Author Topic: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges  (Read 189775 times)

Offline nemesis

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2011, 07:58:22 pm »
I only just saw this news video

It is fairly clear that, at the time it was made, the Sedona LEOs and prosecutor were feeling confident that they had discovered a brothel masquerading as a church and that this is a big case and an important expose of criminality camouflaged as spirituality.

Right at the end someone asks if the cops are looking for Baba Dez Nichols and the cops replies that they are not currently seeking him.  It is obvious that they have no idea about Baba Dez and his many organised criminal contacts.

A little thought popped into my mind as to what this situation is like........

If they were not cops but anglers, they would be congratulating themselves on the huge fish they managed to catch, so excited by their triumph that they do not notice that the water in the lake behind them is black.  It is black because it contains a fish so massive that it takes up the entire lake.  It is a formidable predator, a terrifying creature.  It was there right next to them all along and they didn't even notice. 

Offline nemesis

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2011, 07:50:12 am »
What struck me lately, is that all the supporters who claim not to be associated with the temple have that same glassy-eyed look. I've been watching a lot of interviews and looking closely at the eyes of the people sticking up for the temple and their eyes all have that indoctrinated look. 

You are an astute person Rose.

It has come to my attention that one of the supporters of Tracey Elise who has posted a video on youtube calling for community support for the "Goddess Temple" is in fact a vulnerable, mentally challenged young woman, an American citizen who is under the control of an extremely dangerous Russian THB network.

This young woman was almost certainly recruited by "Master Chekes" (probably at the Sedona Temple) and has been highly active organising recruitment workshops for the Russians for several months at least. 

Unfortunately this young woman now poses a danger to other US citizens, even though she herself is probably well intentioned, naive and exploited.

The Russian network I am talking about has many names including Aharata, Universynergy Arts, Ashram Shambala, The Russian Academy of Happiness (and a whole load of other names).  This network is established in Russia, the Ukraine, the US, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, the UK and various other territories. 

I know of this young woman as she posted a testimony video on one of the Universynergy Arts channels - where she was dressed in a very sexually provocative way - and where she stated that the Aharata training had changed her life to the extent that she no longer had to take her mood stabilising meds. 

This woman's treatment at the hands of the OC network is fairly typical, they recruit vulnerable adults, persuade them to stop taking their meds (they tell them they are not really mentally ill but are in fact shamans and super-human people who should devote themselves to a guru in order to develop spiritually) and exploit them in all kinds of ways.  This woman has been very busy organising recruitment workshops for the network and thus, unfortunately, poses a danger to other US citizens.

The "testimonial" video was removed recently and the channel hosting it has closed, however I have a copy saved and it is definitely the same young woman. 

I am not going to post the videos here or ID the woman's real name as she is a vulnerable adult who is the victim of crime. 

I am curious as to who her parents are.  Cultic THB networks love to recruit the children of senior cops, politicians and other influential people.  They then use their new recruit to control their parents via blackmail and threats of what they will do to their son or daughter.

This is a horrible situation.

Offline nemesis

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2011, 01:07:38 pm »
I just wanted to share this satirical blog entry by a blogger called "nightwind" as I think it is relevant to this thread.

After well over 9 years since the invasion of Afghanistan, the United States has finally proclaimed victory over the Taleban. Shocked, the nay-sayers were left staring in disbelief as the high command of the United States forces in Afghanistan released a thorough declaration, which we took the liberty of quoting:

“I know that we left the impression that the United States Army was a brutal and lawless bunch, but this was all part of the plan to fool the enemy. We know that the secret of victory is winning the hearts and minds of the people. As such, we realized this is not a war of weapons but of culture, therefore we knew the real purpose is to replace the Taleban-instated customs with the ancient Afghan customs, truly liberating the people!”

As the world awed at the truly surprising US strategy, the story is confirmed independently by New York Times, The Guardian, Frontline as well as the recently leaked cables from Wikileaks. The final blow to the Taleban was reinstating the ancient custom of bacha bazi, which consists in having young boy lovers in addition to a decent number of wives.

The Afghan Interior Minister, mr Atmar, had this to say: We are extremely grateful to former United States President mr George W Bush as well as the United States Army and DynCorps for bringing us the freedom to return to our ancient ways. Too long have the Taleban prevented us from having sex with your boys! This repression of our customs is the pinnacle of our struggle for freedom. Allah bless America! Today America brought us this freedom, we hope that soon people all over the world can enjoy the right to have sex with young boys!

As expected, NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) saluted the position of the United States government and DynCorps: we knew this days was bound to come. After all, what’s wrong with loving underage boys? Love is such a beautiful thing! Our honorary president and former US president George W Bush will be thrilled! This is real democracy, where everyone is free to love in their own way!

This news has not been well received by the Taleban press, which proceeded to accuse the United States of double standards: American pigs are such hypocrites! They allow the Afghan to indulge in such disgraceful orgies while their own people are not!

