Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422704 times)

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
I am not Rubino’s errand girl.  If you have a message for him, deliver it yourself, preferably in person.  All I know about Rubino at this point is that he thinks you and your NAFPS associates are dogs, not men, because you hide behind pseudonyms instead of standing tall like real men.  Those are his words, not mine, so go talk to him about his claims.

Also, you are so misinformed.  One does not have to be recognized by another foreign government to be an Indian.  Quite the opposite is true.  If you and your associates are the role models for real NAIs, God help us. [Childish insults and personal attacks removed]

As I stated before there will be no proof shown in this forum from us.  [Long series of childish insults deleted] none of you in here have proven WHY you should be shown or give any of Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagles' proof!!

« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 05:30:02 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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No Don, she's not Rubino's servant directly. She's Johnson's errand girl. And Johnson is an errand boy for Rubino. Johnson is a useful (potentially well paid) puppet, someone who can be used to undermine NDN opposition to nuclear power plants, give him a useful stooge by claiming to represent two minorities instead of one, etc. And possibly even give Rubino an inside track on the fantasy of the EMBT someday becoming a recognized tribe and getting its own casino. But the BIA recognition branch is not that stupid. They will never become a recognized tribe. It's a delusion on the part of all three.

But clear thinking is not their strong point. Conspiracy thinking is.

Believing that the slave trade across the Atlantic never happened, Holocaust Denial on a grand scale.

Believing that millions of NDNs are not NDNs and that somehow Africans are.

Believing that shouting "YOU prove who you are!" over and over as Hopson has done somehow will distract people from their lies, their racism, their attempts to undermine the sovereignty of actual tribes.

Hopson knows who I am. So does Rubino. And presumably so does Johnson. Same is true with who Don is. I haven't hidden who I am in ten years of being with NAFPS. That they lie and pretend I do is a very silly and transparent tactic.

And no, Ms. Hopson. I will not insult the memory of a great leader by calling Johnson a name he has no right to. Johnson should apologize to the Shawnee people and change his name back. Paying money to get your name changed does not give him the moral right to take that name. If you or he don't understand that, you only show how little both of you know or understand about actual NDN people. If you ignore the insult he carries out by taking that name, you once again show your contempt for actual NDN people.

I teach my students about the danger of conspiracy thinking. Mainly, it's such a simple minded way of looking at things it blinds you to inconvenient facts.

Here's a huge inconvenient fact that Hopson, Johnson, and Rubino have all ignored:

Fraud is a serious crime, a felony you can do hard time for. Using fraudulent genealogy claims to try and get recognized as a tribe can get you FBI investigations, and has gotten would be phony "chiefs" sent to prison. If you doubt me, look it up.

Choose your association carefully, Ms. Hopson. Potentially you (and Rubino) could also face charges for aiding Johnson.

And let me end this on a humorous note:

Apparently you haven't noticed that....

...since Johnson (and other believers in Moorish Science, Nuwaubians, Washitaws, etc) claim Africans are the true American Indians...

...Johnson and the other EMBT do not believe you are American Indian either;D

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
I am not Rubino’s errand girl.  If you have a message for him, deliver it yourself, preferably in person.  All I know about Rubino at this point is that he thinks you and your NAFPS associates are dogs, not men, because you hide behind pseudonyms instead of standing tall like real men.  Those are his words, not mine, so go talk to him about his claims.

Also, you are so misinformed.  One does not have to be recognized by another foreign government to be an Indian.  Quite the opposite is true.  If you and your associates are the role models for real NAIs, God help us. [Childish insults and personal attacks removed]

As I stated before there will be no proof shown in this forum from us.  [Long series of childish insults deleted] none of you in here have proven WHY you should be shown or give any of Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagles' proof!!

