground and this is one of the jobs that I’ve got to do I only have three backers.???
Noory: How big were the eggs?

“Alex Kahenakey (spelling?) is the Cree medicine man that I’m speaking of. At this big pow wow he came to me and he said Red Elk I have some men that would like to talk to you and show you something and they brought in this stone the size of a woman’s bowling ball perfectly round. He talked to them in Cree and I said well give it to me and let me see what it’s all about. I shut my eyes and do what I do and place it to my forehead and I said this is not a stone it’s an egg and there’s a prehistoric embryo and it’s about to give birth and peck its way out. They got all about it they have prehistoric stone stick nests they’re like our eagle nests except that they were on the rocks. They’re very sacred and they try to keep the whites away from it because they’re a bunch of idiots but nevertheless I’m to go back and call the thunderbirds home and you will see them all over North America again. They try to pick up children. I regular eagle is a scavenger you see them when the cows are calving and they eat the placenta and they will grab a calf if they can do it and try to haul it off. They were migrating into Central America and they would follow the great buffalo heards and they would try to eat the placenta and grab calves. Well Whiteman being Whiteman said lets go out and kill these things so.???

Thunderbirds Lizard People & Earth Changes Pt.3

“…but I’ve got to do that ceremony with the whistle and some other things???

Noory: there’s an old Native American legend with the Pie- eh-sah bird it sounds like a thunderbird
RED ELK: “I was with Mr. Stuart Best doing Earth changes documentary in Menominee WI
We are Nineveh which was an event foretelling about this event telling because Nineveh was so anti-god and doing the same thing god sent Johan to go warn em.
Maybe a giant sand flee will get me next.
Nineveh repented, that means that better than 85% repented that means turn away from sin, turn away from disobedience to the creator that means god
I’ve been called all kinds of liar and stuff like that.???
“Mel’s hole it’s got plants that are plastic that are sound censors, this little out building is maybe 16 by 16 all the way around oddly enough I thought the roof lifted but no it opens like a book they open this all the time and big ships come down and unload I don’t care what you believe I don’t care if you think I’m nuts I’m not here to lie to people. It appears that UFO activity that was spurodic (sic) has just about died down in Kenokast County. That hole is 271/2 miles deep it’s a bore hole from Mt Rainier the Indians the Yakimas keep that secret with good reason otherwise the dam government will have that too I ran into all kinds of trouble I’ve been followed by helicopter one of those black ones it was about time for one of those ufo to come in and the next thing I know here come the police. “

“A police officer I know said Red Elk we know about Mel’s hole, be careful.
It’s connected to other the Dracillian race the lizards everybody thinks I’m crazy use that to load and unload ships???

I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: 'Red Elk' MORE
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2008, 04:33:21 am »
Thunderbirds Lizard People & Earth Changes Pt.4
“they bring stuff down into their lower cavern of living areas. What they unload are sacred bones they murder people grind it and put it in white gold it’s for longevity I took another medicine man over there and it just scared the daylights out of him.???
“They had to murder the red headed woman from (Izza quaw spelling?) I think. They’re our brothers and sisters they think they’re god if there’s a god they’re it if there’s a devil they’re it I’ve had my run ins with them but they’re very very real???

“They have no human features at all dragon skin is basically scaly they look like an upright walking lizard they’re got a mottled green and khaki none of them are really tall maybe 6 2 at the very tallest. They’ve got a lizard face but they’re people. I call them brother and sister they are very violent but I’m not afraid of them so that makes them afraid of me.
Extraterrestrial lizard people first group of outer space beings that came to earth after man was first made literally the first soul bearing people after Lucifer came and set up his base in the center of our earth. They spend centuries and centuries down there. I’ve got a book called the agenda and I sell that and frankly I don’t mind pushing it I’ve got a lot of things to do and I’m deep in debt.???

“Nevertheless, they’re real people and you know I love Lucifer can you believe that I truly love Lucifer well yes stop and think about it you’re Christian bent out you God is in all things
This is talk to papa and love him. Let me explain god is in all things. Now in time travel, now I’m an expert in time travel I literally can claim that that’s one of my specialties time travel being a heyoka is one of my specialties. God says you love me and that’s why you’re serving me and I want to invent a new people with souls and I want to give them self will and choice and they can’t have it unless they’ve got another area to go to now this is his second in command and god said I want to know if you would do that job and Lucifer loving god said well yeah but I want to warn you will turn your back on me???
“But thank god for Lucifer wasn’t here doing his job of temptation only we’re the ones to grab it and run
He got to really want to be god without Lucifer we would not have self will we would not have choice isn’t it wonderful of Lucifer to say yeah I’ll do it….
Can’t you just love the whole plan the whole reason for it I love Lucifer and because I love him its and agape love force and because I love this great being he’s afraid of me and I have actually faced this great being ….
No sexual organs at all no angels just a body man would just die for
About 22 foot tall no horns wasn’t red no long tail he was blacker than black
Beautiful angel except for that face???