Fearing armed retribution which the pacifist United States Army could not handle, The Guardian tried to downplay the move, saying that in the new bacha bazi the young boys are merely performing ancient tribal dances, not having sex. The next morning however, the United States was left without strip clubs as each and every strip club in the country closed down. Coincidentally, the very same day a number of tribal clubs were opened where naked young women were performing ancient tribal fertility dances in the laps of their customers.

Dan Gussman, former own of strip club “Puss in Boots”, had this to say: Owning a strip club was becoming quite a bad business. The police always raided us, the fines were driving our profit into the ground and we could no longer afford to hire nice strippers. However, having a tribal dance club is so much better. Now we actually hired several new strip… ummm … I mean tribal dancers. We usually charge a modic fee for the type of tribal dance performed: the cheapest being a regular tribal dance around the customer, while the most expesive is a full-blown fertility test.

Romanian Guru Gregorian Bivolaru proceeded to sue not only each tribal dance club but also American security contractor DynCorps, claiming he owns the intellectual rights over masquerading underage sex as a religious activity. I can no longer stand by and watch people profit from my intellectual property. Intellectual property is a fundamental democratic value and as such, I want my due share. I have fought hard and suffered in order to obtain the rights to sell my religious video tutorials about integrating into the absolute with the help of several underage girls. My theory is the one that clearly states that the religious experience becomes better as your partner’s age decreases. Bacha bazi is clearly inspired from my idea!

Although mr Bivolaru’s claim seems shaky given that bacha bazi refers to boys (not girls) and is several hundred years older than his theory, the sovereign state of Sweden decided to offer him sanctuary and support both for protecting his theories and against any sexual offense charges layed against him by the Romanian government. Prime Minister Reinfeldt of Sweden made an exclusive declaration: We feel that mr Bivolaru’s theory about spiritual integration via sex with underage girls is a fresh and modern approach to spirituality and we feel this treasure must be protected. Following this spirit, we strongly support our American allies in promoting bacha bazi, the spiritual equivalent with respect to sex with underage boys, not only in Afghanistan but in the whole world! In an unrelated topic however, we are strongly disgusted by mr Julian Assange’s practice of having unprotected consensual sex with mature women!

The other NAMBLA (North American Marlon Brando Look-alikes Association) promptly detached itself from the dispute.

Apart from the obvious stuff about the hypocrisy of the US (and I am ashamed to say the UK) nation states allying themselves with a network of paedophile child traffickers in Afghanistan, I thought that the descriptions of strip clubs being replaced by tribal dance clubs might ring a few bells with people.

Criminals have been playing this game for decades and getting away with it.

In the age of the internet criminals are using social networking websites and new technology to groom and recruit victims and their criminal businesses have flourished and grown strong.  

The only good thing about this is that the OC networks' use of online social media means that they leave an electronic trail which will hopefully help LEOs to stop them.  

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2011, 02:03:21 pm »
and for those who are interested to learn more about the THB cultic OC network Aharata / Universynergy Arts / Ashram Shambala there is a good piece here, although please note that, like the Russian news coverage, the focus is on cultic activities and not THB.  This piece is also very out of date but it contains a lot of relevant info in the one piece so I thought it worth including here.

The original piece is in Russian, translation via google

Shambhala School (Sotidanandana Yoga Center)

Other names: Everest headquarters, School of Yoga, Rajneesh Center, Avicenna.

Description: a dangerous criminal organization, whose leaders passionate about oriental and occult practices. Puts followers in terms of slave life. Uses elements of violence.

    Currently there are about 7 Novosibirsk apartments for living together adepts - ashrams, the total number of "devotees" - apparently a few dozen people.

    The leaders of the cult - Konstantin Rudnev (the name of the sect - Sri Jnana Avatar Muni), 29, calls himself an enlightened teacher, a god; Shudnev Konstantin Leonidovich (name of the sect - Shiva Acharya), 21, is busy the organizational issues that may Fraud in real estate, as well as several other young people.

    Nestle lectures on the study of yoga, "eternal truths", which made the selection of prospective followers, ie, people with heightened suggestibility, supple psyche. Seminars, participation fee - about 6 million rubles. Going about 60-70 people. Classes - spontaneous impromptu lecture manager or his students. Are held in rented houses of culture, sometimes in the ashrams. Rudnev likes to interpret the various parables, Bles-nut erudition, but in "my circle" recognizes that this is only for external, that it is not so, as he said so publicly. In addition to lectures - collective meditation, dance and yoga exercises. Mentors are often over-enced with the so-called adeptkami tantra-yoga, ie, sexual magical practices.

    The most "loyal" settled in an ashram, where supposedly there are "special" conditions for "spiritual growth". For ordinary members of the ashram dream - 3 hours, meager vegetarian food, continuous operation, frequent physical abuse, sometimes sadistic forms for women - "Tantra practices." At this time, "mentors" carefully watching the adept-E, without losing the slightest infraction, read impromptu lecture (for "spiritual development"). Practices of collective meditation - a curse on the enemy, for example, to annoy the neighbors, but especially - for those who left the sect. Several people stand in a circle, imagining that the center is the enemy, and throws him his anger, swearing, cursing at him, imagining that they beat him.

