Author Topic: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat  (Read 135247 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2008, 12:46:13 am »
I know of some young white women who used to hang out with Talbot. This was when they were in their late teens or early twenties, in the early to mid 1980s. Again, it was the, "I want a Native teacher" thing. I don't know much about what happened with them, as I was not close with any of these people.

I may have met Talbot, if he came with the Wampanoags to any of the Big Mountain actions we had on the Boston Common in the eighties. Then again, most of what I heard about him was from white Newagers and hippies who went up to events he was doing at... I think it was called "Another Place" in New Hampshire. These New Hampshire, workshop culture things, were events for a pretty thoroughly white audience. I'd be stunned if any actual NDNs attended.

Edit: Checked around online to find a picture of him. Found this:,0,0,1,0,0 No, I don't recall seeing him at any of the Big Mountain actions. Doesn't sound like his scene.

Looks like he's having regular events in Germany, Italy, Sweden and Denmark:
This one also mentions Austria and Poland:

Here's one where they offer "visionquests":,0,0,1,0,0

And 'sweatlodge':,0,0,1,0,0

They only tell you how much it costs after you register:

"To sign up to the camp you have to fill in the following spaces, where after an e-mail with the given informations automaticly will be sent to Manon. Then you will receive a bil via e-mail, in which the amount you have to pay and all the bank informations will be. When we have received your payment, you will receive a receipt that will function as a ticket to the camp."

This one tells you the price up front:

"grownups Euro 295.-
teenagers (12 - 18years) 150.-
children (5 - 12years) 90.-
children under 5 free

"The fees are used for paying the rent, overnight stay, lunch, organisation and childcare. The surplus goes to Manitonquat and Ellika, helping them in their work with teenagers, prisoners and in the reservation."

Uh, what reservation?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 03:50:44 am by Kathryn »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2008, 03:44:02 am »
Also found this one: Can't read the German very well, but the pictures are... interesting.

Offline matt e

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2008, 06:58:08 am »
Also found this one: Can't read the German very well, but the pictures are... interesting.

the babelfish translation from german to english of the front page of this site ( click on babel fish, can translate words, phrases, and websites.)

Cordially welcomes...

to 11 international Sommercamp
from 25 July to 4 August 2007 in Burkhardtsdorf with Chemnitz.

Humans of all age groups will live together in clan (small's groups) on the basis of respect, mutual support and appreciation to experience and thus a possible alternative to the momentary social situation to experience.

Speech staff circles, CO-Counseling, sweating huts, vision searches, stories telling and other one contribute to meet us in a cordial way.

The daily taking place Workshops gives us a theoretical and practical background and supports each other, better with us loading feelings and unsren relations with Mrs., men, children, old persons, to go around the environment and other cultures and nations. Sing, dance and play themselves are just as important.

Conscious and respectful co-operation with nut/mother earth and all organisms belongs likewise to the basis of our Camplebens.

Manitonquat is an oldest one of the Wampanoag nation in the northeast of the USA. He is stories storyteller, guardian of the knowledge and member of the society for Humanisti psychology. He is an author of several books among other things „Rueckkehr to the Schoepfung??? and „Der way of the Kreises???. For many years it holds with his Mrs. Ellika seminars and lectures in many countries of Europe and North America.

Ellika lime trees is Swede and leads Workshops over female Spiritualitaet, Theaterworkshops and together with its man of seminars over the way of the circle and CO-Counseling. In large and small circles both will divide their knowledge with us in their affectionate way.

Emmy Rainwalker is social female worker in the USA, nut/mother of 2 sons, Familientherapeutin, Elternberaterin, Beraterin for organizations about structure of team, decision making and problem solution and teacher for CO-Counseling. Their clarity and warmth make it easy to open our hearts.

Additionally to o.g. It gives still experienced participants, who will offer own Workshops to teachers. Details take please from the program.

A clan: The group of humans, whom you select yourself at the beginning of the Camps and for which you make a speech staff circle in the morning, have breakfast, cook, play and and and to …, which you at the end of the Camps better know than all different.

A speech staff circle: If you in a speech staff circle sits and the staff haelst, you speak about the things, which are to you because of the heart. All different listen to you respectfully, i.e. with their full attention to commentate or analyze without giving pieces of advice to judge without interrupting you. If you are finished, you give the staff at the next, until all were in turn.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 03:48:08 am by Kathryn »
feel free to share any post I make as long as you give me credit. I want everyone to know who to send the hate mail to.

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2008, 11:33:04 pm »
Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story has an entire chapter in Steven McFadden’s book, Profiles in Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About the Earth.

See the Amylee thread – it has one chapter by legitimate Native elder, Tom Porter, and the rest is just a showcase for plastic medicine people Dhyani Ywahoo, Twylah Nitsch, Sun Bear, Oh Shinnah, Amylee, Hunbatz Men …

The book that I have in the library is published by Bear&Company out of Santa Fe.

Medicine Story was one of the frauds highlighted in McFadden’s book Profiles in Wisdom
He’s been associated with and was discredited long ago, but this doesn’t stop new agers from believing in him.

Chapter 7 is here:

It’s followed by the Chapter on Sun Bear.

Some of his many New Age books are:
Changing the World
Grandaughters of the Moon
The Circle Way
Return to Creation
Ending Violent Crime
Children of the Morning Light

Many of his books are published by Bear Tribe Publishing, the same publisher that published Sun Bear’s books.

In Profiles in Wisdom, Talbot claims that  he is the “powwah, or spiritual leader, and the minatou, or keeper of the lore for the Assonet band of Wampanoag Nation.??? (McFadden, p 115). He claims to  be a member of the Mettonokit Community in New Hampshire. (McFadden, p. 127)
He claims he inherited his grandfather’s name and his name if Francis Story Talbot.
“My grandfather was born down in Dighton, Massachusetts, and I go down to the Dighton powwow every year now and do ceremonies at the Dighton Council Rock, and sort of pay my respects to my grandfather and his background there. His people came from the Pokonoket community and the old Watuppa reservation near Fall River, which the city of Fall River took away from our people around the turn of the century.??? (McFadden, p. 116)

He used to work in the theatre, so that explains his proclivity for flim flam.
He’s been going to Rainbow gathering and spreading his manure since the early 70s.
He has a very white, liberal view of what a Native person is. He covers his ignorance by going on and on about the 60s, environmentalism, the Rainbow gatherings …  He uses a lot of catch phrases to appeal to gullible white college educated crowd like “sustainability??? , global warming and the greenhouse effect, the great circles of life, and throws around passages from Black Elk Speaks.