Its pretty clear to me that none of TBE supporters/followers/cult members are Indian, certainly not this person. Referring to Indian people as "NAI" is a bit redundant, does that mean Native American Indians? That's sort of like saying a "caucasian white American" or a "black African American". TBE has no proof that he has any Indian blood and his sole purpose is to rip people off claiming to an NATIVE AMERICAN. If you can't see that you are as blind as you are naive. You claimed to have proof, but now won't produce it. I don't think that anyone in this group claimed to be "role models for real NAIs" did we, do you?Do you teach native children that anyone can claim their heritage, if they are black and greedy. You have no proof so I would simply shut up and stop bothering legtimate aboriginal people, harassing leaders and elders and getting involved in matters that have nothing to do with you or your nation. If you cannot prove TBE is what he claims to be when asked in a public forum, we will let aboriginal people know the truth, that he is a black fraud trying to impersonate an Indian. I urge all members of this group to inform your people, your First Nations leaders and elders, all gatherings and pow wows, any forum or group you belong to, parents warn your children about this man and his cult (His "messiah" is in prison for life for molesting children), warn spiritual leaders and chiefs that this man TBE is a fraud and is hater of indigenous people and a racist. The truth is a fraud's worst enemy, and the more people know the truth the less likely they are to be victims.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 02:09:18 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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1 ....your lineage proof (with Dawes Comm numbers,etc.) 
2. For those of you in here that have accused Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle as being a (a)"Black Supremest" and (b)anti-native, or saying that he said he is (c)"full-blooded" Metis.  If he was (a) he wouldn't be Co-Chairman of so many different tribes (he never said he was one of those within all of those tribes!)

(b) he wouldn't be Co-Chairman of the Native American Reconciliation Campaign....

3. Lets be real here, in my opinion David R. is angry (no, livid) that the Chief wanted to include all Aboriginal Tribes and peoples in assisting the nuclear power plant, to follow the laws by informing all of the tribal groups. David R. is against both the power plant and all of the tribes being represented in the informational process. 

4. Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagles tribe has always been known as the Neutrals because of their insight to listen to the needs of the people involved and not incite the people, causing them to become short sighted.  .

5. Mr. highly respected by legitimate law enforcements and they consider him a friend.  There is no evidence of any kind whatsoever that Mr. Rubino is linked to any illegal activities, alleged or otherwise.  I went to the link you posted and did not find this "drug bust" information.  I ask that you direct me to exact place on that you saw this untrue statement.  If it is not from a law enforcement source, then it is just jibberish and should be totally disregarded, you should know better than that. 

1. Hopson keeps asking for this from myself, Don, and Nikki. Doesn't she know the Dawes Commission only registered members of the Five Tribes? And not even all them, successfully. Obviously not.

2a. Johnson is not a chief at all, and not of ANY actual tribe. The EMBT are not an actual one, and those other 29 supposed tribes he has never even named all of them that I can find. A few of these groups were named. They're Freedmen heritage groups.

2b. The so called Native American Reconciliation Campaign has no Native people in it. It's another Freedmen group.

3. Obviously Johnson, Hopson, and Rubino support the power plant, while the actual NDNs oppose it. Nice of Hopson to confirm that. Johnson's part is to be a professional token, someone they can claim represents some of the NDNs.

It should indicate the depth of NDN opposition to the power plant that the pro power plant people had to go to an imposter to find someone to pose as one of their Native supporters.

4. Oh brother. Ms. Hopson, the Eries and the Neutrals were NOT the same tribe. The Neutrals were a confederation of villages that included people from several tribes.

5. The evidence against Rubino includes the testimony in court, under oath, by a retired federal agent.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Its pretty clear that TBE and his associates are not telling the truth about anything. TBE is NOT an Indian,he is a black American and is trying to con white people and governments. What he is doing is wrong and criminal, as educatedindio has pointed out, to use false information to gain status is a federal felony. That is exactly what TBE is trying to do,and Rubino seeks to profit from his relationship with TBE. Hopson is just a white new ager who would probably believe anything! Unless she or TBE can produce any proof of his lineage, then he is a FRAUD.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This article defines who is and who is NOT an Indian in the US. How does TBE qualify as an "Indian". Show us proof that he has 1/8 documented Indian blood in any tribe that is recognised by any government...

"Who is an Indian?"

Osiyo! (hello) 'n Osda Sunalei (Good Morning), I've decided to write this new diary, in the attempt to clear up any misconceptions, and/or misinformation imparted on this blog site regarding this question and obviously an issue with some others. My intention is to impart the truth of the matter regarding who is Native American/Indian? Hopefully, this will clear up any and all misconceptions and misinformation, and/or opinions on the topic by revealing the truth of how things are determined on and in Indian Country (USA)........
Now, there is no single definition of the term Indian. Determining who is an Native American / Indian can be difficult, even controversial. For example, people who have one-eighth Native Indian blood and seven-eighth Caucasian, Negro, and Hispanic blood may call themselves Indian, but other people might disagree with that characterization. The term Native American Indian, can be defined in either an ethnological (racial) or in a legal sense.  Native Americans / Indians are a distinct race of peoples, as are Caucasians, Negroes, and Mongolian. However, neither in an ethnological nor legal sense is there a universally accepted method of determining who is an Indian.  Each government - Tribal, State, and Federal determines who is Indian for the purposes of that government's laws and programs. This can result in someone being an Indian under Tribal Law but not under Federal Law, under Federal Law but not under Tribal Law.   

