Author Topic: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind  (Read 150090 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2017, 01:37:42 am »
Letter to Israel Hayom.

I'm writing to you regarding the article on Jose Rivera, a Puerto Rican fundamentalist who poses as American Indian "Ambassador Joseph Riverwind."

There are numerous problematic claims with the article. Tribes do not have ambassadors, and the "Northern Arawak Nation" is not a recognized tribe. It's a heritage club, and most of its leaders including Rivera are not actually Arawak. Rivera has changed what tribe he claims to be repeatedly, from Muscogee to Taino to Arawak.

His wife's real name is Laralyn Davis, an alternative medicine type claiming to be a doctor, but her credentials come from a mail order degree mill. She is not Arawak either, but white claiming distant unproven Cherokee heritage. Her family lines are all listed as white in censuses.

The couple are part of an extremist right wing group Act For America, described as a hate group.

None of what Rivera and Davis claim in the article is even remotely based on Native history. It's falsehoods claimed by fundamentalists who believe Israel plays a part in Apocalyptic End Times.

More on the two is here at We are a human rights watchdog group that investigates imposters like Rivera and Davis that do enormous damage to indigenous peoples.

I strongly urge Steve Ganot to do a follow up, and for him to do even a modicum of research. Even a cursory look at the couple would have shown they were not what they claim.
Dr. Alton Carroll
Associate Professor of US and American Indian History
Northern Virginia Community College


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2017, 11:17:34 pm »
But before she left medical school, she did befriend a nine-year Army veteran who worked in the IT department of Valdosta State University. Joseph Riverwind was first a friend, then husband, band-mate and co-worker.

"He kind of helped me get back into my own culture and roots," she said. Her heritage includes bloodlines from the Creek, Cherokee, Irish and Scottish families. Her grandfather lived on Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation; she moved to Marble in Cherokee County in 2007.

Motsinger, Carol. Asheville Citizen - Times; Asheville, N.C. [Asheville, N.C] 30 Dec 2012


Her grandfather lived on Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation;

she moved to Marble in Cherokee County in 2007.

That second part can be tossed away, living in a Cherokee County anywhere (there are eight, Marble is in NC) does not necessarily mean you are Cherokee. Several frauds try to claim differently.

The first part, about her grandfather, this implies a heritage claim. This would be about her paternal grandfather. Her paternal side is the side that claims NDN heritage.

Even if he did live on "Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation" (her wording here seems uninformed), that would not guarantee anything about his heritage.

Jimmie Dixon Davis - I've not found any sign in records to back up Laralyn Riverwind's statement  about her family.

And, as I've learned from the good people here of NAFPS, what counts is who claims us.

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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2017, 05:58:43 pm »
Even if he did live on "Western North Carolina's Cherokee reservation" (her wording here seems uninformed), that would not guarantee anything about his heritage.

Completely uninformed. That's not what it's called. That's the sort of mistake an outsider makes.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #48 on: February 26, 2017, 11:40:29 pm »
The Riverwinds raised $17, 338 for their trip to Israel.

Native American couple visits Israel as ambassadors of indigenous peoples

This post is written by a member of the Messianic community in Israel or guest contributor. The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the author and may not necessarily reflect those of Kehila News Israel.

On a journey through Israel as ambassadors from their tribe to the Jewish state, a Native American couple are connecting with the land, local believers and another “indigenous people.”

Laralyn said that seeing Jewish settlement of Israel “really speaks to the heart of the native people: We are blessed to see indigenous people returning to their land.”

This isn’t the first time that First Nations elders have come to Israel. In 1999, a delegation of Native Americans came here to foster diplomatic relations with Israel. Now, encouraged by their elders to continue the mandate, the RiverWinds, along with others, are building upon the foundation of friendship laid by the last generation.
Despite the fact that their faith and support of Israel may be somewhat unpopular and perhaps even controversial among Native Americans, the RiverWinds note many commonalities between Jewish and Native American customs.

“For example, we had cities of refuge, we didn’t eat swine, we celebrated seven festivals a year and the new moon and had a seventh day of rest,” Laralyn said, referring to her tribe, Cherokee.

The Cherokee also built booths, called arbors, for one of the festivals (similar to the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot) and carried an ark into battle.

More similarities include another tribe called, Tzitzitza, which means “people of the fringe” and sounds like tzittzit, the fringe or tassels worn by observant Jews. Another tribe is called Shoshoni, whose national symbol is a rose, strikingly similar to the Hebrew word for rose, shoshan.

