Author Topic: Carolyn Myss  (Read 30479 times)

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Carolyn Myss
« on: June 28, 2012, 09:02:19 pm »
Carolyn Myss, alternative medicine guru and bestselling author.

Carolyn Myss received her B.A. in Journalism in 1974 from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana. Rather than pursuing a career in journalism, however, Myss decided to pursue her calling as a medical intuitive and mystic. She earned a Master’s in Theology from Mundelein College in 1979, and from there she launched a career as an energy healer, spiritual guru, and New Age consultant. Throughout the 80?s and early 90?s she was very successful as a private alternative medicine consultant despite her lack of medical training. She collaborated with an actual M.D., Dr. Norman Shealy, to add credibility to her medical intuitive readings and energy medicine.

By 1996, however, she wanted to break out on her own, and began writing. She published her first book, Anatomy of the Spirit, in 1996. It was at that point that a new credential appeared on her resume: a PhD in Intuition and Energy Medicine. This degree lent her the authority and credibility to stand on her own as a leader in alternative medicine. Her book was an immediate bestseller, and with the publication of the following four books and audio CDs, she achieved international fame and fortune, even appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show several times.  With her fame came the end of her private consultations. In 2000 she stopped giving intuitive medical readings and advice on alternative medicine, and instead began speaking publicly — in seminars, lectures, radio shows, and workshops. It was right around this time that people began to point out that her PhD is from Greenwich University, an unaccredited institution based out of Australia, and that she’d received her degree from a correspondence-based branch of the school in Hawaii. A few people also noticed that Myss herself was the creator and head of the department of Energy Medicine.

In 2002 Greenwich University was exposed as a degree mill, and the Hawaii branch was shut down. Since that time, although she still refers to herself as a PhD, the title has been dropped from her website and from her publisher’s profile page. Other than that and the abrupt end of her private consulting, however, Myss has faced no real consequences for her fraudulent claim
. She continues to speak and publish, and in 2003 she founded the Caroline Myss Educational Institute in conjunction with Wisdom University in San Francisco.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Carolyn Myss
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 09:15:13 pm »
Unproven Claims of Caroline Myss
Council for Media Integrity Alert
Contact Matt Nisbet 716-636-1425
April 23, 1998

AMHERST, N.Y.— Caroline Myss, self-described medical intuitive and author of the recent best seller Why People Don't Heal and How They Can (Harmony), claims to be able to divine illness by reading a person's energy fields. Such ability has never been verified under laboratory situations and is likely to lead to misdiagnosis.

Myss advocates untested therapies such as acupuncture, accupressure, reflexology, simple massage, the biblical "laying on of hands", "therapeutic touch", "talk therapy," crystal healing, herbal remedies, homeopathy, meditation, and, of course, prayer.

Her success as a best selling author (she has also written Anatomy of the Spirit) is the latest symptom of a public infatuated with all things alternative, mystical and spiritual. It is estimated that Americans spend $14 billion annually on health-related therapies that have not been scientifically validated. As the market demand for unproven alternative healing therapies grow, Americans are at increased risk of misdiagnosis and mistreatment.

Following is a review of Myss' Why People Don't Heal and How They Can by Joe Nickell, Senior Research Fellow with the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP.) Nickell is the world's leading paranormal investigator and author or editor of sixteen books.

The Council for Media Integrity is a network of prominent scientists, academics and members of the media concerned with the balanced portrayal of science in the media. It was launched at the 1996 First World Skeptics Congress and is sponsored by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP.)

Bestselling "Medical Intuitive"
by Joe Nickell

Caroline Myss, Ph.D., author of the currently bestselling Why People Don't Heal and How They Can, is a self-styled "medical intuitive." That is, somewhat like the "seer" Edgar Cayce (1877--1945) who offered "medical" diagnoses while hypnotized, Ms. Myss claims she somehow became able to divine illnesses in 1983. "As a medical intuitive," she declares, "I describe for people the nature of their physical diseases as well as the energetic dysfunctions that are present within their bodies." To accomplish this, she reads "the energy field that permeates and surrounds the body, picking up information about dramatic childhood experiences, behavior patterns, even superstitious beliefs, all of which have bearing on the person's physical health."

Myss provides no proof of her alleged abilities. She intuits, of course, her intuitive power, offers only hearsay testimonials and anecdotal evidence as support. Her Ph.D. is touted on the book jacket but there is no clarification of her academic training. Instead, she is described as "a prominent figure in holistic consciousness."

What Myss terms "energy medicine" is "actually quite an old field of knowledge," she says, its premises and methods being common to ancient Chinese and Hindu practitioners as well as medicine men.

But is it knowledge or merely belief? In contrast to objective, scientific medicine, which continues to make important breakthroughs in identifying and treating diseases, injuries, and other illnesses, "energy medicine" is based on mysticism and pseudoscience. Often incorporating such New Age fads as astrology, yoga, and reincarnation, it is part of what Myss terms "the alternative healing community." The "healers" offer varied procedures. For lupus, for example (an ulcerous skin disease Myss admits has "essentially no cure"), the faddish healers may offer "treatments" ranging "from acupuncture to visualization to aromatherapy." For those who may be squeamish about acupuncture, there are such alternatives as accupressure (which forgoes the needles), reflexology (limited to pressure on certain zones of the feet), simple massage or the biblical "laying on of hands" (which eliminate special zones), or even "therapeutic touch" (a misnomer for merely passing the hands over the subject). As well, there are "talk therapy," crystal healing, herbal remedies, homeopathy, meditation, and, of course, prayer. "Skilled physician" is listed as just one among many possibilities.