For some programs, anyone of Indian descent is eligible to participate. For other programs, the applicant must have a minimum blood quantum ( often one-fourth Indian blood), and still other programs allow all members of federally recognized Indian Tribes to qualify, regardless of how these tribes have defined the term. As a result of these different standards, the same person may qualify as an Indian for one program but not for another, ( this is known fact).   

With that being all said, allow me to explain further the common practice amongst Native Tribes here in the USA in regards to tribal membership:  Each Native American / Indian Tribe, has eligibility requirements for membership. Many tribes require that a person have at least one-fourth Indian blood to be enrolled, but other tribes less. To become enrolled in some tribes the applicant need only be descended from someone listed on the tribes membership roll.  Fact--Native American / Indian Tribes, have the authority to determine who is an Indian for tribal purpose's, but not for State or Federal purposes.

Thus, when the federal government distributes federal money to, or creates programs for tribal members, it determines who is eligible, and can ignore the tribe's membership list and adopt a different standard. Fact--To be considered an Native American / Indian for federal purposes, an individual must have some Indian blood. Consequently, a non- Indian adopted into an Indian Tribe cannot be considered an Indian under Federal Law.   

So, the question that comes to bear is, "Who controls tribal membership : the tribes or the federal government?".  The answer is, actually they both do. Native American Indian Tribes determine tribal membership for tribal purposes (such as deciding who is eligible to enroll in the tribe), and the federal government determines tribal membership for federal purposes ( such as deciding which tribal members qualify for federal education scholarships andor federally funded medical benefits).  As with all Federal recognized tribes, Congress can limit tribes in their own enrollment policies, but Congress rarely has done this.   

In closing, this brings me to point out the obvious and that is this; Fact- not one Native American / Indian Tribe or organization has the right nor the authority to determine who's Native/Indian, nor who's a tribe or not.  They do not have authority to tell another tribe how to exercise their membership policies as it has been explained earlier on in this diary.  The Tribes have the inherent authority to determine who can join the tribe, If a tribe lost this power, they would not control their future. Tribal authority to determine membership includes the power to disenroll (take membership away from)  a person. It also includes the right to adopt persons into the tribe which benefits of membership they will have.  A tribe's ability to determine its membership lies at the very core of tribal self- determination. There is perhaps no greater intrusion upon tribal sovereignty than to interfere with a sovereign tribe's membership determination policies.   

No tribe has the right, nor authority to dictate to another tribe on its tribal policies on who they have determined to be Indian for the purposes of their tribal membership or sovereignty.  Not one tribe has the right nor authority to impose questions in regards to their tribal membership rolls or question their tribal by-laws, it is not their place to do so and its as simple as that, because that is an intrusion on the tribal sovereignty and tribal business. The bottom line is this, in Indian Country (USA), its common place to determine " who is Native/Indian" by the following : One must have Native/Indian blood one-fourth or more. One must be recognized as Native/Indian by a Native/Indian community. One must be able to trace one's ancestry back to a descendant of a Native American/Indian Tribe. These are the qualifiers that have been used, and used today for determining who is Indian by the Native community as a whole. This is also based upon Federal law as well.

I hope that I've cleared up any and all misconceptions that people have on this subject matter.    "Wado/Wanishi"...... " Ah-nah-gee-ss-dee Nahs-squah Oo-ney tlah-nuh-he" (Go with God)......Chief Ross

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
No Don, she's not Rubino's servant directly. She's Johnson's errand girl. And Johnson is an errand boy for Rubino. Johnson is a useful (potentially well paid) puppet, someone who can be used to undermine NDN opposition to nuclear power plants, give him a useful stooge by claiming to represent two minorities instead of one, etc. And possibly even give Rubino an inside track on the fantasy of the EMBT someday becoming a recognized tribe and getting its own casino. But the BIA recognition branch is not that stupid. They will never become a recognized tribe. It's a delusion on the part of all three.

But clear thinking is not their strong point. Conspiracy thinking is.