What is surprising is that he claims to have been the editor of Akwesasne Notes in the mid 70s. 

Since he’s given a tribe, it should be very easy to check enrollment status:

CONTACT INFO for the Pokanoket tribe of the Wampanoag Nation:
The Pokanoket Tribe
Bristol, RI 02809
Phone (508) 446-7045
Fax: Call for Fax Number
Office E-mail:
Webmaster E-mail:

He also runs a fraudulent Non-Profit called Mettanokit (not on Guidestar)
With the economy the way it is and with a new administration coming in, now is a really good time to report non profit fraud to the state attorney general. I think he operates in New Hampshire, but by now he’s probably global.


In his pay-to-pray workshops, he claims to be a “Native American elder, spiritual leader and Keeper of the Lore for the Assonet band of the Wampanoag Nation in what we now call New Hampshire.???

Manitonquat (Medicine Story) claimed to work with someone called, Cjegkitoonuppa, or Slow Turtle (John Peters)  who claims to be the “Massapowau for the People of the Morning Light.??? (McFadden, p. 201) and his daughter, Ramona. They both claimed they were Wampanoag elders while leading sweat lodges and medicine circles for the inmates of several New England prisons.
John Peters (Slow Turtle) is said to the executive director of the Massachusetts Commission on Indian Affairs (MCIA). And married to Brune Stanley who shared the executive directorship. (McFadden, p. 203)
It would be easy to check this.

Massachusetts Commission of Indian Affairs
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300
 Boston, MA 02114
617-573-1120 FAX

They may or may not be legit elders who were fooled by Talbot.

This is from an old pamphlet:

“Please note the following words adapted and based on. Sweat lodge Workshop. A discussion of the purpose and some of the various forms of the sweat lodge ceremony and how it can be adapted to modern neo-Paganism. This will include logistical and safety considerations for running a lodge and a brief, but real, sweat lodge ceremony based on the teachings of Medicine Story, a Wampanoag elder. Bring two large towels, one to sit on and one to dry yourself with.. If you are wearing clothing, make it loose. Avoid Spandex. The lodges are "clothing optional". Any person present may choose to be clothed or unclothed, according to their own level of comfort. Anyone under 16 years of age must have written parental permission. The sweat area is not handicap accessible. However, we will try to make this experience available to all who care to attend. Additional cost for supplies, $5.00/person.???

There’s no date, place or contact info.  It looks very New Age.
Can’t photo-copy it’s in special collection.

Talbot also runs Sweats and Vision Quests in Mundekulla Sweden

And he’s currently  running sweats in Hawaii
Take a good look at the participants.

Talking Stick Newsletter contains his ‘wisdom’ which is mostly promoting his books.

Here's the advertising for his upcoming sweat:

"Native American Medicine Story and his wonderful wife Ellika! ... We will also have a sweat lodge, open stage, story telling, ceremonies

Dear family, those we know and those we have not yet met!!
February 16-22 2009 we have the opportunity to go deeper into community again with the
Native American Medicine Story and his wonderful wife Ellika! This time on the blossoming
and powerful island of Hawaii!! Right in paradise! The Hawaii-camp starts off the celebration
year of 2009 when Medicine Story turns 80.
Picture of Kalalau Valley, Kauai
During an exciting week we will live together in the thick green jungle at Coco’s – a course
and retreat center with a focus on organic holistic thinking, community and spirituality. In the
embrace of Mother Nature we create a safe circle where we can be ourselves fully, meet in
openness, heal, learn, and play. With the power of the volcanic island
and the ancient wisdom conveyed to us by Medicine Story we find a
more original way of living as human beings in harmony with each
other and with nature.
The talking circle will be our basic tool during the week. In the circle
everyone is seen and heard and all are equally important parts of the
whole. Together we have much wisdom and power that no one can
carry alone! The circle creates safety and gives us the chance to share
our deepest thoughts and feelings with the active listening and
closeness of all. We will feel more clearly who we really are and what
stops us from being ourselves! Old fears, thoughts and patterns that lie
in the way can be let out and healed in the circle. Every day we meet
with the whole camp in the great circle, as well as in smaller circles of
5-6 people. We also make use of the co-counseling method, which
essentially works as a mini circle made up of just two people.
Medicine Story 2008

Updated version Sept 30th 2008
Group talk during camp in Mundekulla, Sweden, July 2008
During the week we will listen to the wisdom of Medicine Story and see and feel where we
stand on questions like: What is a sustainable way of life? How do I want to live as a human
being on this earth? How do we live together as human beings? How can we be good leaders
for a better world? We will also have a sweat lodge, open stage, story telling, ceremonies,
singing, dancing and music. We get a tour of the area to visit people who have chosen to
move into nature to live more independently and self-supporting. If there is interest we can
together create special activities for children and teenagers. This
will be a magical week that we create together!
After camp there are possibilities to organize trips together to see
the beauty and power of Hawaii. Hawaii has incredible nature
with 11 different climate zones! We could see lava flowing out
into the sea, swim in hot springs and waterfalls, swim with
dolphins and turtles, enjoy the exotic jungle with magical fruits,
lie on a beach and drink coconut milk, and watch the stars from
the world’s highest mountain (counting from the bottom of the
sea) Mauna Kea! Naturally we might also take in the old Hula
tradition of singing, dancing and music. Those who want to can
try out Hawaiian massage - Lomi Lomi, and possibly see a
Kahuna – a Hawaiian shaman.
We warmly welcome you to an inner and outer adventure for life!
Ellika 2008

