Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422702 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(3) Dealings with a county, parish, or other local government in a relationship based on the group's Indian identity.
Again, dealing with the LOCAL government and getting the "minority" business contract while using TBE name and EIM name ; If they accepted these names in documents, which apparently the PA government did, then he is "establishing" this section of his "recognition"  Also, the "Minister" title may have something to do with this section, although a "parish" is not a church but a region.  Also, what about his OHIO dealings. AND the Bruce Nuclear project. IF his name is accepted, he could get State recognition... BUT, he can also go to jail because that would violate the Federal Law 18 U.S.C. 1001 on "misrepresentation" for "Indian Preference" in jobs, as well as other laws we will find. If he lied on ANY government applications, using TBE and EIM ...

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(4) Identification as an Indian entity by anthropologists, historians, and/or other scholars.

Interestingly, he is in contact with the Pennsylvania Archeological Society. Regularly!  Other scholars; Don Greene? Another "fraud"? who plaigerized the work of many people including now deceased Dr. Voegelin; used his  manuscript that was unpublished via Noel Shutz, now gone website shawnee-traditions found in Wayback Machine Internet Archives. Have this data.
If Don Greene is a recognized "scholar", the archeologists "recognize" him, and the accompanying anthropologists hooked up with the archeologists, then he can say he is "recognized";

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(5) Identification as an Indian entity in newspapers and books.
He's been working hard on this one; got himself on the news and in news articles with his fake name and fake "tribe" as "Chief" in Ohio and Pennsylvania several times! But, wouldn't this mean articles of news and books prior to 1900?  There are alot of new laws that need research.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
6) Identification as an Indian entity in relationships with Indian tribes or with national, regional, or state Indian organizations.
Again, putting himself "out there" as TBE & EIM with "Indian Tribes" and Nat'l, Regional & State Indian Orgs. If he had been "recognized by them"
then he would have some leverage to get Federal or State recognition. Again, Misrepresentation Federal Laws likely apply to all of the above and below.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(b) A predominant portion of the petitioning group comprises a distinct community and has existed as a community from historical times until the present.
HE says he is "chief" and "subchief" of many tribes, has over 100 members in EIM, but where is the  proof of this? 
"Member's " names and genealogy need done. But, he has been contacting native people who are not federally recognized and telling them they are ERIE.  Of course, he claims that he owns just about everything from Canada to South America! 

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(i) Significant rates of marriage within the group, and/or, as may be culturally required, patterned out-marriages with other Indian populations.
I guess he's encouraging alot of "marriages" within his circle to demonstrate this? Cindy Hopson comes to mind.  However, there is not a LONG Proof of this, even if "his members' rush to marry.  His "community" in Erie, PA is "African-American" and Muslim, not Native... There isn't even a long-standing Pow-Wow in Erie, PA!  I think there was ONE at the University last year; Edinborough or Gannon?

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(ii) Significant social relationships connecting individual members.
Explains why he IM's, e-mails, calls, and "conference calls" so many people who are native and non-native... "significant social relationships" in HIS mind, but not by law.... 

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(iii) Significant rates of informal social interaction which exist broadly among the members of a group.
What "informal social interaction"?  At the "muslim" churches and the African-American community events. He often said he doesn't have "one drop of black blood"... There is a reason for this too. There is an old Federal Law that speaks to the "One Drop Rule" makes one "black"... Unless can claim Native American (or other ethnicity)!
The one-drop rule is a historical colloquial term in the United States that holds that a person with any trace of African ancestry is considered black (unless having an alternative non-white ancestry which he or she can claim, such as Native American, Asian, Arab, Polynesian or Australian aboriginal).[1] It developed most strongly out of the binary culture of long years of institutionalized slavery.
This notion of invisible/intangible membership in a racial group has seldom been applied to people of Native American ancestry (see Race in the United States for details). The concept has been chiefly applied to those of black African ancestry. As Langston Hughes wrote, "You see, unfortunately, I am not black. There are lots of different kinds of blood in our family. But here in the United States, the word 'Negro' is used to mean anyone who has any Negro blood at all in his veins. In Africa, the word is more pure. It means all Negro, therefore black. I am brown."[2]
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 04:33:05 pm by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
(iv) A significant degree of shared or cooperative labor or other economic activity among the membership.
Again, started BUSINESSES in OH & PA with "his guys", but who are the "members"?  Especially the Minority business with Greg Rubino Tire Burning plant in Erie PA, and Brown-Eagle Constuction in OH, and the newly found ERIEZ in Chambersburg, PA as well as others (nursery, pharmacy, and more; some of which likely failed or never got off the ground; If he falsified documents; LIKELY, then he is in violation of  18 USC  1001 (false statements, and possibly more aspects of 18 USC, such as "Sedicious Conspiracy"; Conspiracy to defraud the United States of America  331 of above Code and possibly  embezzlement from a FEDERALLY FUNDED PROGRAM? 666, Wire Fraud, 1343; Mail Fraud 1431 of 18 U. S. C.???)
Also, "Posing" as a Tribal official may have even greater penalties under the above 18 USC; for example, a tribal official was found guilty of "racketeering"; "Racketeering Extortion" (possibly the Bruce Nuclear would fall under this code as well)  "Extortion by an Indian Tribal Leader", "Interstate transportation in aid of racketeering"??????
Can't have it both ways... IF he has been "recognized" by some of the criteria above (newpapers, videos, Rubino, etc) and is found out; (genealogy) He is then a fraud by U.S.C. 18, and ALL of his practices are therefore FRAUDULENT, including his businesses. He will be fined and imprisoned....  "making false statements to a financial institution", many more possiblities under Code 18 and all of its sub-sections could apply!
Take a look at:
about midpage "Pardons & Commutations" by Bill Clinton section for some examples of above and more)

