Author Topic: Tribal America  (Read 59815 times)

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2008, 03:35:57 am »
Tsisqua, I don't understand why you get so hostile when people ask you what seem to
me to be reasonable questions. It would help if you would stop reading malicious intentions in there i don't have.

I mainly posted what I did because I don't know if the information is relevent, but I want it to be available to people in case it is.

Actually I've refrained from posting some of the accusations I found over on tribal America that named people and claimed Native people were being abused by non natives. It seems very similar to most message board in that lots of people over there were claimimg to feel abused. There is thin bloods complaining of being abused by full bloods and fullbloods claiming to be abused by thin bloods and Whites and Mexicans and Puerto Ricans complaining they don't feel welcome. From what I saw , people of all races were reporting experiencing hostility at TA for at least a year .   

I'm not saying people didn't get abused over there, but nothing you posted showed any actual abuse. All I read, was people complaining they felt abused. Well yes I agree there is lots of people commenting on that over there, but it is the same sort of stuff that happens on many message boards.

If I wanted to discredit you I would have posted some of these accusations which named names ... And your name did come up in several posts where accusations of abuse were made - but - people in cyberspace accuse people of all sorts of stuff and if people don't read the whole interaction I don't think it's fair to make judgments about who did what to who. And I don't know what may have been removed.  For example here you are accusing me of some agenda to discredit you -  Nope. Not at all ... So an accusation or a perception that some attack or abuse happened isn't necessarily true. I just notice when things don't add up and it bothers me. It makes me think either I don't have all the facts or someone is not being truthful. Either way there is a problem , so I ask about it.

For example , it isn't clear how you got from feeling this on November 8 2007


Re: Support Chief Pappy - I have read the posting Sparrow and I whole heartedly agree...Pappy without a shadow of a doubt deserves the honorary title of 'Chief Pappy' for all he does for us here, for our people, the constant never ending hard work and sacrifice Pappy makes to unite our people, all the things he does behind the scenes that people here do not realise or know of to keep this site going...I am proud to have him as a brother, proud to stand beside matter Pappy's origin, he truly is Native in Heart and Spirit, and as I say so very often in chat and various other places is not blood quantum, origin etc that determines who you are....but your heart....and we all know Pappy has a heart of pure gold. Very seldom do we come across such people as Chief Pappy...honor him we must...we love you Pappy! ??Tsisqua?? (2007-11-08 12:58:57.88926) 

To feeling he is a self proclaimed Chief and this is a problem, on Dec 22 , 2007
Tribal America
« on: December 22, 2007, 04:08:58 pm
The issue here, is the owners/overseers of this site. Chief pappy, a self proclaimed Chief, is from India, not in the least Native American although he takes great pleasure in appearing on webcam wearing an eagle feather in a headband, and has no trouble taking money from Native people.

As I think I said before, many dating websites charge a fee. I'm not sure that is abusive though the archived webpage that advertised a 10$ membership to non natives to talk to "Live Indians" who supposedly got a free membership did seem to verge on being exploitive.

I do wonder about any group which claims to represent a united Native voice which says it doesn't care if people have green yellow or orange blood, as it seems this could be largely a group of PODIAs , or even non natives claiming to be PODIAs, but as long as people were careful to support the recognized tribes and not come in with their own agendas and entitlements , maybe this could work in a good way. I'm not sure. 

I don't want to fight with you . A lot of what you are doing seems to be good things. Just some things don't seem to add up. I'm not saying there is any wrong doing going on here , just some things seem peculiar, and i want to make sure the information about this past history is not  lost so people can come to their own conclusions.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 03:42:58 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2008, 04:07:43 am »
Quote from MP

