Author Topic: Robert Russell Cayc Jones AKA Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star  (Read 43001 times)

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2021, 06:04:29 pm »
I heard he was on that TV show and checked out the Reddit group. Apparently he joined the subreddit and tried to promote himself there. He quickly got into fights with people, as they laughed at him and called him and his grandfather frauds and pretendians. They laughed at how creepy he was and said he was trying to look like Johnny Depp. He came on and said he thinks he looks like Jim Morrison.  ???

Apparently he believed he would win over the group and make them his followers. They saw right through him and kept making fun of him. So he turned hostile and started attacking and trying to dox people. He wound up banned from the group.

I suspect he will attempt to come here with fake accounts, pretending to be his own follower(s), to defend his "honor".

Oh, and his claims of starting his various "religions"? Mostly lies. He's cobbling together the work of other occultists. Plagiarism and collages, nothing new or innovative. And he was getting very little interaction on his Facebook posts last I checked. Which doesn't mean he won't succeed under a different persona, especially if he ever succeeds in picking up his fraud grandfather's mantle. But so far it looks like he's been trying very, very hard to do that and really not having much success at it.
I have experienced this first hand. He has done the same thing in Facebook groups about the show. I even created his own group and tried and did convince people that was a real group about the show. It’s called seeking sister wives savage group. He uses it to Dox and harass people.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2021, 06:06:21 pm »
Wow. You are good. Finally some proof of what I have suspected all along. A fraud. I’m so relieved I found this site. Him and his followers made me feel like I was crazy for thinking he what you have proved. Thank you again.

A good thing to know is that even if the New Age Huckster John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope was Cherokee (he wasn't) - he would still be classified as a fraud. His supposed spiritual teachings were a random mess of elements stolen from actual cultures. He was a performer doing old timey medicine shows selling fake potions.

He made money doing fake ceremonies. He ripped off cultures and he ripped off his customers. Some of his customers were despairing and ill, they need actual help, not to get ensnared by a con man.

Imagine someone wearing a Roman Catholic pope hat, Tibetan prayer beads, an Orthodox Jewish prayer leader cotton robe, a Mormon temple garment ( a type of underwear), and waving a Disney type fairy wand. While singing garbled versions of West African Vodun songs. And claiming they are descended from Joan of Arc.

Imagine this person having a grandson who writes books about this supposed miracle worker  and who then harasses people for daring to offer criticism.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2021, 06:13:10 pm »
Wow. You are good. Finally some proof of what I have suspected all along. A fraud. I’m so relieved I found this site. Him and his followers made me feel like I was crazy for thinking he what you have proved. Thank you again.

A good thing to know is that even if the New Age Huckster John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope was Cherokee (he wasn't) - he would still be classified as a fraud. His supposed spiritual teachings were a random mess of elements stolen from actual cultures. He was a performer doing old timey medicine shows selling fake potions.

He made money doing fake ceremonies. He ripped off cultures and he ripped off his customers. Some of his customers were despairing and ill, they need actual help, not to get ensnared by a con man.

Imagine someone wearing a Roman Catholic pope hat, Tibetan prayer beads, an Orthodox Jewish prayer leader cotton robe, a Mormon temple garment ( a type of underwear), and waving a Disney type fairy wand. While singing garbled versions of West African Vodun songs. And claiming they are descended from Joan of Arc.

Imagine this person having a grandson who writes books about this supposed miracle worker  and who then harasses people for daring to offer criticism.
   I absolutely understand and people like them are doing nothing to help any community. They are hurting and victimizing people to make many. I am white and have done my family’s history. I’m from the Hart family. The people being accused of being witch’s. That’s  terrible to take the pain of the people being accused of something they are not a making a career out it.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2021, 06:19:57 pm »
I want to make clear I don’t think I’m a witch and I have no special powers other then finding like minded people to expose these people.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2021, 06:40:25 pm »
Heads up Oregon, this on the Portland Welcome FB:

Sidian Jones asked a question .
July 11 at 12:42 PM  ·
Hey all. I'm new to Oregon and having a hard time meeting new people. Really just looking for a group to have a few drinks with maybe game a bit. This might be the worst way to meet people lol, but I don't know what else to do. Suggestions welcome!
My interests include geeky stuff like board and videogames, drinks, karaoke, making music, psychology, graphic design, and anything entrepreneurial.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2021, 06:42:46 pm »
Heads up Oregon, this on the Portland Welcome FB:

Sidian Jones asked a question .
July 11 at 12:42 PM  ·
Hey all. I'm new to Oregon and having a hard time meeting new people. Really just looking for a group to have a few drinks with maybe game a bit. This might be the worst way to meet people lol, but I don't know what else to do. Suggestions welcome!
My interests include geeky stuff like board and videogames, drinks, karaoke, making music, psychology, graphic design, and anything entrepreneurial.
. This was posted in the Facebook group seeking sister wife’s. Any one that joked about it was attacked.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2021, 06:46:53 pm »
He has sock poppet accounts saying I am him now trying to promote him. I don’t know rather to block these people are gather more evidence. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2021, 07:02:46 pm »
He has sock poppet accounts saying I am him now trying to promote him. I don’t know rather to block these people are gather more evidence. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Is he doing this on Facebook? Here is how to block

You may not need to gather any more evidence. Keep an eye on his activities if you want but make sure to first take care of your own well being. You do not deserve abuse. Take breaks. Stay clear of bullies.

