General > Frauds

Barbara Lee White AKA Kachinas Kutenai

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  Not going to get into a "peeing" match about KK. If you wish to doubt her authenticity OR her Power/s, so be it. It is your loss. Just keep in mind *I* have seen her in action. What *I* personally, have seen her do, that which there is NO scientific explanation for, is enough "proof" for me. (But I know YOU, I am asking to take on "Faith" and, considering all the other "take my word for it/s" you've gotten, your doubt is understandable.)
 I cannot speak to "why someone born on the Pima Rez would be a Chiracahua..." (She was born on the GILA Rez--how'd PIMA come into it?)
  The only reason I mentioned the Mescalero Rez (etc.) was by way of saying the HERITAGE of the Apache (for one, they were a NOMADIC Peoples) can be very confusing. (Remember, it was a FULL-BLOODED Mescalero who claimed Geronimo was "full-blooded" Navajo.) I REALLY don't understand WHY it's even an ISSUE. (By a person's "fruits ye shall know them," if y'don't mind an <applicable> Bible quote.) All one need do is LOOK at a picture of her to see her Apache blood. (Or am *I* crazy?)
 As far as her trips to Germany? Her Sacred...Rainbow foundation *will* be U.S. based. (I connected it to her trips to Germany as her need for donations in order to fund it.) It's still in the planning stages, btw, NOT functioning.
  Someone (up above) attacked her saying, "she'd do better by her own people to help them *here*..." (paraphrased--haven't the time for exact quotes), Kachinas, like the "People of Peace," the HOPI PEOPLE, believes (and this will be as far as I feel comfortable "speaking" for her) ALL Whites are not "bad" or "evil." (This is despite *my* personal wish to "rip my skin off" most times, now'days.) She has not and WILL not "give up" on the White Race. (Nor have the Hopi, btw.) YES, she has made frequent trips to Germany. Like many before her, "a prophet is not welcome in her own Land." Her first trips to Germany happened LONG before the 70s (the beginning of AIM) and the resurgence in Na Amer. Pride. Should she be faulted for spreading her message to those who will HEAR?
  If that is what you wish--to sequester the wisdom given the Red Peoples until the "End" of this world comes (which, I grant you, from what I understand of the Hopi Prophecies <Banyaca>, seems just around the corner), then you will have to justify your actions to Massau (or whatever term you wish ID the Great Spirit by) when the End DOES, finally arrive.
  As I said at that AIM meeting SO many years ago, "are we not ALL Brothers and Sisters?" The Four Races were given charge of different "pieces." To the Red was given the care of the Earth BUT, the other races, too, were given THEIR charges, THEIR guardianships (water, air, fire). It is my understanding, the Kikuyu Tribe are the keepers of the tablets given the Black Races. My research suggests the TIBETANs were given the Yellow. (And as for the Whites, it was either given "Moses" <ie, the 10 Commandments> who dropped them (read the Hopi warnings RE: the ramifications of THAT happening) OR are still being held by the Swiss. (**Have gone pretty far afield here, but one canNOT simply "eliminate" the entire White Race from the Planet. <We're on our way to doing that ourselves, thanks, withOUT anyone else's help...>)
  As far as KK's AIDS "claim", there is a difference between AIDS and showing up positive for the virus. What I SAID (as well as her Bio) was she is credited as successfully changing someone's HIV+ status to HIV-. (There's a BIG difference. She does NOT lay ANY claims to having cured someone of "AIDS." <Were THAT the case, the whole WORLD would know of her.>)
  Just as KK does not distinguish between the Races, she also does not "toss the baby out with the bathwater." She uses a combo of NATURAL HEALING AND WESTERN MEDS in her healings--what use would there be of herbs if one has internal injuries from a car wreck?
  Her Healings she does for free. (Or as free as *any* medicine person does, ie, barter/trade or, for those in extreme need--absolutely free of charge.)
  KK has spoken to me thru Visions and dreams and has taught me much. Doubt her if you will... I was just trying to tell you your efforts to discredit this woman are/will be fruitless.
  **That woman you spoke of, the one who cited KK and Geronimo as "speaking" to her IS a NuAge "channeller." I'd place NO credence, whatsoever, in ANYthing she says.
  As far as WHO has appeared WITH KK, the "speakers" are arranged by those having the conference. She'd have NO say in who ELSE appears with her.
  As far as her appearance before the Senate? Senate records only go back so far (on the internet). It is quite possible the record/s of her speaking occured beFORE the INet. I have never known her to tell so much as a WHITE lie, much less a lie as big as *that*.
  One last thing before I go... Remember, the sites (above) of her appearances in Germany MAY be poorly translated. I wouldn't take anything *there* as written in stone.
  Waste your time if you wish it. Makes no difference to me (OR her). *I* Know her and Who (this Great Woman) is..
  When she (and I) walk in the woods, the flowers bow their heads to her. I've seen Coyote come to her, lie down at her feet and allow her to "scratch his belly." Wild horses are tame when she is near, Thunderbirds come to her Call--I have Seen this and she has Taught the same to me..." For Power knows no color, or creed or religion... It only knows one's Heart and I know Kachinas' Heart...
  I will speak no more of her.

  In Sisterhood, (We Are ALL Family--like it or NOT)

  Silverbonn (Blindfolded One)



--- Quote from: silverbonn on January 23, 2008, 11:43:23 am ---I will speak no more of her.
--- End quote ---


"What *I* personally, have seen her do, that which there is NO scientific explanation for, is enough "proof" for me."

