Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 423179 times)

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

And as for "dark skin" as a proof of anything, you obviously haven't been around too many dark skinned people. There's an obvious difference between dark skinned Am Indians, with our skin becoming the color of leather when under the sun a lot, and darker skinned African or Black people, whose skin is the color of chocolate or ebony even if they live in the far north.

Response:  I never ever mentioned the color/shade of anyones skin.  As I mentioned previously....... Niiki put his comments in.
e.g.  (he is actually Black), (Black)

Would you also like to explain your multiple pseudo-Native names? By coincidence, your chosen ID at this forum almost matches that of a fraud?

Response:  Shamush is a nickname, I chose my ID for this forum in honor of a close friends distant relation.

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
Because an answer to a question is not posted does not mean it hasn't been answered.  FYI my eyes are blue.  As for anymore information about me.... it's none of your business! 

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
I do believe that educated indian wanted you to answer his questions so that all can see.


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 04:23:26 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

And as for "dark skin" as a proof of anything, you obviously haven't been around too many dark skinned people. There's an obvious difference between dark skinned Am Indians, with our skin becoming the color of leather when under the sun a lot, and darker skinned African or Black people, whose skin is the color of chocolate or ebony even if they live in the far north.

Response:  I never ever mentioned the color/shade of anyones skin.  As I mentioned previously....... Niiki put his comments in.
e.g.  (he is actually Black), (Black)

Would you also like to explain your multiple pseudo-Native names? By coincidence, your chosen ID at this forum almost matches that of a fraud?

Response:  Shamush is a nickname, I chose my ID for this forum in honor of a close friends distant relation.

 I don't have multiple pseudo Native Names. My name is Niiki as my login is that. I am not a man as you may think or have been lead to believe by others. I am a woman. Again I believe this is a personal attack on me to try and discredit this entire thread. You have ignored Educated Indians questions.

And Shamush = Ancient sumerian name for the SUN RE = ancient egyptian name for SUN, being used as RE = RAY 9 = mystical number of the Nuwaubian Doctrine.  And this close friend would be Tecumseh???

I believe I am onto to something about you... Both names that you are using are in relation to  the Washitaw/Nuwabians! Coincidence or what???


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Because an answer to a question is not posted does not mean it hasn't been answered.  FYI my eyes are blue.  As for anymore information about me.... it's none of your business! 

Blonde hair , blue eyes and Great Grandmother Full-blooded Algonquin???   ???


« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 10:19:25 am by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
What Tecumseh Brown Eagle is connected to , as his philosophy and beliefs are the same as:

 Religious & Philosophical Doctrine & Practice

Like his name, his affiliations, and his costume, Dwight York's philosophy is multifarious and ever-changing. A doctrine passionately stated in one place may be off-handedly dismissed in another.
Black Nationalism / Racism

Some of York's thinking borrows from Moorish Science and the Nation of Islam. His racial philosophy explicitly indicates the supremacy of blacks, or "Melanites," who are superior in fact as well as in descent ("The Melanin-ites, the original woolly-haired, dark skinned Muurs, or 'Moors,' came along with the original creation"). Other "species of Rizqiyians" include "species of Melanin-ites Nubian called Negroids... 3 species of Mongoloids, and 2 species of Caucasoid, all growing out of the original Nubians."
The "Tama-Re" Compound

The "Tama-Re" compound in Georgia was established in 1993. According to one page:

    The name of the Nuwaubians' home is Tama-re, or the "Egypt of the West." At the entrance of Tama-re there is a large sign that recognizes the Nuwaubians as a fraternity, Lodge 19 of the Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek. Armed guards stand at the entrance to Tama-re. Approximately 100 Nuwaubians live within 15 double-wide trailers within this complex. There are approximately another 400 more Nuwaubians within Putnam County (population 14,000). At this current complex the Nuwaubians have constructed an Egyptian-style village with two pyramids, obelisks, and statues of Egyptian leaders. The two pyramids are distinct in appearance and in usage. There is a gold pyramid that serves as a trade center. Within this pyramid one can find a bookstore and a clothing store. The other pyramid is painted black with colorful Egyptian symbols painted on the outside. This structure serves as a church. Within the church, loudspeakers play Egyptian chants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Another source says: "The group's lodge houses busts of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti and a glass tomb holding an alien-like creature with a huge head and bulging eyes."

Tama-Re issued its own passports and license plates.

The compound was the focus of much legal wrangling between the Nuwaubians and the government of Putnam County during the late 1990s and up to the time of York's arrest, much of it centered on zoning issues, and York claimed this as racially-based harassment. Civil rights personalities Al Sharpton, Tyrone Brooks and Jesse Jackson spoke out on the Nuwaubians' behalf.