Your information is already helping a lot. Sidian is part of an extended grifter family. Now we know that he also is in the game and that he uses bullying tactics.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2021, 07:22:44 pm »
He has sock poppet accounts saying I am him now trying to promote him. I don’t know rather to block these people are gather more evidence. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Is he doing this on Facebook? Here is how to block

You may not need to gather any more evidence. Keep an eye on his activities if you want but make sure to first take care of your own well being. You do not deserve abuse. Take breaks. Stay clear of bullies.

Your information is already helping a lot. Sidian is part of an extended grifter family. Now we know that he also is in the game and that he uses bullying tactics.
. Yes it’s on TLC seekingsisterwife group on Facebook. I made a post about looking like a cult and his real name and the same accounts as usual stated I was him or obsessed with him. I blocked them. I don’t want to talk to people who want to defend by being manipulative or abusive. It’s most likely him or a cult member anyway. Who would stick up for this guy just because he was on tv? Especially after be exposing after I read information on Rolling Thunder he was pushing.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2021, 07:40:30 pm »
He has sock poppet accounts saying I am him now trying to promote him. I don’t know rather to block these people are gather more evidence. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Is he doing this on Facebook? Here is how to block

You may not need to gather any more evidence. Keep an eye on his activities if you want but make sure to first take care of your own well being. You do not deserve abuse. Take breaks. Stay clear of bullies.

Your information is already helping a lot. Sidian is part of an extended grifter family. Now we know that he also is in the game and that he uses bullying tactics.
. Yes it’s on TLC seekingsisterwife group on Facebook. I made a post about looking like a cult and his real name and the same accounts as usual stated I was him or obsessed with him. I blocked them. I don’t want to talk to people who want to defend by being manipulative or abusive. It’s most likely him or a cult member anyway. Who would stick up for this guy just because he was on tv? Especially after be exposing after I read information on Rolling Thunder he was pushing.
. The Facebook page is about and to make fun of the cast of the show. It’s a discussion group based on the TV show. All the families on the show are talked about and opinions made of them but his. If you do he will over report your comments or harass you. Just like a lot of threads on here about his family.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2021, 07:49:16 pm »
I apologize I think this is the link.

Not likely. Morningstar is one of the most common Native names, both first and last, like Russell is for English people. And for many people besides Cherokees too. For that matter plenty of Nuagers, hippies, and others either named their kid that or changed their name to it.

I happen to have a lot of online interactions with Sam Morningstar on Quora. Unlike the Pope family, there's no reason I can see to doubt SM is who he says he is. Most of the questions he answered were about the usual pop claims about Natives, or about being a vet.

Offline Mooseman

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2021, 07:58:45 pm »
I apologize I think this is the link.

Not likely. Morningstar is one of the most common Native names, both first and last, like Russell is for English people. And for many people besides Cherokees too. For that matter plenty of Nuagers, hippies, and others either named their kid that or changed their name to it.

I happen to have a lot of online interactions with Sam Morningstar on Quora. Unlike the Pope family, there's no reason I can see to doubt SM is who he says he is. Most of the questions he answered were about the usual pop claims about Natives, or about being a vet.
. Ok and thank you. I didn’t know Morningstar was common a common Native name. Sidian told me it was his Grandmother’s middle name when I asked him about it. Some people in the group that it was from Devil worship. I had no clue. 😁

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2021, 07:59:13 pm »
Robert Russell Cayc Jones changed his name to Sidian Morning Star Jones ......... I think Cayc = Cayce and the legal record abbreviated it.

According to reviews of the book The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder, John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope was a good friend of Charles Thomas Cayce. Charles was a grandson of Edgar Cayce ( Charles obit )

Rolling Thunder took a liking to Charles Thomas Cayce. As a result, RT was a frequent visitor at camp in the mountains or at the ARE headquarters in Virginia Beach, staying out at Charles Thomas’ farm in Sandbridge.


So Sidian Jones' mother likely also visited the Cayce's as a child and that may be the source of that middle name.

The Cayce - Pope connection explains a lot, including what Sidian is trying to do today.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2021, 08:11:02 pm »
More of the Cayce - Pope connection, something to be aware of with Sidian:

For example, it's reported that several years ago Rolling Thunder agreed to conduct a healing ritual for a research group at the Edgar Cayce Foundation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In addition to curing three patients with documented medical histories (who were selected beforehand by doctors at the conference), he treated a man who had severely crippled hands. However, Rolling Thunder first had to describe the individual's ailment so that the reluctant patient could be located in the audience and brought forward to be examined. After the healer told the audience to look for someone with gnarled, twisted hands hidden in his pockets, the "volunteer" was found, brought to the stage, and cured of his handicap. When he was questioned later about the incident, Rolling Thunder explained that the sick man's spirit had come to him the night before the ceremony and insisted that he promise to treat the man, since the unfortunate individual wouldn't have the courage to come forth and ask for help at the meeting himself.

The person with arthritic hands could easily have been a plant, set up in advance for this performance. Also in most any group, it is an easy guess that someone will have arthritis.

The claim of a cure could have just been staged or the target honestly did end up feeling momentarily better. None of this means Pope was an actual healer.

Sidian insists that anecdotes like these prove his grandfather was a Cherokee medicine man. Sidian even uses the word "shaman".  But they are just stories of the usual circus tent, faith healing, medicine show type performances.

Offline verity

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Re: Sidian Jones AKA Morning Star
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2021, 08:28:39 pm »
I uploaded a helpful family photo here, sign in to see.

Russell Jones is Sidian's father

Stanley Krippner ( ) is a grifter family enabler, he has written two books with Sidian

Spotted Fawn is one of "Rolling Thunder's" wives, I believe she is Helen (Hernadez) Pope

Ozella / Bundy Morning Star Jones, Sidian's mother. and if I got this right - Mala Pope's sister

A note on the Pope family: