Author Topic: Walter Renz  (Read 163097 times)

Offline bls926

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #120 on: July 23, 2009, 05:52:48 am »
Cetan and Don Naconna made comments about the direction this thread was taking or wondered why Niiki's opinion about Walter Renz changed. Now Niiki is attacking them. I agree with Cetan, it's time for Niiki to be shown the door. 

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #121 on: July 23, 2009, 01:53:24 pm »
Niiki is now banned. Posting the personal information of at least three people was the final straw. The truly bad thing will be how Johnson/TBE and supporters will exploit her personal faults to try and discredit criticism of the phony "Eries" actions as exploiters.

So I'll stress to anyone reading this: All of the evidence against Johnson/TBE can be verified independently, regardless of Niiki's tantrums.

It'll take some time to clean up the mess. If I overlook anything, pls contact me or the other mods to let us know.

And I'm wondering how much to leave up of this whole mess. Is it even possible to disentangle this so it's entirely a thread about Renz? Or maybe leave the attacks and sidetracks (outside of spam, insults, and personal information that will be removed) to show what Renz and his supporter Niiki will resort to.

Offline bls926

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #122 on: July 23, 2009, 02:33:10 pm »
Thank you, Al.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #123 on: July 25, 2009, 02:33:10 pm »
Niiki is now claiming to have definitive proof that the Indian Crafts act is not being violated. But she refuses to say what it is until the thread is deleted. Obviously we won't do that. My guess is her evidence is as credible as anything else she says about Renz.

And to top it off, she's now spreading rumors I'm a child molester, being gullible enough to fall for lies put out by John Martin and John Lekay. She sent me a rant about it. All that does is, again, make it look like Renz has something to hide, plus show how Niiki can easily be fooled.

I'll stress again to anyone reading this: All of the evidence against Johnson/TBE can be verified independently, regardless of Niiki's lack of ethics and common sense.

Offline Cetan

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #124 on: July 25, 2009, 04:53:12 pm »
I was glancing through this and Nikki has posted peoples home address and phone numbers - this seems like crossing a boundary and I for one believe she should be banned, her posts are just copying things from other forums which have no relevancy here

They have a lot of relavancy. As if others here have not done the same?? So they should they be banned too? Or just those of us who are real Ongwe Onwe?

Censorship is nothing new to those who are for real Ongwe Onwe. We tolerated it for over 500 years, nothing new to us. I thought this forum was to expose those who are not doing things in a good way?
So now that certain of you have been exposed you want to silence those of us who are Ongwe Onwe, know who we are by clan and nation. When many of you who have been asked that question either don't have an answer or refuse to answer the question. So what does that make you, not a true Ongwe Onwe!

Robert Bernhard aka Cetan  what is your clan and nation ?

I have no idea who Robert Berhard, seems like as usual Nikki's info is incorrect.
I am a woman, my mother is enrolled at Ft Berthold - Hidatsa and Mandan, we are from the Waterbuster Clan
My partner, whose last name has Hawk in it and with whom I originally started posting with one sign in, is enrolled Rosebud, 4/4 Sicangu Lakota

Offline Keely

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #125 on: July 26, 2009, 01:11:20 am »
I was glancing through this and Nikki has posted peoples home address and phone numbers - this seems like crossing a boundary and I for one believe she should be banned, her posts are just copying things from other forums which have no relevancy here

They have a lot of relavancy. As if others here have not done the same?? So they should they be banned too? Or just those of us who are real Ongwe Onwe?

Censorship is nothing new to those who are for real Ongwe Onwe. We tolerated it for over 500 years, nothing new to us. I thought this forum was to expose those who are not doing things in a good way?
So now that certain of you have been exposed you want to silence those of us who are Ongwe Onwe, know who we are by clan and nation. When many of you who have been asked that question either don't have an answer or refuse to answer the question. So what does that make you, not a true Ongwe Onwe!

Robert Bernhard aka Cetan  what is your clan and nation ?