One of the main names for God in Cherokee tradition is Yohaywa. Also, the Anikituwahyah tribe means The Principle People of Yah. One of the tribe’s pre-missionary stories passed on from generations included building a large canoe to avoid the flood.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #49 on: March 04, 2017, 04:21:52 am »

Explore Israel with the RiverWinds

Herbs of the Holy Land Tour!
The tour will be about 10 days long. The cost will be approximately $2500-$2800 PLUS AIRFARE.

How many of you would be interested in learning about the medicinal/edible plants and herbs of The Bible from a spirit filled Doctor of Naturopathy and Master Herbalist as part of a unique package tour of Israel?

Laralyn "Studied Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine at Trinity School of Natural Health".

Trinity School of Natural Health is a diploma mill.

Trinity School of Natural Health is not designed to provide a vocational curriculum to meet the requirement of any particular state where a license is required.

We believe the Bible to be a great source of learning and the final authority on spiritual matters. For these reasons we emphasize the knowledge found in the Scriptures to create a spiritual foundation. Because of the inherent spiritual nature within each of us, there is a need to be spiritually-grounded and knowledgeable when analyzing any health issue.

Trinity School of Natural Health offers training that is to be used for an individual's own personal development. With discretion, an individual may be able to use this knowledge to educate others.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2017, 03:11:35 am »
We are about to enter into a season of spiritual combat and the Body of Messiah gets attacked with ferocity by the kingdom of darkness on this regular biblical cycle yet often believers are not prepared and/or taken by surprise. Exposing the plans of the enemy we can be better prepared for when the warfare will increase. Trickster does nothing new but now the visor is being lifted from our Helmets of Yeshua so we can see the enemy coming from a far distance.

Are you where you are supposed to be when the battle is raging?
There are new assignments, and strategies being put in place and our spiritual marching orders are clear. Its time to muster and prepare for battle and not stand down but stand firm on His promises because Creator never breaks treaty. The unique timing of where you are being placed is not of your doing but the results of obedience to His calling during this season in your life. Take your place on the spiritual front line .

The enemy is not afraid of giving out his battle plans and we must rise up to combat against the forces of darkness prevailing over hundreds of thousands of people opening doors into the demonic realm to release curses. Spiritual doors that the majority of them do not know how to shut. It is time to rise up and warrior up Bride of Messiah. These attacks are the beginning of the offensive tactics in order to wear you down and damage your defense for the large battle to come.
Those who have come to the execution stake and have chosen to pick it up and carry it are the ones who are hearing His voice the clearest during this season or preparation. You are being re-positioned and reassigned, the dust you are to shake off the bottom of your mocassins has taken long enough. GET MOVING!

There must be a Refining before there will be a Revival which begins with the fire of the Ruach Ha Kodesh burning away the things of "Me" and "I" and renewing our minds to hearing "Us" and "We". Then once you get "I" and "Me" out of the way then you have effectively stopped making your self out to be your own Elohim. Resistant and disobedient to His wanting to Refine you before He Promotes you. Burning away our pride so that we can be close by His side during the intense times of spiritual warfare is where we want to be. We are in this fight together brothers & sisters so stop lashing swords of the tongue with one another and stand firm and united, echad, as One. and watch His victory prevail.

Note the use of "Trickster", "treaty", "moccasins".


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2017, 11:10:53 pm »
Joseph Riverwind is susceptible to conspiracy theories.

A  poster to the Riverwind Facebook page describes themselves as "I have been studying various members in the ministry that are Jesuit/Knight of Malta related or initiated." and states "Read up on the Jesuits...Knights of Malta. They have infiltrated everything. Even Standing Rock This comes from a high source."

Joseph Riverwind, through some persistent Facebook conversation and photoshopped photos from Standing Rock is now convinced that the conspiracy theory is true.

Joseph AmaHura RiverWind This is very disturbing that they would be there with the cloaks of their secret society out in the open like this. I dont know who they are or what their intentions were at the camp.
March 16 at 3:23pm


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #52 on: April 01, 2017, 01:45:35 am »
The Riverwinds are allied with several problematic people and groups, including Lou Engle of TheCall Ministries

The SPLC classify Lou Engle as an extremist, with anti-LGBT ideology.

A zealous opponent of abortion and LGBT rights, he has called homosexuality a “spirit of lawlessness,” suggested that it should be criminalized, and spoken at a highly controversial rally in Uganda where speakers backed a bill authorizing the death penalty for gay men and lesbians in some circumstances.

Engle is known for staging massive prayer rallies in cities around the globe since 2000 and is also a senior member of a radical Christian movement called the New Apostolic Reformation, which seeks to unite Protestants, vanquish demons, and evangelize the planet.