Updated version Sept 30th 2008
The trip is organized by Camilla Klasson Måne and Kalle Grill. I, Camilla, have spent the last
three winters on Hawaii and I must say that the beautiful nature of the island and the people I
have met there have changed my life in magical way! I have also helped organize camps with
Medicine Story at Mundekulla course center in Småland, Sweden, where I work as a cook. It
feels amazing to have this chance to combine and unite these two strong powers. Kalle Grill is
a graduate student of philosophy and has taken part in many of Medicine Story’s camps. He
has also led talking circles in Stockholm, Sweden, where he lives.
Prices and practical information
The price of the camp is 2600 SEK or $400 and includes vegetarian breakfast, lunch and
dinner during the whole camp, as well as a spot to put up you tent. Rooms and bungalows are
available at extra cost. Children up to the age of 12 come for free. Teenagers aged 13-20 pay
1500 SEK or $230. To secure a place, a fee of 500 SEK or $80 should be paid to Kalle’s
account – account number 9150-327.113-9 in the Swedish bank Skandiabanken (Utlandsavd,
S-106 55 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN), IBAN: SE03 9150 0000 0915 0317 8937 SWIFT/BIC:
SKIASESS. The trip to Hawaii you arrange yourself but we will of course give you tips and
advice! The closest airport is Hilo.
The camp starts Monday February 16th at 2pm and ends around 5pm Sunday the 22d. If you
travel far, we suggest you arrive at Coco’s the day before the camp to rest and get used to the
time difference. If you want to come even earlier camping at Coco’s is $15 a night.
To be able to plan and make neccessary payments we need you to sign up for the camp no
later than November 30
! However, if this reaches you later than that, please contact us!
The drive from Hilo airport to Coco’s is an hour and busses are rare. Together with Coco’s we
therefore offer transfer at a cost of $20.
Going to Hawaii is a long trip and we encourage all to stay at least two weeks on the island to
really have time to experience it!
Our thoughts on the camp’s economy
We want as many people as possible from all over the world to be able to join us at this camp!
We have therefore tried to keep the price as low as possible. As organizers we work for free
and make no profit (except that we do not pay the camp fee). ???We??? in this case means
Camilla, Kalle, and a few helpers from Hawaii. The fees go to pay for flights for Medicine
Story and Ellika, renting a car, renting the place, and foodstuffs. If there is a money surplus it
will go to aid Story’s and Ellika’s work with inmates in American and other prisons.
Contact and registration
Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Email Camilla:
Cell phone Kalle: +46 (0)70 720 70 60
Please forward this to all your friends who might be
interested! Hope to see you in Hawaii!
Camilla and Kalle"

If you look at the pictures, you can see who is attracted to his garbage:

He’s always been very popular with the Rainbows:

One of Medicine Story’s disciples is Black Eagle:
 “Wohali AgvnigeŽ (Black Eagle) has followed the medicine path for over 20 years. Black Eagle is an expert in the "rasi" or sweat lodge. He is a storyteller in the Cherokee tradition, and studied under Grandmother Alloday. He is a member of the Good Medicine Society. Black Eagle has worked with White Bird, in the Lakota Sioux tradition, and also with Medicine Story and Sun Bear. Black Eagle is of African and Cherokee descent, and has studied Wicca.???

He had a long association with plastic medicine woman Dhyani Ywahoo AKA Dianna Fisher.

It’s New Year’s so most offices will be closed for a few days.

I sent out a notice on my face book for you – I’ll post info more when I get it.


I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2009, 03:41:31 pm »
Slow Turtle died years ago.  His son runs indian affairs now.  Far as I know he supports Talbut as does Burne, Slow Turtle's widow.  I don't have much respect for Indian Affairs, they are very questionable in their operations (like spending thousands of dollars on repats which cost little or nothing to do).

Mettanokit was disolved and is now under the umbrella of the Nature School.

Talbots association with Wahoo is superficial.  He has however had Ed McGaa, Osheana (sp?), Sun Bear and may other exploiters at his gatherings.  Kind of a funny side note, when he had Ed McGaa out to Mettanokit he stiffed McGaa on his fee lol.  One exloiter screwing another :)

All of his books with the exception of Return to Creation are self-published at this point.  Most of them are actually booklets.

His base in the US is in Greenville NH.  He aslo has a residence in Denmark I believe.

Ramona Peters is NOT associted with Medicine Story.  She is legit, is not an exploiter, is very low-profile and does not perform ceremony.  She's an artist who makes traditional pottery.

His 'work' in the prisons is on going, I have posted about it before and Al has posted things for me in regard to this.  Personally I think the most damaging work he is doing is in the prisons.  dn inmates are ostracized from the circles and he fills the noon-indians heads with his non-traditional exploitive behavior. 

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Francis Medicine Story Talbot (Manitonquat)
« Reply #35 on: January 30, 2009, 02:47:00 am »
Hello you people from NAFPS,

i do very much appreciate your intention, i understand your concern and agree completely with the attempt to protect cultures of native american people from selfish misuse for money making, especially by white folks. I am not native and not even american and most people you mention on your site i do not know. The one person on your listings which i know very well is Manitonquat / Medicine Story, and i will do my best to help you re-evaluate the offending claims you put up against this wonderful native american man.

(name and origin)

There seems to be some confusion about the ethnic belonging of Manitonquat / Medicine Story / Francis Story Talbot, originated in a false understanding of a young boy. You may have noticed, that it seems to be only this one boy that had denied FM Story Talbot's Wampanoag origins. The reason i suppose is, that the boy simply had been confused. Francis Story Talbot is of Wampanoag origin on his father's side and of English/Swedish  origin on his mother's side. That he got a white man's name can hardly be blamed on him. Since he became a gifted storyteller of his tribe's lore, and since he dedicated his gift to healing, he received the Wampanoag name Manitonquat, which translates in English into Medicine Story - and by  'coincidence' his second name has been Story from birth on and Story he'd been called all his life...

Medicine Story by many sources is a honored member, elder and retired ceremonial leader of the Assonet band of the Wampanoag Nation, having worked closely with Slow Turtle, the Supreme Medicine Man of his people, as long as he had been around. When firstly, 29 years ago, accusations were brought up against Medicine Story, he got full support, backup and legitimization by the council of the chiefs and medicine people, among them the Supreme Sachem (head chief), of his tribe. For people of your assumed background i believe, it shall be manageable to check these assertions.

(prison project)

The prison work you seem to have been misinformed about by unknown sources, had been initiated by Slow Turtle and ever since proven to be very helpful for native and non native inmates likewise.  (Slow Turtle insisted, and Manitonquat agreed, that although the purpose and form were for the native prisoners, it was not their way to turn away any serious seeker.)  Manitonquat receives no funds from the government or other organizations for this incredible work, but to the contrary is he additionally working continuously to finance the project's expenses.