I have no idea who Robert Berhard, seems like as usual Nikki's info is incorrect.
I am a woman, my mother is enrolled at Ft Berthold - Hidatsa and Mandan, we are from the Waterbuster Clan
My partner, whose last name has Hawk in it and with whom I originally started posting with one sign in, is enrolled Rosebud, 4/4 Sicangu Lakota

I know a Crowsheart from Ft. Berthold! His girlfriend (she is white) used to be a good friend, until she moved to Kansas and tried to tell the Indian Center what Indians are supposed to be like...

Offline Keely

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #126 on: July 26, 2009, 01:21:56 am »
Niiki is now claiming to have definitive proof that the Indian Crafts act is not being violated. But she refuses to say what it is until the thread is deleted. Obviously we won't do that. My guess is her evidence is as credible as anything else she says about Renz.

And to top it off, she's now spreading rumors I'm a child molester, being gullible enough to fall for lies put out by John Martin and John Lekay. She sent me a rant about it. All that does is, again, make it look like Renz has something to hide, plus show how Niiki can easily be fooled.

I'll stress again to anyone reading this: All of the evidence against Johnson/TBE can be verified independently, regardless of Niiki's lack of ethics and common sense.

She is tring a bait and switch on you.. It was I who turned in Renz's "members" for violation of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. I know Walter got a letter to cease, this his group is not a "real tribe" and they cannot sell items as Indian made, a letter also went out to his "enrolled" tribal member named Tammy for her website of which she is trying to sell her work as "traditional" and as Indian made... Anyone can call the IACA board and find out this is true...

I tried to read the TBE issue, but it gave me a headache... one general rule of thumb, if a person is going by a famous chiefs' name, they are most likely a fraud... I do not know of any real desendants of anyone "famous" who is not part of a federally recognized nation.

I am saddened that Nikki's actions on this topic may have caused harm to the other issue...

I did see where Nikki stated that my Longtail family is not the same as Renz, however, Renz hung himself on this issue, because there are no other Longtails who are named Abraham aka Jake who had a son named Henry who was moved out of Kansas and into Oklahoma... Renz has his false tale on too many websites to back peddle at any given time now.

I feel, I have posted enough proof to show Renz is a fraud. Links to the University of Oklahoma on the Longtails and if need be, I can use his own records against him on the surname of Wallen.. as I have checked all the Wallen records, and they all are listed as White... War draft records, US census records, death records and birth records.. never is there a mention of any Indian blood until Walter suddenly appears and starts making his claim...

Does anyone want me to post about the Wallen family?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #127 on: July 30, 2009, 12:42:44 pm »
Stew Maracle contacted me and asked me to post this message.


Subject: Renz and Ranting Nikki

Hello People;
Please take the time to read and reflect on all of my words, I wish to be a positive part of your great endeavours.
I have applied to be admitted to your board, there appears to be a delay in processing.....mohawkcares.  A little info...I do not know zealous nikki from your board....she appears to be an interesting study, lol. I am a member of the Mohawk Nation Mens Council Fire, and we do have interest in the facts on the Walter Renz situation. We don't care about his or his group selling "Indian novelties" but we do care about his potential for activity within the Nations.
We have been observing him for a few months now, and he appears to be doing no harm, although, at his own expense, has stood in protecting some of our burial mounds. This is a positive thing in our books, but does not certify him Native by any means. He claims to be Native, unless he does harm, we have no reason under our law to address him otherwise. If he has in fact done harm, or has the premise to do harm, we wish to know, so we can address him directly. As you are aware we handle such issues in house and with great prudence. As for reviewing the posts on him, we do rely primarily on foreign governments records, such as those of the USA or Canada. We have found them not to truly reflect facts, and some data collection most certainly was inaccurate. These records do of course offer a nice starting point, and from there we go to community level for resource. our investigation in this matter continues and we would appreciate any input you provide. We respect the work you do, and we thank you.
There seems to be alot of focus and concern on people selling "Indian Made" goods, when the people making or selling them may not be native, although this is not an honourable thing to do, some people need to do what they can to survive, and this reflects our lack of humanity today, to see people in such circumstances. As a community, our Native Ancestor have had to do many terrible things to survive, but I do not believe this make them criminal under our law. To use a foreign powers law to address a matter of our concern, I feel is not proper either. We should apply our law, and community should respond to the cause and need, not the symptom.
We need to focus more on what is harming our people, things like destruction of our sacred places, illegal interference with our sovereignty, false teachings that are damaging to our connection with the creator and ancestors, and direct defrauding of our people. We need to rebuild the links with our people, help in the short comings and needs, and address the harmful behaviours from the foreign governments together. Each of us must do as our spirit leads us and that is OK, each takes away what they need and that is as it should be, and each is responsible to care for each other and that is good.
To me a real crime is when people offer medicines, sacred care, treatment, or ceremony for pay of any kind, the gifts presented to us, are gifts to be shared in helping keep our promises. The Creator looks after our needs, as long as we do good works. This has proven true to me time and time again, and I would be offended if ever offered payment, for the sharing of my gifts to help others. In peace, my words keeping with The Great and Binding Law of my people.
Thank You
In Service to the People

