Author Topic: Paul Peter Sahayda AKA Paul Ghosthorse  (Read 44960 times)

Offline earthw7

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Paul Peter Sahayda AKA Paul Ghosthorse
« on: May 30, 2010, 12:36:12 pm »
I catch this on the web which was being sent to someone else but end up in my mail.

Hau Mitakuyepi,

 I greet you through Cannupa Wakan and Ways of our Ancestors.

  Many are preparing for a return to Sungleska Oyate WiWiyang Wacipi for the renewal of our spiritual year.  In this place we each dance our prayer and create a vision of healing and positive growth for ourselves, our families, our nation and this beautiful planet that puts up with us. In this space we project the life we hope to live.

 It would be good for each family to make 44 green ties for our Mother  Earth and all she gives us and one SMALL 6 inch blue robe for the top  of the tree for Grandfather and our spirit connection. Between heaven and earth we two leggeds dance our prayer. These are offered on "tree day" June 28th.

 Every Person is important and has a place in our Hoop. All of us work together to recreate this ceremony.  You need to bring your best self to this ceremony ... the person you wish to become -- and share this person with all of us.

 Some call this a "Closed" altar because there is a security list for this family dance  Our ceremony is closed only to those who come with bad intention or carrying things that should not be at a ceremony of prayer.  Our ceremony is closed to those  threaten our children, those who we cannot trust with our possessions, those we would not invite into our home and those who would come between a marriage.

 I encourage everyone to spend time sharing yourself with our children especially at the Hocoka Cinca children's area.  Kathy Squires is organizing educational fun things for our next generation.  It is important that our children remember us with a smile and  in kindness.  The only way we can pass a message to those people of the future is through the words and memory of our children. We are the "elders" our kids will talk about.

 Some are concerned that fewer men are dancing each year and women outnumber men in the altar.  Most of our men have already danced,  and women usually seem to outnumber men in communities of the Spirit.

 In Dominant Culture White Society there is a struggle going on for equality as women have been dominated by men for centuries. White women are stepping forward  to fight for this equality.

And as our dance is made up of mostly white people, this is also played out in our altar.  The struggles of white people and the struggles of native people are not always the same.  White women are being called to dance and it is a natural progression until there is balance and understanding again in dominant culture.  When our Young Women have their honoring in Isnati Lowanpi by our men and women, when they grow up strong in themselves and treated with respect as women,  then balance will come into being again over time. As long as one man pledges to dance, this men's ceremony will continue. 

Be safe on your travels to the land and back home.  Remember to exercise you legs before you get there.  Watch what you put in your mouth.

Hechtu, Mitakuye Oyasin,

Paul GhostHorse

[just changed title]
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 12:30:37 pm by educatedindian »
In Spirit

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2010, 03:34:23 am »

I believe this is the adopted son of "Buck Ghosthorse" who started to "Ghost Horse Nation". They claim that if the do the seven rights then THEY become the Lakotas....  Storm knows this guy somehwat. Or knew him. I can try emailing her. But look at the stuff on this site about Buck.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2010, 03:27:21 pm »
I read so of the stuff on buck and this email is just too strange
even the stuff wrote about why white women dance???
In Spirit

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 01:41:25 am »
Buck's wife was going around portland telling people they were all Lakotas and giving talks. Pretty strange. My friend, I'll call her C, said that the last time she was around them before Buck died, there were whites running round acting and dressing like what they thought Indians act and dress like. She's white, and was disgusted.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 03:17:41 pm »
This seems to be Paul Ghosthorse's group.

In 1952 our Spiritual Elder had a vision of teaching all races of people about his people, culture and spiritual way of living day to day life on what is called Canku Luta. THE RED ROAD.

Some years later in approximatly, 1970, at the age of 30, he started to travel and help his Elder and Uncle W. Black Elk as he and his wife, Grace Spotted Eagle traveled the USA speaking and teaching about Lakota way of being.

