Author Topic: Joyce Chandler & Sheryl Carter  (Read 6976 times)

Offline TelGega

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Joyce Chandler & Sheryl Carter
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:41:49 pm »
Has anyone ever heard of this, "AMA DEUS SHAMANIC HEALING"?

A new letter from Joyce says...well I'll just post it here and you can read for yourselves.


Ama Deus (meaning ‘I love God’) is a simple but extremely powerful healing practice, which has been employed for the past 6000 years by the Guarani Indians living deep in the Amazon jungle of central Brazil. It was first brought to the West by Alberto Aguas, a third-generation Brazilian healer, who lived alongside and studied the practices of the Guarani shamans for many years.

The system combines God’s love with a series of ancient multi-dimensional symbols, which act as vehicles for the energy transmission. Although similar in some ways to Reiki as it seeks to balance the energy centers within the body, the Ama Deus symbols are designed for more specialized actions than those used in Reiki.

As with other energy-healing modalities, Ama Deus can be sent over long distances, and it can also be used in conjunction with other methods of healing. The practitioner is simply a channel for God’s love, which is why Ama Deus is known as a heart-based energy system. The healing energy is projected through intent and attunement with the energies of God and the symbols.

Ama Deus can be employed in a multitude of situations, including the following:

- Healing for oneself and others
- Distance healing
- Healing for emergency situations
- Healing for animals, birds and plants
- Helping those near death or dying
- Helping departed souls in their transition to the spirit world
- Purification of food, water, medicines etc
- Physical and emotional healing of the heart
- Helping babies make a smooth transition into the world
- Receiving a spiritual gift on your birthday
- Receiving spiritual information during your dreams
- Recollection of past lives/journeying in the Akashic Records
- Supporting world leaders in making important decisions
- Healing the Earth
- Exorcism

The cost of the AMA DEUS SHAMANIC HEALING is $50.00

here are some others She is 'Selling"

By the time you have reached the path to Ki Manna, you will have released a lot of old beliefs and have grown in self and in spirit.

You are now ready to remove the veil and live in truth. There is no judgment here; all are not called to this at this time, but for those that are, Ki Manna is an amazing energy system to work with, for yourself and others.

Ki Manna is all about mastery of self and the divine power you have as a being of light.

You are a Master. It is time to step into your Knowing of this fact. You have mastered this plane, and are now ready to accept all the personal power that is within you.

You are the power, the essence and the wisdom. Ki Manna recognizes your power as a healer, teacher and spiritual soul. You will work with so many guides. Let’s call them friends and our support team!

You will have faced many lessons in your own personal life as the bricks and mortar of your self-made lifeless structures have fallen off, to reveal the beautiful gardens, lakes and flowers that were hidden in your soul.

If these words resonate with you, you are ready to receive Ki Manna energy!

Not only do you work healing on this level but you also work with other levels, planets, beings and dimensions, as you are a multidimensional being co-existing simultaneously in multiple realities, worlds, and dimensions.

Ki Manna has the power to increase your Light body, (meaning, making you pure spirit or energy on earth, other planes and planets and focus healing and awakening).

It also is able to chase scattered parts of souls that are lost (fragments, extensions), and bring them back to aid in healing totally, multi dimensionally.

You will receive the manual and certificate by email and a distant attunement.

The cost of KI MANNA is $60.00

________________________________________________________ Atlantis Healing System

AHS was rediscovered by a group of European clairvoyants in 1993-1994 by studying the Akashic Records.

Atlantis Healing System is:

• The way of learning to be again a pure, innocent child by the help of the divine power, harmony and light.

• The way of rediscovering the beauty and the truth in ourselves.

• The way of getting better than we are.

• The harmonious way between inner and outer thought and word, God and man.

• The way man can rediscover his own spirit, his own divine essence.

• Returning to God, returning to faith.

• The way we unite with the Universe.

• Rediscovering the divine in us.

This is a first step of the energetic therapies used by the ancient Atlantean Masters. This first system was known, learned and used by the entire population. Then the second step was coming automatically, training in Atlantis Master System.

• Reiki works on every level (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) having a general action.

