Author Topic: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council  (Read 171586 times)

Offline Cetan

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #105 on: February 19, 2009, 06:43:35 pm »
Arrrggg I don't think I have ever felt so reluctant to open my big and usually only partially informed mouth... but the hopes of finding a respectful way to resolve this i am going to give it a try ... And then make a run for the safety of my little porcupine hole . Yikes !

Putting aside all the personal insults and accusations, which prove nothing except something about the character of the accuser, I have some questions.

As Tachia said, the statement where Lenord Peltier says any disagreements within the LP DOC are nothing but petty jelousy or personal dislikes and that he would then add to this, suggesting anyone suffering from these rather common human problems may well be infiltrators sent by the Feds, seems to be an odd thing for him to say.

If Leonard Peltier wanted to assure people he trusted his commitee and had placed them in the positions they were in , why not just say that?

Assuming Lenord Peltier did make this rather heavy accusation, why did he make it? What evidence was this based on ? Where exactly did this evidence come from ?

The finger pointing with no target except anyone who dares disagree with the current administration of the LP DOC , and no evidence which can be examined , wieghed, verified or refuted is exactly the sort of crazy making divisive tactics which create unresolvable paranoia which ARE used by the Feds to undermine peoples ability to work together. 

As i would imagine Lenord Peltier is well informed of the damage that can be done by making vauge, unsubstantiated and unresolvable allegations of this kind, i have to wonder why he would make them?

If Peltier has been given information which has caused him to suggest some of his supporters who have disagreements with some of his other supporters are infiltrators, and this information is not well fonded in facts that can be verified, I can see why people would wonder if Leonared Peltier really wrote that and if he may have been manipulated.

How exactly is Mr Peltier supposed to have conveyed this? Did he type it himself ? If so, who did he give it to after he typed it, to transcribe it into cyberspace typing ?  Did he dictate it to someone over the phone? If so who and when?

I don't see the harm in trying to make sure no one person or small group of people is ever in a position to possibly bend what Leonard Peltier may want to support , to suit their own agenda.

People are human and non of us are ever completely balanced. Sometime people have an agenda that slips in so slowly they aren't even aware of it. As annoying as disagreement are, those disagreements are exactly what helps keep everybody accountable.   

Is there some neutral people who are well respected who keep in touch with Leonard Peltier and could inform people if there was ever a problem in how he was being represented?

Did you read Glendadeer's post? Glenda is a well known and respected member of the Native community, not someone who remains anonymous. Have you checked out any of the websites, all of which have this statement. And since one of the main people currently on the LP DOC is Leonard's sister I am quite sure there would have been some statement from her if this statement was not true.  There was some controversy over the LP DOC committee a while back, and if I remember correctly some questions over what was actually being done and what the donations were being used for, and new people were asked to run it by Leonard and some of those no longer in charge were complaining.  Why Leonard said what he did, well divide and conquer has always been the method of the European invaders and the govt in trying to destroy any grassroots movement; just look at the FBI's history with AIM.

Eagle Feather

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #106 on: February 19, 2009, 07:24:55 pm »
Arrrggg I don't think I have ever felt so reluctant to open my big and usually only partially informed mouth... but the hopes of finding a respectful way to resolve this i am going to give it a try ... And then make a run for the safety of my little porcupine hole . Yikes !

Putting aside all the personal insults and accusations, which prove nothing except something about the character of the accuser, I have some questions.

As Tachia said, the statement where Lenord Peltier says any disagreements within the LP DOC are nothing but petty jelousy or personal dislikes and that he would then add to this, suggesting anyone suffering from these rather common human problems may well be infiltrators sent by the Feds, seems to be an odd thing for him to say.

If Leonard Peltier wanted to assure people he trusted his commitee and had placed them in the positions they were in , why not just say that?

Assuming Lenord Peltier did make this rather heavy accusation, why did he make it? What evidence was this based on ? Where exactly did this evidence come from ?