Believing that the slave trade across the Atlantic never happened, Holocaust Denial on a grand scale.

Believing that millions of NDNs are not NDNs and that somehow Africans are.

Believing that shouting "YOU prove who you are!" over and over as Hopson has done somehow will distract people from their lies, their racism, their attempts to undermine the sovereignty of actual tribes.

Hopson knows who I am. So does Rubino. And presumably so does Johnson. Same is true with who Don is. I haven't hidden who I am in ten years of being with NAFPS. That they lie and pretend I do is a very silly and transparent tactic.

And no, Ms. Hopson. I will not insult the memory of a great leader by calling Johnson a name he has no right to. Johnson should apologize to the Shawnee people and change his name back. Paying money to get your name changed does not give him the moral right to take that name. If you or he don't understand that, you only show how little both of you know or understand about actual NDN people. If you ignore the insult he carries out by taking that name, you once again show your contempt for actual NDN people.

I teach my students about the danger of conspiracy thinking. Mainly, it's such a simple minded way of looking at things it blinds you to inconvenient facts.

Here's a huge inconvenient fact that Hopson, Johnson, and Rubino have all ignored:

Fraud is a serious crime, a felony you can do hard time for. Using fraudulent genealogy claims to try and get recognized as a tribe can get you FBI investigations, and has gotten would be phony "chiefs" sent to prison. If you doubt me, look it up.

Choose your association carefully, Ms. Hopson. Potentially you (and Rubino) could also face charges for aiding Johnson.

And let me end this on a humorous note:

Apparently you haven't noticed that....

...since Johnson (and other believers in Moorish Science, Nuwaubians, Washitaws, etc) claim Africans are the true American Indians...

...Johnson and the other EMBT do not believe you are American Indian either;D

This is TBE claim to being "Indian"...

These people make outrageous claims and even claim scientific evidence, yet no reputable scientists support them publically. The evidence they cite has all been prove to be fabricated or false. These are just another black supremacist cult, and TBE is one of their leaders. In examining the so called Erie tribe membership list I found almost all had Islamic names. The Washitaw use Islamic names and even claim to have been Muslims centuries before Mohammed was born. Many black people with little education and strong anti white prejudices join these cults, so TBE is nothing new. He's just another black racist demogogue trying to make a fast buck. In the words of P.T. Barnum, "there's a sucker born everyday", and I think that TBE has found his.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
No Don, she's not Rubino's servant directly. She's Johnson's errand girl. And Johnson is an errand boy for Rubino. Johnson is a useful (potentially well paid) puppet, someone who can be used to undermine NDN opposition to nuclear power plants, give him a useful stooge by claiming to represent two minorities instead of one, etc. And possibly even give Rubino an inside track on the fantasy of the EMBT someday becoming a recognized tribe and getting its own casino. But the BIA recognition branch is not that stupid. They will never become a recognized tribe. It's a delusion on the part of all three.

But clear thinking is not their strong point. Conspiracy thinking is.

Believing that the slave trade across the Atlantic never happened, Holocaust Denial on a grand scale.

Believing that millions of NDNs are not NDNs and that somehow Africans are.

Believing that shouting "YOU prove who you are!" over and over as Hopson has done somehow will distract people from their lies, their racism, their attempts to undermine the sovereignty of actual tribes.

Hopson knows who I am. So does Rubino. And presumably so does Johnson. Same is true with who Don is. I haven't hidden who I am in ten years of being with NAFPS. That they lie and pretend I do is a very silly and transparent tactic.

And no, Ms. Hopson. I will not insult the memory of a great leader by calling Johnson a name he has no right to. Johnson should apologize to the Shawnee people and change his name back. Paying money to get your name changed does not give him the moral right to take that name. If you or he don't understand that, you only show how little both of you know or understand about actual NDN people. If you ignore the insult he carries out by taking that name, you once again show your contempt for actual NDN people.

I teach my students about the danger of conspiracy thinking. Mainly, it's such a simple minded way of looking at things it blinds you to inconvenient facts.

Here's a huge inconvenient fact that Hopson, Johnson, and Rubino have all ignored:

Fraud is a serious crime, a felony you can do hard time for. Using fraudulent genealogy claims to try and get recognized as a tribe can get you FBI investigations, and has gotten would be phony "chiefs" sent to prison. If you doubt me, look it up.

Choose your association carefully, Ms. Hopson. Potentially you (and Rubino) could also face charges for aiding Johnson.

