Author Topic: Pablo Russell  (Read 155517 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #120 on: January 29, 2013, 09:41:09 pm »
I find it very strange that Germans are drawn to playing NDN because of holocaust guilt. The amends the Germans owe are to the Jews, and to the others the Germans murdered in the holocaust. Stealing from NDNs only makes the burden of guilt worse. The German ancestors (and some who are still alive) committed genocide on the Jews, gypsies, gay people and others, so that is who they have to work it out with. To obsess about Native Americans is escapism, it is avoiding the problem, and it is committing new offenses that they *are* responsible for.

Offline John Bone

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #121 on: January 30, 2013, 09:31:54 am »
You're absolutly right.

But there is a little misunderstanding:
I think Germans go to a lecture about a culture on the brink of extinction because many Germans live in a state of constantly feeling guilty.
I know, this sounds odd. It's only me trying to give an explanation.
Can be true, must not.

But let's talk about escapism:

In fact what most of the Germans know about native americans is from 19th century novelist Karl May. But all he wrote was completely fiction!
He was never in the Americas. So all he wrote was hearsay, rumours and fiction.
Still, everybody reads Karl May as a child and I believe what German people makes go and "play NDN" because they want to dream on their childhood dreams.
I know, this sounds even more ... odd.
But here comes Mr. Russell and plays with them.
They re so to say waiting for a bus and he's the driver.
And this works out so perfectly because he is gifted at least in story telling.
Most imposters are gifted people.
No one follows complete morons!

Personally I know some Nuagers.
They meet every now and then to drumming sessions to accelerate peace in the world. Then they walk over hot coals or go to a sweating.
I understand that this must be a bitter pill for you.
I wouldnt like my culture being exploited like that.
But Europeen culture is by today a patch work.
And these nuagers have started to patch work their "own".
Because they got no own, sadly
or they don't like their own e.g. the gebocide history!
Yes, they are escapists!
Still, most of them come from the category "nice and harmless".
The perfect victims to imposters.
They just dont think, they want to believe at all costs, even when I tell them that they are stupid X)

Well, I'm sry for this. But what can we do?
At least your blog woke me up.
I ain't no victim of Mr. Russell anymore.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 09:42:31 am by John Bone »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #122 on: January 30, 2013, 03:31:17 pm »
One step at a time fraud hurts people
In Spirit


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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #123 on: January 30, 2013, 03:51:17 pm »
Any emptiness, guilt, confusion, longing for meaning can never be "solved' by engaging in cultural appropriation. I don't get a pass for ripping off culture by claiming I'm only doing so because of I'm lacking, needy, and a victim of circumstances.

I wish ALL EUROPEANS would BAN ALL CEREMONIES being sold by Pablo Russel.  Without the monetary support of the Europeans, there simply would be no Sundance led by this man.  He is not charging the locals to sundance or to sweat.  The sundance is not possible without European involvement and money.  To put it very clearly, Pablo does NOT have the support of his Nation or the support of the communities.  He's a rogue defector, an embarrassment, and at worst a sexual predator.

Again, it is up to the Europeans as without them, Pablo has neither the financial resources nor the human interest for his Sundance to continue.  It is YOUR money that allows him to continue.  He is not being supported by the local communities.

There are many many ways for Europeans to re-connect with the indigenous spiritualities of their/your own native lands.  I would encourage each of you to do your own research on your own ancestral and spiritual lineages, and consider pursuing a path that perhaps is more honourable to your own ancestors.  Supporting a man who doesn't have the respect of his own Nation damages people on both sides of the ocean.  No one benefits (except Pablo and his cronies financially) and many are harmed.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #124 on: January 30, 2013, 08:07:47 pm »
But there is a little misunderstanding:
I think Germans go to a lecture about a culture on the brink of extinction because many Germans live in a state of constantly feeling guilty.

NDN cultures are not on the brink of extinction. They are surviving and growing stronger. Appropriators tell themselves that they are saving an "(almost) extinct" culture so they will feel justified in stealing. Stealing will not help their guilt. They are not saving a culture, they are contributing to attempted cultural genocide.

But Europeen culture is by today a patch work.
And these nuagers have started to patch work their "own".
Because they got no own, sadly

Everyone has ancestors who had earth-honoring ways. There are plenty of surviving Germanic traditions. They are just too lazy to look, or they want something more "exotic". 

or they don't like their own e.g. the gebocide history!

Too bad. They have to face that, own it, and make amends. Even if it's uncomfortable and messy.

Still, most of them come from the category "nice and harmless".