(v) Evidence of strong patterns of discrimination or other social distinctions by non-members.
Is this why he's calling everone a "racist" that is trying to expose his fraudulent activites? besides being African-American?

(vi) Shared sacred or secular ritual activity encompassing most of the group.

Abdul has NEVER been observed engaging in ANY "shared SAcred or secular ritual acivity except, "SELF-PROMOTION"!  He  didn't even know HOW to give the Traditional Thanksgiving at a gathering he attended in Canada. He was seen TRYING to read something from a paper (a prepared paper? much later that was alledgedly written in "Erie" language.  The "alledged Thanksgiving" could have been anything (meaning NOTHING) because even current Federally Recognized tribes are rapidly losing their languages and trying to maintain them. He likely found something in the Jesuit Relations from the 1600's? and decided it was a "Thanksgiving" or it could be a Shawnee Thanksgiving or any other of the MANY Eastern Tribes words... Interpretation needed by Abdul!

(vii) Cultural patterns shared among a significant portion of the group that are different from those of the non-Indian populations with whom it interacts. These patterns must function as more than a symbolic identification of the group as Indian. They may include, but are not limited to, language, kinship organization, or religious beliefs and practices.

The only "cultural patterns" shared by his "council" are BUSINESS MEETINGS with other non-Indian populations. Where is the "Cultural Pattern"? And NOT from info found in books... anyone can do that and steal cultural information & Spirituality of REAL "Indians"....Too may are doing this and THEY are IN JAIL!  (Malcolm Webber IV or IV, "Golden Eagle" in NY prison for trying to get recognition. Another fraud to look into is James David Audlin. (This info comes from a Federally Enrolled researcher who was very instrumental in getting a fake "tribe" prosecuted in Arkansas. Needs more research)
Need to check:
for starters on Federal Law which may pertain to Abdul and HOW to get the FED involved!

(viii) The persistence of a named, collective Indian identity continuously over a period of more than 50 years, notwithstanding changes in name.

Wasn't that name change and RACE change on the Parents Death Certificates possibly part of this one!? Need to check with Department of Vital Records to see if any of the documents he presented are even REAL. They won't tell us  the real info, but will verify if fraudulent. WHOSE initials OK'd that "REV" Revision on the death certificated for Box 10 & 20 (Race & Person Reporting Change (TBE from James Oliver Johnson, III?) th Certificates have a watermark that says "Copy" across them. May have modified his B.C.? By the way, Pennsylvania didn't REQUIRE Birth & Death Certificates to be recorded prior to 1906! (Another way to get around "this?" BUT, 1893-96 kept marriage records at Dept. of Internal Affairs, and Counties kept records after 1852-54. Data/Info found at:
Working on this link info...Needs research...genealogy... etc.
Here's the PA Dept. Of Vital Records:

« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 02:08:03 pm by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
“Many unsubstantiated statements have been anonymously posted on this forum regarding Tecumseh Brown Eagle and his associates.  Truth is a fundamental way of life for the true Native American.  Truth is our heritage. Therefore, I respectfully request that the people who have posted these statements do so in their own true name, giving their address and phone numbers, and that they allow themselves to be contacted directly by Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, along with his associates.  This contact should be civil, done in a public forum in person, and focused on the truth.  For instance, several statements have provided strong allegations of criminal behavior and criminal convictions attributed to some of Tecumseh’s associates, but the source was hidden.  (Words like drug “bust” were used to make the reader think that the person had been charged and convicted, but that is completely false and the accused has tried twice to register to make posts on the forum, but he has been denied.)
The truth stands on its own and the source of any truth should always be proud to be identified.  Those who would hide the source of any information render that information invalid.