    In a more narrow range of Rudnev teaches the need to get rid of parental authority, which are suitable only for a second to take money from them and bring in the sect. External to the sect of people called "mice", in relation to them is permissible theft, deception and violence. At one meeting there was much talk about Hitler, about the need Unicov-tozhit all old and weak.

    In general, "the school" gives the impression of a criminal group, whose leaders passionate about yogic and occult practices.

    Doctrine: has a pronounced impression of dilettantism. Published several pamphlets for the domestic user-Bani, outlining the views of leaders, consisting mainly of excerpts of popular books containing most of doubtful elements of oriental studies. The style of the author's own views rather vulgar, gives you, their lack of any serious knowledge of Eastern religions. Rites group - teatralizo-bathing action, designed to produce an effect on the uninitiated, his "elevation", actually contains some simple elements of primitive occult practices. Popular with the leaders of the book Averyanova, Carlos Castaneda, "Astral Karate", "Karma Yoga" etc.

    Criminal cases: Cases sale adepts of his property, apartments to transfer all the money mentors.

    We have the physical abuse of the adepts of the teachers, or at their direction.       

source: (in original Russian language)

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2011, 07:07:41 pm »
Thanks for the cult info. It’s very enlightening.

Re: liberals

I’m talking about real 3 dimensional people, walking around Phoenix, Mesa and Tucson that claim to be ‘progressive’ or ‘liberal’ that I have actually spoken to.  I can’t even count the number of white liberals who have lectured me on this subject and pontificated about their superior, enlightened ‘liberal’ values. Most of them just can’t understand why I’m so ungrateful when they’ve been so kind to help educate such an ignorant savage.

I stumbled upon this on twitter. Jackie Lynn of the Aboriginal Women's Action Network articulates the real issues here much better that I could. It's all about naming and power.
More facts are coming out about Mooney and his connections all over Arizona. It looks like his camp in Phoenix are also loosely connected to the Destini cult (check out all the YouTube exposes on it) and are behind an organized movement by middle/upper class whites to EXPLOIT women in order to turn an easy profit. Anyone who thinks this is about “consensual sex” is either extremely ignorant and misinformed about the issues. The Phoenix “goddesses” were 99% poor white women who were already trapped in prostitution and just wanted a little bit nicer cage.

There are no real principles at stake here – just the same old justifications for not working for a living and exploiting the resources/labor of less powerful people. SSDD.
Prostitution is antithetical to all traditional indigenous values. The real problem here is that White liberals cannot understand that there is a huge gap between their values and ours. They continue to use language of liberation to obscure the real issues at stake here. Traditional native people are nearly 100% united in their strong opposition to prostitution.  It’s better to listen, than to regurgitate empty white liberal rhetoric. There’s no point wasting your life thinking that white liberal “free market” values are in any way complimentary to traditional indigenous values. In most cases involving women and children, they are polar opposites.  Mooney exploited the language of the 60s counterculture and the language of liberation to trap those women into working for his front group.

Abolition of Prostitution (Aboriginal Women's Action Network & Vancouver Rape Relief)

On YouTube, Mooney is so bold, he even admits on this video that he intends to violate his agreement with the feds and to ignore the 1994 amendment to the AIRFA.

Couple agree to end peyote use if feds drop drug charges

PUBLIC LAW 103-344 - OCT. 6, 1994
108 STAT. 3125 -- 103d Congress
Passed House 8/8/94 -- Passed Senate 9/26/94

You can see Mooney’s audacity here in making statements he has to know are not true:

James Mooney Oklevueha Native American Church ONAC

He's knowingly lying to the public to hawk those fake NAC cards, making them think they now have First Amendment protection to use peyote that they do not have.

Flaming Eagle Mooney ONAC discussion Phoenix Mother Medicine Wheel

In this one, he has the audacity to pretend to be an expert on sweat lodges and comment on the James Arthur Ray trial.

To me, Mooney looks like Ted Knight, the guy who played the judge in Caddyshack. He’s tanner than John Boner and spouting twice as much nonsense. There are comments all over the internet from the Utah NAC stating that he charges $12,000 for his ceremonies, but he waits until his victims are high on peyote to hit them up for money.

He has an agreement with the US attorney, so he has to know that everything he said in this video, one month ago, was false.  He is still selling fake NAC membership cards in Southern Arizona and is connected to several twinkie retreats here in Tucson. He has an even bigger following among white wannabes than he did before the temple was busted. They all think they're supporting Native Americans by supporting Mooney.