The finger pointing with no target except anyone who dares disagree with the current administration of the LP DOC , and no evidence which can be examined , wieghed, verified or refuted is exactly the sort of crazy making divisive tactics which create unresolvable paranoia which ARE used by the Feds to undermine peoples ability to work together. 

As i would imagine Lenord Peltier is well informed of the damage that can be done by making vauge, unsubstantiated and unresolvable allegations of this kind, i have to wonder why he would make them?

If Peltier has been given information which has caused him to suggest some of his supporters who have disagreements with some of his other supporters are infiltrators, and this information is not well fonded in facts that can be verified, I can see why people would wonder if Leonared Peltier really wrote that and if he may have been manipulated.

How exactly is Mr Peltier supposed to have conveyed this? Did he type it himself ? If so, who did he give it to after he typed it, to transcribe it into cyberspace typing ?  Did he dictate it to someone over the phone? If so who and when?

I don't see the harm in trying to make sure no one person or small group of people is ever in a position to possibly bend what Leonard Peltier may want to support , to suit their own agenda.

People are human and non of us are ever completely balanced. Sometime people have an agenda that slips in so slowly they aren't even aware of it. As annoying as disagreement are, those disagreements are exactly what helps keep everybody accountable.   

Is there some neutral people who are well respected who keep in touch with Leonard Peltier and could inform people if there was ever a problem in how he was being represented?

Did you read Glendadeer's post? Glenda is a well known and respected member of the Native community, not someone who remains anonymous. Have you checked out any of the websites, all of which have this statement. And since one of the main people currently on the LP DOC is Leonard's sister I am quite sure there would have been some statement from her if this statement was not true.  There was some controversy over the LP DOC committee a while back, and if I remember correctly some questions over what was actually being done and what the donations were being used for, and new people were asked to run it by Leonard and some of those no longer in charge were complaining.  Why Leonard said what he did, well divide and conquer has always been the method of the European invaders and the govt in trying to destroy any grassroots movement; just look at the FBI's history with AIM.

that post by Ben Carns' se;lfproclamed "sister" prooved nuthin except that some1 used lpdoc listeserv to send out a messge and the rest of the wrld pickd it up as reel...........but this thred isnt and wasnt about that!!!!

isnt their any1 out there that iz willin to stik to what this forum is setup for in re ben carnes and eaglemntn?? 
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 07:45:26 pm by Eagle Feather »

Offline glendadeer

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #107 on: February 19, 2009, 09:02:28 pm »
Engle Fedder, yes I am Ben's "Self Proclaimed Sister" and am very proud of that fact. Ben, Cat, and Marley have been in my home numerous times, who better to be a character reference. It is allowed in court, why not here? My integrity is not in question here, my brother, his family and his organization is.

One thing you may not know about me is my honesty. I do not take everyone I meet as a relative. There has to be an air of honesty, respect, sincere humbleness about you.Yes, sometimes I can be fooled, as I like to assume ALL people have these traits. You prove me wrong, and I will just flat ignore your ignorance. I didn't just wake up last year and decide I was going to be Indian, I was born Indian. I do not have to feel the need to tell you who my references are as to who I am, I do not feel the need to name drop. Neither should Ben Carnes. His actions speak loudly, but if you wish you can go Google his name. (haha! I love saying that..go I sincerely appreciate the good words of the people on here as to my integrity. I am not a grand stander, I am just like you, a pitiful Indian (if your Indian) trying to make a difference in this world for my children and grandchildren. Just as Ben Carnes has, I should only hope that one day people can google my name and get as many hits
as my bro.

So I say to everyone... Ben Carnes is a rightous man, and many are honored to have him as their "self proclaimed brother".

I was going to post some links on here to prove jealousy, and other ugliness, but I decided not to. I figure my word is good enough.

It was inappropiate for him to put this up here, and that is stated in several places.  But he has the right to retract "his support" of Ben Carnes.  The money should have not been brought up as it is a personal issue and not for this forum.  But since you just walked in the door, it was to be given a week, and there is still some time left.  But it is not flaming.  Now if you want to stay fine, if you cannot contain yourself to resist flaming, the door opens both ways.