As of March 2005, this flamboyantly-arrayed compound is being sold under government forfeiture.
Illyuwn and Rizq

York claims to be an extraterrestrial from the planet Rizq, in Illyuwn (the 19th galaxy). In his over-capitalized way of putting it: "I Am A Being From The 19th Galaxy Called ILLYUWN. We Have Been Coming To This Planet Before It Had Your Life Form On It. I Manifest Into This Body To Speak Through This Body. I Am A Entity An Etheric Being. We Watched The 3 Other Cycles Of 18,000 Years, Two Moons And One Sun Which Is Part Of Your 24,000 Year Cycle, The Equinox; The Removal Of The Dust Cloud From Light To Darkness Then To Light Again. I Incarnated Into This Realm From Time To Time. My Incarnation As An Ilah Mutajassid Or Avatara Was Originally In The Year 1945 A.D. In Order To Get Here I Travelled By One Of The Smaller Passenger Crafts Called SHAM Out Of A Motherplane Called MERKABAH Or NIBIRU."

York came to Earth on March 16, 1970. (Comet Bennett , which was visible on that date, is said to have really been York's spacecraft):

    I, YAANUWN, Am An ANUNNAQI Or What You Would Call An Extra-Terrestrial; Extra Terra-Astral; Look At This EXTRA- Meaning In Addition To; TERRA-Of The Earth; ASTRAL- Of Or From The Stars. I Am What You Call An Angelic Being, An Eloheem From The 8th Planet Called RIZQ Which Has 1 Moon SHESHQI Of Its Own. This Galaxy, The Nineteenth Galaxy Called "ILLYUWN" Originally Referred To As Heaven Known As Elysium In Greek, Has 3 Suns: 1) SHAMASH 2) UTU 3) APSU Which Means A Tri-Solar System With 38 Moons And 19 Planets. Each With Its Own Number Of Moons. I Have Incarnated Here In This Form To Act As A Human Being For The Sole Purpose Of Saving The Children Of The ELOHEEM (ANUNNAQI), The Banaat, Which Is The Same Word As Bennett, The Chosen 144,000. Just As Mary Of 2,000 Years Ago Was Chosen By The MOST HIGH, ANU, Called An ALIEN, Which Is 'ALI' And 'EN' (AN), Both Of Which Are Names For ANU, To Breed The Holy Thing Called Yashu'a Or Jesus', Real Name Tammuz, Called Horus. So Too, The Banaat Will Breed The Savior Of This Time; If They Hold Firm To The Rope On Your Planet Earth. The Planet Earth Is Also Referred To As Orb, Ard (Arduwt), QI, Terra Or Even Tiwawat And Tamtu Meaning "Maiden Of Life ". However, It Was Originally Called Tiamat. I, YAANUWN, Have Come To Save The Children Of The ELOHEEM (ANUNNAQI) From Being Killed As You Bring Your Planet Near To What Could Be Its Total Destruction.

York told his followers that a spacecraft from Illyuwn would return on May 5, 2003 to take him and 144,000 Nuwaubians to the planet Rizq. That date, which landed while York was in jail during his child molestation trial, passed without incident.

The superficial similarity of these beliefs to those of the Heaven's Gate cult led to many a worried newspaper article after that cult's mass suicide, but York's cosmology seems to have more resemblance to that of the less-suicidal Frank Chu.

Another source says: "York's scripture claims our human ancestors originally came from the planet Rizq. They later moved to a planet called Kesiyl in the Orion constellation, then to Mars (the canals on Mars was said to have been built then), then to Pluto and finally to Earth."

One of the Nuwaubian's own sites contains "The Ourstory (history) of the Holy Tabernacle Ministries!" [Taken from The Holy Tablets Chapter 19:AL KHIDR, MURDOQ Tablet 6-Zodoq:Melchizedek Pages 1643-1648(in part)]. It's mostly an explanation for why the various clothing-related taboos and requirements of the cult changed so radically throughout the years, and why this is not an indication of the instability of the Nuwaubian doctrine.

    * " nineteen sixty and seven A. D...
  • ur official garb at this time was a black tunic, we called a budlah and black loose fitting pants, with a tarbush and shoes which became known as Romeos. This was the year nineteen sixty and seven A. D. Then the dress changed to African robes and the people, we called ourselves Nubians. This was the year nineteen sixty and eight and nine A. D..."