In a beautiful way he is earning the money to help people inside the prisons by helping people outside the prisons, which are able to express their appreciation of his doings in form of some money given.

(nature school)

Talking of money, the land, for which an emergency call was send around to save it, is the land of the former community in which Manitonquat had been living for many years, which, as you stated correctly, is not reservation land. When the community chose to break up, the land was sold to a project known as Nature School, doing great work with urban children suffering from nature deficits. When this project got into financial troubles, Manitonquat, who is also still living on the same piece of land, helped save the school by formally taking over the land onto his name, by that throwing himself into complete financial insecurity. The school still doesn't work cost-covering, so that Manitonquat is constantly trying to manage to even it out by his own earnings through book selling, holding lectures and giving workshops - additionally to keeping the prison project running. Please keep in mind that the man is 79 years old by now.


The claim he'd get money out of some kind of 'followers' for his own benefit is barely ridicolous. If there is a person on earth who doesn't go for money, for personal advantages, comfort and privileges, then it is Manitonquat. He'd act like Che Guevara in that regard, except he's nearing the 80 by now and we do care for the comfort and health of our honored elder and beloved grandfather and provide a chair and a blanket instead of letting him sit on the floor between us young folks... As he himself wonders, "Where is all this money i am supposed to be bilking the people out of? I wish they would visit me in my little 3-room house i built myself in the woods with no running water..."

Could it [the assumed money] be 'flowing' into the 'regular trips to Europe'? Well, the workshop schedule is carefully planned to minimize travel expenses, which are then raised via the workshops. Any leftover 'flows' into prison project and nature school.

The concrete handling of the financial side of any event in which Manitonquat participates, is up to the local organizers of the event and therefore differs from event to event. Beyond that, personally i've been witnessing Manitonquat insisting that a woman could attend a sweat lodge ceremony of his, which took place during a weekend workshop, where the woman had come only for the sweat and the organizers, out of a different conception, first had been wanting to send her away. Ceremonies are free of charge.  Workshop fees are compounded of expenses for place, food, wood, travel etc, and a donation dedicated to the charity projects Manitonquat maintains or is involved with in the US. This is clear to the participants and they (we) freely choose this exchange.

Me, speaking for myself at the very least, i give whatever i can afford (which is not usually much, far not as much as i would like to), and happily i give it, because i know it will help providing the same precious thing, this opportunity for growth and healing which i'd been blessed by, through the healing presence and the teachings delivered by Manitonquat, for other people in similar need as well.


As having organized a few weekend workshops in Berlin during the past years, i can say, that money is no issue with Manitonquat. When people are wanting to listen to what he can teach, when they ask him to visit and be with them for a weekend or so, he likes to have paid the travel expenses, and sure he does appreciate to come out with some surplus due to paying the petrol for a few more trips to the several prisons throughout the country back in the states. Regardless these calculations, given of course he could reasonably make it, he'd come to hang out, when invited, and he'd share with us his experience, wisdom and love in a circle, showing us by example how sweet life can be.

And this, along with a few more characteristics, is what i'd been finding to be so universal throughout native american teachings, this, i'd found to be the beauty of native american art of living, as far as i may say so - not, that i'd be an expert. But i can tell that this is what the culture i am born into, and i don't feel belonging to, is lacking so desperately: the sense of joy and beauty, laughter and cheerful pleasure from the simple things, from the rain that softly drops on the roof, from the child playing in the grass, from the corn and the flower given so generously by our mother the earth...

Lacking is this culture respect for all things and all beings, an understanding that any pain which my brother suffers, hurts me, too, and every laughter my sister enjoys lets my spirit rise high, no matter if this is a human brother or a tree sister, a deer or a whale, a white or a black man or a brown or a yellow or a red child...

And lacking is this culture even the politeness to listen to each other, not to talk about the higher art of which, that kind of listening which between white people is best known through Momo, the little fiction girl invented by Michael Ende, that kind of listening, which seems so central to all or most native american cultures, at least as to my limited findings. That kind of listening, which seems so essential for human beings to live in peace with each other and themselves.

So, as you may have noticed, i got no grain of doubt about the authenticity of Manitonquats teachings, which he himself clearly refers to his Wampanoag heritage and to the teachings of many other native american elders he'd been visiting and listening to many years ago, before he was becoming an elder himself. And a fundamental part of his teachings is, that the way of listening, the way of the circle and of respecting, giving thanks and appreciation to creation are not exclusively native american ways, but are universal to all human beings - these are our original instructions, written in our genes, no matter what color we are. Differ will the forms we celebrate, and not the specific forms of the Wampanoag traditions does Manitonquat bring us white people, but the universal understanding of the ways of human beings to live with each other in peace, cooperating instead of competing, instead of dominating living in harmony with our environment. Our new forms then, we ourselves shall re-create...


When i met Manitonquat 12 years ago i was on junk and, in tune with what i heard of men in the prison circles, i do say that by opening my eyes and my heart to this unknown reality, Manitonquat had done something like saving my life - mine and those of my children as well. I am no 'follower' of his - i do not believe he got many of such, and surely he doesn't encourage anybody to 'follow' him - but highly i do appreciate his work, his efforts and his dedication, dearly i love him as my grandfather of choice and humbly i thank creation for having met him and others and pray to find ways to return the blessings i received. From all these years i remember one single case of a person angrily disagreeing and parting from the newly emerging 'tribe'. Else than that, whomever i happen to know and in fact had been meeting Manitonquat, as to my knowledge, is feeling blessed by these encounters.


Now i must mention the ugly thing. On your site, Manitonquat at first appears to be set into context of sexual abuse by the posting of 6 long contributions discussing the controversal approach to sexuality of ZEGG and Tamera, all under the title 'Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat'.

Manitonquat is obviously not Tamera and not ZEGG, even if they cooperate on overlapping interests (e.g. community work, peace work), and even if they like each other. Having sex is not part of the seminars with Manitonquat, to the contrary, it is recommended to the participants, not to jump on each other - not from any moral reasons, but simply from the 'therapeutic' point of view, to say it simple. It is not forbidden though, since the participants are free people and responsible for themselves, and it happens sometimes, that couples find together, especially in the longer camps during the summer, and not seldom these people indeed couple up for living together and not just for a quick affair in the holidays.