In 1986 or so, He and his wife moved to Monroe Washington, and started to teach all who would listen to them, about this way. Buck had met many people accross the USA during travel with his Elders and the First Tiospye was formed in Monroe. By 1990 , Tiospyes existed in California, Washington, Oregon, North Carolina, Minnesota, and by 1999 also in New York State, New Mexico, Alaska, and members or family were in some 30 states. The actual founding Tiospye was in The Bay Area of California....


Anyone know the people listed as their board?

Joyce Ann McPherson, president
Jonathan Tong, treasurer
TBD, secretary
Betsy Gudz, member
Katherine K. Hoesel, member
Walter Hoesel, member
Amirra Malak, member
Charles Randalls, member
Jennessa Ann Richert, member

Ceremonies and classes.

Offline lainiern

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2010, 02:35:46 pm »
Be careful to pass judgement on people you don't know, have never met and have no idea what their beliefs are.  No matter who you are, there is someone willing to gossip about you.  I have met many of these people and attended the Ghosthorse dance in Goldendale, Washington for several years before Uncle Buck crossed over.  He may not have been perfect, as none of us are, but his heart was in the right place.  He truly cared about people, all people, not just those of his "race".  There were a lot of white people,  as well as asians, african american, hispanics and others of many mixed races.  He didn't look at people and see skin color.  He looked at people and saw that the human race needs healing and did his best to assist in that as he knew how.  Racism is a nasty thing and it exists in all cultures.  The whites who don't like blacks, the indians who don't like whites, the christians who don't like muslims simply because their skin color or belief system is different are all racists.  Uncle Buck dreamed of a world where people could truly be equal. It was a damn pipedream that won't likley happen in our lifetimes, if ever, but you can't fault him for trying.  He was not one of these "new age" shamans who charged for ceremonies, as I have seen some people on the internet claim.  He lived very simply and did not put any treasure in belongings.  He gave away more than he got.  He made mistakes in life, as we all do, but give the man a break. he is no longer here in this world to defend himself.  And honestly he wouldn't anyway.  He would just shrug and go on about his day.  He didn't put much stock in idle gossip anyway.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2010, 08:47:50 pm »
Be careful to pass judgement on people you don't know, have never met and have no idea what their beliefs are.  No matter who you are, there is someone willing to gossip about you.  I have met many of these people and attended the Ghosthorse dance in Goldendale, Washington for several years before Uncle Buck crossed over.  He may not have been perfect, as none of us are, but his heart was in the right place.  He truly cared about people, all people, not just those of his "race".  There were a lot of white people,  as well as asians, african american, hispanics and others of many mixed races.  He didn't look at people and see skin color.  He looked at people and saw that the human race needs healing and did his best to assist in that as he knew how.  Racism is a nasty thing and it exists in all cultures.  The whites who don't like blacks, the indians who don't like whites, the christians who don't like muslims simply because their skin color or belief system is different are all racists.  Uncle Buck dreamed of a world where people could truly be equal. It was a damn pipedream that won't likley happen in our lifetimes, if ever, but you can't fault him for trying.  He was not one of these "new age" shamans who charged for ceremonies, as I have seen some people on the internet claim.  He lived very simply and did not put any treasure in belongings.  He gave away more than he got.  He made mistakes in life, as we all do, but give the man a break. he is no longer here in this world to defend himself.  And honestly he wouldn't anyway.  He would just shrug and go on about his day.  He didn't put much stock in idle gossip anyway.

Oh irrelevant cliche and sanctimonious lecture after another, and none of that has anything to do with what's been said in here.

IOW, Lainiern, you took part in a false version of a Lakota ceremony by a white imposter who posed as a Lakota healer and leader. "Ghosthorse" and his imposter act were certainly racist. So many people were misled and harmed by him, including himself. The saddest thing to me is that his son follows in the abusive ways of the father.

And by your own admission (which I bolded), he apparently did charge for ceremony.


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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2012, 12:56:24 am »

Anyone know the people listed as their board?

