Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN Kenny Frost  (Read 47941 times)

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2008, 05:53:10 am »
For the record I have a very close friend that knew kenny frost,she was also involved with him at the time and he treated her with most respect and later he turned on her and said some horriable things that she was hurt bad ,He also invited her to his rez and didnt have the decency to show up and pick her up, But the fact he told her that he had connections in high places and could tap a persons life,He also ,and this is hear say that he is a millionare . To me this man made some accusations that  he could prove that ArvolLookingHorse sold the sacred pipe to the japanese,and says he can prove it ,yes he can or might have the power to do all the things that he says ,to me hes a fed and a spy.the goodness that he does for the ppl is all lies ,hes arragontand has no respect for women at all. He is not one to be trusted, From other ppls views he is self conceted and only thinks for his own glory and prestiage. But I also know of some utes that say he isnt a Sundancer ,

Offline earthw7

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2008, 12:39:03 am »
wow, my old friend Kenny Frost which I have not heard fro in 15 years now has made some enemies.
Just because a man is arrogant does not make him a bad man and just because he has women and get rid
of them does not mean he is bad man. He is just a man. I never heard of Kenny being a medicine man but who know these days. A fraud no he is not!!!
An arrogant womaniser yes!

Lets get back to frauds
In Spirit


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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2008, 03:58:29 pm »
hahahahahahahaha, gotta big kick outta these posties!  Everything you've all said is pretty much true.  If he turns his eyes your way........RUN!  He is not looking for true love as he always professes......he's ONLY looking for some action.  He is much more HUMAN than he will ever be spiritual......the proof is in the way he treats others.  And the ongoing pattern he has of doing it over and over and over again.  It must be a lot of fun to lie to people, take advantage of them, then leave them stewing in what he created.  Its all bad......;)  Been there, done that.........I guess if you believe someone's LIES, then you deserve what you get, eh?  And it has come to my attention that they ALL lie.  Haven't had the honor of meeting one yet who does not.........and don't expect to before I die.  lol

Offline Cat

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2008, 06:52:53 pm »
I am sorry you have had bad experiences..and yes there are alot of bad apples out there - no pun intended.. but I have also met some real down to earth good hearted people - but be assured there are good traditional people out there.

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2008, 11:23:49 am »
For what its worth even Traditionalist's are humane,Some make wrong judjment error's ,but as we all know to be considered to be a respected Elder one must walk there talk and live it,But we all know that even the simplist men makes mistakes. But we learn and correct it the best way possible..
And as for the info Re: Mr Frost at the sacred sites ,yeah who the hell is he ,Had some relatives say that he doesnt have any respect for the ppls ,no matter what tribe he is ...

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Kenny Frost
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2008, 01:10:21 pm »
Kenny Frost is a womenizer and has a huge ego and that his abilitys to work w/ppls are outragest, Hes ego is more than being a good man,Had several reports that hes self centered and does not have any clue to himself. Look at the other threads that has been posted ,hes offended some ppls in SD a few months ago re: sacred sites . and all were appauled at what he did or said .This man is not Honorable and from what i hear Benard does not work w/ him nor are they close friends

Offline shoshone1

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Re: Kenny Frost
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2008, 03:21:39 pm »
I emailed Kenny once and from what i can say is that he does what he does . Cant argue the fact as to what he does ,but he does have many PPL that he emails to and they stay close as to whats goin on in NDN issues .So i guesss hes a good man .I dont know and life goes on

Offline shoshone1

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2008, 03:23:42 pm »
I guess i have to say that Kenny isnt all that bad, dont know him sonally but kenny if you read this i just want to say you do what you got to do ....

Offline morning_cinders

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2010, 04:34:09 pm »
good morning...... i have my own questions and do believe he is knowlegeable of traditional things, as that is one of his hooks. the fact people are questioning his behavior leads me to believe he has a spiritual sickness. it doesnt appear hes targeting only native women, any woman is a tool to be used. ive heard he pays womens travel costs for an opportunity to lay beside them and he likes instant messaging or emails where his sickness is hidden from view. sad when a human holds this type of knowlege and sickness all in one body. they have a personal/public/private persona that is like day/night. the ego is tremendous in these men and they seem to believe women are placed on earth for their personal pleasure and hold the touch. ive heard it said such a man opens has his blanket to you, but you cant see the one walking out the back nor those in line behind you......... good luck

