Author Topic: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba  (Read 153529 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« on: February 15, 2006, 05:24:46 pm »
I know we used to have a thread on this fraud, but this came on my email today and I did not know that she has been denounced bt the Crow Tribe. Must be why she is now claiming Nez Perce and Cheyenne:

Alert - Re:
Brooke 'Medicine Eagle' Edwards

Abuse and Exploitation of American Indian Sacred Traditions
A Statement from the Center for the SPIRIT

One phenomenally successful exploiter of traditional Indian spirituality
is a woman named Brooke Edwards, who transacts her business under the
assumed name of "Brooke Medicine Eagle". Ms. "Medicine Eagle" operates
"spirituality camps" in Montana, charging as much as $1,500 per person
for the privilege of putting up a tent on her ranch for two weeks.
(Assuming that at least twenty people participate in each session, Ms.
"Medicine Eagle" takes in at least $30,000 every two weeks, all summer
long.) Ms. "Medicine Eagle" has been denounced by the Crow Tribe of
Montana, with whom she claims affiliation as a spiritual "teacher", for
misrepresenting and abusing the spiritual traditions of the Crow people
through her high-profit cottage industry. According to John Pretty On
Top, traditional Crow sundance chief and the officially designated
Cultural Director and Speaker for the Crow Tribe, Ms. "Medicine Eagle"
is neither a traditional medicine woman (contrary to her paid
advertisements) nor an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe. Rather, Ms.
"Medicine Eagle" is a profound embarrassment to traditional Crow People,
says Mr. Pretty On Top:

"The book she published is so far away from Crow spirituality she's not
recognized anywhere in our traditional ways". Mr. Pretty On Top has
expressed concern for the harm to the reputation of legitimate Crow
spirituality that inevitably follows from the prosperous charlatanism of
imposters like Brooke Edwards and he urges non-Indians not to support
Ms. "Medicine Eagle" financially or otherwise.

We join with John Pretty On Top and the Crow Tribe of Montana in urging
all supporters of American Indian people to help us in our struggle for
social justice and religious freedom by actively opposing the spiritual
genocide manifest in the exploitation and abuse of our most precious
sacred traditions by cultists, con artists, hucksters, charlatans and
"plastic medicine people" like Brooke Edwards. And we invite you to
contact us at Center for the SPIRIT whenever you become aware of
situations in which American Indian sacred traditions are being
exploited and abused, so that we may help you and your community develop
and implement an effective strategy of community education and active
resistance to such exploitation.

Center for the SPIRIT (Support and Protection of Indian Religions and
Indigenous Traditions) is a nonprofit organization of American Indian
people dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of American
Indian spiritual practices and religious traditions. Headquartered in
Oakland we have begun to systematically address the momentous problem of
"New Age" exploitation and expropriation of the sacred traditions of
American Indian tribes--a problem which has proliferated alarmingly in
the Bay Area and throughout California in recent years.

They can be reached at P.O. Box 17002, Oakland , Calif. 94601.

Offline Spaewife

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2008, 02:21:03 am »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2008, 03:20:03 am »
Look who Brooke has hooked up with as her "life partner." Another fraud, this one a blond white guy with a Hindu name and mixing "ascended masters" with pseudo Inca stuff.

"How would your life be different if you could spend time with a Living Master?
What if you could ask questions, have a dialogue, and receive guidance from someone who is in transcendent state of god communion while being in active communion with everyday life and do it from the comfort of your home or office instead of traveling to the Himalayas?

....Here is your chance to find out.

Sunny Baba is indeed a living Master who has achieved a transcendent state of god communion while being in active communion with everyday life. Sunny had to travel the world to find and sit with Living Masters, but he wants us to have the experience from the comfort of our own homes or offices. The transmission that happens is not dependent upon traveling long distances or searching for long years, and physical presence is not required; it can happen in a moment and by telephone."

Yep, you can become a god by phone, without having to get your ass off the couch even. He knows, trust us, he's super spirchul.

"Together with his “heart mate???, Brook Medicine Eagle, Sunny is building retreat facilities at Earth Heart Sanctuary, “an exquisite place to experience an ecologically-sound lifeway of simplicity, beauty, harmony and sustainability???. He offers private phone consultations, wilderness camps, and sacred relationship counseling for Men as well as ceremonial clothing and moccasins. Sunny and Brooke also offer apprenticeships in organic gardening and natural building, heart retreats, workshops and teachings."