Thank you Frederica for this statement. So, now where are we on this topic? With this out of the way, exactly what is in question regarding my bro, his family and his organization..?

Much Respect
glenda deer

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #108 on: February 21, 2009, 02:58:55 am »
There are serious questions about Carnes and his group, and no amount of spamming, personal attacks on their critics, or other attempts to distract or change the subject will stop the questions from being asked. That includes Niska's threatening to hold her breath til she turns blue if we don't give in. She'll be banned at the next spam post, and won't be missed. In fact we can actually discuss instead of having to deal with childishness for a change.

These questions have been raised before, most notably by Kenny Frost. Carnes also has been criticized by Bernard Red Cherries and others.

These questions come down to:
1. Carnes runs what he calls a Sundance on Ute sacred land. He does this without the backing and with the actual opposition of Ute elders.
2. Carnes is Choctaw but runs an imitation of a Lakota ceremony. He also has appointed himself a "chief".
3. The Sundance has many non-Natives, including white Nuagers who occasionally promote Nuage ideas or leaders.
4. Carnes is accused of selling this ceremony and/or soliciting donations inappropriately.

There are also some other troubling things, which I'll go into in the next post. But here's Frost's statement. Carnes response is there too, along with comments on both posts.

The comments on that post are something else. A lot of smears on Frost for supposedly not signing his post, when the name was xxxed out by someone else. A lot of personal attacks and attempts to sidetrack and ignore the issues. IOW, the same behavior some of Carnes' supporters have done here.

At least IMHO, much of these problems could be avoided if Carnes would speak to Ute leaders, since he is conducting the ceremony on what he admits is likely their land.

Selling Native Spirituality alive,well in Colorado
----------------- Bulletin Message
From: xxxxx
Date: Sep 8, 2008 10:33 PM

The time has come when we must expose those, who sell out Native Religion. We like to think those who run/conduct ceremonies are good people but we always find there are frauds around us. Even in our own people who are Native and there are those who are non-Native as well.

We read many times in the newspaper how many of those "SELF-APPOINTED" spiritual leader have committed fraud and have used people for their own source of income.

We need to wake up and stop these people. A sun dance is held here in Colorado and our Ute people are awaking up and saying enough is enough the time has come to stop people who are not of our people to run/conduct "Sacred Native Ceremonies."
We must expose those who are fakes and the time is now!

I'm a Ute Indian and do chase fakes in Colorado and other states. Having the support of Natives in Colorado, western US and Indian Country. I have been to the "Selling of Lakota Spirituality" meeting held at Bear Butte with Arvol Looking Horse, Bernard Cherries and many of the other spiritual leaders of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nokota peoples. Also with the Northern Cheyenne leaders and have the back of many Native tribes in Indian Country. Along with Indian Country Today newspaper and will send information of this travesty of fraud being committee.

The area where Ben Carnes lives is a sacred area for the Ute people just as other areas of all of Colorado is sacred to the Ute people. Having the backing of the Ute elders, we find the outrages conduct of Ben Carnes is shameful, deceitful and a fraud.

As a person who conducts ceremonies here on my Ute reservation you would never see me run/conduct a ceremony on other Indian tribal lands as this isn't RIGHT!!

Ben Carnes states he is Choctaw but living in Colorado. Running a Lakota style sun dance with non-Native taken part in fact, I was contacted by a non-Native who stated they given gifts, monies to Ben Carnes for his services and payment to attend this ceremony.

Our Native ceremonies are not "FOR SALE. Ben Carnes is a hypocrite.
How can a person talk about those who sell ceremonies and Ben is doing the same thing?

He travels north to Yellowstone and received payment for gas, food and lodge from the same white woman who has been selling ceremonies across the US.

I would like to learn these answers to these same questions. I will make a call to the Social Services department of Colorado for find out if this is true. In fact I will also make a call to the State of Colorado of impending fraud perhaps being committed. We must get down to the root of this.

