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i still always much jail time would a native have done if placed in same predicament?

I bet they would get a life sentence. Depending on state - likely death penalty.

And their communities would be rousted and persecuted. Anyone who looked anything like them would be harassed. Possibly laws passed to take away religious freedoms.
Frauds / Re: Andrew Soliz
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 14, 2025, 06:41:59 pm »
Some of his varied heritage claims:

his Native American ancestry
Ceremonial Man
Sun Dancer, Pipe Carrier, Artist and healer


Resident Andrew Soliz, an Acoma Pueblo American Indian, is a sun dancer and comes from a line of medicine men.

archived copy of 2014 article

Soliz, a descendant of the pueblo-dwelling Acoma American Indians and Mayan ancestry, was officially adopted into two Lakota families seven years ago.


a member of the Lakota Nation

I am a sun dancer and a pipe carrier. I am Pueblo and Mayan, adopted into the Lakota Nation.


i am pueblo (also southern ute and chicano)

so if he came from a line of medicine men that would be a pueblo cultural appointment.....why doesnt he practice pueblo medicine ways and serve his people in silence the right way because everyone knows our ways are very private? why would he be a sundancer and pipe carrier for another tribe if he came from such a respected background???

you can say i am an "adopted lakota" too as they all call me kola, and consider me their oyate/tiopsaye and i have 2 lakota exes...they invite me to sweat and to is the difference....i would NEVER assume the rights to take thier culture to non-indians.....and when i am invited to sweat/ceremony i always acknowledge i am there as a guest....lets say it again.....GUEST!!!!! never overstep your boundaries

but what do i know? im just a powwow ndn who never got too involved with the actual "religious" side .....i mean i do love my ceremony ndn friends and my protest ndn friends but they are not nearly as fun as my powwow ndn friends

but i do know one thing......those ceremony ndnz (either real of fake) sure do love them some white women which always seem to be in abundance and eat up all the "wisdom" from some "medicine man" sitting crosslegged on some mesa being all spiritual n shit over some plain common powwow ndn who helps elders to their cars and helps with tables and chairs before/after event and giving rides to fellow ndnz on the bus and sponsoring school programs and sponsoring powwow specials (i like sponsoring tiny tots or plain clothes fancy dance for fun) or sell frybread for Indian Education or hang posters and all that......and part of my world is sometimes cooking or helping make things or donate when someone passes that i may not have even known/met but they are in my community or related to someone in my community,,,,,THAT'S what it means to be an NDN....back to first sentence.....exploiting willing women is a recurring theme here

this rant was meant for whoever stumbles here and is enamored by all the hocus-pocus coming from these native or native passing people.......check their background and if you still want....if you want to waste your time and money that bad to feel native i suggest you book a weeklong trip to sedona or something

sorry for the rant.....kinda
Frauds / Re: Robert Lopez AKA Robert Morning Sky, The Terra Papers
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 14, 2025, 06:03:00 pm »
dude been around for years.......and i still have yet to hear of the hopi claiming him
on youtube there is a guy called truthscience.......all his videos he goes in on moorons

one of my favorite channels it keeps me in stitches

there is a serious mooron channel there called Mike TV........i hatewatch that sometimes but most days i just cant with him and his guests
Frauds / Re: Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 14, 2025, 05:56:12 pm »
by the way, i dont claim to know much about black metal (i hate that caca, im a hardcore kid) but i think me and you are the few here who know more than most

i also admittedly do not know much about other latino ethnicities other than chicanos and i cant speak on any of them
Frauds / Re: Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 14, 2025, 05:53:07 pm »
nothing new.....i remember the videos of messikin skins in the 90s that had less emphasis on skinhead style/culture and punk rock, and more emphasis in neo-nazi dress and marching

i just still find it a bit amazing how over the years they went from skrewdriver to burzum....and went from fistfights to satanic caca

as far as white supremacists wannabe natives go, there was always an asa carter, a little shell pembina band or a david yeagley around to undermine native voices and inject their views the parade it around as ndn opinion as a whole....especially the eyeliner guy

i worked denver public schools for years and look at data every day......the whitest chicanos always identify as native and the darkest mexicans always list themselves as white......i dont understand it

as far as the chicanos know them.....they usually join la mecha and go super-chicano and some even attempt to learn the spanish they lost.....then something happens a few moths in and then they go super-aztec and mix it in with mexican nationalism

and when they get bored of that they claim they apache (usually) but dont really know for sure they are following family lore much like the pigmentally challenged do with cherokee/blackfeet/lenape or like the abundantly melanated do with the yamasssee and euchi

which really isnt a problem UNTIL they start peaking on behalf of the people they claim with no consulting or knowledge of those cultures or many times not even knowing a single person from those cultures

what i dont seem to see though is the white claiming, moreno, mestizo mexicans speak on behalf of white people.....but i want to! (for amusement purposes)......though i would rather not want to pollute my ears with homoerotic black metal to do so
Welcome & News / Re: Keystone XL pipeline action alert
« Last post by educatedindian on January 13, 2025, 07:48:17 pm »
He'll try, just like he did last time. Expect him also to dump waste, including nuclear, on rezzes. To try to strip mine any rez he can. To try to strip away the monuments and parks Biden protected like Bear Ears. To try and take or threaten other places with indigenous like Greenland, including Pacific islands. and cheer anti indigenous racists worldwide. There's no limit to what he'll try. Don't be surprised if he calls for reparations...for whites.
Frauds / Re: Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native
« Last post by educatedindian on January 13, 2025, 07:43:30 pm »
There's a long history of hating or denying your Native side or ancestry in Latino culture. Plenty of Latinos ID also ID as white because they are, by descent or just by not know who or what the f--- they really are.
Welcome & News / Re: Keystone XL pipeline action alert
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 10, 2025, 09:42:20 pm »
so what do you think will happen now? will trump use executive order to open it back up?
Frauds / Re: Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 10, 2025, 09:39:14 pm »
i know a couple chicano black metallists that are nazis too haha

i also know some younger skins that listen to that caca

what ever happened to nazis listening to oi and RAR music?
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