Really, someone would be better off spending the workshop money on putting solar panels in their home.

"Tele-Seminars Sound Healing Interviews Blue Diamond Technologies  Mystics & Masters  Panchamama On-line Store  Indigo Crystal Star and Rainbow Children Sacred Sexuality"

Crystal children? Sounds very painful for the woman giving birth.

And I wonder if Harley Reagan will sue them for ripping off his ripoff of Hinduism pretending to be NDN.
Something pretty funny. Seems Sunny boy took his name from an action star in India.

And apparently enlightenment with a living god and learning simplicity costs about a grand. They're working with a Rene Barribeau.

 Awaken to the Divine Ordinary - August 14-21, 2007

 The time is now to BE warriors of light, to walk hand in hand as community in transition. Are you hearing the call? If so, then Awaken to the Divine Ordinary, is for you.
About the facilitators: Brooke Medicine Eagle is a Native American metis - an Earth wisdom teacher and catalyst for healing, a visionary, sacred ecologist, harmonist and recording artist. Based at Earth Heart Sanctuary, her beauty way awakens physical and spiritual health through private sessions and retreats, offers Native American music and chants, promotes ritual honoring of Earth cycles, shares women's mystery teachings, and creates a sustainable, holy path for two-leggeds to walk. Sunny Baba follows his heart's desires and finds his joy in the simple gifts of the earth. Embodying an ancient, aboriginal lifestyle, his life is a meditation of being. Sunny has lived his adult life in the remote wilderness areas of western USA and Central America. Renee Baribeau serves as the warrior healer who is called by destiny to weave her vision of a network of beingness and presence into the world. Their combined talents and abilities will call the perfect group.

The cost of this experience is $975. includes room and board. For more information contact: Renee at 760-773-5870.

Registration $975. USD

Buy Now | More information
Until next month, may you walk in peace.
Renee Baribeau
The Village Quipu

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2008, 03:28:58 am »
And Baribeau apparently is in the spirituality marketing business.

Profile and Credentials
 Gift Wrapper for Healers

Renee Baribeau will help you develop and market your true authentic gift as a healer or community advocate. She will assist you in identifying your market, and create the packaging for you to present to your community. She has spent a lifetime in sales and marketing, and is using this gift of experience to help others who are in her spiritual alignment to create a new business model. Her accomplishment in this area includes co-developing a Shamans Network e-News, which is circulating the globe with a mailing list of over 1500 people and growing, and developing a web presence as well as a conference on the Business of Healing in March 2007. Renee can help you develop your own unique marketing program by implementing her creative graphic designs which includes Internet set-up,

e-newsletters, brochures, logo design, and other business peripherals. She is available for start-up business consultations and to expand your ongoing business.

Currently, Renee is caretaker of the Healing Arts Center in Palm Desert. This center is a dedicated bridge between the community and healer practitioners from many disciplines. The key intention is to create a core community of healers who believe that it is necessary to stand together as one light. The aim is to attract clients who believe in a holistic approach to their own healing and wellness. In addition, she is a Shamanic Coach, Teacher, Writer, Film Maker, Businesswoman, Chef, Event Planner, and Gift Wrapper for Healers.

Also apparently trained with a great many frauds. The hypocrisy of much of what she says is appalling.

"Shamanic Coaching
A Shamanic practitioner, she has completed a two-year Light Body Training with The Four Winds Society, and received rites of passage from the Quero Elders on the mountaintops of Peru. Renee has studied with many modern day mystics including Michael Harner, Alberto Villoldo, Hank Wesselman, Linda Fitch, Luz Clara, and Jose Luis. She walks the Red Road in the Lakota tradition and specializes in using creative techniques to bring forth one’s healing potential, working extensively with early childhood trauma, addictions, and food disorders. Her training as a business executive has developed her no-nonsense practical coaching skills. Her intuitive gift is the ability to uncover blocks that keep one blinded from their true potential."