Engle also has taken time out from his core issues to suggest that Muslims are “fueling the demonic realm” and in the thrall of “spiritual dark powers.” In November 2011, he led a huge and controversial Detroit prayer rally so that “the love of Jesus would break in on Muslims all across this area.”

Laralyn Riverwind posted on Engle's Facebook page:

?Laralyn M RiverWind? to The Official Lou Engle Site
February 3, 2016 ·
'Siyo! (hello) I'm so excited! I just discovered your Azusa Now Call with First Nations people!
My husband and I are First Nations ministers. My husband is the War Chief of his tribe the Northern Arawak Tribal Nation. His people (also called the Taino) were the people of first contact with Columbus - in the Caribbean. The Heavenly Father has used Joseph in strategic breakthrough because of his people being a gateway people into this nation.
We are very excited to see what you are doing with Azusa... Digging up that old well! I have family and friends in that area. We would very much like to offer to partner with you in any way that you may need us.

Joseph Riverwind has an essay on Engle's website.

Engle is thanked by the Riverwinds on their own blog:

Bomatum (with great thanks) to Lou Engle for walking in humble obedience and helping the native voice be heard among the nations and for your love filled heart to see First Nations walking in their destiny and calling in The  LORD


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #53 on: May 01, 2017, 09:47:32 pm »
The Riverwinds have self-appointed themselves missionaries to the White Earth Nation. They have applied for housing on the reservation.

They promote their Firekeepers events as "culturally-relevant".

The Riverwinds claim that they can provide effective suicide prevention and healing to White Earth.

I am especially concerned about this passage concerning depression and suicidal feelings in their May newsletter:

But it is my strong advice not to turn to a non-Believing counselor/psychologist/psychiatrist. I have seen more harm than good done, in some cases. Don't settle on this one.

I believe this is highly unethical, ill advised advice.

The Riverwinds plan further missionary endeavors, they list "Mission Trip to Cheyenne & Crow Reservations", "Mission & Conference on the Allegany Reservation", and "Conference & Mission Trip Six Nations of the Grand River" on their agenda.


Offline Diana

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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #54 on: May 02, 2017, 04:23:56 am »
These people are obviously lying, non-natives (white people) cannot apply for Tribal housing. All Tribes have contracts with the government, HUD for housing and it's for Tribal members only. If Tribal Housing in any way tried to pull a fast one like give non-tribal people housing which I highly doubt, they would loose their contracts and could possibly face criminal charges.

As for their claims of working with the White Earth Tribe in the medical field of suicide prevention I believe is another lie. Again all Tribes have contracts for IHS. Contract Health IHS is extremely specific. All Tribes must keep exact records and hiring these two uneducated "missionaries" wouldn't be something any Tribe would do.

I bet dollars to doughnuts they'll get run off within the month. If they're actually at White earth.

The Riverwinds have self-appointed themselves missionaries to the White Earth Nation. They have applied for housing on the reservation.

They promote their Firekeepers events as "culturally-relevant".

The Riverwinds claim that they can provide effective suicide prevention and healing to White Earth.

I am especially concerned about this passage concerning depression and suicidal feelings in their May newsletter:

But it is my strong advice not to turn to a non-Believing counselor/psychologist/psychiatrist. I have seen more harm than good done, in some cases. Don't settle on this one.

I believe this is highly unethical, ill advised advice.

The Riverwinds plan further missionary endeavors, they list "Mission Trip to Cheyenne & Crow Reservations", "Mission & Conference on the Allegany Reservation", and "Conference & Mission Trip Six Nations of the Grand River" on their agenda.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #55 on: May 02, 2017, 02:57:05 pm »
Thank you Diana for this information, this really helps us understand what the Riverwinds are doing.

The Riverwind tag line now for Firekeepers is "From First Nations to The Nations".

Some excerpts of :

Passover... Reservation Style

The local rez paper, Anishinaabeg Today, couldn't cover the event but they asked Laralyn to submit an article and photos for their monthly May publication. You can read what she submitted in the section below this. The article is a demonstration of how we use the relevant vernacular of the people to introduce our spiritual beliefs in a way that will create interest in the hearts and minds of the audience.

The Riverwinds are pitching this to their followers, in a fundraising effort.

Our Counter Action against Suicide

Within days of having attended the above-mentioned funeral, an Anishinaabe woman brought her brother, Charlie, by our house right before Pesach, (Passover) began that evening. He was being tempted by suicide and very discouraged. We counseled him; prayed with him; anointed him. He was a struggling Believer when he came to us. We encouraged him in the Lord and after repentance he was refilled with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). We began doing spiritual warfare over him to command away the evil spirits plaguing him which included commanding the spirit of death that was stalking him to yield to the name of Yeshua.He left our home with joy and smiles.