Re: Support Chief Pappy - I have read the posting Sparrow and I whole heartedly agree...Pappy without a shadow of a doubt deserves the honorary title of 'Chief Pappy' for all he does for us here, for our people, the constant never ending hard work and sacrifice Pappy makes to unite our people, all the things he does behind the scenes that people here do not realise or know of to keep this site going...I am proud to have him as a brother, proud to stand beside matter Pappy's origin, he truly is Native in Heart and Spirit, and as I say so very often in chat and various other places is not blood quantum, origin etc that determines who you are....but your heart....and we all know Pappy has a heart of pure gold. Very seldom do we come across such people as Chief Pappy...honor him we must...we love you Pappy! ??Tsisqua?? (2007-11-08 12:58:57.88926)

This was posted while I was trying to create unity...I hadnt been in tribal long....infact I was only there a total of two months in all...why is it MP you always copy and paste...find postings from as far back as possible...and post them claiming their relevance to comments made to date? I did not know of the abuse taking place at that time...I did not know of the money being repeatedly asked for at that time...we all make mistakes...myself included...and once I saw what was going on..I got anyone with a brain also did...I was simply trying to do the right thing...something to help our people...and it seems that no matter what I do...its just not good enough for some people...people who are not even native...but you know what? Its all good...because no matter what you...or anyone else has to say...I will continue doing the right thing...I will continue working long hours for free....maybe one day you too will find a purpose...something you were raised to believe in.

Quote from MP

As I think I said before, many dating websites charge a fee. I'm not sure that is abusive though the archived webpage that advertised a 10$ membership to non natives to talk to "Live Indians" who supposedly got a free membership did seem to verge on being exploitive.

Perhaps not...but you also dont seem to think its exploitive for a man to ask for a lifetime membership...then RECHARGE all lifetime members...and then up the fee once more just for good measure either.

Quote from MP

I do wonder about any group which claims to represent a united Native voice which says it doesn't care if people have green yellow or orange blood, as it seems this could be largely a group of PODIAs , but as long as people were careful to support the recognized tribes and not come in with their own agendas and entitlements , maybe this could work in a good way. I'm not sure.

All my words there meant...was the fact that I have no issue with blood quantum...that was my point...others got it...but not you.

As for my apparent 'Hostility' (which is not as you claim when 'people' ask me are the only one who does so...not others here...just you...on every thread I post matter the topic...there you are) perhaps its something to do with the way you attack native people here, the way you answer to no one here, yet all must answer to you, perhaps it has to do with the way postings are changed, deleted, and members are no longer permitted to post in defense of accusations have made many accusations and insinuations regarding myself and NAU....yet we are not a 'tribe' we are not asking for membership fees, we are not asking for donations...and this post was brought here to raise awareness regarding what IS actually taking place on another site who abuse native peoples...if you cannot see that...and feel its just the SSDD just like on other sites...well thats your you say...people will make up their own minds on this. Other people have spoke up...but you want to focus on me and NAU...yeah...lets just forget the 10 buck fee...the 50 buck fee...the 99 buck fee...the sale of all those domains...the abuse...RQ coming here in blatently lying claiming they never and do not charge a fee...lets forget all that MP...and play your little game. I will no longer answer to you...NAU is doing nothing wrong....and if it would be the first posting it to gloat...but since there is nothing to find and you keep hitting a dead're doing all you can to 'try' to show me in a bad light...and then claiming keep looking will find nothing.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 12:29:36 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline bls926

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2008, 03:21:31 pm »
Wasn't going to get into this mess, but have had a nagging question for the past couple months that needs to be asked. Tsisqua, if Native American Unity was/is associated with Tribal America, why did you give your new group that name? Didn't you think there would be some fall-out over that? Didn't you think anyone would wonder if y'all were associated with the original Native American Unity/Tribal America? While Native American Unity does have a good sound to it, I think I'd have distanced myself from Chief Pappy and Tribal America. I would not have used a name they'd been using. Just wondering why y'all decided to go with that name.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2008, 03:26:39 pm »
It wasnt a name he was was the group I created within Tribal for Native people while there....its a name he no longer has the right to use...and since the hard work myself and some of our staff of other groups was well known through NAU...and our members left with us....the name stayed with us....we created it...we worked on it...Pappy did we used what we had and expanded it into a new site. I blankly refuse to leave the name with this man and create a new one. I hope that answers your question bls.