Ceremony selling

Renee uses a creative approach to teaching others how to walk a healing path. Classes and workshops have included: Sacred Play, Creating your personal Spirit Doll, Tending to your Sacred Garden, Sweat Lodges, Gift Wrapping your Healing Practice, Shamanic Rebirthing, Real Forgiveness, and Introduction to Shamanism. She is currently developing a two-year training with other practitioners entitled “The Wheels of Recovery.??? This program came to life after conducting 12-step workshops and sensing the need to go beyond the work of that traditional model in recovery from addiction."

And back to being a huckster.

"Additional Information
Renee is a businesswoman at heart. It has been said that she can “sell ice to an Eskimo.??? This is true only if she believes in the ice and the need for the product. Her combined marketing and public relations skills have graced her with many life successes. A talented chef who has cooked for dignitaries as well as us “regular folk,??? she has owned and operated two popular and profitable restaurants, started two upscale catering businesses, and worked her way into corporate senior management within Hyatt Resorts, PGA West, and other exclusive Country Clubs. This tenure in the corporate world gave her the training that every entrepreneur could use and is sometimes more valuable than an advanced degree in business."

Someone clue her into what "Eskimos" actually prefer to be called.


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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2008, 03:37:21 am »
What amazes me is that someone would pay almost $1000 to have "group dreaming in a cave".

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2008, 04:11:53 pm »

Excusssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeee Me while I go throw up........and this woman lives where i live! I knew the Bitteroot had a lot of Yuppies, but come on...even on her pictures you can tell it's a fake tan!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2008, 03:12:04 am »
Must be going around...there's a thread started up today in American Indian Injustice too...the AII Yahoo group...This woman gets brought up alot from what I've seen in the past while.
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2008, 06:50:27 pm »
This woman gets brought up alot from what I've seen in the past while.

I don't know how much work she's getting now, but in the eighties and nineties she was getting hired as the token (fake) NDN by almost every white Nuage group out there. If there was any kind of gathering or panel or conference, she'd be there. While I'd like to believe that the work so many have done to expose her has made a difference, I think that a lot of people don't know she's been exposed, and they've seen her around so much they just assume she's legit until informed otherwise. I think some are even then reluctant to listen because they don't want to believe they've been fooled (and in some cases, fooled for many years).

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2008, 01:22:22 am »
I think some are even then reluctant to listen because they don't want to believe they've been fooled (and in some cases, fooled for many years).

Not just this, but she sells a good victim story. One of my friends said to me "But what's the poor woman to do? She's already posted a copy of her enrollment online!" She didn't know what to say when I told her that the woman was not enrolled according to the Crow tribe.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2008, 01:34:47 am »
She still uses the same old link that once said she had a "tribal certificate". (?!?!) Used to be she had a piece paper printed up that said she was a tribal member that looked closer to one of those things you can get printed at Kinko's, like "World's Greatest Dad."

Now she's showing off a cheesy attempt at a fake tribal ID.

It never even occurred to her or her followers that you don't wear a cowboy hat covering a third of your face for IDs.

Do the Crow generally list your place of enrollment as the tribe, not the city? Every other tribal ID I've ever seen lists the city the tribal govt is based in.

I think we should pass along that she seems to be using the signature of a former tribal president, Clifford Bird in Ground Sr., on her fake ID. That's forgery I believe.

Who here could get hold of someone in the tribal govt, quickly?

Perhaps it might be hard to make the charge stick since Bird in Ground is facing corruption charges.

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2008, 05:48:12 pm »
I just looked at her so called "Tribal Enrollment" photo. Being some what of a photographer and knowing how to manipulate photos I can tell you that the photo is cut and pasted if you look up in the left hand corner, it clearly shows that the photo was put there after the card was made

Offline USA2UK

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2008, 05:51:53 pm »
So sad, she is pathetic!
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 01:24:42 am by Guenevere33 »

Offline snorks

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2008, 05:06:18 pm »
If you reach her latest note, she is 'homeless'.  Apparently someone else owned the land that she was living on.  They sold the land, and she didn't buy it.  So she and her male friend are drifting about looking for a home.  They are asking for donations.

I wonder how someone with the money she made, could be so 'poor'.  From reading the rest of her notes, it seemed to me that her various money streams were drying up and more monetary demands are being placed on her.