Furthermore some articles relate him to the sexual abuse claims Sun Bear had faced, and then even warn woman from taking part in seminars with Manitonquat, and finally some even accuse Manitonquat himself of unspeakable things. Well, let me tell you that me as a woman sensitive to the issue got in 12 years never ever the slightest hint as to any sexual abuse that could have taken place in any single one of the workshops or camps with Manitonquat i've attended, which were quite a lot, or which i've heard of, neither by Manitonquat himself nor by any of the participants. In 12 years i heard no woman, no man and no child ever mention this subject. So, dear article writer/s, i admit, i am moderately curious as for your sources, or honestly as for your hurts, that made you put out such an insult. Point.


Finally, if i may, i'd like to direct your attention to a few more book reviews which you've seemingly been unaware of so far...

Please look again at and consider especially the review from gkisedtanamoogk, a well known and respected Wampanoag, teacher of Native Studies at the university of Maine, who writes in a letter to FM Story Talbot (Manitonquat):

"Thanks for sharing these stories --- i have always enjoyed the manner and style You share these Visions of the Heart. So, Netomp, You have my greatest affection and support.
i will offer this as a supportive statement:

Manitonqat's unique and wondrous manner of sharing ancient and contemporary stories of the Wampanoag follows in the profoundly valued tradition of the Pauwau. Especially applied to the Indigenous Nations and Peoples of the Northeast, maintaining a People's History is both a fine art and an evocative response to the incoherence, tyranny, and cynicism of modernity. Manitonqat is one of the Wampanoag Nation's leading national treasures.

As this is offered in the deepest respect for You as a person and Your wonderfully inspiring style.

Given all the information provided above, i am positive that you will reconsider blacklisting FM Story Talbot, since, the way i understand your intention, i do not believe that it lies in your interest to defame a man, who is doing such a famous work towards healing the earth, by helping so numerous people of any color and heritage to get healed and whole again - and healed and whole people will neither act in racist manners, nor will they exploit the earth, and these achievements should lie in our all common interest, isn't it so? For any questions left open, please find Medicine Story's contact details on his homepage at .

While writing, in me emerged a desire to share that i do wonder a bit about your approach to put out such heavy judgments based on so little evidence, judgments which not only damage one's reputation, but also and in the first place must be truly hurtful for a person, who's first thought, as far as i can tell, is about 'his' people, the people of his tribe, of the circles he initiates and maintains, circles in the prisons and out of the prisons, circles of young and old people, native and non native, and about all children of humankind around the earth, of present and of future generations - for such a person it must be very painful to be alleged of fraud, even only suspected of something as terrible as sexual abuse, accused to distort his culture to make a buck and exploit the prisoners whom he dedicated his life to.

I'd like to close with a quote from one of those very prisoners, addressed to Manitonquat, and i fully go with it: "I don't judge a man by what he says, but by what he does. You have been coming to us every week in every weather for years and have helped me change my life. Where are those who talk about you? We never see them. Your actions show us what is true and we know your heart."

For all my relations - Wuunish, Walk in Beauty

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2009, 01:11:55 pm »
This was originally posted by JoeBarlow. A friend of his asked me to repost it . I am having to do this because NAFPS seems to have lost a couple days worth of posts due to some strange glitch.
Re: Francis Medicine Story Talbot (Manitonquat)
« Reply #39 on: February 27 at 04:33:56 PM »
Quote from: miriam on January 29, 2009, 08:47:00 PM
Hello you people from NAFPS,

i do very much appreciate your intention, i understand your concern and agree completely with the attempt to protect cultures of native american people from selfish misuse for money making, especially by white folks. I am not native and not even american and most people you mention on your site i do not know. The one person on your listings which i know very well is Manitonquat / Medicine Story, and i will do my best to help you re-evaluate the offending claims you put up against this wonderful native american man.

If you truly appreciated the intention you would understand peoples concerns.  If you are not native or even american how do you know that what he is doing is proper?  Because he says so?  Because he allows you to 'act' native during his encampments?

There seems to be some confusion about the ethnic belonging of Manitonquat / Medicine Story / Francis Story Talbot, originated in a false understanding of a young boy. You may have noticed, that it seems to be only this one boy that had denied FM Story Talbot's Wampanoag origins. The reason i suppose is, that the boy simply had been confused. Francis Story Talbot is of Wampanoag origin on his father's side and of English/Swedish  origin on his mother's side. That he got a white man's name can hardly be blamed on him. Since he became a gifted storyteller of his tribe's lore, and since he dedicated his gift to healing, he received the Wampanoag name Manitonquat, which translates in English into Medicine Story - and by  'coincidence' his second name has been Story from birth on and Story he'd been called all his life...

My name is Joe Barlow.  That is my 'indian name'.  We don't all have these names that have been recently popularized via the newage movement.  Can you explain how it is that he has been called Story from birth?  He certainly has not been called Manitonquat from birth as he does not know his language.  Sure he can recite a few prayers verbatum but this is not knowing the language, this is memorization.

Medicine Story by many sources is a honored member, elder and retired ceremonial leader of the Assonet band of the Wampanoag Nation, having worked closely with Slow Turtle, the Supreme Medicine Man of his people, as long as he had been around. When firstly, 29 years ago, accusations were brought up against Medicine Story, he got full support, backup and legitimization by the council of the chiefs and medicine people, among them the Supreme Sachem (head chief), of his tribe. For people of your assumed background i believe, it shall be manageable to check these assertions.

I only know one person here so I cannot speak for everyone, but myself and that one person are not mediums so we cannot speak with the dead.  That makes it rather difficult to question John Peters, or Slow Turtle as he was known.  If you know of a verified medium who could assist in doing this it would be appreciated.

The prison work you seem to have been misinformed about by unknown sources, had been initiated by Slow Turtle and ever since proven to be very helpful for native and non native inmates likewise.  (Slow Turtle insisted, and Manitonquat agreed, that although the purpose and form were for the native prisoners, it was not their way to turn away any serious seeker.)  Manitonquat receives no funds from the government or other organizations for this incredible work, but to the contrary is he additionally working continuously to finance the project's expenses.