Thunderbirds Lizard People & Earth Changes Pt.5
Bible believers don’t believe the bible God occasionally has an assignment for me and sends me down to the pits of hell the first time I went I was cocky and I ended up with a bite mark on my upper and lower back from a demon so when I go down I go down with all kinds of angel support I go down there when I’m ordered down to do what he wants down
Tunnels with very small caves that goes all around the world his generals the angels that originally fallen I opened my mouth and I yelled out hey Lucifer it’s me its red elk come here I want to talk to you.

… more I’m a Heyoka time traveler stuff …

“You’re job is to be a baby in papas arms
You just crawl into his lap and say papa bubbah hurt me … more baby talk … If it doesn’t work out don’t worry about it and say daddy I’d sure like to have them do better
You just get in my lap and I’ll take care of it


Thunderbirds Lizard People & Earth Changes Pt.6
“I’m a dip.???
Caller: You were talking about the little people.There is an area here that little creatures known as she devils and they’ve been know n to tear the tops out of metal campers noticed a fish laying along the bank with a really neat incision on its belly nobody here eats carp in a tree right over from where the fish was they found a claw 5 -6 inches long with knuckle bone and hair on it
Found a claw embedded in the tree

RED ELK: I’d love to meet them You’ve got a power spot of evil and I have to occasionally go out and clear this out and square them away I love them I don’t care how bad they are and they can’t beat me because I love them …

Sasquatch there’s interesting people and folks they are people not animals. You got a power spot of evil and somebody in knowledge not just me there’s other not don’t go to some danged New age medicine person book learned idiot I have to repair their work constantly but they mean well There’s people out there that know how to calm these spots and close these things down
But the earth is grating vortexes and stuff like that it’s going to get worse and worse you’re going to see things that you could not possibly you me no problem but you could not possibly conceive even exist.

Noory: what are the warnings out there?

RED ELK: Well watch your news and see. The great toosami that hit in Indonesia or whatever but that was god saying yeah now I’ve got these 5000 or whatever now they’re save I sacrificed 5000 lives for billions of lives the towers going down this is a warning Katrina this is a warning won’t you people ever wake up

CALLER: What about the Anasazi?

RED ELK: The Anasazi were put down here by beings as slaves they were always watching the sky knowing that someday the slave master would come back and take them back up there

Caller: I’ve heard there’s a reptilian race supposedly alien and yet a friend of mine her boss
Shape shifts into a reptilian.

Red Elk: There’s a lot of half breeds that do this there all over the earth in half breed form you might be married to one I’ve seen it happen myself.

Caller: How can the interbreed with the human race?

Red Elk: The same way a man breeds with a woman honey, their sperm is matchable to your egg …

“You see they want our gold they want to be kings they want to be god over earth
This white gold mixed with a certain kind of murder of one of our human beings mixed with this white gold gives longevity that allows our their queen to live for thousands of years.???

Noory: 2 hours and 40 minutes of Red Elk scaring the heck out of you

The Search for Bigfoot - EPISODE #1
more silly crap about big foot

The Search for Bigfoot - EPISODE #2
“I’ve got five spirits that basically protect my area and one of them is big foot.???:

“…they pick up your thoughts they’re excellent at telecommunication …
just be casual like I am its’ good to see you would you care to sit down just make motions of eating
peel the orange teach em how to eat it right.???

“…they find the bodies and their heads are off they don’t find the heads
they have killed people generally in self defense
They have basic black ops stealth that we train our seals and stuff actual invisibility they become a camelian and become whatever’s around them I’ve learned to do that myself.???

The Mexican people They want me to go down there and talk to them.
It shows up quite regularly mumbling looking at people and trying to say something.