No, it's not harmless. It's ugly and racist.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #125 on: January 30, 2013, 11:31:35 pm »
Where do they get this idea that tribes are on the brink of extinction? Just a feww days ago, there was an article in the Seattle Times about the Klallam language and how it is being taught in schools in Port Angeles, Washington. How they have a new dictionary out and how children are becoming fluent in it once again. And anyone who wants to can Google "Canoe Journies" and find that every summer and they are explicitly a cultural event. The papers call it a renewal. I think in some part yes, but also it is what was hidden is now out for all to see. This is just where I live. I am sure others could share events that go on around them. Or not. Some of it outsiders do not need to know, because they are sacred and private. But I am just puizzled about how some many nuagers and exploiters can say the cultures are disappearing. Is it because Native people do not live in the stereotypical way that outsiders deem appropriate? Just asking.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #126 on: February 10, 2013, 09:26:07 pm »
Ridiculous "German druid shaman medicinmen" tangent split to here:

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #127 on: October 28, 2014, 04:48:28 pm »
A change in name seems to have taken place: Pablo Russell gets called 'Camille „Pablo“ Russell' in an article published at the site of Alberta Health Services:

If an Aboriginal patient requests access to traditional ways of healing, herbal medicines or other types of cultural support in Calgary, it is likely Camille “Pablo” Russell will get a call.
A traditional wellness counselor for Alberta Health Services and Blackfoot Elder who was raised on the Blood reserve near Lethbridge, Russell knows that when Aboriginal people are sick, their road to wellness is smoother if they have access to the comfort of their culture and traditions.
“We are covering a large region in southern Alberta,” says Russell, 48, who has been a student of herbs and healing for 23 years. “I do a lot of work in palliative care and in the hospices. We have a team approach to our patients as there are often complex cases.”
Emphasis mine

Concidentially, there happens to be a respected elder by the name of Camille Russell – however, this is not Pablo, but a person presumably more than 20 years older than PR. A photo of the real Camille Russell can be seen in this newsletter at page 7:

But it may of course have its advantages when people inquire whether there was an elder named Camille Russell in the Kainai nation – the answer will be, „Yes, there is“.

Whether PR indeed happens to rightfully claim the first name of Camille and whether Pablo was a mere nickname he used cannot be established from information available online.

Pablo Russell's age is another issue regarding his alleged elder status. As far as information available online goes, PR was born on May 5, 1965. The above article was published Oct 08, 2014, so for what my arithmetic talents may be worth, he turned 49 some five months prior to the publication. Time enough to get used to this upgrade in age, one should assume. A traditional person, as PR claims to be, should also be aware that an age of a mere 49 does not qualify them as an elder.

There is also an advertisement for an event organised by AHS:

Alberta Health Services, events June 2014
page 3:
June 25
Aboriginal Health Program Telehealth Learning Series,
Traditional healing, herbal medicines and cultural support for Aboriginal patients by Hal Eagletail, Wayne Burnstick and Camille (Pablo) Russell. Register at
Call Kendra Bishop (403) 943-xxx

A LinkedIn profile for „Camille Russell“ does not carry a photo but provides the following info:

Traditional Aboriginal counsellor at Calgary Remand Center

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hospital & Health Care

Alberta Health Services,
Calgary Remand Center

The change may have been in preparation for some time, as there is an entry on PR's Danish website (the site used to promote Russell's European ceremony selling activities) advertising a lecture held in October 2013:

Lecture by Camille Pablo Russell

Offline AnnOminous

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #128 on: June 09, 2015, 08:54:24 pm »
Camille is Pablo's father. His mother's name is Lucy. Interesting that Pablo is using his father's name now. An educated guess would be that he is wanting to distance himself from the reputation he has earned.

This is a link to the book Pablo is publishing:

I also came across this link. Do we know who this Jim Eagle person is?:

Here's an article from a local magazine dated May 2015. He seems to be consistently using his new name:

Offline earthw7

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #129 on: June 10, 2015, 03:34:46 pm »
Hey I am still here ;D and i have 22 grandchildren and 17 brothers and sisters plus five Hunka
my nations has only just began and we don't need no one to save us or talk for us or pretend to
be a shaman aka medicine of our people, nor do we give right for white/black people to talk for us.
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #130 on: June 22, 2015, 03:14:57 pm »
Russell is selling his Sun Dance for $400 per person. Forwarded message passed on to me. Also included their financial report. As you can see from last year, most of their supporters are Europeans, usually several thousand dollars each.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Bridger <>
Date: Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 6:24 PM
Subject: Path of the Buffalo Coordinator

Oki ni` kso` kowa,

I trust this message finds you enjoying another day blessed by the light of Natoosi, our Sun.

You are receiving this message today because you passed your e-mail along to one of the leaders in the past 2-3 years.  Please pass this message along to others who you know may be interested in supporting the continuation of the Path of the Buffalo Sundance and encourage them to contact me so that I can add them directly to further correspondence.  If you would rather not receive these messages and updates, please reply and I will do my best to remove you from our communications list.  I have used the blind carbon copy method of sending this list out to maintain the privacy of each person's email address.  Only Pablo's and Neil's addresses should be visible.