Almost anything will do. Myss encourages individuals to believe: "There are no wrong choices. Every choice I believe in is an effective means of healing." Her caution to "get a second and even a third professional opinion" is weakened by her definition of "professional" to include virtually all types of "holistic" practitioners. "Any treatment," she states, "that can enhance your healing and bring hope and strength back to your body is worth considering." Nowhere does Myss cite any scientific double-blind experiments in support of such alternative treatments, instead merely offering the old feel-good remedies of "spirituality," the power of positive thinking, and the placebo effect.

Myss provides the revelation that "Our culture in the 1980s was hungry for healing and searching for the experience or state of mind that would ignite a healing fire." Yet the desire for healing has always existed and has brought forth such illusory means as medicinal springs, faith-healing revivals, and bottled cure-alls. Myss is concerned about the type of negativity she labels "woundology." That is the tendency to "define ourselves by our wounds" and consequently to "burden and lose our physical and spiritual energy and open ourselves to the risk of illness."

Alas, the fashionable Aquarian Age view is itself not without risk. Although Myss does not dismiss "conventional" medicine, her advocacy of "alternative" and "complementary" treatments may lead desperate readers of her bestselling literary nostrum to just such a dismissal --- with potentially tragic consequences.

Myss's philosophy is that "Our lives are made up of a series of mysteries that we are meant to explore but that are meant to remain unsolved." Such mystery-mongering naturally leads to occult, mystical, and magical thinking. A more enlightened view would hold that mysteries should neither be fostered nor suppressed, but rather should be carefully investigated in hopes of solving them. Indeed, one can see the progress of civilization as a series of solved mysteries. This is the attitude that led to the development of polio vaccine and the eradication of smallpox. "Energy medicine" can boast of no comparable successes.

Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
(with comments)
Yesterday, in a comment, Dinsdale Piranha mentioned Caroline Myss. I'd never heard of this woman before, but apparently she's some alternative medicine and holistic healing guru. She's also the author of many books, And she even had her own TV show on something called the Oxygen Network. And Oprah seems to like her a lot.

Who is Caroline Myss? She's been known to identify people's physical and psychological problems-just by looking at them!

You can hire her to give a speech, but it will cost at least $20,000.

According to this site:
Caroline Myss earned her B.A. in Journalism in 1974, her M.A. in Theology in 1979, and her Ph.D. in Energy Medicine in 1996.

This Metafilter post claims that her Ph.D. is bogus:
Where did she earn it? From a non-accredited correspondence school. Who founded the department from whence she graduated? She did.
At the official Caroline Myss site, her name is always followed by "Ph.D." But when you read her official bio, she doesn't even mention her Ph.D. degree.

She also has a Duck Club.
And if want to read some nice drivel, here's her Daily Message Archive. You'll find stuff like:

•A breakthrough occurs when you recognize you are more energy than matter.
•Consciousness is not a pleasure cruise on this planet.
•Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.
•Sacred Truth #6: Seek only the truth.
•There are no coincidences.
And for the extreme suckers of the world, she formed an "educational" institute called CMED (Caroline Myss Education). Here's a link to a typical workshop course: Astrology and Your Cosmic Contract ($1,295).

All students will learn the basics of Astrology, their birth charts, and how to perceive Astrological Cycles, while working with intuitive, quantum, mystical, and co-creative models of perception. Robert will teach you how to use the birth/natal chart, not just as a way of understanding and identifying your own behaviors and patterns, but also as a set of "celestial instructions" given to you at the synchronous moment of your birth. You will look at the birth chart as a map of your own unique "Solar Hero/Heroine's Journey",

Offline czech

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Re: Carolyn Myss
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 07:30:19 am »
Thank you for posting this. I can confirm that to hire Caroline Myss for a 4 hour workshop would cost $20,000 + 2 business flights from Chicago and two accommodations. An acquaintance of mine who was enchanted with her book considered inviting her and this was the answer he got. I believe he threw the book out of the window then.


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Re: Carolyn Myss
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 02:59:21 am »
Darn!  I rather like Caroline.  I have listened to a few of her CDs and she is very interesting (I guess you could say "entertaining"), but I don't like it when people lie about their backgrounds and I am mystified as to why they would do so.  The link that Al gave was to Caroline's website and that mystifies me even more.  Is she proud of this, or simply defiant?  This was dated 1998 and for all I know she has earned a doctorate from an accredited institution of higher learning since then, but if she earns $20,000 for an appearance, why bother?  Caroline, if you are reading this blog, what would St. Teresa of Avila say?  (Caroline is big on mystics and she has spent a lot of time studying and writing about St. Teresa of Avila, a sixteenth century Spanish saint.)