This sun dance has never been approved by the Ute Nation of Colorado and of the Ute Nation of Utah as this are traditional territories of the Ute people.

So please Ben Carnes I would like to know the answers of these questions pose to you. As, being knowledge able of Choctaw people they were not many chiefs but were other types of leaders.

How can you call yourself a Chief? When you never received this from your own people?

The time is now to weed out those who take people for a ride in Colorado as I've been to quiet here in Colorado but been involved in other states exposing frauds and now it is time to work in my own state!

I will pose these questions now?

I find this is a mo of many of those who use people for their own selfish means!!


Ps. Borrowing monies from those who love our Ndn people.
Really, really sad!!!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #109 on: February 21, 2009, 03:17:51 am »
Some things I've found seriously trouble me.

Carnes is associated with one of the worser exploiter institutions, Naropa. Naropa has promoted several frauds and had them on staff and has a history of being very abusive towards Native people who object to their exploitations.

The content of the courses don't seem to me an issue. But IMO Carnes needs to explain if he knew about their exploitative history before signing up with them, and also how much funding he receives from Naropa.
"Applied Leadership Project
Participating Organizations...
Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
Ben Carnes:
219 County Road 571
Gardner, Huerfano County

On Carnes yahoo group most of the content is online petitions or calls to action, etc, along with notices for the sundance. But there is also a woman who does "healing workshops." Please explain. The post makes it clear she is endorsed by the group's leaders.

Grandma Shirley healing workshop....
Saturday: We will be starting the entire group at 9am so Grandma says it's
probably best
if people get there at like 8:30 so we can say our hello's and get comfortable.
If anyone wants to bring pillows or blankets, that may help with overall comfort. We will
all be sitting all day, so be ready for whatever you may need to stay relaxed. Dress
comfortably as well.

We will break for lunch around one, eat, and then proceed into the afternoon
We will break for dinner and may move into a night session depending on what
people are
wanting. Grandma will be laying groundwork on what we are up against, and what
need to do for the next steps to be taken.

Grandma decided also that we will leave sunday open to be discussed tomorrow.
We need
to leave my house by 2:30 in order to get here where she need to be on time, but
she is
more than willing to do an additional morning session on Sunday if we so choose

IMPORTANT Note: This is an amazing opportunity that Grandma Shirley if
providing to us.
She has purchased her own plane ticket to be here for us(IN COLORADO). If you
wiggling out of this "NOW REDUCED" schedule, you may want to think again. There
is a
truly amazing gift sitting right within reach. You can not buy what she is
giving, so I ask
you, "Do you want to Heal?" & "What are you willing to do about it?" She has
come to us
with NO expectation, only tough love, and a sincere willingness to see this
through(WITH US). We are talking about some driving and time with family here.
Even the
most broke of us can afford that! I don't think that it's too much to ask of
our community
to meet her half way. I love you all sooooo much!!! See you soon! Kelsie


Also a member promoting a Nuage leader and fraud.

dear relatives, i have seen this man talk before and the information he brings is transformational. i encourage you to watch this video and pass it on. with love, hope

Drunvalo is speaking for the Elders of our planet ... it is inspiring, informative, relevant ... so inspiring I've watched it 3 times already this afternoon.  Hope you are inspired to watch it too.   34 minutes.


At NAFPS we insist that everyone, including Carnes' supporters, stick to the topic when they answer.

Offline niska

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #110 on: February 21, 2009, 07:21:05 am »
There are serious questions about Carnes and his group, and no amount of spamming, personal attacks on their critics, or other attempts to distract or change the subject will stop the questions from being asked. That includes Niska's threatening to hold her breath til she turns blue if we don't give in. She'll be banned at the next spam post, and won't be missed. In fact we can actually discuss instead of having to deal with childishness for a change.

These questions have been raised before, most notably by Kenny Frost. Carnes also has been criticized by Bernard Red Cherries and others.