Mooney, like all cult leaders, is counting on white seekers believing what he says because THEY WANT TO believe it and not even bothering to check out if what he says has any truth to it at all.  Mooney counts on them only "looking into their hearts" and not checking out what the law really says.  I see tremendous parallels between the actions of Kamala Devi and the Rainbow family a couple of years ago regarding the Fonty Fox riots. (Anybody using the term "LEO" is suspect) They have flooded the comments section of every news story and YouTube with their propaganda which is not in any way based in fact. They are both expert propagandists. They are highly organized and they know to get their spin on the story out early and to reinforce it every chance they get. They use liberation jargon to demonize anyone as “unenlightened” who calls them on their many false statements.  It’s like they all have the same PR manual to consult. Both groups know most people decide what to believe based on feelings and intuition and will not take the time to research both sides on an issue. Cults, frauds, quacks and plastic shame-men all depend on this for their livelihood.

If you want to see Mooney investigated and prosecuted, unfortunately, you have to write to the extremely right wing Attorney General of Arizona, Tom Horne
Consumer Information and Complaints

Phoenix Office

1275 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926
Fax 602.542.4085

Tucson Office:
400 W. Congress
South Building, Suite 315
Tucson, Arizona 85701-1367
Arizona Attorney General 
(907) 465-3600
(602) 542-4266

online complaint forms: (not as effective as a hand written letter)

Some Tucson NDN activists & allies are organizing a letter writing campaign to demand prosecution of Mooney for fraud and for his part in the Goddess Temple bust.
Everyone's encouraged to set Tom Horne straight on Mooney's bogus NAC membership cards.
We’ll see if anything comes of it.

I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2011, 10:25:48 am »

More facts are coming out about Mooney and his connections all over Arizona. It looks like his camp in Phoenix are also loosely connected to the Destini cult (check out all the YouTube exposes on it) and are behind an organized movement by middle/upper class whites to EXPLOIT women in order to turn an easy profit. Anyone who thinks this is about “consensual sex” is either extremely ignorant and misinformed about the issues. The Phoenix “goddesses” were 99% poor white women who were already trapped in prostitution and just wanted a little bit nicer cage.

thanks Rose
I took a couple of hours checking out youtube videos re Desteni - a frustrating experience as many of the people on them talked slowly, seemed confused and would benefit from taking classes in getting to the point.  One of the problems with abusive cults is that people emerge from them in a fairly bad way, often unable to  express their feelings coherently. 

When I have some time to spare I will try to find some clear and concise about Desteni

I read a comment on a news piece that one of the "Goddesses" was a vulnerable woman who had been involved in prostitution since the age of 13. 

I have to say that, as much as I like newage frauds to be exposed and stopped, I get no satisfaction from seeing some of the most oppressed and vulnerable people in society cuffed and subjected to a perp walk and possible jail time instead of supportive services to assist them to leave a safer and less damaging lifestyle. 

Prostitution is antithetical to all traditional indigenous values. The real problem here is that White liberals cannot understand that there is a huge gap between their values and ours. They continue to use language of liberation to obscure the real issues at stake here. Traditional native people are nearly 100% united in their strong opposition to prostitution.  It’s better to listen, than to regurgitate empty white liberal rhetoric. There’s no point wasting your life thinking that white liberal “free market” values are in any way complimentary to traditional indigenous values. In most cases involving women and children, they are polar opposites.  Mooney exploited the language of the 60s counterculture and the language of liberation to trap those women into working for his front group.

I'm not sure that so many white liberals support prostitution (I could be wrong).  Personally I do not support prostitution, however I do not support the criminalisation of prostitution simply because criminalisation of prostitution effectively removes the human rights of sex workers, makes them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, and impedes their ability to seek recourse from the law should they become the victims of crime. 

Just clarifying my own position on this issue.  ;)

I see tremendous parallels between the actions of Kamala Devi and the Rainbow family a couple of years ago regarding the Fonty Fox riots. (Anybody using the term "LEO" is suspect) They have flooded the comments section of every news story and YouTube with their propaganda which is not in any way based in fact. They are both expert propagandists. They are highly organized and they know to get their spin on the story out early and to reinforce it every chance they get. They use liberation jargon to demonize anyone as “unenlightened” who calls them on their many false statements.  It’s like they all have the same PR manual to consult. Both groups know most people decide what to believe based on feelings and intuition and will not take the time to research both sides on an issue. Cults, frauds, quacks and plastic shame-men all depend on this for their livelihood.

I use the term LEO.  It is shorthand for law enforcement officer.  Does it have a different, more sinister, meaning?

You are right about these people being PR experts.  Some of the criminals involved in pseudo-tantric cults have backgrounds in the intelligence services, propaganda, marketing and even psychoanalysis. PR is something they are very, very good at.

Some Tucson NDN activists & allies are organizing a letter writing campaign to demand prosecution of Mooney for fraud and for his part in the Goddess Temple bust.
Everyone's encouraged to set Tom Horne straight on Mooney's bogus NAC membership cards.
We’ll see if anything comes of it.


That is really excellent news Rose.  The way in which Mooney casually and cynically lies about native spirituality and native people and exploits his lies to defend a criminal network is disgusting and outrageous.