    * "In nineteen sixty and nine A. D... the dress changed to a more elaborate style of dashiki, a black fez and a small bone in the left ear for those who wished to wear it and a ring in the right nostril."
    * "We donned black tarbushes and our symbol was simply a crescent, a six-pointed star and an ankh..."
    * "At this point we were wearing what had been established as the international garb of the Ansaaru Allah Community, which consisted of the thawb, dress and khimar, face veil for the female. This face veil which was not apart of the Sudanese original dress was introduced by the women of the community who mostly left immediately after and went back to wearing western attire leaving the devoted women behind veiled. I told them the day would come when his veil would have to be removed while living in the West, and it has. And the jallaabiyya, a long white garment and bantaluwn, loose fitting pants and immah, head covering for the male with an azzaba."
    * "Then on into adulthood, our code of dress changed from time to time, to suit the time we were in. Our garb had mutated again in the year nineteen ninety and two A. D., to the kathnuwth, tunic and bantaluwn, loose fitting pants with a sash around the waist in various colors for the male, and the budlah nubi of the female which also consists of a tunic and bantaluwn and a shawl as a head covering of many colors."
    * "The dress then changed to western attire in order to get everybody away from doing their own thing; those that truly followed the Lamb wherever he may lead them, trusted in him and wore western clothes and even listen to country western music..."
    * "Now you are ready to move on toward the next level, and ready to accept what I was giving you originally... So we are at the beginning again with Sufi and fezes."

Convicted of Child Molestation

In 2002, York was arrested and charged with over a hundred counts of sexually molesting dozens of children, some as young as four years old. He pled guilty in 2003 in a plea bargain that was later dismissed by the judge, and then was convicted on 23 January 2004 — the judge having rejected his desire to be returned for trial to his own tribe: "All I am asking is that the court recognize that I am an indigenous person. I am a Moorish Cherokee, and I cannot get a fair trial if I am being tried by settlers or Confederates."
Additional Information

    * - United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors web site
    * - another UNNM web site
    * - The Ourstory (history) of the Holy Tabernacle Mysteries
    * "Ansaaru Allah Community" in Kooks: A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief by Donna Kossy (ISBN 0-922915-19-9)
    * - A nuwaubian doctrine and history resource
    * - The official site of that Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation
    * Nuwaubian Aerial Photography - photos of the Egyptian-themed compound in Georgia
    * Nuwaubians - article from the Center for AnthroUFOlogy
    * The Father, Malachi York is accused of the son, Jacob York's crimes - a page alleging that York was set up by his son
    * Arrest Nuwaubians' latest trouble - 9 May 2002 newspaper article
    * Nuwaubian leader claims torture, kidnapping in lawsuit - 2 December 2003 newspaper article
    * Nuwaubians Rally as Leader's Case is Appealed - 18 November 2004 newspaper article
    * Illuwn? Let's be "Sirius" - a skeptical article about Nuwaubian cosmology
    * English, the language of confusion - Nuwaubian comparative linguistics
    * Right Rhyming - concerns a Nuwaubian rap group from Philadelphia
    * Soul Mates Worldwide - a Nuwaubian dating service
    * Moorish Science Temple: “The Ansaru Allah Community”
    * Nuwaubians: a collection of links from the news media
    * Malachi York - from the Masonic Reporter
    * The Nuwaubian Supreme Grand Lodge
    * The Life of Muhammad, as told by Dr. Malachi Z. York
    * - with a Tama-Re slideshow
    * El Istakhlaag - A Nuwaubian creation myth
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 04:54:48 am by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
Quote - Reply#105
"It seems that one of your members has said that I and members would be eating Crow for dinner. And the Senica as well."
RESPONSE:  Looks like someone relayed the wrong information to the Chief.  This is what was posted.......
"Because ..... I know this hateful little man who is going to be eating a lot of it soon, but the sad part of it is.... he has coerced some very special people to the table toooo.  But, that is okay, because HE will be eating most of the wretched meal."

Make Note:  Never did I say Chief Renz or the Seneca.

FYI - I said "my Great-grandmother!"

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Quote - Reply#105
"It seems that one of your members has said that I and members would be eating Crow for dinner. And the Senica as well."
RESPONSE:  Looks like someone relayed the wrong information to the Chief.  This is what was posted.......
"Because ..... I know this hateful little man who is going to be eating a lot of it soon, but the sad part of it is.... he has coerced some very special people to the table toooo.  But, that is okay, because HE will be eating most of the wretched meal."

Make Note:  Never did I say Chief Renz or the Seneca.

FYI - I said "my Great-grandmother!"

That's what you may think .... Don't be so sure of that!!