Joyce Ann McPherson, president

Married by Buck Ghosthorse to Franklin McPherson (Marion F McPherson), she an owner of Bear Hawk Design and Bear Hawk Enterprizes


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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2012, 04:45:17 pm »
Current nonprofit corporation info:

UBI Number   602450391
Category   REG
Profit/Nonprofit   Nonprofit
Active/Inactive   Active
State Of Incorporation   WA
WA Filing Date   11/24/2004
Expiration Date   11/30/2012

Registered agent Jennessa West - Seattle WA

Director   Tong, Jonathon    - Kenmore, WA
Director   McPherson, Joyce   - Snohomish WA
Director   Olson, Patty     Black Mountain NC
Secretary   Shaw, Crista   Mountlake Terrace WA
Treasurer   Schafer, Judy    Oregon City OR
President   West, Jennessa     Seattle WA


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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2012, 05:11:20 pm »
Paul's father Buck Ghosthorse changed his name legally from Leonard Albert Mattern. Something to keep in mind when researching Paul.

Offline lainiern

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2012, 10:08:39 pm »
I see you are still on here [childish insult].  He did not charge for any ceremonies and I did not say he did.  You are a liar.  I said he gave away more than he got... as in... if he got a blanket as a gift he gave it away to someone who needed it. If someone brought him food he asked who was hungry.   Ugh.... why do I bother you [yet more childishness].  On here for 2 years arguing [still more childishness]
« Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 10:32:08 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2012, 10:41:00 pm »
It's very childish to throw a fit because your own words show you to be a liar. Your own words admitted he sold ceremony, though you claim the proceeds were sometimes given away. In any case there are so many accounts of ceremony selling.

It's also very stupid of you to complain about his name being harmed. This thread was about his "adopted" "son" being an exploiter. You're the one who keeps bringing up the late imposter Leonard Mattern.

I suppose it's asking too much to expect reasoning or truth from people who follow a caricature of Lakotas beliefs, taught by an "adopted" "son" of an imposter posing as Lakota, with non-Natives playing Indian far away from any actual Lakota, and often suffering injuries and even deaths because of their leaders's practices.


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Re: Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2012, 04:48:40 am »
Paul Peter Sahayda, as an adult, changed his name to Paul Peter Sahayda Ghost-Horse 10/16/1992  Snohomish County, WA .

(just 11 days after Leonard Albert Mattern changed his name to Buck Ghosthorse, also in Snohomish County, WA)!ip%2FDQ2NC!!GDE2M&ms=0&cabinet=opr&pg=1&id2=TAvMg%3D%3Db3%03%13MKm%2FF3M5HTk5M!w5TTYvM
Instrument Number:    9210160467
Sequence #:    0
Date Received:    10/16/1992 12:00:00 AM
Document Type:    NAME CHANGE ORDER
Book:    2636
Page:    2251


In 1994 two more people changed their surname to Ghosthorse in Snohomish County, then in 1997 one person in Klickitat County, where Goldendale is.

The Sahayda surname looks to be concentrated in Pennsylvania. For instance a Paul Sahayda was born 1885 in Austria and settled in Pennsylvania.

Some recent descriptions of Paul:

Paul teaches the Lakota way and is a respected Sundance leader and head of Tyospaes in North Carolina and Washington state.

A Lakota teacher, historian, and musician, Paul Ghost Horse was taught the Natural Way of his family and continues to share his knowledge with the next generation.

The oldest son of elder Buck GhostHorse who was a Lakota teacher and historian, Paul was taught the Natural Way of his family and continues to share his knowledge to the next generation. He also lectures on Native American Music and culture and has spoken on the Wisdom Keepers Series at universities.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 11:38:08 pm by Piff »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Paul Peter Sahayda AKA Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2012, 12:41:01 pm »
The name Sahayda is very European in origin, Austrian like you point out. In fact the current leader of the American Nazi Party is named Sahayda.

The addresses that keep coming up for Pau Sahayda are in Barnardsville NC. Apparently there's another "adopted" "son" JR "Ghosthorse," 44. Sahayda is 55.

This is pretty surreal for a supposed super spirchul group: One of them was competing to be a contestant on Survivor.
Photo halfway down of the Mattern adoptees.