In a beautiful way he is earning the money to help people inside the prisons by helping people outside the prisons, which are able to express their appreciation of his doings in form of some money given.

Have you ever been to one of his prison circles?  As an inmate I mean.  Actually as an enrolled First Nations inmate.  I have for far too long.  Both myself and another inmate, Billy Sun, who is from a very respected Ho Chunk family were constantly demeaned and ridiculed by Mr. Talbot.  When Billy's wife died in a motorcycle accident Mr. Talbot insinuated, at a circle in the Berlin facility in the state of New Hampshire that it was some how a punishment toward Billy.  Do you understand that now that Billy and I are out that there ARE NO NATIVES IN THOSE CIRCLES?  He is defrauding you.  And by instructing these non-indians to think that they have a right to our ceremonies he is creating problems for the community.  He does half-assed naming ceremonies (in english), he participates in and conducts half-assed pipe ceremony, allowing the 'pipe keeper' to belittle real indians and continuously disrespecting the pipe.  The current 'pipe keeper' in Berlin New Hampshire is a man by the name of Gary Farrow.  Gary Farrow is doing a life sentence for murdering a mentally retarded man because he owed a friend money for a pack of cigarettes.  Gary Farrow was one a white supremisist.  Gary Farrow has also changed his name to 'Prayer Feather'.  What upsets me the most is that he allowed Gary Farrow to lie in court and make the false claim that he is a member of the Lakota Nation in order to win a suit for a sweat in New Hampshire.  Why does there need to be a swet in New Hampshire when actual enrolled First Nation peoples do not even participate?  That lodge should not even be in opreation as the priviledge wsa gained on lies and with disrespect toward the actual Lakota people.  I won't even go into what the sweats are like there, this is not the place for such things but I will tell you this, they are far from traditional and for the most part are run by his half brother Jim Farnum who is not native.  Are you also aware that Talbot brought in nude photos of his wife Elika?  The photos were in a photoalbum and the pictures were taken mainly in nature settings, mostly at the coast from what I was told.  When I saw what was in the album I chose not to look so I am telling you what others told me. Do you understand that there are sex offenders in prison?  DO you understandthat he placed his wife in danger in doing this?

Talking of money, the land, for which an emergency call was send around to save it, is the land of the former community in which Manitonquat had been living for many years, which, as you stated correctly, is not reservation land. When the community chose to break up, the land was sold to a project known as Nature School, doing great work with urban children suffering from nature deficits. When this project got into financial troubles, Manitonquat, who is also still living on the same piece of land, helped save the school by formally taking over the land onto his name, by that throwing himself into complete financial insecurity. The school still doesn't work cost-covering, so that Manitonquat is constantly trying to manage to even it out by his own earnings through book selling, holding lectures and giving workshops - additionally to keeping the prison project running. Please keep in mind that the man is 79 years old by now.

HE IS TEACHING CHILDREN LIES.  That is shameful.  There is no excuse in the world for lying to children.  None, period.

The claim he'd get money out of some kind of 'followers' for his own benefit is barely ridicolous. If there is a person on earth who doesn't go for money, for personal advantages, comfort and privileges, then it is Manitonquat. He'd act like Che Guevara in that regard, except he's nearing the 80 by now and we do care for the comfort and health of our honored elder and beloved grandfather and provide a chair and a blanket instead of letting him sit on the floor between us young folks... As he himself wonders, "Where is all this money i am supposed to be bilking the people out of? I wish they would visit me in my little 3-room house i built myself in the woods with no running water..."

You do not know this man at all if you think he is not out for personal advantages.  He does not care about indian people.  If he cared about the indian people he would not be in Europe all of the time.  When he is in Europe, please tell me, does he want for anything?  Are his needs seen to?  Of course they are.  Why stay in the states for any length of time where, if he were indian, he would have to deal with the realities of life on a day to day basis?  Please, ask him why he charges inmates for his silly little books.  Please ask him why it is another organization and not his own that provides the necessities for misinformed incarcerated non-natives to perform ceremony?

Could it [the assumed money] be 'flowing' into the 'regular trips to Europe'? Well, the workshop schedule is carefully planned to minimize travel expenses, which are then raised via the workshops. Any leftover 'flows' into prison project and nature school.

No money flows into the prison project.  Have you ever thought to look into his financials using guidestar?

The concrete handling of the financial side of any event in which Manitonquat participates, is up to the local organizers of the event and therefore differs from event to event. Beyond that, personally i've been witnessing Manitonquat insisting that a woman could attend a sweat lodge ceremony of his, which took place during a weekend workshop, where the woman had come only for the sweat and the organizers, out of a different conception, first had been wanting to send her away. Ceremonies are free of charge.  Workshop fees are compounded of expenses for place, food, wood, travel etc, and a donation dedicated to the charity projects Manitonquat maintains or is involved with in the US. This is clear to the participants and they (we) freely choose this exchange.

Mr. Talbot performs 'lakota style' sweats.  You are obviously not familiar with protocol.  I will tell you this, I was taught that one should not do mixed sweats.  I am offended of the idea of mixed sweats where participants are encouraged to disrobe.  Let me say once again that I see no representation of funds within his prison project.  Funds going toward a nature school where children are lied to is inappropriate.

Me, speaking for myself at the very least, i give whatever i can afford (which is not usually much, far not as much as i would like to), and happily i give it, because i know it will help providing the same precious thing, this opportunity for growth and healing which i'd been blessed by, through the healing presence and the teachings delivered by Manitonquat, for other people in similar need as well.

So you feel completely comfortable giving money to perpetuate stereotypes.  That's rather racist I have to say.  I might add that you are paying for false teachings.

As having organized a few weekend workshops in Berlin during the past years, i can say, that money is no issue with Manitonquat. When people are wanting to listen to what he can teach, when they ask him to visit and be with them for a weekend or so, he likes to have paid the travel expenses, and sure he does appreciate to come out with some surplus due to paying the petrol for a few more trips to the several prisons throughout the country back in the states. Regardless these calculations, given of course he could reasonably make it, he'd come to hang out, when invited, and he'd share with us his experience, wisdom and love in a circle, showing us by example how sweet life can be.