Your Great -Grandmother, so that would make you 1/8th??? Like I said which part, little toe?? I guess you are afraid to tell us from which side of your family, this 1/8th part is from, father's or mother's side?? If it's from your father's side, then it would not be accepted under Our Law, The Great Law of the Six Nations Confederacy. If your mother is non-native under our law, then you are also!!
Maybe that's why you are throwing such a hissy fit over it, and trying to discredit me. Which by the way, I am Mohawk, Bear Clan, by my mother, so I do know who I am, what nation and clan I belong to. So nomore calling me a fraud when you don't even know what you are talking about. Since you continue to support a fraud, after the facts have been clearly stated, then maybe that's what you are. Are you looking in the mirror at yourself again?? Maybe you can answer our questions without throwing childish fits or maybe you aren't capable of that???


Niiki  Mohawk from Tyendinaga Terriritory

« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 04:56:46 pm by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
The issue is the mythology of these cults. NO there is no historical proof of any African presence in the Americas before conquest. TBE and his comrades only seek to steal what rightfully belongs to Indian people. Black frauds are just as bad as white frauds, both are thieves trying to get something for nothing.
Does any legitimate tribe, state or federal accept their mythyology or claims? NO. Does any jurisdiction recognize these groups? NO!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
The issue is the mythology of these cults. NO there is no historical proof of any African presence in the Americas before conquest. TBE and his comrades only seek to steal what rightfully belongs to Indian people. Black frauds are just as bad as white frauds, both are thieves trying to get something for nothing.
Does any legitimate tribe, state or federal accept their mythyology or claims? NO. Does any jurisdiction recognize these groups? NO!

Niawen Gowa for your words Don. I don't know if Ms. Hopson will get that through her thick skull!
Many of us can see it, but she is unable to. Any suggestions on how to deal with the adamant supporter of a "Fraud" who may be one herself??


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
There is nothing harder to deal with than the "true believer". They usually see frauds as religious saviours, like Jonestown and Jim Jones. What I always find interesting about the "devotees" to these cults, is that normal, intelligent people fall into them. These cults fill some personal need in the "devotees" and although anyone with one iota of intelligence can see how stupid the mythology is they can't accept reality.
When I went after the so called Binay Tribe, I was called everything except a child of God, by members who claimed to be Christians. Cults and cult leaders are ruthless when confronted, whether they claim they'll start legal action or make violent threats, its the same. Be careful!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
There is nothing harder to deal with than the "true believer". They usually see frauds as religious saviours, like Jonestown and Jim Jones. What I always find interesting about the "devotees" to these cults, is that normal, intelligent people fall into them. These cults fill some personal need in the "devotees" and although anyone with one iota of intelligence can see how stupid the mythology is they can't accept reality.
When I went after the so called Binay Tribe, I was called everything except a child of God, by members who claimed to be Christians. Cults and cult leaders are ruthless when confronted, whether they claim they'll start legal action or make violent threats, its the same. Be careful!

Niawen gowa for you your words of encouragement, Don! All of this information has been passed onto to others, that are able to deal with these people in another way. It would not be in their best interest to continue this fraud or support it. I know I am not afraid of Ms. Hopson , TBE or the EIMTM because they are really nothing to us within the Confederacy. Although if they choose to make war on us, history will only repeat itself!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline kosowith

  • Posts: 104
  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Just got this back from my contact at the OLympic training center in Colorado Springs

Hello again,

It took a little while to respond because I had to ask several people if they had heard of James Johnson III, Tecumseh Brown Eagle or Abdul Abdulla Mohammed. 

Nobody I know who has anything to do with Tae Kwon Do and the Olympics has ever heard of him.

Karate and Tae Kwon Do are two separate sports. Apparently there is some form of unofficial World Championships for Karate. But it is not certified or associated with AAU or the US Olympic Foundation/training.
I can't find any information or records of him having anything to do with US authorized TKD or Olympics.


Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Niawen Gowa for the info Kosowith on another confirmation of Tecumseh Brown Eagle's lies, deception and misrepresentation of himself.

More proof!!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Ennisko:wa

  • Posts: 6
So once again we know that you are here only to cause trouble in this post and not to contribute towards ridding us of this fraud. Maybe you are one of his supporters?

I did not want anyone to believe that the Confederacy Chief's were dumb enough to believe you-know-who was legit.
TBE names has been around for years as less than credible. I still cannot fanthom how you or the Redwolf person you so passionately defended here, ever believed for one second he was legit. Now, it's obvious he has inserted himself into certain land claim issues, and been a royal pain, but to have been afflliated with him???

[Al's note: Off topic parts removed, as were posts of the same.]

« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 07:36:06 am by educatedindian »