These questions come down to:
1. Carnes runs what he calls a Sundance on Ute sacred land. He does this without the backing and with the actual opposition of Ute elders.
2. Carnes is Choctaw but runs an imitation of a Lakota ceremony. He also has appointed himself a "chief".
3. The Sundance has many non-Natives, including white Nuagers who occasionally promote Nuage ideas or leaders.
4. Carnes is accused of selling this ceremony and/or soliciting donations inappropriately.

There are also some other troubling things, which I'll go into in the next post. But here's Frost's statement. Carnes response is there too, along with comments on both posts.

The comments on that post are something else. A lot of smears on Frost for supposedly not signing his post, when the name was xxxed out by someone else. A lot of personal attacks and attempts to sidetrack and ignore the issues. IOW, the same behavior some of Carnes' supporters have done here.

At least IMHO, much of these problems could be avoided if Carnes would speak to Ute leaders, since he is conducting the ceremony on what he admits is likely their land.

Selling Native Spirituality alive,well in Colorado
----------------- Bulletin Message
From: xxxxx
Date: Sep 8, 2008 10:33 PM

The time has come when we must expose those, who sell out Native Religion. We like to think those who run/conduct ceremonies are good people but we always find there are frauds around us. Even in our own people who are Native and there are those who are non-Native as well.

We read many times in the newspaper how many of those "SELF-APPOINTED" spiritual leader have committed fraud and have used people for their own source of income.

We need to wake up and stop these people. A sun dance is held here in Colorado and our Ute people are awaking up and saying enough is enough the time has come to stop people who are not of our people to run/conduct "Sacred Native Ceremonies."
We must expose those who are fakes and the time is now!

I'm a Ute Indian and do chase fakes in Colorado and other states. Having the support of Natives in Colorado, western US and Indian Country. I have been to the "Selling of Lakota Spirituality" meeting held at Bear Butte with Arvol Looking Horse, Bernard Cherries and many of the other spiritual leaders of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nokota peoples. Also with the Northern Cheyenne leaders and have the back of many Native tribes in Indian Country. Along with Indian Country Today newspaper and will send information of this travesty of fraud being committee.

The area where Ben Carnes lives is a sacred area for the Ute people just as other areas of all of Colorado is sacred to the Ute people. Having the backing of the Ute elders, we find the outrages conduct of Ben Carnes is shameful, deceitful and a fraud.

As a person who conducts ceremonies here on my Ute reservation you would never see me run/conduct a ceremony on other Indian tribal lands as this isn't RIGHT!!

Ben Carnes states he is Choctaw but living in Colorado. Running a Lakota style sun dance with non-Native taken part in fact, I was contacted by a non-Native who stated they given gifts, monies to Ben Carnes for his services and payment to attend this ceremony.

Our Native ceremonies are not "FOR SALE. Ben Carnes is a hypocrite.
How can a person talk about those who sell ceremonies and Ben is doing the same thing?

He travels north to Yellowstone and received payment for gas, food and lodge from the same white woman who has been selling ceremonies across the US.

I would like to learn these answers to these same questions. I will make a call to the Social Services department of Colorado for find out if this is true. In fact I will also make a call to the State of Colorado of impending fraud perhaps being committed. We must get down to the root of this.

This sun dance has never been approved by the Ute Nation of Colorado and of the Ute Nation of Utah as this are traditional territories of the Ute people.

So please Ben Carnes I would like to know the answers of these questions pose to you. As, being knowledge able of Choctaw people they were not many chiefs but were other types of leaders.

How can you call yourself a Chief? When you never received this from your own people?

The time is now to weed out those who take people for a ride in Colorado as I've been to quiet here in Colorado but been involved in other states exposing frauds and now it is time to work in my own state!

I will pose these questions now?

I find this is a mo of many of those who use people for their own selfish means!!