I have a lot more to post about this issue, but am short of time, more soon.

Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2011, 11:54:15 pm »
I believe the liberal stance on prostitution is that what two adults choose to do is their own business. But not exactly support "prostitution" as it is, and believe that the underworld involved is because of it's illegality, much like drugs. There's millions to be made in a black market, but make it legal, and things may change. I know no liberals who believe in trafficking or, fraud. And I still don't know what the distinction is between white liberals and black liberals? As far as I know, liberals hold this view regardless of skin color. That's what makes them liberals.


I don't support the idea of selling ones body, but I don't believe it should be illegal between adults. That position on the issue makes me a liberal. I don't know of any liberals who agree that prostitution should be illegal (between adults) but none of them support it as a thing to do. I, however, understand that for some, they see it as the only way to feed their children.. and that is way sad. It makes them vulnerable to the cults and traffickers and everything else.

"I do it for my child alone
And who would say it's just not right
Verily I say unto you
There are many sides to the night"
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 01:28:21 am by critter - a white non-ndn person »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2011, 07:43:41 am »
Yes critter, I think that most liberals are against legislation that criminalises the most vulnerable and oppressed people in communities, whether it is the criminalisation of prostitution or, say, the prohibition of drugs.

Criminals will always take advantage of is situations where vulnerable people are deprived of their human rights. 

That is not to say that I support the legalisation of prostitution and those awful legal brothels in Nevada.  Such establishments represent the state sanctioned abuse of vulnerable women IMO.  I just believe that, where the law is concerned, what occurs between consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes is not the business of the state or law enforcement.

Having said all of that, I can imagine how infuriating it must be for Rose to encounter condescending white people trying to "educate" her about prostitution issues.  Most people, whatever their skin colour or background, are not well educated about issues re trafficking and exploitation and I know that I often feel frustrated by people's ignorance.  I can imagine how infuriating it must be for Rose to try to debate with someone who is not just ignorant about prostitution but who has also swallowed James Mooney's Kool Aid and as a result has racist fantasies about NDNs being supporting of prostitution.


Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2011, 08:25:42 am »
just one more thing.....

I may have been a little unfair to Mr Nichols in relation to his criminal contacts.

While he undoubtedly enjoys friendships with senior MISA agents it is difficult to determine the state of his current relationships with members of the Russian network.

It seems that the Russians have been making contacts with various newage individuals and business in Sedona for some years.  While they definitely ran recruitment workshops at the Sedona temple (including one that was co-hosted by Crystal Dawn Morris), they also ran workshops at other Sedona locations and have been infiltrating the Sedona newage scene for years.   

Nichols does have some agents of the Russian network on his FB page but these seem to be vulnerable young American women who have been recruited by the Russian network and not the senior members of the network who seem to be the ones pulling the strings.

I looked at the "testimonial" video (now removed from youtube) featuring an American young woman that has been recruited by the Russians.

In it she says that she was introduced to Universynergy Arts by "Master Perun and several other Universynergy Arts instructors".   She also says that since she started to train with them she has found a new energy that has enabled her to stop taking the anti-depressants, mood stabilisers and stimulants that she has been prescribed and has been dependent on for the last 10 years. 

This very conventionally attractive young woman appeared somewhat manic and deluded in the video and was wearing sexually provocative clothing and make up.  She is clearly mentally challenged and extremely vulnerable. 

This young woman (I will call her by her initial EM) has been involved in organising Universynergy Arts events on the meetup social networking website in the past.  I checked quickly yesterday and it seems that the role she plays at the moment is to be one of the "students" at meetup events - that is to say someone who praises the senior teachers and encourages new members to get involved.  Just want to point out that when THB networks organise recruitment workshops and retreats any new recruits will be in a minority.  They will be surrounded by people who are already recruited and who all endorse Universynergy Arts and EM will be one of those people. 

Anyway, I digress....

In 2010 (approx 1 year ago) EM's "testimonial video" was uploaded onto youtube as a Universynergy Arts PR video.  Sometime very recently it was removed and the account hosting it closed down.

After the brothel raids the new video of EM, this one praising Tracy Elise and the PGT, appeared.

EM is FB friends with other Universynergy Arts agents, VIPs and vulnerable American recruits (including the young female recruits who are FB friends with Nichols).

EM is not a FB friend of Dez Nichols, Tracy Elise, Wayne Clayton or anyone else that I know of connected to the Sedona or Phoenix "temples".

EM lives and works in New York.  Like most agents of the Russian network she probably travels around a fair bit but even so I am struggling to understand why a vulnerable, deluded, brainwashed young woman who spends all her time promoting Universynergy Arts and she appears to not have any strong links to the PGT should suddenly appear in a youtube video supporting Tracey Elise. 


Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2011, 11:12:18 pm »
I agree fully with you and Rose about the frustration of ignorance re: trafficking and the fraud of this "church"  and the whole ugly truth about this whole thing..