• AHS works on the affection level, on the generating cause of energetic un-harmony. The patient transforms Reiki by his chakras while AHS has a direct and spontaneous effect on the patient and the healing can come on the spot.

AHS it is worked on a certain energetic level that is according, generally, to the cause of the affection. AHS is not a more powerful energy than Reiki but it represents a different level of human knowledge, it works on other levels.

Here is why these two systems are not in competition:
They both have their own way of action, their own energy so that they can complete each other very well. Reiki is considered to be passive while AHS is the active one because it is interfering, searching, analyzing, concluding and stating a certain program to follow in order to reach the cause level. Passive and Active merges and so it is creating the balance. Yin ? Yang. Male ? Female. This is the Universe: balance.

This is an advanced and complex system. There are four levels/attunements to this system. You will be sent the 40 page manual and certificate by email and the attunements over distance.

The cost of Atlantis Healing System is $55.00


Ma’heo’o Reiki

Ma’heo’o translated means Great Spirit, Great One or God. The word Ma’heo’o is Cheyenne, Native American language. This system of energy works will combine the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively promote and activate healing. This system is simple yet powerful and can be used by anyone.

There are seven symbols that are incorporated into this Healing system. The first 4 represent the elements and enables us to connect with and channel Mother Earth’s energy; Combined with and activated by Great Spirit this becomes a very powerful system; promoting great energy channeling ability, use of healing light and color, higher intellect, grounded-ness, promotes calming, peace and relaxation. This system combines the gentleness of Reiki with the raw power of the Earth elements. It can bring you into contact with your spirit totems, give you your sacred name and balance your body with the 5 elements.

There are 3 attunements involved, in Ma’heo’o" Reiki.
The first two are to enable a better connection and a heightened sense of the elements through Mother Earth. Not only do the symbols allow harmony of the elements of Mother Earth, they allow harmony of the elements as they pertain to the human condition.

The 3rd is the Master level which connects you with Great Spirit; enabling you to harness the power of Earth and Spirit to effectively use the light as it facilitates, promotes and activates your healing from within.

Ma’heo’o Reiki was created by Sheryl Carter and employs symbols derived from the Native American Peoples and Mother Earth. The Reiki energy harmonizes with the frequency of Mother Earth so as to work in accordance with Native American Tradition.

This unique style of Reiki beautifully combines the healing energy of Reiki with the ancient wisdom of the Native American peoples and can be used for both healing purposes and connection with the elements. It contains a variety of new techniques based on Native American Spirituality which offer the ability to bring you into alignment with the frequencies of the elements, center and calm the 5 elements within our bodies, bring about recognition of our sacred name and totem animals, teachings of connecting the sacred circuit.

The cost of Ma’heo’o Reiki is $60.00

For a complete listing of available courses, please visit or contact me at

Joyce Chandler

« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 07:45:20 pm by TelGega »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Joyce Chandler & Sheryl Carter
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 03:40:27 pm »
To start with, their calling it Atlantis Healing tells me this has very little to do with Native traditions. Sometimes they're claiming Guarani traditions, sometimes Cheyenne. What they call Cheyenne traditions seem to be once again H Storm's version of medicine wheels.'heo'o_reiki.htm
"Ma'heo'o translated means Great Spirit, Great One or God. The word Ma'heo'o is Cheyenne, Native American language. This system of energy works will combine the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively promote and activate healing in the human condition...The first 4 represent the elements and enables us to connect with and channel Mother Earth's energy Combined with and activated by Great Spirit this becomes a very powerful system promoting great energy channeling ability, use of healing light and color, higher intellect, grounded-ness... It can bring you into contact with your spirit totems, give you your sacred name and balance your body with the 5 elements... Ma'heo'o Reiki was created by Sheryl Carter and employs symbols derived from the Native American Peoples and Mother Earth."