And let me end this on a humorous note:

Apparently you haven't noticed that....

...since Johnson (and other believers in Moorish Science, Nuwaubians, Washitaws, etc) claim Africans are the true American Indians...

...Johnson and the other EMBT do not believe you are American Indian either;D

This is why no real Indian or intelligent non Indian believes that TBE is anything more than a black man trying to defraud the government, black followers (who are all Nation of Islam racists) and Indian people...
Keep this on your side of the 49th, frauds are not welcome in Canada

Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, head of The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation today announced the Tribes support and endorsement of Issue 6, the ballot initiative to approve a casino in western Ohio. “The entire State of Ohio is encompassed within our aboriginal lands and these lands, and the people who inhabit them, must continue to thrive physically as well as financially. The passage of Issue 6 is a significant opportunity to insure the fiscal viability of the region and the Tribe as well. We encourage all voters to carefully consider the economic benefits that this bill will provide to the State of Ohio in these troubling economic times when they cast their votes.”, he said.

The members of The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation are the original occupants of a huge area within the United States of America, including Ohio. Proof of their occupancy of Ohio is found in the thousands of mounds they built here, and elsewhere. As a sovereign Native American Indian Tribe the Erie Indians recognize their right to pursue legalized casino gaming as well as other efforts to strengthen the economy of Ohio. “It is apparent that the people of Ohio need a sound economy with good paying jobs to sustain and nourish their families. It is my hope that the Erie Indians can contribute to sustaining excellent jobs in Ohio through our business efforts in construction, fine furniture manufacturing, audio-visual technology, and gaming.”

“Consider that because of the State’s recent economic woes the Governor has been forced to trim $1.7 billion dollars from the biannual budget. This has directly reduced funds for education, public safety forces, and family services. It is also conceivable that Ohio will be forced to make additional cuts in the next biannual budget up to an additional 10% thus reducing funding even further.”

Concerning this Chief Tecumseh stated: “Voters have to make a decision this November and it is an economic one. Are they going to vote against jobs and voluntary revenue for the State, or require the State and Local Governments to raise taxes to fund education, public safety forces, and family services?”

Regarding the opposition to Issue 6 Brown-Eagle questions the motive of those opposed to its passage and whether the citizens of Ohio are their top priority: “ Don’t be deceived, those against Issue 6 are not fighting a battle against gaming, they are fighting to keep Ohio dollars flowing to their out of State Casinos.”

The Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation has initiated a number of business ventures including construction, furniture manufacturing, and audio-visual technology. Additionally, they also strive to preserve their Tribal culture and heritage through education, respect, and leadership.

The Erie Indians occupied the area from the Gulf of Mexico north along the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes Region and into Canada. History erroneously records them as being exterminated in the Seventeenth Century following an encounter with the Iroquois

Indians of New York. “Fortunately the history books are wrong.” said Chief Brown-Eagle. “If the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation did not exist, I would not be standing here today offering my Tribe’s assistance to the people of Ohio”.

There is nothing but absolute nonsense here!

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
On the info below there is an error in spelling for Newton Johnson's wife whose real name on the roll is Adaline #397 on (Dawes? Roll):
Had written:
His "brickwall" is Leona Butler, his grandmother who died in NY NOT Oklahoma, and his Great-Grandfather, James Newton Johnson is NOT listed on any Indian Rolls. There is a Newton Johnson, but NOT a James Newton Johnson, AND Newton was married to Adelalaide NOT Mary Watts.

Eleanora Butler was Aaron H. Butler's wife's name, then shortened to Nora. However, we do not really need to concern ourselves with ANY of the People on the Indian Rolls (Dawes, Guion Miller) because they are NOT his relatives! Also, his "tribe" consists of his brothers, sister, adopted brothers/ sisters, and DECEASED family members. 
(As well as much more found below!)
Also forgot to add the ONE brother of James Oliver Johnson, III who is NOT on his Tribal Roll is:
Deceased brother William Allen Johnson.
Gregory L. Johnson, his brother who is current president of N.A.A.C.P. Erie Chapter, PA as previously sent with the genealogy of his maternal grandfather Jefferson Davis Myers, the "Bishop" of The Trinity Church of God in Christ, Erie, PA mid/late 1950's black civil rights activist & pastor there for about 40 years!
Also, wanted to mention that the Erie Indian Mound Builders Tribal Nation info added to the Pamphlets for the funeral services for Othello and Chip (James O. Johnson, II) are about 1 space in difference where the name of the Church above would likely have been?
Take a close look at those "Order of Service" pamphlets and the alleged 'obituaries' and the diffference in typeset, etc. spaces, and more.
WHY does everyone on the MYERS  side have DAVIS as a middle name? Could this be a Maternal name for his real lines? Leona Davis for example of NY, NY?

