Author Topic: RoseBlossom Intro  (Read 3150 times)

Offline RoseBlossom

  • Posts: 5
RoseBlossom Intro
« on: October 14, 2007, 10:32:31 pm »
I came across this forum by chance when I saw a thread about Tanya and Grey Wolf, people I've know (well I don't know know them, just seem them around) on a forum I used to frequent (I don't anymore and won't in the future).

As for my personal Native American ancestry, I do have some. I don't know how much, though. I don't claim to be a Shaman (there were no Native American "Shamans" either) or anything like that. Most of my ethnicity is Germanic, I discovered this when I looked deeper into my ancestry, but there is some amount of Native American blood in me--Yes, Cherokee (I know being Cherokee is sort of cliche)--from my father's side; & to be honest we can't prove it yet, but it's a big possiblity and very very likely-- I'm working on that side of my ancestry, my aunt has all the info, but I can't get it yet as I don't know her. I don't claim to be a Cherokee "princess" either! Nor do I feel compelled to pimp the Cherokee culture out for money or any other such thing.

I'm glad there's a forum to expose things like this, because it's so rampant online and elsewhere. I can't help but roll my eyes at a good portion of New Age practices, ones that seem to have little consideration for the culture they're taking it from.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 12:43:44 am by RoseBlossom »