So pretty much it's just using symbols or names they claim are Native. Those "four elements" are old European magic ideas. This is all pretty recent, based on Carter's book published only two years ago. Already they're sometimes claiming it as a "tradition" and even that it's being taught to help Natives, even though all the people they market to sure don't seem Native.
"The Ma’heo’o Reiki Tradition
The Ma’heo’o Reiki tradition is one that was established in order to focus on Native American traditions for healing.
Ma’heo’o is translated into meaning the Great Spirit or Great One. It is translated from a Cheyenne word. It is known to be important to this tribe because it moves from the Great Spirit to use energy that combines the four elements of the earth. These elements are the earth, air, water and fire. By calling on these elements and energy, one is able to heal.
While this method employs several different types of traditional Reiki method, it also uses different atonements and symbols in order to focus on the Native American lifestyles and ways of living....
Ma’heo’o Reiki was established by Reverend Sheryl Carter in order to help Native Americans of all tribes with focusing on healing and finding universal energies....
Native American Traditions
From here, this form of Reiki employs different Native American traditions as well as Reiki methods in order to bring about healing....
Higher consciousness in relation to this is also important with this type of Reiki training. In relation to Native American traditions, it is also sometimes used to bring spirit totems, animals and sacred names to one’s life....
You can easily find several sessions through the internet or by doing research. By combining Native American traditions with Reiki, Ma’heo’o Reiki is known to be able to call on different elements and energies from the universe in order to allow for healing and self-empowerment.
This combination of two traditions helps improve ones ability to heal and reach higher levels of consciousness."

Many of the people teaching it seem to mix and match just about every quick fix belief, seminar, or teaching out there.

A couple of online bookstores offer previews of Carter's book. Amazon will let you look at about thirty pages out of 130. There's not much to it except vague claims.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Joyce Chandler & Sheryl Carter
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 03:49:27 pm »
Alberto Aguas was a white Brazilian claiming to have been taught by Guaranis. Which ones, they don't say. The Guaranis number in the millions and live in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina.
"In the recent past, the Guarani passed this healing energy on to a Brazilian man, initiating him in their ancient ceremony and teaching him the sacred symbols that activate connection to the energy. This man, Alberto Aguas, was a well-known healer. He traveled the world sharing his unique gift of healing. Alberto had access to the Guranai Indians for eight years and studied their ways of healing.
The Indians recognized Alberto as a man of love and integrity, and a great channeler of energy. With the Indians' approval, Alberto began teaching their way of using Energy in a classroom setting for the last ten years of his life -- until his passing in 1992. It was his dedication to bring to the world the loving technique of the Guaranis Indians. And he entitled their system of healing, "Ama Deus."
Ama Deus is Latin for "to love God." Elizabeth Cosmos was initiated into the knowledge of the Ama Deus method by Alberto Aguas in 1989 and has worked with the energy intensively since that time as a healer and a teacher"

Aguas has passed on and "Elizabeth Cosmos" took over the business.
"In the recent past, the Guaranis passed this healing energy on to a Brazilian man, initiating him in their ancient ceremony and teaching him the sacred symbols that activate connection to the energy. This man, Alberto ??guas, was a well-known healer. He traveled the world sharing his unique gift of healing.
After his studies with the Guaranis, he dedicated his life to sharing and teaching this healing energy he called Ama Deus, which is Latin for "God Loves." Alberto Aguas was a noted third-generation Brazilian healer. His mother was an esperitas healer and his grandfather a physician who also worked with healing Energy. For most of his life, Alberto witnessed many healings and many ways of delivering these healings.
...He traveled and was known around the world for his lectures, healing services, and healing seminar.
Alberto had access to the Guarani Indians for eight years and studied their ways of healing. The Indians recognized Alberto as a man of love and integrity, and a great channeler of energy. With the Indians' approval, Alberto began teaching their way of using Energy in a classroom setting for the last ten years of his life -- until his passing in 1992. It was his dedication to bring to the world the loving technique of the Guaranis Indians. And he entitled their system of healing, "Ama Deus."
Elizabeth Cosmos was initiated into the knowledge of Ama Deus by Alberto Aguas in 1989 and has worked with the energy intensively since that time as a healer, a teacher and initiator of the International Association of Ama~Deus®."

Like how they copyrighted their name.

Somehow I doubt the Guarani are receiving any of the money that association makes.

Offline TelGega

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Re: Joyce Chandler & Sheryl Carter
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 11:23:26 pm »
Wow, that is impressive. I had no idea anyone could be so on top of things like that. Good Going!

Oh Crap...Mentor Marla Durden...
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 01:51:03 am by TelGega »