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2011, 08:50:36 pm »

something concerning has happened

Recently, the Phoenix Arizona police raided the Phoenix Goddess Temple. Whether or not you approve of how the temple ran its business, they deserve the best possible legal defense - and we'd like to help by creating an event that will generate contributions for their collective legal fund. The event we propose is Cuddle Across America - where people across the country produce cuddle gatherings that interlink - and all proceeds will be donated to their legal fund. One idea is to include iPads running FaceTime in each of the venues, so all the snugglefests are interlinked over the Internet. Our goal is to host 50 such events, simultaneously, across the country with 50 attendees each, donating or sponsoring $20 for each attendee... to raise a $50,000 legal fund. What better way to raise donations for this cause than snuggling and making out!

The founder of the temple, Tracy Elise, has stated:

"The Mystic Sisters of the Phoenix Goddess Temple serve our world and our community through a Sacred Labor of Love. We are an ordained sisterhood, having dedicated our lives, fortunes and soul/body to walk on earth as the in-formed wisdom and grace of Mother of All. We are in 'right livelihood' as our work expands happiness and connection to soul. We cultivate and celebrate the ensouling of light in physical form. We believe our temple to be an island of light where all are self-sovereign in their own bodies, all are guardians of their own thoughts and feelings, not to be put upon by others. We are a not-for-profit free church; our wealth does not accrue to one person or for-profit business concern, but rather to our mission of furthering the Goddess presence on Earth."

It's going to be a long and protracted legal battle, and if you're inclined to support this cause and participate in the Cuddle Across America event, register below for more info as it's produced... expect it to happen in a month or two!

How many people does it take to do yabyum? (anti-spam question - enter a number)


If you'd like contribute right away to the legal fund, you can do so by going to Look for the Paypal Donate button, and designate that the funds should go to the Phoenix Goddess Temple fund. If you're a regular cuddle event producer, please contact us directly at hope (at)

Sending a ray of hope and light to Tracy, Wayne, Niki and all the other lightworkers caught in this act of religious persecution.

Now what really concerns me is that the website on which this event is advertised,, is one of a number of websites owned by a man called Moses Ma.  Moses Ma is also the owner of and co-owner of

Moses Ma is a marketing specialist with many fingers in various pseudo-tantric pies.

The editorial team at includes some interesting people linked to both the Sedona and Phoenix brothels.

But what most interests and concerns me about Moses Ma is this
The Spirituality Network™ is a new concept for the LOHAS market (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) - we plan to offer a franchise solution for developing cutting edge social network solutions that can produce real income and revenues for you in your spare time. So if you have a New Age interest -- anything from alchemical hypnotherapy to Zen meditation -- we can help you develop a social network with our federation of social networks that lets you promote and monetize your interest.

So if you're interested in becoming a Social Network Operator within the Spirituality Network constellation, we can help you make it happen. As part of our complete solution, we can provide you with:

Industry leading technology provided on a turnkey basis
Qualified lead generation through our internetwork affiliate program
Innovative and powerful viral marketing tools
Effective branding
Pervasive advertising support
And finally, effective training
That's right, as a franchisee of Spirituality Network system, we will train you. In our extensive training, we’ll walk you through our business model, introduce you to the  support contractors, and help make you as effective as you can be.

Leading Edge Technology
The Spirituality Network was established in 2009 by Moses Ma, who had a vision of building leading edge technology and business models to support the new age marketplace. These solutions fill a very robust and potentially highly profitable market niche, and are aimed at being human-centric, not techno-centric. The technologies include:

Advanced social networking platform offering industrial strength threaded discussion forums, blogs, points system, photo and video sharing, etc
Advanced interactive teleseminar framework with video, slides and chat
An advanced iPhone based application that supports the social network at a functional level: helping your members succeed at life
Fully functional e-commerce through an integrated store and credit card processing system
An advanced affliiate network that can help drive adoption and demand
We also provide a platform for you to use during your growth phase, so you can focus on marketing and building a critical mass membership
Rock solid servers, which are never overwhelmed with demand
Robust yet affordable customer service and technical support
Our flagship social network was based on the tantra market niche, which was revenue positive from day one without a dollar spent on advertising, now sells the training and services of over 20 of the leading tantra instructors in the United States, and in less than a year became the largest paid social network for tantra in the world. Again, all without spending a penny in advertising! With this operating manual as a guide, you will be able to replicate the success of our flagship offering.

About Social Broadcasting
Social broadcasting is our secret sauce. It's a critical mechanism to influence and drive every dimension of business. As you chart your journey into the realm of social broadcasting and social media, you need to fully comprehend the many nuances and complexities you are bound to confront along the way. Thus, we balance our focus on quick-hit profitability and payback, but not at the expense of long-term viability and growth, with an eye toward avoiding shortcomings that can compromise your efforts. Though its growth has been rapid, social broadcasting is very new. The time is right to get in on the ground floor.

Our Principles
We are founded on four core values: Openness, Teamwork, Loving Kindness, and Business Wisdom, that is instilled within every project.