Oh might want to look up the Skeptics Society, or things like Yuri Geller being debunked by James Randi. It's fairly easy to con people with fairly simple tricks.

"I cannot speak to "why someone born on the Pima Rez would be a Chiracahua..." (She was born on the GILA Rez--how'd PIMA come into it?)"

You make my points for me. You know very little about Natives.

You don't even know that the Gila Reservation is a Pima reservation. And before you seemed to think Pimas and Apaches were the same, or related.

"All one need do is LOOK at a picture of her to see her Apache blood. (Or am *I* crazy?)"

Well, I'm not a mental health professional.

But you definitely seem to be kidding yourself, and to not know much about Natives. For example, most other Natives can tell I'm Indian by sight, even down to one of the related tribes. Apaches are also related to Athapascans and Hoopa.

I'm always amazed at how easy it is for Europeans like yourself to get it so completely wrong. Barnaby was even mistaken for Native once, and he's a fair skinned red headed Englishman.

" Someone (up above) attacked her saying, "she'd do better by her own people to help them *here*..." (paraphrased--haven't the time for exact quotes)"

That's pretty funny, too spirchul to look for quotes. Or evidence, it seems.

"Kachinas, like the "People of Peace," the HOPI PEOPLE, believes (and this will be as far as I feel comfortable "speaking" for her) ALL Whites are not "bad" or "evil." (This is despite *my* personal wish to "rip my skin off" most times, now'days.)"

Ah yes, that old desire to no longer be white. Obviously she gives you a way to assuage your guilt.

"She has not and WILL not "give up" on the White Race. (Nor have the Hopi, btw.)"

Actually the Hopi are pretty darn sick of whites trying to misuse their prophecies and speak for them, like you do here.

"YES, she has made frequent trips to Germany. Like many before her, "a prophet is not welcome in her own Land."

Prophet is more of a Christian idea, also Muslim. But thanks for admitting she's not welcomed by her (alleged) own people for what she does.

"Her first trips to Germany happened LONG before the 70s (the beginning of AIM) and the resurgence in Na Amer. Pride."

Actually AIM began in the 60s.

"Should she be faulted for spreading her message to those who will HEAR?"

For only speaking to those who are dumb enough or ignorant enough to not know she's a fraud? Yes.

"If that is what you wish--to sequester the wisdom given the Red Peoples"

Red Peoples? I didn't know anyone still used that old racial term since, what, 1930?

"until the "End" of this world comes (which, I grant you, from what I understand of the Hopi Prophecies <Banyaca>, seems just around the corner), then you will have to justify your actions to Massau (or whatever term you wish ID the Great Spirit by) when the End DOES, finally arrive."

You really don't seem to know much about Hopi beliefs.

 "As far as KK's AIDS "claim", there is a difference between AIDS and showing up positive for the virus. What I SAID (as well as her Bio) was she is credited as successfully changing someone's HIV+ status to HIV-. (There's a BIG difference. She does NOT lay ANY claims to having cured someone of "AIDS." <Were THAT the case, the whole WORLD would know of her.>)"

Hey, if what you or she claims was true, the whole world would still know about

But they don't, which is why just about everyone doubts both you and her.

"She uses a combo of NATURAL HEALING AND WESTERN MEDS in her healings--what use would there be of herbs if one has internal injuries from a car wreck?"

Obviously you don't know much about actual Native healing. Many tribes had specialists in combat medicine, "binders of wounds."

"KK has spoken to me thru Visions and dreams and has taught me much. Doubt her if you will... I was just trying to tell you your efforts to discredit this woman are/will be fruitless."

To you, certainly. But not to almost anyone else. She discredits herself with each more ridiculous claims.

"That woman you spoke of, the one who cited KK and Geronimo as "speaking" to her IS a NuAge "channeller." I'd place NO credence, whatsoever, in ANYthing she says."

Nice that we finally agree.

"As far as WHO has appeared WITH KK, the "speakers" are arranged by those having the conference. She'd have NO say in who ELSE appears with her."

But knowing that literally almost every speaker there is a fraud, she'd be extremely foolish to agree to be there also. Unless she does not care, since her followers/victims don't know the difference.
"I have never known her to tell so much as a WHITE lie, much less a lie as big as *that*."

It's not so much a matter of you never catching her in a lie, as not wanting to admit you've been lied to repeatedly.

"I've seen Coyote come to her, lie down at her feet and allow her to "scratch his belly."

Once again, you don't know much.

Since Coyote is a trickster, I'd guess you once again don't realize her (alleged )acceptance by him is not a good thing.

"Thunderbirds come to her Call--I have Seen this and she has Taught the same to me..."

What an ego! You claim to control thunderbirds?

Next you'll be telling us the Virgin Mary washes your feet.

"I will speak no more of her."

Except to give us your corny Chief Joseph impression.

"Silverbonn (Blindfolded One)"

I think your name suits you.


--- Quote ---One last thing before I go... Remember, the sites (above) of her appearances in Germany MAY be poorly translated. I wouldn't take anything *there* as written in stone.
--- End quote ---

Nice try - but a miss. I did the translations, and I speak and write English fluently.

 Note to all: "educatedindian" is a FRAUD named Al Carrol. Please see the link below:

[link deleted: it's just John Lekay's trash from last year]


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