Added note...things Pappy has posted now regarding Native Unity...are things he's added to his site since we left...the day I left there...I took down all our work...deleted it all from his site...which some of the previously posted comments from other members show...and infact Pappy's own words on the matter...I think he posted something like I had no right to remove my work and words from his site...I havent time to look for it...but its on the begining of this thread pretty much.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 03:30:54 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline bls926

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #34 on: June 12, 2008, 04:21:53 pm »
Thanks for your reply, Tsisqua. I'd never been to the Tribal America site; wasn't sure who'd come up with the Native American Unity name. However, isn't Tribal America still using it? Isn't it one of the domain names they have for sale now?

From a google search, I see that Tribal America can only be accessed thru cached pages. Seems they still have their Yahoo group going strong. Mass-mailing of e-mails, etc. Many have wondered how Tribal America got their e-mail addresses and why they were invited to join.

Tribal_America · Tribal America

Edit to add:

Native American Unity isn't one of the domain names Raj Gulati has for sale now. It's just all the Tribal America.coms he'd bought up earlier.

I re-read this thread and saw where Tsisqua said that Tribal America the yahoo group isn't part of Tribal America the website. That yahoo group still looks a bit off to me. The group was formed on May 30, 2008. Sent out e-mail invitations to dozens, maybe hundreds, of people. When people joined and asked how they got their e-mail address, whose site it was, who the moderators were, etc, there was no response. On June 5th Barbara VanderWel welcomed all newcomers to the site; no mention of it being her site though. On June 6th she implied that she was a moderator, in reply to someone's statement that all members were asked to post a picture, but there were no pictures of moderators. It wasn't until yesterday that VanderWel actually stated it was her site. Almost two weeks to admit that it's your site? And still no answer to where she obtained the e-mail addresses. Seems shady to me. Are we positive this yahoo group is not affiliated with the website?

Edit to add something else:

Tribal America

Yahoo 360 - Barbara VanderWel

True, the Yahoo 360 profile hasn't been updated since January 17, 2007; but could someone have changed that much in a year and a half?

Barbara Ellen

Tribal America

Both mention her son by name and his birth date.

So, who is Barbara VanderWel? How did she get access to so many e-mail addresses?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 06:17:14 pm by bls926 »

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2008, 07:18:53 pm »
Its not the same group apparently....AL asked about that I sent in some of our members to ask the admin in the Tribal Chat room...and they knew nothing of this yahoo group...admin that have been there for over 6+ years....I think perhaps its just a coincidence of name.....although how they obtained peoples emails etc I have no clue...we dont spam for members of our own groups...I find it unethical...people join if they cant bug people till they

I dont know what Pappy is still using there...I havent looked around since he changed the layout...freezes my pc to be for his domains and what he bought/is selling etc...this was only made known to me when Al posted a list at the begining of this thread...I was as surprised as anyone...but the sale of them surprises me not...where there's a quick buck to be made...Pappy will be there.  Pappy may be using the name NAU or NU still...but they dont actually do anything with it if that makes sense...seems to be a name they throw around some...there's no active group of people involved in unity etc there...he was never involved until I first told him I was leaving...a couple weeks before I actually left...which was when he drew up his draft on Unity (a draft I still cant get my head around)....I was sick of doing all the leg work, drawing in new members...while he sat and allowed them to be ill treated once there.

I the right hands Tribal could be a good place...there are some good native people there...the same goes for any internet site/group etc....but we heard today its being sold to a white man from GA....I doubt the name NAU will be used there much longer....I guess we'll see eh?

I just saw your edit before posting this...I dont know the name Barbara VanderWel/Ellen....but I can ask around....Its not a name im familiar with from Tribal anyways...but someone else may know of her so I'll look into it. My guess is she or her admin are something to do with many other sites....perhaps admin who have access to an email/membership list? I dont think Al was ever a member of Tribal...but they found his email address and sent him an invite too as far as I know (Although I could be wrong) Im not too sure.