Offline susanh

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2008, 03:36:21 am »

I have first hand knowledge of this woman.  My Mother is the owner of land in Montana that she and her con man boyfriend Sunny Babba AKA/ birth name Robert Simonson were  just evicted from.  She exploited un UNBELIVEABLE amout of money from my Mother...... who is a lonely, depressed person who fell right into the trap..... Our Attorney even wanted us to charge them with elder abuse for what she did  >:(

The fraud reports are 100% true and I welcome any questions about her and her boyfriend.
Also, beware that the Earth Heart Retreat was NEVER formed.  Brooke took dontaions of money and materials for the place and the are commiting Non profit fraud also!!  The web site is still up, still asking for donations and they were evicted from the property on May 15 2008. The Eather Heart donations were in reality "The Sunny & Brooke Foundation" 

PLEASE DO NOT GET SUCKED INTO THIS WOMAN WEB! I have spent the last year and a half trying to get rid of her!



I know we used to have a thread on this fraud, but this came on my email today and I did not know that she has been denounced bt the Crow Tribe. Must be why she is now claiming Nez Perce and Cheyenne:

Alert - Re:
Brooke 'Medicine Eagle' Edwards

Abuse and Exploitation of American Indian Sacred Traditions
A Statement from the Center for the SPIRIT

One phenomenally successful exploiter of traditional Indian spirituality
is a woman named Brooke Edwards, who transacts her business under the
assumed name of "Brooke Medicine Eagle". Ms. "Medicine Eagle" operates
"spirituality camps" in Montana, charging as much as $1,500 per person
for the privilege of putting up a tent on her ranch for two weeks.
(Assuming that at least twenty people participate in each session, Ms.
"Medicine Eagle" takes in at least $30,000 every two weeks, all summer
long.) Ms. "Medicine Eagle" has been denounced by the Crow Tribe of
Montana, with whom she claims affiliation as a spiritual "teacher", for
misrepresenting and abusing the spiritual traditions of the Crow people
through her high-profit cottage industry. According to John Pretty On
Top, traditional Crow sundance chief and the officially designated
Cultural Director and Speaker for the Crow Tribe, Ms. "Medicine Eagle"
is neither a traditional medicine woman (contrary to her paid
advertisements) nor an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe. Rather, Ms.
"Medicine Eagle" is a profound embarrassment to traditional Crow People,
says Mr. Pretty On Top:

"The book she published is so far away from Crow spirituality she's not
recognized anywhere in our traditional ways". Mr. Pretty On Top has
expressed concern for the harm to the reputation of legitimate Crow
spirituality that inevitably follows from the prosperous charlatanism of
imposters like Brooke Edwards and he urges non-Indians not to support
Ms. "Medicine Eagle" financially or otherwise.

We join with John Pretty On Top and the Crow Tribe of Montana in urging
all supporters of American Indian people to help us in our struggle for
social justice and religious freedom by actively opposing the spiritual
genocide manifest in the exploitation and abuse of our most precious
sacred traditions by cultists, con artists, hucksters, charlatans and
"plastic medicine people" like Brooke Edwards. And we invite you to
contact us at Center for the SPIRIT whenever you become aware of
situations in which American Indian sacred traditions are being
exploited and abused, so that we may help you and your community develop
and implement an effective strategy of community education and active
resistance to such exploitation.

Center for the SPIRIT (Support and Protection of Indian Religions and
Indigenous Traditions) is a nonprofit organization of American Indian
people dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of American
Indian spiritual practices and religious traditions. Headquartered in
Oakland we have begun to systematically address the momentous problem of
"New Age" exploitation and expropriation of the sacred traditions of
American Indian tribes--a problem which has proliferated alarmingly in
the Bay Area and throughout California in recent years.

They can be reached at P.O. Box 17002, Oakland , Calif. 94601.

Offline susanh

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2008, 03:48:50 am »
I am the person who just evicted her from Earth Heart........... the land belongs to my Mother.
Earth Heart foundation was never even formed..... she just took donations in the name.  Web site looks real official, I fell bad for the many people who must have lost money in the name of spirituality...... my Mother was in for a bunch!! Including the land she bought where these two were nother more than squaters!