Openness: We will be open and honest with our team, our partners, our customers and everyone else we can.
Teamwork: The Spirituality Network was founded on the idea of diversity enabled by teamwork, in order to create solutions that meet and exceed our customers' expectations. It’s our teamwork that makes us able to provide a single-source engineering resource.
Loving Kindness: We believe that the true base for customer service should be loving kindness, which drives our desire to provide the best services, products, and solutions to our customers. We are always willing to go the extra mile, feeling what they feel, but always concerned more about their evolution than our personal gain.
Business wisdom: Most engineering firms design and prototype with blinders on. They see nothing other than the actual project at hand. Our designers look beyond the basic design to find a solution that will enable you to start up and achieve profitability quickly, yet also provide a realistic vision for a long term success.

So if this sounds right to you and you feel it's time for you to grab a piece of the future, drop us a line and we'll send you a full package describing the possibilities and potential for social networking in the future.

Now the above could simply be an example of a newage entrepreneur developing revenue streams  in relation to social networking, however the "Business wisdom" element sounds very much like the Russian network's "Business Magic" multi-level marketing schemes. Basically they work like this:

A newage entrepreneur has developed a new newage product or service, let's say "psychic pet communication" (PPC).  The Russians say "Your PPC workshops compliment our human psychic development workshops, why don't we work together?  You can organise workshops for us and attend them free and learn our ancient wisdom free of charge.  You get to sell our books and DVDs and you get commission, plus for any people you refer to our retreats and intensives we will pay you 10% (or whatever) of their fees, plus you get a 10% (or whatever) reduction on our retreat fees for each person you get to sign up.  If you sign up 10 people you  get to attend free! if it works well then we may consider investing capital in your business and helping you to expand and grow."

In this way the Russian criminals recruit victims, spread their poisonous activities and also, if things go well, get to use a variety of business fronts for money laundering and other criminal activities.

I am not entirely sure what Moses Ma is up to but he has a load of extremely dodgy friends and associates and anyone signing up for these cuddle parties will be leaving their email address with a very dubious individual.

Anyone taking advantage of the networking opportunities will be entrusting not only their own contact details, but those of their online friends and associates with an extremely dubious person with many dodgy and criminal contacts and associates.  I mean MM even offers the "opportunity" to make use of his very own social networking Iphone app.  the potential for abuse is huge.

Just sharing
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 08:53:24 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2011, 07:25:34 am »
I don't know if people in the US or other territories outside the UK can view this video on Channel 4, but if they can it might be worth watching.

The programme is called "Dawn does Free Love" and is a record of Brit celeb Dawn Porter as she explores the world of polyamory.

The blurb says ....

Dawn immerses herself in the world of polyamory - or free love. Not quite ready to settle down with one man, Dawn is curious to find out what it is like to live in a relationship but share partners freely.

Her journey begins in San Diego, California where a husband and wife run a free love school to open people up to the idea of polyamory. Dawn experiments with role playing and physical group exercises, before finishing off with a frank, fact-finding session in the school hot tub.

Next it's off to Germany were Dawn visits Zegg, a 1960s style commune isolated in former East Germany, where members live a polyamorous, utopian lifestyle. Idyllic on the surface, Dawn digs deeper to discover the cost of free love - fear of abandonment, jealousy, competition - and meets some of its victims.

Obviously the programme contains adult themes and is NSFW

you can see it (or not) here

At the time of writing this there are 5 days left to watch this, so if you are interested check it out soon

The interesting thing about the programme is that Dawn visits the home of Kamal Devi and shows her lifestyle and relationships.  At the time the programme was made (it was broadcast in September 2009) Kamala Devi (the person championing various "support the Phoenix Temple" initiatives) was in a 3 way poly-amorous relationship with her husband, Dez Nichols and some other guy. 

Just thought I would mention this as it is sometimes not really possible to establish clearly the nature of people's relationships simply by checking out social networking and other websites.  The programme throws some light on the nature of the relationship between Kamala Devi and Baba Dez Nichols.  It also includes footage of a large group event at Kamala Devi's home, with plenty of clear footage of their friends and associates.

Just sharing

Offline nemesis

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #42 on: October 14, 2011, 09:20:21 am »
Please accept my apologies if anyone has already posted this stuff - search comes up with nothing but I know that search can sometimes be a little creaky.... anyway, here goes

It would appear that "Baba" Dez Nichols' International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) is representing itself as being part of James Mooney's fake Native American church, presumably so they can attempt to represent their activities as authentically native and thus argue that they are entitled to special rights and privileges.

Probably best to use a proxy to check out this website, which appears to be a joint enterprise between the fake tantric temple and the fake Native American church.
Oklevueha Native American Church Mission
Maintain the integrity of bona fide American Native Indigenous ceremonies, thus serving the communities that we reside in.
And: Insure all Independent Branches, Spiritual Leaders, Authorized Participants and American Native ancient ceremonial grounds, receive ‘all’ rights and / or protections as explicitly stated in the United States Constitution, its Bill of Rights and even more clearly  and concisely outlined in the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000”
Our American Native Heritage with open arms welcomes all people, regardless of their race, gender, age, social position, religious back ground and/or financial status, into our sacred healing and empowering ceremonies.

