Author Topic: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star  (Read 43082 times)

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2021, 04:09:45 am »
Here is where Sidian gets his Jungian flavored ideas:

Sidian Jones The Mythologists
November 27, 2020·

Small revelation here. Wow.
So I've been engaged every single day in a Personal Mythology course tailored for me by Ron Boyer a depth psychologist, current doctoral student at UC Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union, and a teaching intern at GTU/UCB. Part of this course is to read Carl Jung, who spends quite a bit

The cards he is making remind me of Magic the Gathering cards and role play gaming sheets.


We aim to ignite a new career field for Personal Mythologists all over the world as a title you can aspire to and an art or skill you can master.

Are we watching a potential Jungian polygamist cult in the making?

Sidian is benefiting from the unpaid intellectual labor of his followers. He is basically game testing, using people as beta testers.

He is maintaining an air of "specialness" about his group, you can apply but he might not accept you. If you produce content he likes, he might accept you.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2021, 04:13:12 am »
I was kinda thinking the same thing. I would definitely watch that! I wouldn’t also mind trying to help with making it possible. I have a message from he stating he would sue me if I didn’t quit talking about his family. I don’t think that is possible since he put himself on tv. Plus I don’t have much so let him.

Oh definitely screenshot and save all his threats.

He is a public figure who has written books about his grandfather. He makes miracle claims about his pretendian grandfather. We all have the right to question, discuss, and research his claims.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2021, 04:32:30 am »
He is just making more than claims. The tactics he uses are something I have never experienced before. His “wife” even contacted me and tried to gaslight me. She said Sidian travelled all over the world to gain these stories in his book. I was accused of being his ex wife trying to defame him. That is a whole other story. She wasn’t on the show and he put out a smear campaign against her. She claims he stole their kids. I don’t know and she may be in on the whole thing. She started a go fund me page to hire a lawyer to get to see her kids. There is so much I have dug up. The move to Oregon seemed strange to me because I read Mala had 17 acre place there. It made me wonder if Sidian didn’t just more there to take over the family business of taking advantage of people.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2021, 04:50:41 am »
I just posted a link in one of the groups I am in on Reddit called TLCseekingwife to this subject. Hope that is okay. I think the viewers of the show would be really interested.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2021, 03:46:03 pm »
He is just making more than claims. The tactics he uses are something I have never experienced before. His “wife” even contacted me and tried to gaslight me. She said Sidian travelled all over the world to gain these stories in his book. I was accused of being his ex wife trying to defame him. That is a whole other story. She wasn’t on the show and he put out a smear campaign against her. She claims he stole their kids. I don’t know and she may be in on the whole thing. She started a go fund me page to hire a lawyer to get to see her kids. There is so much I have dug up. The move to Oregon seemed strange to me because I read Mala had 17 acre place there. It made me wonder if Sidian didn’t just more there to take over the family business of taking advantage of people.

So imagine if Sidian actually sued a critic in court for damages. He'd have to do this with his own money, this would be a civil case not criminal.

He is a public figure so he'd have more to prove than a private person.

One of the elements he'd need to prove is this:

3. A defamatory statement must be false -- otherwise it's not considered damaging. Even terribly mean or disparaging things are not defamatory if the shoe fits. Most opinions don't count as defamation because they can't be proved to be objectively false.

So Sidian Morning Star Jones' threats are ridiculous. John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope was a performer who lied about his heritage.

Sidian traveling the world to collect stories is just that - the dude traveled to collect stories from people. Doesn't matter if those assorted people are famous or not, stories are stories. Just because there are stories about Pope supposedly working weather magic and healing people doesn't necessarily mean they are actually true. And we have the right to express our opinion of those stories.

Sidian is the grandson of the legendary shaman Rolling Thunder

Sidian is carrying on the family business of taking advantage of people. And he is acting like a wannabe L Ron Hubbard, who invented the "religion" Scientology. Including his use of threats, harassment, gaslighting.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2021, 04:17:23 pm »
I fully agree with you. I posted in a couple groups I’m in about what you have uncovered. It’s going to be a interesting day to say the least.  ;D

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2021, 04:23:17 pm »
Sidian Jones was born in 1983.