The picture on the group at Tribal America of the women on the main page....surely isnt the same woman from the profile you just posted? They're different colors for a Barbara the woman who owns the group?

I also noticed many members of the yahoo group have left...or have complained/asked how their emails have been obtained...and why they've been invited etc...Theres alot of questions...I think I may join myself and just ask them.
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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2008, 07:23:54 pm »
Well...I joined...and tried to post a message asking if they are connected to asking how they managed to obtain so many email addresses etc...but all messages need to be approved my admin first...I guess I'll wait and see if they post it.

Added: I just found this which is kinda odd.

Re: [tribal_America] Re: New Comers

Let us all calm down and find out what's goin on...this is not supposed to happen...i find myself a moderator of a group i never joined...i've not been on the computer for about three weeks due to illness...and i come on to find this i gotta laugh...laughter is healing...and this is definately a and blessings...your sister in Spirit Wren..

--- On Fri, 6/6/08, susan Lake <wrenlk_ssn@...> wrote:

From: susan Lake <wrenlk_ssn@...>
Subject: [tribal_America] Re: New Comers
Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 8:24 PM

---I agree! this is ludracris... and so very wierd..if i didn't
think there were folks here of good heart i would have unsubbed
immediately. ..what's a happinin folks?' de this happen!...this
is can someone sub me into a group and make me
moderator with out my knowledge... i'm reporting this...but.. .how are
you other folks handling this? and blessings from a shocked
tribal elder...Wren ^v^ In Tribal_America@ yahoogroups. com, "Ingrid
Helene" <helene072001@ ...> wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Ingrid and I have been added to this group without
> permission by someone named black_injun if I remember right
> this person is not even in the members list anymore, she/he
> unsubscribed but was there the day I got invited, I got to see
> profile but it didn't say much. It seems that someone just grabbed
> email addresses from other groups that they are subscribed to. I
> sure there is a way of downloading everyones address and sending
> an invite email to a new group. Like myself, I belong to a group
> called Lakhota which I subscribed to a couple of years ago but I
> not actively involved at this time. Perhaps the person grabbed all
> email addresses from this group and other groups. One of the
> moderators in this group seems to be Barbara Ellen Vanderwel. She
> seems to have been welcoming everyone aboard. Maybe she can let us
> know how she became the moderator of this group and who she has
> in contact with. You can go into Members and click Moderators and
> will give you a list of all the subscribed moderators.
> I myself am not native american. I am German/Belgian and I am
> generation here in the US. All my relatives are overseas. I have
> always had an interest and a passion for Native American culture
and I
> am always eager to learn.
> Hope everyone has a wonderful day and please don't let anyone's
> comment ruin your mood. Let the words flow over you like water on
> duck's back or feathers. Ingrid
> --- In Tribal_America@ yahoogroups. com, "Barbara Ellen VanderWel"
> <barbara_ellen_ vanderwel@ > wrote:
> >
> > I would like to wc all newcomers to the group
> >


So people are being made members there...and being appointed as admin without their knowledge? Odd. I know from our own Yahoo group...that if a member sends out an invite...that person has to click dont just automatically make people members because theres no way to do for making them admin...well most would ask the person first.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 07:36:49 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline bls926

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2008, 09:12:15 pm »
I've never heard of Barbara Ellen VanderWel either. There's enough on all three sites to say it's the same person. The picture she's using for Tribal America is definitely not the one in her Yahoo 360 profile or on her myspace.  Wonder why?