It is a long tradition of the liar that he mixes the truth with the untruth in an effort to give credibility to the untruth.  An honorable Native American must reject such tactics.  Innuendo and rumor are not worthy of being spoken.  Unsubstantiated statements regarding the honor of another person’s life have no place in our culture.  The color of a person’s skin, the nature of the journey they have taken to find their true self, and the honor of a person’s friends are things to be valued, not denigrated.  The simple act of Tecumseh changing his name as he found and then honored his Native American ancestry is something to be praised, not condemned.  I will wait to see if Niiki, Don Naconna, educatedindian and the others will identify themselves so that they can be contacted by Tecumseh and his associates.  At the time of contact, Niiki, Don Naconna, educatedindian and the others who have posted all of the information which shed bad light on Tecumseh and his associates can provide proof of such information from reliable sources, and the record can then stand as a truth, not the fiction presented in this forum.”

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
“Many unsubstantiated statements have been anonymously posted on this forum regarding Tecumseh Brown Eagle and his associates.  Truth is a fundamental way of life for the true Native American.  Truth is our heritage. Therefore, I respectfully request that the people who have posted these statements do so in their own true name, giving their address and phone numbers, and that they allow themselves to be contacted directly by Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, along with his associates.  This contact should be civil, done in a public forum in person, and focused on the truth.  For instance, several statements have provided strong allegations of criminal behavior and criminal convictions attributed to some of Tecumseh’s associates, but the source was hidden.  (Words like drug “bust” were used to make the reader think that the person had been charged and convicted, but that is completely false and the accused has tried twice to register to make posts on the forum, but he has been denied.)
The truth stands on its own and the source of any truth should always be proud to be identified.  Those who would hide the source of any information render that information invalid.

It is a long tradition of the liar that he mixes the truth with the untruth in an effort to give credibility to the untruth.  An honorable Native American must reject such tactics.  Innuendo and rumor are not worthy of being spoken.  Unsubstantiated statements regarding the honor of another person’s life have no place in our culture.  The color of a person’s skin, the nature of the journey they have taken to find their true self, and the honor of a person’s friends are things to be valued, not denigrated.  The simple act of Tecumseh changing his name as he found and then honored his Native American ancestry is something to be praised, not condemned.  I will wait to see if Niiki, Don Naconna, educatedindian and the others will identify themselves so that they can be contacted by Tecumseh and his associates.  At the time of contact, Niiki, Don Naconna, educatedindian and the others who have posted all of the information which shed bad light on Tecumseh and his associates can provide proof of such information from reliable sources, and the record can then stand as a truth, not the fiction presented in this forum.”


And you have never identified yourself Cindy Hopson. You state "Truth is our heritage". If you are classifying yourself in that , it is not your heritage, as you are white! If you are classifying Abdul in that, it is also not his heritage as he is an African American Muslim, proven over and over again. As far the fiction goes, the only fiction that has been posted here, is what has come from you Cindy Hopson and others who who have supported his deceit and lies! Light has been shed on a fraud, Abdul Abdulla Muhammed. And the lies that Abdul has spread about him and others is what has been brought out in the open, and will continue to . All statements posted here are factual and can be very easily substantiated. Fiction you say Cindy? For you yourself have been found not be a NAI!! You are nothing to us. As there is no such thing under our Great Law as an Algonquin. If anything all those who were at one time Algonquin, were brought into our Confederacy under the Mohawks, and all then became Mohawk! There are no longer any Algonguins under our Law. And under our Law you are not Mohawk unless you can trace your blood through your mother's nation and clan. Something you have never been able to do, Cindy Hopson. Therefore under our law , you are white, and you cannot classify yourself as such and claim heritage that is not yours! Let's see if Abdul can substantiate the statements he has made about those who oppose him.
It works both ways. You threaten civil action, so be it, civil action can be easily taken against him, and his supporters including yourself!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 10:15:54 am by Niiki »

Offline educatedindian

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1. Many unsubstantiated statements have been anonymously posted on this forum regarding Tecumseh Brown Eagle and his associates. 

2. Truth is a fundamental way of life for the true Native American.  Truth is our heritage.

3. Therefore, I respectfully request that the people who have posted these statements do so in their own true name, giving their address and phone numbers, and that they allow themselves to be contacted directly by Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, along with his associates.   