Eleanora Butler was Aaron H. Butler's wife's name, then shortened to Nora. However, we do not really need to concern ourselves with ANY of the People on the Indian Rolls (Dawes, Guion Miller) because they are NOT his relatives! Also, his "tribe" consists of his brothers, sister, adopted brothers/ sisters, and DECEASED family members. 
His "legal name" is NOT "CHIEF", only "Tecumseh Brown-Eagle", IF his Birth Certificate is valid; also he broke the law by photocopying his Birth Certificate and duplicating it! His Muslim name from his mother's "obituary"/Order of Service is actually mis-spelled! as "Tcumseh (Abdul) Brown-Eagle, (Othellos' son)"  It appears that the "obituaries" on both parents have been modified and information added about them: Othello DAVIS Myers Johnson was very active in her community: "instumental in the building of community centers, BOOKER T.WASHINGTON; Martin L. King , and the John F. Kennedy Centers; She served on Numerous Boards of Directors for various agencies" (worked for PA Dept. of Public Welfare); "served as Chairman of the board for the National Alliance of the Mentally Ill" (ill; NAMI) "served as Chairman on The Community of Economic Development Board under the leadership of former mayor, (Lewis J. Tuttle?/illegible reading)"..." Othello was also an Elder for the Erie Indian, Inc.and The Tribal Nation of the Erie Indian Moundbuilders. (one word)"
 (What self-respecting African-American would not say "THE REVEREND DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING"; Who would not be proud of having African-American Parents who accomplished so much and helped so many? JOJ,III likely had some control over adding the above Funeral Pamphlet, and could easily have added the info without any questions being asked.) 
(The typing except for (parentheses) is exact, including no space between "Inc." and "and" ; also CAPS for emphasis on Booker T. Washington).   
Further, on his father's "obituary"/Order of service (James Oliver "CHIP" Johnson") James Oliver Johnson III is named as "Dr. Abdul-Muta' Ali Abdullah Muhammad, D.D." (correct spelling). (there are extra spaces and added in? "He was an Elder for Erie Indian Mound Builders Tribal Nation (different spelling/spacing of name of "tribe"; No name of Church on his pamphlet and interestingly, no mention of the church he belonged to and was Eulogized in by Abdul, which is 'Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ" of Erie, PA which "Bishop Jefferson Davis Myers, father of Othello Davis Myers-Johnson, presided over for over 40 years; where he had so many members in one year that he got the "Small Ike Trophy"; where he was instrumental in helping to stop the "white covenant", which whites had signed stating they would "not sell their homes to a Negro" in the mid-late 1950's... THAT is something to be proud of.  Also, Homer Smith and Robin Cooke are lastly named in a seperate typeset  before the Christian Prayer).
He is also named as a survivor of "CHIP" along with his WIFE, Linda (Shabazz-Muhammad). Notice that he has a "morality" clause in his "Constitution"; does adultery require a 35 member vote to remove him as "Chief"?  (But he doesn't have 35 living members to even vote!) 
His tribe consists of HIS family, and adopted brothers and sisters.There are less than 35 members since many of his "Elders" are Deceased yet on his "roll". Interestingly his deceased brother is not on the roll; wouldn't appear "matrilineal"?  Not All of his family is involved. Some apparently refuse to leave their real heritage and are proud and instrumental in the community: NAACP.
Much more is revealed by his fraudulent genealogy! More to come!
« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 12:38:32 am by Niiki »

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
A lie is as good as the truth if anyone believes it. I think its clear from the information you provided that TBE is not an Indian at all, and certainly not an Erie chief. Educatedindio is right about trying to pass himself off as an Indian, if he were to try to get a CDIB card he would be charged and convicted of a federal felony.

Offline NanticokePiney

  • Posts: 191
 Davis, Myers, and Johnson are all "High Yellow" names. These families are streaked with Indian blood.
  To be specific. The first Johnson was a "Mulatto" (Rappahannock) slave owner and almost all Johnsons in the U.S. are decendants of him or his slaves, both black and Indian, many among the Nanticoke and Rappahannock. I know. My great great grandmom was a Johnson from Milsboro.
  TBE is just too lazy or too embarrassed to do the actual research to find out about his real family history and he is just a pathalogical liar.   