My life would be sweet too if I was given money for lying as I jet setted about Europe.  Oh but wait, I have morals so I wouldn't do that.

And this, along with a few more characteristics, is what i'd been finding to be so universal throughout native american teachings, this, i'd found to be the beauty of native american art of living, as far as i may say so - not, that i'd be an expert. But i can tell that this is what the culture i am born into, and i don't feel belonging to, is lacking so desperately: the sense of joy and beauty, laughter and cheerful pleasure from the simple things, from the rain that softly drops on the roof, from the child playing in the grass, from the corn and the flower given so generously by our mother the earth...

There are no 'native american teachings'.  There is no beauty in native american living when we are being continuously exploited.  To think that there are 'native american teachings' further proves you are being taken advantage of.

Lacking is this culture respect for all things and all beings, an understanding that any pain which my brother suffers, hurts me, too, and every laughter my sister enjoys lets my spirit rise high, no matter if this is a human brother or a tree sister, a deer or a whale, a white or a black man or a brown or a yellow or a red child...

Culture has nothing to do with respect or lack there of.  You don't need to pay for an indigenous education to respect creation.  Also, exploitation, perpetuation of stereotypes, and many other things that Mr Talbot participates in have little to do with respect.  If you cannot respect a culture that you claim to be a member of you can't begin to respect anything else.  IT IS A FASCADE.

And lacking is this culture even the politeness to listen to each other, not to talk about the higher art of which, that kind of listening which between white people is best known through Momo, the little fiction girl invented by Michael Ende, that kind of listening, which seems so central to all or most native american cultures, at least as to my limited findings. That kind of listening, which seems so essential for human beings to live in peace with each other and themselves.

I have no idea what a Momo is nor am I familiar with Michael Ende.  I did a search on him and I see that he is German.  If he teaches you listening skills then why not use his teaching as opposed to a bastardized version of something you obviously know very little about?

So, as you may have noticed, i got no grain of doubt about the authenticity of Manitonquats teachings, which he himself clearly refers to his Wampanoag heritage and to the teachings of many other native american elders he'd been visiting and listening to many years ago, before he was becoming an elder himself. And a fundamental part of his teachings is, that the way of listening, the way of the circle and of respecting, giving thanks and appreciation to creation are not exclusively native american ways, but are universal to all human beings - these are our original instructions, written in our genes, no matter what color we are. Differ will the forms we celebrate, and not the specific forms of the Wampanoag traditions does Manitonquat bring us white people, but the universal understanding of the ways of human beings to live with each other in peace, cooperating instead of competing, instead of dominating living in harmony with our environment. Our new forms then, we ourselves shall re-create...

He teaches 'universal understanding' under a cloak of deciet.  You may have no doubt about his because you have no idea what actual indians are really like.  My 'original instructions' are quite different from the original instructions of your culture.  I would never appropriate yours, why do you choose to appropraite ours?

When i met Manitonquat 12 years ago i was on junk and, in tune with what i heard of men in the prison circles, i do say that by opening my eyes and my heart to this unknown reality, Manitonquat had done something like saving my life - mine and those of my children as well. I am no 'follower' of his - i do not believe he got many of such, and surely he doesn't encourage anybody to 'follow' him - but highly i do appreciate his work, his efforts and his dedication, dearly i love him as my grandfather of choice and humbly i thank creation for having met him and others and pray to find ways to return the blessings i received. From all these years i remember one single case of a person angrily disagreeing and parting from the newly emerging 'tribe'. Else than that, whomever i happen to know and in fact had been meeting Manitonquat, as to my knowledge, is feeling blessed by these encounters.

You say that when you met Francis Talbot 12 years ago you were on junk.  You merely swapped one high or fix for another.  Shooting up heroin just because it makes you feel good is wrong, would you agree?  How is this different?  I will tell you, it is worse that shooting up heroin, because when you steal for your next fix you know what you are getting into.  You clearly have no idea what you are involved in nor do you care about it's effect on the people you are stealing from.

Now i must mention the ugly thing. On your site, Manitonquat at first appears to be set into context of sexual abuse by the posting of 6 long contributions discussing the controversal approach to sexuality of ZEGG and Tamera, all under the title 'Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat'.

Manitonquat is obviously not Tamera and not ZEGG, even if they cooperate on overlapping interests (e.g. community work, peace work), and even if they like each other. Having sex is not part of the seminars with Manitonquat, to the contrary, it is recommended to the participants, not to jump on each other - not from any moral reasons, but simply from the 'therapeutic' point of view, to say it simple. It is not forbidden though, since the participants are free people and responsible for themselves, and it happens sometimes, that couples find together, especially in the longer camps during the summer, and not seldom these people indeed couple up for living together and not just for a quick affair in the holidays.

I do not know what Zegg or Tamera are but they do not sound good.  If they are not good then why would Mr Talbot associate with them?  You cannot talk about peace and then sexually abuse someone and still be peaceful.  I am very sorry for you if you cannot see the complete wrongness in that.

Furthermore some articles relate him to the sexual abuse claims Sun Bear had faced, and then even warn woman from taking part in seminars with Manitonquat, and finally some even accuse Manitonquat himself of unspeakable things. Well, let me tell you that me as a woman sensitive to the issue got in 12 years never ever the slightest hint as to any sexual abuse that could have taken place in any single one of the workshops or camps with Manitonquat i've attended, which were quite a lot, or which i've heard of, neither by Manitonquat himself nor by any of the participants. In 12 years i heard no woman, no man and no child ever mention this subject. So, dear article writer/s, i admit, i am moderately curious as for your sources, or honestly as for your hurts, that made you put out such an insult. Point.

Mr Talbot himself offers sexual workshops.  Former inmates have spoken about the inappropriate behavior that takes place at Mettanokit, now the Nature School.  Are you aware than an inmate sexually assaulted two women there?  Are you aware that Mr Talbot felt that the inmate's parole should not have been revoked?

Finally, if i may, i'd like to direct your attention to a few more book reviews which you've seemingly been unaware of so far...