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2008, 10:36:41 pm »
No clue...I actually thought the pic was of a woman in Tribal with the ID of "Oh Girl"....she had some past pics on her profile not too different to the one on the main page there...kinda glam shots of a larger native lady very similar looking as far as I can remember....but Im not saying its the same person.....just reminded me of her is all.....the pic on the main screen of the group....does Barbara claim its her? Because you're right...its not the same woman at way it could be from what I saw. She still hasnt posted my questions yet either.
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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2008, 02:14:15 am »
I received an invited from this list over a week ago, it was from dark_Indian who was named as a moderator. You had to accept the invitation or not. I didn't.  Lost of new groups get your name off other member lists.  As unless the list is closed you can just look at the members and send as many as you want. I would have no idea how people could be assigned to a group without your knowledge. Now that sounds weird. They would have to have access to your email, as far as I know.

Offline bls926

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2008, 05:10:16 am »
No clue...I actually thought the pic was of a woman in Tribal with the ID of "Oh Girl"....she had some past pics on her profile not too different to the one on the main page there...kinda glam shots of a larger native lady very similar looking as far as I can remember....but Im not saying its the same person.....just reminded me of her is all.....the pic on the main screen of the group....does Barbara claim its her? Because you're right...its not the same woman at way it could be from what I saw. She still hasnt posted my questions yet either.

VanderWel never said that the picture on the main page of Tribal America was her's. However, she did state that it is her site. Whose picture would you expect to be on the main page? No one else has claimed ownership of that yahoo group, so I think it's safe to assume that she's the sole owner.

Offline bls926

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2008, 05:17:19 am »
I received an invited from this list over a week ago, it was from dark_Indian who was named as a moderator. You had to accept the invitation or not. I didn't.  Lost of new groups get your name off other member lists.  As unless the list is closed you can just look at the members and send as many as you want. I would have no idea how people could be assigned to a group without your knowledge. Now that sounds weird. They would have to have access to your email, as far as I know.

Funny thing about this "dark_Indian" or "black_injun" . . . He invited all these people to join this yahoo group where he was a moderator, and then he booked. Several people on the site stated that's who invited them, but when they joined and looked for his name, he was nowhere to be found. This whole thing sounds really suspicious to me.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2008, 01:29:07 pm »
This seems to be be her myspace page. Also found comments she left on a PBS show about Trudell, high school reunion pages, couple petitions about NDN rights. Says she is Chiricahua. No sign of anything to do with Pappy and his bunch I can see.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2008, 01:54:36 pm »
From what I can see of her friends list...I dont recognize anyone from Tribal I think its just name related.

But I still find it odd how so many were invited...made members without their say so...without clicking accept...and made admin without their I said receive an you either accept or decline...there's a choice.

The main pic...Im sure I saw another group on Yahoo with the same pic...I was thinking about it last night while trying to sleep...yes my life is that sure theres another group that has something to do with Native Singles and has the same pic...I'll look around and see if I can locate it...I could be wrong...its just Ive seen that picture somewhere before....either it is Oh Girl from Tribal...which im dubious about....or its from another group.

They havent posted my question still...infact no comments have been posted at all...its still set to 65 new it was yesterday...although I doubt I'll get an no one else seems to have thus far.

I read peoples comments on the Dark_Indian....kinda odd...I guess he's just obtained bulk emails from other groups and invited members that for clearing out once members showed up...I dont know what to think about that....its just all odd.
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Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Tribal America
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2008, 12:29:07 pm »
I just received this regarding

At 10:08am on June 15th, 2008, HeyokaBoy said…
Hi Tssisy
i'm sorry i missed you all last night and friday, had some gigs and that. i hope to get on tonight.
chi pisa chula,

i got a message from "tribal america":

Dear Friend,

Please help spread the word about Tribal America, a completely free native american community portal, by forwarding this message to all your friends and family. Anyone receiving this message is requested to do the same, again forward it on to yet more people.

Tribal America is 100% minority woman owned and 100% free for all members.

Visit This Url:

Ms. Anju

Cheeky buggars! chuquai

So....I guess we are to presume after Pappy asking for the large membership fees....and sent out many repetitive emails requesting from 50 - 99 bucks per member...they've now decided to become a free site?? Am I missing something here?
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