4. For instance, several statements have provided strong allegations of criminal behavior and criminal convictions attributed to some of Tecumseh’s associates, but the source was hidden.  (Words like drug “bust” were used to make the reader think that the person had been charged and convicted, but that is completely false and

5. the accused has tried twice to register to make posts on the forum, but he has been denied.)
6. The color of a person’s skin, the nature of the journey they have taken to find their true self, and the honor of a person’s friends are things to be valued, not denigrated. 

7. The simple act of Tecumseh changing his name as he found and then honored his Native American ancestry is something to be praised, not condemned. 

8. I will wait to see if Niiki, Don Naconna, educatedindian and the others will identify themselves so that they can be contacted by Tecumseh and his associates. 

It seems what got Ms. Hopson to return was the realization that Johnson's tactics to try and get his Black supremacy outift recognized as a legit Indian tribe are being exposed.

Ms. Hopson, I notice the quote marks. Can you state publicly: Is this a statement from Johnson? I believe it is, but you sure don't help matters by not making that clear.

I added numbers to make it clear what I'm responding to.

1. There is not a single anonymous post anywhere in this thread I'm aware of. If there is, kindly point it out.

2. I added bold to point out that Johnson still is claiming (with no proof) that he is Native.

3. Oh brother. Who I am is a matter of public record both here and elsewhere online. If you're too lazy to look, that's not my problem. The same is true of Don's actual name.

And no, we won't post addresses or phone numbers publicly. We don't post personal information that could be used for harassment, not for anyone. Eg, even if we had Johnson's home phone, we wouldn't post it either.

It's also important to note that both Hopson and Rubino have already contacted me by email.

Hopson repeatedly offered to put Johnson in contact with the NAFPS moderators several months ago.

She even got repeated elaborate promises we would keep confidential anything she and Johnson sent to us.

Then she (or Johnson) backed down and would not contact us all these months.

So OK, Hopson and Johnson. Contact me now by email, or be shown to be either liars or cowards yet again.

4. It's pretty obvious they're talking about Rubino's alleged organized crime ties and activity. The source was not hidden. The source was And their sources included local and state investigators.

"Drug bust" means just that. Rubino was accused of being found with drugs or dealing drugs. It doesn't necessarily mean convicted. I never used the term bust, but I did make it clear (in responding to what Nikki spoke) that these are still allegations at this point in time.

5. Johnson has never been stopped from joining. In fact we've expressed our hope that he would join.

6. Oh brother, the Black supremacist is seriously trying to claim a multiracial forum said something racist about him? All we did is point out how ridiculous Hopson's claim that Iroquois in old photos look African is.

And it's pretty bizarre for Johnson to be defending an alleged organized crime figure's "honor."

7. Johnson lying about who his ancestors are, altering his grandparents death certificate, using someone else's genealogy, and taking a name he has no right to are not anything to be praised, but to be condemned.

8. Like I said before, who Don and myself are IRL is well known and all over this forum. We don't hide it. Don't get angry at us just because you're too lazy to read.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
It is clear to me that TBE is claiming to be an "Indian" based on his belief in the Washitaw/Nuwaubian mythology. NO BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT INDIANS. These people are followers of Dwight York, a convicted child molestor and rapist who claims to have been born on the Rizq and is the messenger for the "Ancient Ones". TBE has taken this mythology to a higher level,actually inventing a genealogy in which he claims to be not only descended from the Cherokee, but almost every nation east of the Mississippi. I love this he even claims to be a pure blood "Metis" and a descendant of royal houses of Europe. How can you be a full blood and a mixed blood and be descended from nations that are thousands of miles apart.
If TBE can document his genealogy, I would love to see it. Does he, like York, claim to have been born on the planet Rizq? What would his DNA indicate, that he is a full blood, what? TBE was a black Muslim who became a Nuwaubian because it was at the time a good scam. Some black folks will believe anything, I am surprised that he has white new age supporters like Ms. Hopkins. But then again there were white and black people passing the Kool-Aid around at Jonestown.
TBE is still being investigated by my associates in law enforcement, suffice it to say that anyone who has as many aliases as he does has something to hide. We want to make sure that he is ineligible to enter Canada.

Offline Ric_Richardson

  • Posts: 245
  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

I always get a kick out of it when someone claims to be a "full blooded" Metis!  I hope that he gets in touch with the Metis National Council (they could use a laugh), and also hope that he is kept out of our country!

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
I respectfully request that the people who have posted these statements do so in their own true name, giving their address and phone numbers, and that they allow themselves to be contacted directly by Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, along with his associates. 

   Why? So he can use threats and terror tactics like he's done many times. I spend a lot of time dealing with people like him in real time. I know his type.

 Richard C. Joseph