He's been at the New Age game for awhile. Here he is in 2010:

MyMythos is here for those without a purpose, those who have lost their purpose, or those who wish to be sped forward towards their purpose. The journey towards self perfection is always ongoing, it is a never ending horizon. For your ultimate self will always be growing, will always be becoming greater.

Sidian already has the elements of a New Age Huckster in place. He looks for lost souls. He tells them that he has the answers and that they will need his help forever.

He's using a time tested mix of Jungian, "spirit animals", mangled myths, "shamanic" heritage claims, his own version of tarot cards, role play gaming, dream interpertation etc. Through out NAFPS here can be found many versions of this. He is not doing anything new.

Sidian Jones encourages followers to share their innermost secrets. This is extremely unsafe, he can use this information to manipulate people. He also wants followers to help him build the "world's largest encyclopedia of meanings".  He'll use unpaid labor for that and then profit himself.

Becoming a Myth Keeper is Easy & Fun

Do you love lore, mythology, and writing?
Join us in creating the worlds largest encyclopedia of meanings.

Themes on his site include Cruella de Vil, Kraken, Werewolves, Faeirie, Succubus, Dragons, Unicorns, Nature, Oneness, Demon Hunter, Sidian Morning Star Jones is a New Age Huckster using people in his role playing game for profit and power.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2021, 04:33:07 pm »
The show is still pending on another season last time I checked. There has been a lot of talk of why it ended with no warning. People have speculated it’s because of other cast members with abuse allegations against them. I started voicing my opinion of he should not be on the show and about his Rolling Thunder being as fake as his grandson. I think it may be beneficial to some how contact TLC and boycott him being on the show against. He behavior is abusive threatening and you would think that would be enough to pull him from the show. Or just cancel it for good. Like you suggested and make a show about this fraud.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2021, 05:06:29 pm »   This link has a Sam Morning Star. I wonder if the two are related?

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2021, 05:10:10 pm »
I apologize I think this is the link.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2021, 05:26:41 pm »

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2021, 05:32:43 pm »
I apologize I think this is the link.
I believe they are not related. Different writing styles, different bios.

There are unrelated Morningstars out there, even at least one with middle name/surname of Morningstar Pope.

Oooo I just found his name change. In 2006 he changed his name from Robert Russell Cayc Jones to Sidian Morning Star Jones. I don't know if that "Cayc" is an abbreviation for a longer name. Search through the above listed Idaho court link.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2021, 05:36:16 pm »

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2021, 05:47:01 pm »
Wow. You are good. Finally some proof of what I have suspected all along. A fraud. I’m so relieved I found this site. Him and his followers made me feel like I was crazy for thinking he what you have proved. Thank you again.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2021, 05:59:43 pm »
I heard he was on that TV show and checked out the Reddit group. Apparently he joined the subreddit and tried to promote himself there. He quickly got into fights with people, as they laughed at him and called him and his grandfather frauds and pretendians. They laughed at how creepy he was and said he was trying to look like Johnny Depp. He came on and said he thinks he looks like Jim Morrison.  ???

Apparently he believed he would win over the group and make them his followers. They saw right through him and kept making fun of him. So he turned hostile and started attacking and trying to dox people. He wound up banned from the group.

I suspect he will attempt to come here with fake accounts, pretending to be his own follower(s), to defend his "honor".

Oh, and his claims of starting his various "religions"? Mostly lies. He's cobbling together the work of other occultists. Plagiarism and collages, nothing new or innovative. And he was getting very little interaction on his Facebook posts last I checked. Which doesn't mean he won't succeed under a different persona, especially if he ever succeeds in picking up his fraud grandfather's mantle. But so far it looks like he's been trying very, very hard to do that and really not having much success at it.