Please look again at and consider especially the review from gkisedtanamoogk, a well known and respected Wampanoag, teacher of Native Studies at the university of Maine, who writes in a letter to FM Story Talbot (Manitonquat):

"Thanks for sharing these stories --- i have always enjoyed the manner and style You share these Visions of the Heart. So, Netomp, You have my greatest affection and support.
i will offer this as a supportive statement:

Manitonqat's unique and wondrous manner of sharing ancient and contemporary stories of the Wampanoag follows in the profoundly valued tradition of the Pauwau. Especially applied to the Indigenous Nations and Peoples of the Northeast, maintaining a People's History is both a fine art and an evocative response to the incoherence, tyranny, and cynicism of modernity. Manitonqat is one of the Wampanoag Nation's leading national treasures.

As this is offered in the deepest respect for You as a person and Your wonderfully inspiring style.

One quote from a link that does not seem to work will not change my opinion gained from personal experience.

Given all the information provided above, i am positive that you will reconsider blacklisting FM Story Talbot, since, the way i understand your intention, i do not believe that it lies in your interest to defame a man, who is doing such a famous work towards healing the earth, by helping so numerous people of any color and heritage to get healed and whole again - and healed and whole people will neither act in racist manners, nor will they exploit the earth, and these achievements should lie in our all common interest, isn't it so? For any questions left open, please find Medicine Story's contact details on his homepage at .

Please read my previous comments in this post addressing factual issues concerning his conduct.

While writing, in me emerged a desire to share that i do wonder a bit about your approach to put out such heavy judgments based on so little evidence, judgments which not only damage one's reputation, but also and in the first place must be truly hurtful for a person, who's first thought, as far as i can tell, is about 'his' people, the people of his tribe, of the circles he initiates and maintains, circles in the prisons and out of the prisons, circles of young and old people, native and non native, and about all children of humankind around the earth, of present and of future generations - for such a person it must be very painful to be alleged of fraud, even only suspected of something as terrible as sexual abuse, accused to distort his culture to make a buck and exploit the prisoners whom he dedicated his life to.

If he truly cares about the well being of the 'people of his tribe' he would be helping them as opposed to galavanting around the world.

I'd like to close with a quote from one of those very prisoners, addressed to Manitonquat, and i fully go with it: "I don't judge a man by what he says, but by what he does. You have been coming to us every week in every weather for years and have helped me change my life. Where are those who talk about you? We never see them. Your actions show us what is true and we know your heart."

For all my relations - Wuunish, Walk in Beauty

First, is the inmate you speak of indian?  If he did he would not have made such a statement.  I would have far preferred not having any volunteers at all over his sanctimonious rhetoric.

You have a lot to learn Mariam.  I feel sorry for you and the deception you hold as reality.

« Last Edit: February 27 at 05:34:21 PM by JoeBarlow »    
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 01:17:48 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2010, 02:04:15 pm »
I guess we should be referring to Talbot at Dr Talbot now.  It seems that he recieved a Doctorate in Metephysical Theology from this place -

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2011, 09:56:50 pm »
Apparently on his facebook page Talbot is pushing for the release of Denis Paul Gagne, a child rapist serving a life sentence without possibility of parole. Talbot argues for a compassionate release because Gagne is fighting throat cancer.

Gagne's record. The details, once you get past the legalese, are pretty grim reading. Apparently he coerced two girls, six and seven year olds, into giving him oral sex.

Part of the problem with Talbot's taking up for Gagne is Talbot's own long history of demanding sex for ceremony or attempted coercion for sex, plus working with a cult that argues rape is OK. How can we know Gagne is reformed or no longer dangerous? Pedophiles have one the highest repeat offender rates.

Offline Thundersaunt

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2012, 08:48:38 pm »
From his Facebook page:

Medicine Story
Mettanokit Outreach Inc is now a non-profit corporation supporting the prison circles and ex-prisoner circles in NH, and is a 501.c.3 able to receive tax deductible donations
 July 17 at 7:19pm

Offline Camilla

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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #41 on: September 20, 2012, 04:15:43 pm »
Francis Talbot has been in Italy, last month of June    :(
Same bio, same talks. The people who invited him and his wife have been warned, but nothing to do...


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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2013, 09:47:39 pm »
 suppose to be a morning prayer, never seen it preached like this before


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Re: Francis Talbot AKA Medicine Story AKA Manitonquat
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2013, 11:04:15 pm »
Francis Story Talbot is a Re-evaluation Counselor, he not only practices it, he teaches it. This fact is very disturbing.

Re-evaluation Counseling was founded by Harvey Jackins, who originally was part of Dianetics/Scientology. He developed something called co-counseling, starting in Seattle, Washington, USA. He was a sexual predator. Jackins formed a psychotherapy cult. He has since passed on, his son and others now run the group.

"United to End Racism" is a front group for this organization.


Reformers seek to outlaw therapists’ sexual exploits

March l0-March l7, l982

Should therapists in Washington State be permitted to have sexual relations with their clients? Shirley Siegel doesn’t think so. She was in therapy for years with Harvey Jackins, a 60 year old ex-Dianetics leader who now runs his own international organization, Re-evaluation Counseling, headquartered on Queen Anne Hill. Its membership has been estimated at l00,00 to 200,00. Siegel claims that Jackins sexually exploited her on the pretext of helping her "work on (her) sexual problems." Spokesmen for Jackins and his organization say he is being victimized by a "smear campaign."

This fall after decades of silence, Siegel co-founded Stop Abuse by Counselors, which lobbied two bills before the legislature this session intended to regulate errant therapists. House Bill 954 would make it a class B felony for "health professionals" to have sexual contact with a client. House Bill 953, aimed at unlicensed counselors, would prohibit sexual conduct with clients; failure to refer clients who need help (e.g., medical help) the counselor can’t provide; false advertising; "undue influence, fraud, or intimidation": practicing while ill or using "alcohol, drugs, narcotics, or any other substance": the counselor’s failure to disclose credentials and employment history; and a few other items. Despite support of the intent of one or both bills by the Washington State Medical Association, the Washington State Psychiatric Association, the Seattle Office of Women’s Rights, the American Association of Pastoral Counselors/Northwest Region, and other groups, both are dead in committee.

The most unified front against the legislation came from the Re-evaluation Counseling camp, which was represented by seven or eight partisans in Olympia. They neglected to mention their R.C. affiliation, but Siegel make not of it in her testimony. ("I used to lobby legislators for R.C., too," she recalls, "just like all the other good little robots.")