Offline Keely

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #128 on: July 31, 2009, 04:18:48 am »
On second thought... I decided to delete my post... I will get back laterz
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 05:22:16 am by Keely »

Offline Don Naconna

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #129 on: July 31, 2009, 02:10:10 pm »
The more I review Niiki's rants, the more I believe that she is NOT Indian. Indian people do not have to prove that they ARE Indian. She has this compulsion to "out Indian" everyone. There are members of this group who are not aboriginal/Native American, but have long supported their struggle for justice, and those who have some aboriginal/Native American blood or have had long contact with First Nations. Niiki does not have any respect for the members of this group.
Why didn't Chief Maracle say anything about Niiki? Maybe because she isn't Mohawk. When I googled her name, I found an article about the Solidarity Group, they are non aboriginals who support the Tyendinaga land claim and activist Shawn Brant. Niiki's tactics are using slander, character assasination, spreading lies and evading real issues. She spend so much time researching everyone's fmily history, yet have any members seen hers? I have encountered other self hating whites who convince themselves that they are Native. The best way to tell is that they have to be super Indians.
Also I find it interesting that she doesn't realise that the Shawnee have been part of the CNO for over a century and that blood Shawnee are listed as Cherokee, as is the case with Keely.

Offline Keely

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #130 on: July 31, 2009, 03:48:39 pm »
On second thought... I decided to delete my post... I will get back laterz

OK I am back... and this post is not directed at anyone, nor am I trying to flame anyone... but honestly, I have my doubts about this "email" which was posted.

I have been in contact with the Mohawk Nation, and with the Council, and no one seems to know a Stewart, Stew or Stewy Maracle. I have done web searching with a focus on Stewart Maracle Council, and have come up with nothing.

I think it is highly possible that Nikki, not wanting anyone to know who she in contact with, has mixed two different peoples names to invent a person.

It is quite interesting that this person would write: "we do rely primarily on foreign governments records, such as those of the USA or
Canada. We have found them not to truly reflect facts, and some data collection most certainly was inaccurate."

One person of whom I have shared this "email" with went to that one statement, and wondered if the Mohawk Nation just took anyone in who claimed to be Mohawk? What do they use as their "proof" for membership? Or do they take anyone at their word that they are who they say? If that is the case, then I hope they take all these frauds into their Nation and get them out of our hair.

My main interest in what was written is this line: "false teachings that are damaging to our connection with the creator and ancestors, and direct defrauding of our people."  I would like to respond to that.

False people, who make up lies about themselves and who their family is, are spreading false teachings, a person who is not raised within their people and they go out and make stuff up, that is false teachings. Anyone who lies about who their ancestors are, to the point of stealing someone elses ancestors are defrauding of all peoples. The kind of people who are stealing the ancestors of others, and telling lies are the kind of people who cannot be trusted."