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Davis, Myers, and Johnson are all "High Yellow" names. These families are streaked with Indian blood.
  To be specific. The first Johnson was a "Mulatto" (Rappahannock) slave owner and almost all Johnsons in the U.S. are decendants of him or his slaves, both black and Indian, many among the Nanticoke and Rappahannock. I know. My great great grandmom was a Johnson from Milsboro.
  TBE is just too lazy or too embarrassed to do the actual research to find out about his real family history and he is just a pathalogical liar.   

In Abdul's (TBE) case,  his genealogy does not connect with anyone of  Native blood. He is an African American Muslim. The Johnson that you mention is not in Abdul's genealogy. As there are many Johnson's and it is a common name . To make such a statement is to be ignorant of his true genealogy. And Abdul is also not mixed with Black and Native. There is no native blood in him whatsoever!

He needs to be happy with who he is and that is Black!


Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
From: Tecumseh Brown-Eagle <>
Subject: The Project Arnie Cooper to handle class II gaming
Date: Saturday, December 1, 2007, 10:11 PM


Reply Requested
December 1, 2007


Concerned Parties
We need to take immediate steps to have something tangible by the year end. Its time to put everything on the table. 

First, if anyone wants to sell us anything it must be approved by Larry Hiwiller 814-397-2733 who will bring the for sale item to the Tribal Economic Developer Harold Atkinson 814-504-4890 that is a check to see if it will benefit the Tribe and not only the seller.

Second, our next process will be to have our Legal Specialist Eric Rohde 814-454-5109 review the sale or project for legalities.

Third, is financing we have options available.  Example: Arnie Cooper 716-378-7135 we are waiting until this Thursday December 6, 2007 to receive the letter of commitment that if we secure the 60 acres in Geneva-on-the-Lake his group will finance, build and or manage a Water Park (cash cow). Other Tribal members are looking to Minorities and other financing that could eliminate majority of this group out of the projects or you will have to deal with an unknown who will step up to the plate with the financing to do a project and wonder why you have not done the same and what is your purpose with the group and why they meaning us should have you around on their nickel.

Bottom line is if you don’t produce and provide us with empty promises your ass will be sitting on the sidelines if you’re still on this team.  The goal is for each of you to be in your own company to be  in ownership of something involving the Tribal team one example being t-shirts, we should be able to sell more t-shirts than the Browns, Steelers and Panthers because our logo is better than theirs in fact it has all of their colors in it.  Let’s get this “bus” moving.

Existing opportunities/your future with us:
60 acres for the Water Park and Hotel we have a commitment from unnamed investors that if Arnie Cooper secures the letter of commitment previously discussed the funds will be transferred to an account that was opened yesterday November 30, 2007 for that purpose.  Mr. John Cassell 440-428-3600 has the escrow account all ready for the property transfer into the Tribe’s name.  You all need to find out what is the hold up and fix it promptly!

Conneaut Lake Park is “swimming with the fishes” due to their ignorance we may pick them up after they go thru utter financial ruin.  They have announced a first week in December deadline to submit a proposal.  We will look and see with them.

Cassmills Wes Radov 814-440-7699 (he lost his Mother and still met with me to get it done) and myself have submitted the requested numbers to Rich Lininger 724-342-3550 and we Tribal members hand delivered the Tribal background packet to Rich.  Rich and Joe H, I need a timeline from you both by the close of business Thursday December 6, 2007 as to when you will close on the Nursery. The Nursery has future benefits of our own food production and will also be our main campus among other things.

Conneaut Golf Course it is an item for sale and Larry Hiwiller will evaluate the property.  I strongly feel that the Conneaut Golf Course will have more value if the other team members see it and realize it is in the same county as the Water Park .  We can have a shuttle to and from the Waterpark Hotel until a hotel/bingo slot parlor is built across the street on the land that is part of the golf course. Do I have to say more or should I mention it is on the south side of the street on the shoreline of Lake Erie , lakefront property with a 9-hole golf course. Let’s see lakefront property, golf, high stakes bingo, slots and table games that already exist in Ohio .  If I have to tell you the opportunities of this property save me and yourself the time and remove yourself from the projects.