Camp Day is Saturday, July 25.  Tree Day is Wednesday, July 29.  We dance from Thursday, July 30 - Sunday, August 2 2015!

I am writing today to follow up after a Sundance meeting held at Pablo Russell`s house on Earth Day this past Wednesday, April 22, 2015 in preparation for the approaching Sundance ceremony.  I said I would set up this communication network to facilitate our fundraising coordination efforts an all other organization for the Sundance.  Please feel free to use this e-mail address as a central contact point for questions related to organization and funding for the Path of the Buffalo Sundance, known in Blackfoot as iin'nohk'so'ko'

In addition to fundraising efforts, we continue to require a $400 CAN donation from each dancer and lead helper to cover the costs associated with putting up the Sundance.  Please consider submitting your donation as soon as possible.  The Path of the Buffalo bank account info:

Bank: CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)
Account name: Path of the Buffalo

Account #: [deleted]

Branch transit #: 00239 (Fort McLeod Branch)

Please refer to the attached Financial Summary from 2014 to gain a better understanding of how these funds are distributed.  Thank-you Roderick Freeman, Mary-Jo Russell, & Neil Leonard for being so transparent with the income and expenses for 2014.

Chief Pablo Russell has asked that each region (B.C., Calgary, Edmonton, & Europe) take responsibility to do additional fundraising and/or petitioning community businesses to donate or contribute to the Path of the Buffalo Sundance.  Pablo has reminded us that it is our responsibility to diversify our income in order to support the operations of our Sundance.  Pablo has encouraged us to look after these financial needs early so that we can gently rest in the certainty that all of these needs are taken care of throughout the Sundance.  It is this certainty that allows each of us to truly focus on our prayers. 

"Preparation allows us time for true reflection.  We devote ourselves to learning this way of life to be an example for future generations. Take ownership of your dance.  Be accountable for how you contribute." ~ Pablo~

"Participate and make it fun.  Working together creates a community with stronger relationships.  Sundancers lead by example.  Keep in mind that some dancers may need help or sponsorships from the community.  Let's continue to work for our prayers." ~ Neil~

When Pablo returns from Europe in Late May we will complete a signed letter requesting donations in kind from community organizations.  In the meantime, people can start having those conversations and exploring how else to gather contributions for the dance.  For example, Shana has asked her Uncle if they can go hunting together to provide the meat we need to feed the public.  Way to go Shana.

We continue to assemble an updated inventory list and prioritize and forecast our budget for the 2015 Sundance.  I have included an attached inventory list taken at the dance  in 2014.

Please respond to this e-mail to announce your intentions to join us at Sundance this year.  The more accurate our forecast for attendance, the more well prepared we can be to insure that all of our guests and supporters receive the best of our hospitality. 

"Try hard to find the inner strength!"
Black Panther

Path of the Buffalo Sundance 2014
Projected Balance ($3400)
Actual Balance ($2310.30)
Difference ($1089.70)
ACTUAL $13,129
Total income $17,076
European $10, 000
Canadian $6,400
Chief & Council $500
Total income $16, 900

Final Report summation

The final tally on expenses is listed on the above budgeted report.  We spent $13, 129 total dollars for this year’s Sundance and had projected a forecasted budget expenses to be $13, 500.  The final balance in the Path of the Buffalo account is $2310.30 (Surplus).  * I have attached the balance sheet and chequing account summary page to give everyone the final transactions for this reporting period.  The account will remain open and anyone can deposit their funds in the account for next year to save on the cost or running around or if easier to submit to the financial officer before the Sundance.  A big thank you goes out to our Elder Neil Leonard who helped out big time on getting things going by advancing the Sundance $2000, he was paid out when other donations arrived and also his contributions of $420 for last year’s purchase of the Buffalo skulls were included to this year’s contributions from the B.C group’s donations.

Donation Breakdown:
Germany         $3200
B.C            $2020
Edmonton         $2800
Denmark         $2956
Calgary         $2000
Switzerland           $500
Spain         $2800
Czech Republic      $800

This year I ensured that everyone paid the >>>required $400<<< across the board and if they wanted to give more, I directed them to go offer it to Camille and Lucy as a gift.  If everyone feels that it may be easier to just accept the extra money and put aside for them for next year this can be accommodated.
 All my relations,
Roderick Freeman  Vice President/Financial Officer Path of the Buffalo

Offline earthw7

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Re: Pablo Russell
« Reply #131 on: June 28, 2015, 02:06:44 pm »
oh my god i can't believe people do this :o
In Spirit