PepeLePew13 23510 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
 08-05-08, 10:45 AM (EST)
17. "Update on contestants..."
According to indianocean of SurvivorSkills, Crystal Cox has been confirmed as a contestant.
There's also rumour of a Native American named J.R. Ghosthorse from North Carolina being a part of the cast.

We may also have up to 8 to 10 original contestants being sent home and replaced by new ones because the producers didn't like the mix they had - if this is true, that's a refreshing change as they should have done this with a couple of seasons (I'm thinking of Fiji, for one).
 UNCLERICH1 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
 08-05-08, 03:49 PM (EST)
18. "RE: Update on contestants..."
Hi PepeLePew: I had heard of JR Ghosthorse a few days ago,and checked for him on MySpace with nothing coming up, so I checked with several friends in Asheville,North Carolina and here's what they gave me:
JR Ghosthorse
Native American,Lakota and Apache
44 years old
lives in Barnardsville,North Carolina
others in his household are,Kathlene Ghosthorse,and Paul Sahayda Ghosthorse
He is a very good golfer
He has a very good knowledge on Indian skills and spirits
I think he would do very well
Also I checked Jeff Probsts MySpace page yesterday and he has not checked in since July 17,2008
 UNCLERICH1 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
 08-05-08, 04:10 PM (EST)
19. "RE: Update on contestants..."
Here is
J.R.Ghosthorse pic from 2005

 UNCLERICH1 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
 08-06-08, 03:12 PM (EST)
20. "RE: Update on contestants..."
Hello everyone: now i'm hearing that PAUL S. GHOSTHORSE is the possible contestant for Survivor 17-Gabon
Paul is a Lakota Spiritual leader and teacher. He is a celloist in Mainstream music and has several albumns. He is in a symphony in Asheville
Paul is in his 50s and is very good at outdoor activities needed to survive
Paul sounds great to me IMHO!! 

 SatHizFakShon 38 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
 08-08-08, 10:03 AM (EST)
21. "RE: Update on contestants..."
That looks like 2 different Ghosthorses.....Paul and JR..... 

 UNCLERICH1 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
 08-08-08, 10:39 AM (EST)
22. "RE: Update on contestants..."
Hi SatHizFakShon Paul Sahayda Ghosthorse is 51 years old and JR Ghosthorse is 44 years old. They both live on 1200 North Fork Rd. in Barnardsville,North Carolina. I'm sure they are brothers! I wrote an e-mail to Paul's band but haven't received anything back. The music group is Braidstream Music in Asheville,North Carolina 
 nicalai 131 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
 08-14-08, 09:48 AM (EST)
34. "RE: Update on contestants..."
did ghosthorse brother/father/ petition to impeach bush?

 UNCLERICH1 115 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
 08-14-08, 12:37 PM (EST)
39. "RE: Update on contestants..."
LAST EDITED ON 08-14-08 AT 02:22 PM (EST)
Hi nicalai: that's Paul S Ghosthorse,JR Ghosthorse brother.3rd from left with his band Braidstream music

thanks Pepe

 PepeLePew13 23510 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
 08-14-08, 12:47 PM (EST)
40. "RE: Update on contestants..."
Would you be so kind to resize your picture as it's messing up the ability to flow through this thread and read every post? Scroll'n'read is difficult especially on smaller monitors for some people.
Or you can just edit your post, take out the picture and use the resized picture here:



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Re: Paul Peter Sahayda AKA Paul Ghosthorse
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2012, 02:03:54 pm »
Bruno Aranda Fernando Jr. changed his name to J.R. Ghosthorse in 1994 in Snohomish County, WA. He was about 30 years old at the time. He says he is Lakota & Apache.

Record Series:    Auditor Misc Records
Collection:    Snohomish County Auditor, Miscellaneous Recordings
County:    Snohomish

Auditor File Number:    9404260646-0
Document Type:    NAME CHANGE ORDER
Recording Date:    4/26/1994
Party Name:    GHOSTHORSE J R
Name variant used:  "Junior Ghosthorse"

« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 11:40:41 pm by Piff »