“I can levitate. It’s hell man I haven’t got enough feathers to fly.??? Yeah you can list you can levitiate it I’ve taught it to the listeners of Art Bell he’s got 22.6 million listeners. My olderst grandson he’s the one that did it twice. You think you’re a feather and two people are trying to goose you and you go up but if you start thinking your smoke“

“Early last winter I went to the time cave but because the queen of the inner people the gnomes and fairies and stuff they’ve got a queen and she wanted to see me she sent some
And I got so mad at her I said, never send those dam things again …???

Prophesy Keepers Radio
The year 2006

With your old buddy Blue Otter coming to you from bugger county in mid America in the mysterious Ozarks ….
Red Elk talks about his dreams and how he can auction off money from space aliens so he’d have plenty of money to go into parallel time. “I know how to open up this time physically and I was told that there’s less than a handful that know how to do this.???

During the tower of Bable the continent was all one land mass that’s when it all broke apart. In this case the ice was the breaking up of the contin-net. So literally, doing nothing more that ramming this old rock and shaking it you know you go out and give a big chunk a hit
No earthquake is going to take this down
These are the safe places to build on earth when it comes to the flipping of the earth the wind
I found a piece of land but I’ll be danged if I can afford it.

An Icy Winter is Coming
talks about going to four corner spirits and presenting tobacco “I actually see the four corner spirits when I pray, I actually see them.??? “The one that’s the supervisor over the other three, a giant angel the southern spirit is much my own size about 5’5??? 5’6??? he looks very very human, a wonderful old black man…???
“the Western spirit we call storm this is a rolling thunder mass as far as you can see and it’s got a face in it it’s a cloudlike face the Northern spirit is a female archangel and they have no sex organs “ “the Eastern spirit is a non nonsense angel his wings were drooping behind him and he looked very dejected and very despondent. I’ve never seen this angel in such a mood. …???

And then to the northern spirit this woman looked uncomfortable not wanting to do what she’s going to do but carrying out their orders. Just a cold flat ice, nothing above it … They were hopin people would get right so they wouldn’t have to do what they were ordered to do. …The Northern spirit will start sending this icy chill and storm would spread it. It appears as if the Southern states or the southern hemisphere is going to be very, very affected. They didn’t want to do it but they had to do it because they obey the creator.

It’s Time to Prepare
more Xian cataclysmic crap …
“Tim Piikiikootz he and I he shared some real interesting information with me like I seem to have some real insight into the good book he has
As a medicine man and as a heyoka and as a spiritual leader in my dreams I go through amazing adventures. Truly only the full blood people would understand what I’m talking about. The rest of the world they have lost their touch with the unusual which at the tim
Exorcisms.’re all familiar with that. Oh gosh doing sacred spots and opening it up for my brothers and sisters of the full blood. They know its sacred, they might they don’t know how to get the knowledge to activate these things. With my training I simply go back and time and I talk to an elder of that particular time. … but I’m back in time, they’re not dead. They’ll tell me what to do and I tell that to Alex Kayenakew, the medicine man I work with and we’ve activated a whole bunch a spot. To the white world anything Indigenus (sic) they think we’re crazy … Is the ability to time travel … with in time travel I go back before it was ever destroyed I can read some of the insignias and I can trace some of the strange writings or sit and watch a ceremony that was being perfomed three of four hundred years ago and tell it to Alex and they go out and perform it … to me in that great world of travel there is no lost knowledge.
“He goes by the name Elk Chief he’s the head of the Red Web society of which I’m a member. He’s been in Germany.

“There are two types of so called sasquatch one of them is not from our planet, they’re from another planet… unless you know one from the other you see one and you think you see the other type not knowing there’s two types.???

It just goes on and on …

What person in their right mind would believe that this man knows anything about Native Spiritual beleifs?????

JOHN LEKAY that’s who.

Extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary proof – EXCEPT in Heyoka magazine!!!!


And yet, people still wonder if he's legit???

I guess only Big foot knows for sure

Rose :D
I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: 'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2008, 04:48:17 am »
 That "reptillian crap" is all over the unexplained mysteries and UFO forums. There was one person who was claiming the Nanticoke were Atlantians and built tunnels under the location where D.C now lies. They said we had something special about our blood that prevented the "reptillians" from using "mind control" on us. RH neg factor or some shit. I really hate this garbage.


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Re: 'Red Elk' (Minister of YHWH) - aka: 'QuietBuck' on 'YouTube'
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 02:12:51 pm »
Damn ! Where are FBI agents Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, and the "X-Files" when we really need them ?  ;-)