Ps. Borrowing monies from those who love our Ndn people.
Really, really sad!!!

so are you imposing that carnes is not a good ndn? as like me and other natives that live here in the homeland we fought for years.. an now its up to others to choose what can happen and not happen? ben carnes is as native as I am.. accepted by the rule of other natives.. if he had been gien that right to practice sundance.. what and who says its not? because the one thing that most and all native people share on this earth is sweatlodge.. and to that root of what I do in my own backyard.. who is going to tell me to stop taking a sweat in my own yard? you see where I am going with this? and also what we share as natives is the hand drum the big drum. the feather eagle feather that I own as those natives own... but if you see a none native with that.. I totally would agree to take that from the none-native such as this thread and topic is getting in the issue of traditions.. maybe its tim people need to back off on ben carnes as his doings..what who sys he says and she says.. we are in the fight for something right.. freedom for natives.. not who is the better native.. taking that spiritual pride away from a native is dead ass wrong.. let me take some from you tell you that you cannot practice it.. and le me see yu in that hurt in front of the creator.. you see where I am going with this again.. it dahm well hurts a natives pride and human feelings when you want to stripe them of what they enjoy doing in life... I now dare you to remove me once again.. you outcat might as will say bye to alot of people in this public forum.. once again.. you went against native rights as a human being.... as what is appropriate and not.. in this forum as well.. as I said the truth will always comeback hard.. perfection is an evil word.. as I said before..
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 02:35:10 pm by frederica »


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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #111 on: February 21, 2009, 02:53:03 pm »
 Niska,  Once again, keep to the issues at hand..  Those are the ones posted last evening.  Preoccupation with certain people will be edited.  Thanks.

Offline tachia

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #112 on: February 21, 2009, 10:35:21 pm »
Niska,  Once again, keep to the issues at hand..  Those are the ones posted last evening.  Preoccupation with certain people will be edited.  Thanks.
I am now.. I am just finding info on alot of people in here...? hmmmm kinda makes me wonder about some of these people themselves using real natives? but thanks...

exactly kimmy .. finding information on people and wondering about these people using real natives etc .. using real ndn's and even sometimes being ndn themselves .. using others .. to give legitimacy to their organizations .. using real ndn's and real ndn organizations for their own agenda, their goals, and their own personal gain .. using real ndn's etc to give themselves some modicum of credibility in what they are doing and in ndn country .. .. etc .. ..

that is why we MUST question!.. especially when we see something wrong going on! .. .. .. .. .. ... ..

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #113 on: February 21, 2009, 11:06:32 pm »
Niska,  Once again, keep to the issues at hand..  Those are the ones posted last evening.  Preoccupation with certain people will be edited.  Thanks.
I am now.. I am just finding info on alot of people in here...? hmmmm kinda makes me wonder about some of these people themselves using real natives? but thanks...

exactly kimmy .. finding information on people and wondering about these people using real natives etc .. using real ndn's and even sometimes being ndn themselves .. using others .. to give legitimacy to their organizations .. using real ndn's and real ndn organizations for their own agenda, their goals, and their own personal gain .. using real ndn's etc to give themselves some modicum of credibility in what they are doing and in ndn country .. .. etc .. ..

that is why we MUST question!.. especially when we see something wrong going on! .. .. .. .. .. ... ..

  Out of curiosity, I would like to ask your point of view on something Dr.Al pointed out that I seen a friend of yours complain about as well.

  It has been pointed out that some have a problem with Ben allowing non Indians into ceremony. If these people are not neuagers and are coming in a good way without the intent of taking what they learn to be exploiters; then what is the problem with that?

 Isn't a person who does such things to help people obligated to help other human beings?

 I have know very good elders who were without  doubt Indian and not exploiters allow non's into sweats.

 If this is wrong for them to do, then don't you think that a person that has no proof of who they are and look like another race should not be allowed in as well?

 In the eyes of many even Dr.Al himself is not Indian, and in the eyes of many so is your friend Walks a non Indian.

 Many who would not even know your friend would say he is just white and a non Indian; some would say the same about you because you look totally white yourself. I don't know if you  are enrolled or not, and honestly I don't care as it is a non issue with me personally.