Offline seizethebull

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2013, 01:15:34 pm »
I have to say that morning_cinders is correct. I know a woman who has experienced this personally within the last couple months. In point of fact he is presently lining up the next woman for the month of October.  As for not claiming to be a medicine man, it is what non natives refer to him as with great respect in Glenwood Springs at the Yampah Vapor Caves where he takes donations to lead non natives in ceremony. This can be proven by a simple phone call. As for an MO, he befriends women online, finds what their weaknesses are and plays on them relying on his credentials as spiritual leader and connections- name dropping, and later using these credentials to keep the women silent, for fear of having bad medicine come their way through "jealous individuals". He is not a fake, he is definitely an educated person, but does have this particular flaw as well as prevarication. Because he is so very well respected he believes himself to be untouchable. After all who are people going to believe, Kenny Frost or an unknown woman?

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2013, 06:45:37 pm »
Which all goes to show that people need to be wary. I have been telling friends for years to be careful because sometimes, what they want so badly is not what they are getting. I know of so many naive people who get taken in by other people. They get taken advantage of because the predator types can spot someone with a trusting nature. People, just because someone says they are a medicine man, a pipecarrier, or a sundancer, doesn't mean you should trust them! Check them out first! Watch how they treat other people. Use some common sense. And to non-native people: If you wouldn't allow a white person to do that to you, why the hell would you allow an NDN to do it?

Offline seizethebull

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2013, 11:33:28 pm »
Very true, debbieredbear. Mr Frost was recently reported for giving this woman's Sundance dress to pow wow vendors. He was contacted by telephone on the location of the dress and that was the information he gave. This matter has been referred to the Southern Ute tribal police. Definitely a cautionary tale.

Offline agiya dohi

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Kenny Frost
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2019, 09:29:18 pm »
Kenneth Andrew Frost is a total playa! He uses women for plane fair, lodging, food and sex. He takes and never gives back what was loaned to him. He lies about his age. He's closer to 70 than 50. Beware,!!!! Run. Don't walk! Willing to take a lie detector test on this subject!!!!

Offline agiya dohi

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Re: Kenny Frost
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2019, 09:40:10 pm »
He's not a good man. He's a total playa. He's wealthy, yet expects favors. He's a taker, not a giver. Fraud, sex, b.s.!!!

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Kenny Frost
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2025, 09:48:48 pm »
i refrained myself from posting here...because i was too close to this.. remember i am not only pueblo i am also southern ute on my dad's side (from my grandfather)...but ken frost passed about a year and a half ago

i know the story well of the girl and the stolen sundance dress, and that was not cool especially the circumstances around it.....i am friends with the woman and know she did not know kennys overtures came with certain expectations

BUT kenny does have the medicine, and that did not make him a good person when it came to women.....yet when it came for overall doing things on behalf of the tribe (frost family was involved with tribal govts and boards) he did great things.....and helped the tribe accumulate alot of money

kenny also had some problem with me, i dont know exactly but i think it had to do with me exposing "eliase graywolf" on a big scale and he wanted to take credit for it, also i was talking as friends to a few girls he was "working on".....he did not like that even though i never said anything bad about him ....but if i have to tell the truth only girls said he talked bad sometimes about me and my family all the males i know said the opposite! so i dunno....i did not know him well we just happened to cross paths once in awhile and he knew my fam

part of kenny's problem was that he bragged about being a millionaire, which attracted the wrong girls and he himself was known to not conduct himself gentlemanly (as nice as i can put it)

as much as we can blame kenny i KNOW some of the girls who let kenny fly them out, take them to fancy restaurants and bronco games and many other things and they we angling to get as much out of him as possible.....and kenny played sugar daddy and turned on them when they had no interest in giving up the sugar .... but they sure liked all the attention/money ..... i think that was kenny's biggest mistake letting people know about his wealth as i have a friend that was good friends with him and knew kenny a completely different way and said he always insisted on picking up tabs for everyone when eating or hanging out ... he also said kenny was cool to sit down and talk to for hours and he saw things happen with some of these girls where he thought it wasnt cool at all on girl's part (N8TV girls at that!)

but i knew kenny when i was young.... well actually my parents and grandfather did, i was just a young little straight dancer... and he did invocation and prayers at many powwows didnt start hearing the rumors and and whispers until i was well into adulthood and made my way back into powwow scene

either way.....most are going to remember him as a fighter/activist for the people, some women wont remember him fondly and call him a creep .......but he was no fraud he was the real deal holyfield and DID have the medicine

either way i hope he rests well and we can close the page on him now