Then Tragedy...

That same week, he was working on a half-ton truck when the truck fell on him and crushed his torso. Charlie's brother watched in horror as his brother gasped for air; his eyes rolled back in his head; and he went unconscious. Charlie was taken to a local hospital which sent him by life flight helicopter to a larger hospital servicing traumas. We were notified by his sister immediately after it happened. Without delay, we got in our car and drove to Fargo, North Dakota to the emergency room to be with he and the family, praying as we drove.

But God...By the time we arrived (which was probably less than two hours after the accident), he was already being prepared for discharge! The doctors could find nothing wrong with him! This was the very man who felt a cracking sound when the truck crushed his chest... the very man who felt his lungs fill up with fluid as he choked to gasp for a breath! There is no doubt in our minds of the miraculous healing that YHWH did for Charlie. We serve a powerful and good Elohim! Two short days after being in a trauma helicopter, he was sitting for the first time in our congregation's First Fruits gathering!

Community Outreach

The community has responded with action. Charlie's sister has asked us to help plan a community outreach for suicide prevention among teens. We are thrilled to be involved. We need your help to cover expenses for this outreach. There is a Believer coming to sing for the event (free of charge!) - Lara Landon. Thank you, Lara! At this event, we will encourage the youth to take a pact against suicide... It's a program we have designed called HeartCrossers and we are incorporating to make the youth feel loved, special, important, as they truly are just that.

The RiverWinds' Joyful Exodus
In some regards, it has been a rough road for us here in Minnesota; not with the Native people here on the reservation but rather with those who call themselves "Christians." We continue to speak forgiveness over those who have wronged us and are still doing damage to the unity in the Body of Messiah in this region and beyond. We are actively fighting bitterness and embracing joy and contentment, learning more and more about discerning between sheep, goats, and wolves in sheep's clothing.

In April, the word of the Lord came to us that it is time for us to move out of Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat. We had hoped for this word to come much sooner but we endeavor to be obedient to not only Abba's will but also His perfect timing. Thank you to all of those who have stood beside us in prayer over this situation. A special "thank you" to those who resisted the temptation to judge with only partial information. The enemy (trickster) still continues his same crafty ways to victimize indigenous people worldwide. It's a story that is all-too familiar to us. But we are victorious in the Messiah Yeshua and our hope is in Him, not in man.

By May 13th, we (along with the Hurt family) will move out from the home that was promised to us. As of the release of this newsletter, we do not yet have a next home. We are moving our belongings into a storage unit. Most rental homes are scarce and rather expensive when available off the reservation. We would rather live on the reservation anyway. We have applied to live in the projects of Pine Point and are awaiting an answer from the White Earth Housing Authority. Please pray for a smooth and quick transition for us and also for Jeremy, Angela and Ezekiel Hurt.

The Riverwinds may claim that "the word of the Lord" told them to move out of Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, but actually there were legal eviction proceedings against them.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #56 on: May 02, 2017, 03:04:10 pm »
More from

Suicide Prevention
on Your Reservation

If you would like us to bring the Heartcrossers Suicide Prevention program to your reservation or sponsor it to go to a certain reservation, please email us


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #57 on: May 02, 2017, 03:16:57 pm »
A new Riverwind fundraiser:
$4,500 goal

The Heavenly Father gave me a song to gift to the people of Israel. It is a song that will draw people within the Church to face the sins of the past and repent for them. It is a song that states the wrongs that were done and expresses profound regret over them. It extends a love that will heal the wounds of the past.

Creator laid it on my heart to do a crowdfunding campaign because every person who donates to this fund in any amount will be signing their name to the petition of this repentance. This song is not just from me to Israel. For everyone playing on this recording; praying for the anointing on this song; or giving funds for its recording - you are a part of this apology. You are a part of this healing and restoration.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #58 on: May 02, 2017, 04:51:22 pm »
We have applied to live in the projects of Pine Point and are awaiting an answer from the White Earth Housing Authority.

But the White Earth Reservation Housing Authority application requires tribal enrollment numbers, which the Riverwinds do not have.

As for suicide prevention, White Earth already has mental health services available for their nation

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #59 on: May 03, 2017, 11:23:38 am »
Please quit calling this couple, or any other fraud, by their fraudulent Nuage name. Their actual names are Rivera and Davis.

It empowers a fraud, and further spreads their falsehoods, when you use their fake twinkie name. That's true even when a fraud has their name legally changed. Just using their actual names points out their fraud practices.