On the Table now:
Tecumseh Brown-Eagle Erie Indian Moundbuilders Development Corporation:

Governmental, Minority Hospitality Furniture and Fixtures working out the paperwork to provide to Larry and Eric.

Shenango Valley Project: Extremely promising and cooperative of all of the projects we want this Shenango Valley Project, 60 Acres and (a Mule/cash cow) Waterpark Hotel and the Cassmills project done in that order immediately. Shenango Valley project needs a legal opinion for gaming in Pennsylvania and Ohio from an Legal Entity what is at stake here is 2 solid brick ready to go buildings (all we have to do is switch the utilities into our name) in a metropolitan area each building with 25,000 square feet and 3 floors apiece more than ample parking local and regional cooperation.

Erie Renewable Energy an economic opportunity in which we are current active participants as a Tribal Entity.  Any inquiries should be directed to me the Chief.  If you don’t want to work with them/us we feel you, all I have to say is “see ya”. Erie Renewable Energy and the Furniture are current and future economic opportunities that have no ceilings.


Recognition by the Six Nations Confederacy of the Grand River Territory   we are in the process of being acknowledge as the builders of the mounds in Canada more particularly the mounds in metropolitan Toronto . The Six Nations Confederacy of the Grand River Territory is meeting at the writing of this letter and we have a meeting/seminar scheduled for December 17, 2007, 9am to 3pm in Toronto .


What we need to do:
1)      Chief provide Larry and Eric with Tribal packets for investor opportunities and evaluation. Provide an ongoing bases any and all material for a legal opinion concerning current and future gaming opportunities in Ohio , Pennsylvania and New York State .

2)      Larry secure commitment letter from Arnie Cooper by the close of business on Thursday December 6, 2007.


    3)      Eric and Larry secure closing information about 180 + acres of property we previously discussed.

a.      We need legal opinion suggest you contacting Tom Tureen 207-773-7166 and John Pebbles 916-441-2700 and 202-256-1971 Gary Rotstein Pittsburgh Post Gazette January 6, 2006 “A tribe with established land but lacking state cooperation can operate limited gambling operations short of full-scale casinos -- such as bingo halls with slot machines that are lesser versions of Vegas-style slots…”   about Indian Tribes not federal or state recognized gaming opportunities if they own land in Pennsylvania and or Ohio.

b.      Contact Peter Speaks for our MBO Status and get whatever you need from Joe Caprino, Rich Lininger and Joe H to show that we are doing business and by all means necessary without any hesitation mental reservation or self-evasion of mind whatsoever to have that status affirmed by the close of business December 10, 2007.


4)      Rich Lininger and Joe H, obtain and secure a decision concerning Cassmills by the close of business on Thursday December 6, 2007. This property is directly tied to the timing of the purchase of Conneaut Golf Course. I know the name of the property just not disclosing it here and now.                                   


Rich Lininger set up meeting with the political figure we discussed Monday December 3, 2007 in the afternoon.


5)      Joe Caprino 716-763-2134 assist us in paperwork for furniture opportunities coordinate with Eric and Larry all of our business opportunities including financing and furniture venture corporate and organizational structure including but not limited to order taking, shipment, payment processing, etc.




I thank you in advance for your prompt cooperation and reply concerning these matters



Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, Chief

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Davis, Myers, and Johnson are all "High Yellow" names. These families are streaked with Indian blood.
  To be specific. The first Johnson was a "Mulatto" (Rappahannock) slave owner and almost all Johnsons in the U.S. are decendants of him or his slaves, both black and Indian, many among the Nanticoke and Rappahannock. I know. My great great grandmom was a Johnson from Milsboro.
  TBE is just too lazy or too embarrassed to do the actual research to find out about his real family history and he is just a pathalogical liar.   

Johnson is the second most common last name in the US and 1 of 3 black people have the surname Johnson. Yes there are Indian people with the same last name, but that is hardly proof of Indian ancestry. I lived in Delaware and know the Nanticoke people of Dagsboro, have been to their pow wows an museum. I can also say that DNA tests and research has indicated that although almost every mixed black family claims to have an Indian ancestor in reality the numbers who do are very small, probably less than 10%. The family myths and stories simply don't stand up to DNA analysis. We have never seen TBE's DNA test results, perhaps because they would prove that he is what he appears to be, a black man.

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
This is a link to Lost Feathers, a black Indian site that has all of the myths that TBE bases his claims on...