 Still I am posing these questions based on the dialogue you have started and the words of Dr.Al

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #114 on: February 21, 2009, 11:28:58 pm »

   I also want to say that if it comes out and is proven that Ben Carnes is charging money for ceremony that I agree it is wrong.

  My point in this discussion however has centered around where I see people bringing in personal agenda's and double standards, and I think that is wrong.

Offline mamaduck33

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #115 on: February 21, 2009, 11:33:16 pm »
I do remember this post by Kenny and when there was discussion on the myspace board about it.  after he made this post and allegations based on what someone else had told him, he was told of the money situation, the personal reasons for that person telling a one sided story and then he retracted a bit stating that he really didn't know Walks personally.  So based on some of his accusations against Ben, they came from a man he didn't know.  One Who is not well liked or trusted and has personal issues with Ben.  The same man who told lies about me in that very same thread.  Lies that can be proven false.

If anyone wants me to find the link to that thread so that they can read it themselves, just let me know.  I know that this board is not for the personal issues between people so I won't post it here, but it does show Kenny retracting his association with Walks, who gave him mis information.


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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #116 on: February 22, 2009, 01:05:57 am »
I agree it should not be on personal issues, nor just spamming the list.  Address the issues put forth.  If mamaduck has a retraction why not put it up.  Cause that is what is needed.  The problem is you should know the answers before you post them, not smoke screens.

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #117 on: February 22, 2009, 02:06:00 am »
  If mamaduck has a retraction why not put it up.

  Well in at least one case, I am not sure if it would be considered personal or not. One of the individuals in this thread openly was lying on a public board about Mamaduck herself. So that issue could be pointed out as to show the integrity, or lack thereof in one of the individuals in this thread. However would that be considered applicable in this situation?

  I am sure that in a court of law that pointing out such an instance of open lying as this particular individual did would probably be allowed as evidence to show that what they are saying on another matter should be looked at with great skepticism, and understood that what they may be saying, is being said for ulterior motives, and not for what they are stating that they are saying them for.


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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #118 on: February 22, 2009, 02:16:02 am »
Okay I misunderstood, thought Kenny had retracted something he said about Ben Carnes.   The association retraction get too confusing. Thanks

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« Reply #119 on: February 22, 2009, 02:54:21 am »
  I understand that Kenny might be upset if Ben Carnes has not asked him or any Ute elders for permission to hold ceremonies on their traditional territory.

  I was taught that if you are going to hold a ceremony on the lands of another people, that you should first ask permission from those people who's land you wish to hold it on.

 I have a friend who has a family sweat on his own property. He is not from California, but rather from a tribe in Oregon. Not only did he ask the elders of his own tribe for permission to hold sweats, but he also asked them from the tribe here who's home territory he resides in.

 So yes, I do agree it is proper to ask for this permission to hold ceremony on the land of another people if you wish to hold ceremony on their lands. I have heard instances of the same being done for commercial things such as powwows, especially when it comes to allowing women behind the drum which some tribes actually do, and many powwows allow that now days.

  Kenny Frost says that Ben has never asked for permission, but I have also heard that Kenny Frost won't even discuss that matter anyhow. If that is true, then I must ask why?

 If it turns out that these accusations about Ben are proven to be false; then will thing about him having ceremony on Ute lands still be an issue?

 I honestly believe that if he is proven not to be an exploiter, then this issue should be resolved so that it is not constantly coming up.

 Maybe in the past Sun dancers were not held in this area, but then again in the past the non Indian had not come here yet and forced tribes, or native individuals to relocate as they have.

 Would a white man honor the Ute Nation saying no he could not build a church on these lands? Better yet would a group of Navajo Mormons bother to ask either, and would they listen if they were told no?

 If it comes to pass that it be proven that Ben is not an exploiter, then I think he and the Utes should speak on this matter and resolved in honorably and respectfully.

 I do feel though that if he is deemed not to be an exploiter that they should allow Ben and his followers to continue what they are doing. Why persecute a traditional person and his follows for doing what they do on those lands, when nothing would be, or could  be done about a group of Christian Indians doing the same?