If this person really is who they say they are, a Stewart Maracle, I invite you to email me directly at kdenning@

Offline Don Naconna

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #131 on: July 31, 2009, 09:49:21 pm »
I haven't found anything on "Stewart Maracle" except a 1966 obituary. So perhaps Niiki communicates with the dead. The Tyendinaga (Bay of Quinte) Mohawk is Chief R. Donald Maracle. No Niiki is a phony and not a Tyendinaga Mohawk. I believe that she is doing much more harm than good for the Mohawk as self appointed super Indian. Her tactics alienate people, Indian and white.

Offline Keely

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #132 on: August 05, 2009, 08:00:41 pm »
I haven't found anything on "Stewart Maracle" except a 1966 obituary. So perhaps Niiki communicates with the dead. The Tyendinaga (Bay of Quinte) Mohawk is Chief R. Donald Maracle. No Niiki is a phony and not a Tyendinaga Mohawk. I believe that she is doing much more harm than good for the Mohawk as self appointed super Indian. Her tactics alienate people, Indian and white.

Not too long ago, I seen a t-shirt that read "I See Stupid People" and I think I need to get myself one of those...

I have emailed and called the Six Nations on both sides of the boarder, no one seems to know a "Stewart" or "Stewy" Maracle. I have emailed links to this forum to the tribes. I have gotten appologies from the Six Nations for the threats that were made by Nikki. They do not know where she came up with this idea that I was under the "control" of the Six Nations, and I was told that this "email" from this person "Stewy" is way out there... that yes, they DO use Federal records... and that the Mohawk in the US has been under attack by these wannabes to the point that they are changing their tribal membership BQ requirements, the new requirements are going to require 1/2 Mohawk blood or more, any less and a person is not going to be enrolled, I asked if the current enrolled members who have less than 1/2 BQ would be disenrolled, and they said they had not made that decission yet.. I was also told that the Canadian Mohawk is considering the same...

And people dont think wannabes hurt tribes...

Offline Don Naconna

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #133 on: August 05, 2009, 08:33:23 pm »
If you need assistance contact the Assembly of First Nations regarding Canadian treaty laws and status. There is a difference between status and non status, although both are aboriginal, Metis or Inuit. Status aboriginals live on or off reserves, while the majority of non status don't. Canadian laws are based on the "Indian Act" and over 600 band councils. Non aboriginals posing as aboriginals almost always claims to be status, and eligible for federal preferrences and benefits. There are many status aboriginals who are PODIAs and many non status folks who are full or half blood.

Offline bls926

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Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #134 on: August 06, 2009, 03:19:54 am »
I spoke with Chief Donald Maracle this afternoon. He does not know Stewart Maracle or Walter Renz. Neither man is helping the Tyendinaga Mohawk with their land claims or anything else. Stewart Maracle is definitely not an Hereditary Chief or a member of the Tyendinaga Men's Council, as Niiki claimed.

I haven't been able to find anything about Stewart Maracle either, except for the aforementioned obituary. I'm beginning to think he's a figment of Niiki's over-active imagination. The same imagination that claimed the Shawnee were cousins to the Six Nations and under the control of the Confederacy and that we'd all have to answer to the Tyendinaga Mohawk for questioning Walter Renz.

I hate it when fakes and flakes join NAFPS. They may work to expose frauds and exploiters, but they're usually the in-your-face obvious ones, like the Billington duo or Tribal America or Hawk Pope or Tecumseh Brown Eagle. Whatever help they give in this regard is overshadowed by the harm they do. No one thinks you have to be Native in order to protect tradition and spirituality or speak out against appropriation; you just need to be honest. Don't pretend to be someone or something you aren't. Don't try to be super injun when you ain't Indian at all. This would apply to Niiki and several other now silent members or former members of NAFPS. No matter how well you think you've covered your ass, no matter how long you've been living your lie, the truth always comes out.

Edit to Add:  Going to spell that last paragraph out, so that my words don't get twisted and I'm accused of posting something I didn't.

Billington duo = Zoi Lightfoot and Linda Lou Flewin
Tribal America = Tsisqua
Hawk Pope = TheRebel
Tecumseh Brown Eagle = Niiki

All people who joined NAFPS claiming to be enrolled members of their Nations. All lies. Like I said, the truth always comes out.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 04:53:14 am by bls926 »