This "church" is even selling AP cards at $200 a pop
AP Cards
An Oklevueha Native American Church Authorized Participant Card is not necessarily a membership card, for what other religion has a card to prove they are a member of a particular faith? In the same vain of thought, what church has a federal exemption to utilize controlled substances for their Sacrament? NONE - However, three higher courts unanimous decisions of the United States, including the U.S. Supreme Court, make it very clear and concise that any and all government agencies of the United States have ‘no legal authority’ to influence any church with it’s ideology (by-laws) or limit the participation of a churches religious practices based on race (American Native) or political affiliation (Federally Recognized Tribes) or deny access to American Native Indigenous Sacred Ceremonial grounds. As a matter of law, the United States governments are to protect these constitutional rights. These unanimous rulings state very clearly that all members of ‘any’ federally recognized tribe and/or ‘members’ of a bona fide Native American Church have the constitutional rights and protection to worship with any and all earth based Sacraments. View more details here...

The text on the page where they solicit for donations is also interesting as it shows the merging of the brands relating to the Phoenix Goddess Temple, the Sedona Temple and the ONAC, suggesting that the "temples" are subsidiaries of the ONAC.  

Legal Fund
From September through October 15, 2011 all designated funds received from ONAC Authorized Participant Cards to the ONAC legal Fund will be distributed among the Sedona Temple (ONAC of ISTA) and Phoenix Goddess Temple (ONAC of Mother Medicine Wheel) concerns.

Join us in the list of responsible people that are standing up for the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, the right to gather, practice ONAC Sacraments and perform Holy Anointing and Sacramental healing and empowerment ceremonies. Please contribute to the Oklevueha Native American Church of ISTA and MOTHER MEDICINE WHEEL legal defense fund now. Thank you.

also see the text to the right hand side of the page in the above link
Sacred Sexual Healing
A note on laying on of hands for healing:
The Holy Anointing Ceremony - Indigenous Medicine People and Ancient Temple Healers have traditionally used the natural power of touch to accomplish healing, empowerment and connection to the Divine.
Throughout history and today somatic healers utilize the effects of touch with the essences of plants, oils and herbs on the body, mind and emotions.  They utilize touch and fragrance of seeds, roots, barks, flowers and leaves in ritual healing, transformation and sacrament as a direct path to the Divine.
In sacred sexuality there are four types of sexual healing; procreation, recreation, restoration and transformation.  Sacred Sexual Healers are gifted in balancing energies in each of these areas resulting in the wholistic well-being of their subjects.
Holy Anointing with the use of oils, fragrances and plants has been used in most religions from ancient times to now,  This can take on a variety of forms, including healing touch.
1.  Sanctification & Ordination
2. Death or Disease Clearing
3. Sacrament of Chrism
4. Laying on of Hands for the Dwelling of Spirit
5. Restoration and Healing Touch
6. Transformation and Transmutation
7. Foot Washing
8. Gift of the Holy Spirit
9. Baptism, Confirmation, Blessing and Sacred Healing
10. Divine Touch

« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 09:32:07 am by nemesis »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2011, 07:55:45 pm »
It seems that the Phoenix Goddess Temple has recruiters making the rounds in or around colleges and universities -

Aspects of Living at a Goddess Temple - Trent Millet

Aime "Trent" Millet was honored to reside at, serve and be a student and practitioner at the Phoenix Goddess Temple. A true church dedicated to woman's wholeness as nourisher, healer, rebirther and Goddess in companionship with God. As our high Priestess says "Our God is a happy God, he has someone to rub his shoulders, listen to him and it hasn't been 2 thousand years since he's had sacred union". Goddess! Seriously though residing at and serving this Goddess Temple was the most sacred encounter with a universal healing and renewal field I ever encountered. This will be a sharing with feedback to contemplate the meaning of that kind of encounter!
A block of fun!

This conference is occurring on campus at UMASS Amherst (though is in no way affiliated with or supported by the school).

Additional exploiters at the conference

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: "Goddess" temples busted in prostitution sting - many arrests & charges
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2011, 01:16:29 pm »
the Sedona Temple is advertising a movie night on its FB wall
Sedona Temple
Movie Night: Chasing a Good Day to Die Thur Dec 22, 2011 at 6:30pm at Oklevueha Native American Church of ISTA 2945 Southwest Drive Sedona AZ 86336.


I checked out the page advertised which is
and discovered the following text:
Chasing a Good Day to Die
American Native Spirituality has historically utilized Grandmother Earth's minerals and plants to commune with the spirit world to assist their healing and personal empowering ceremonies.

This film essay is dedicated to the Native Americans who persevered to keep their ceremonies alive and to those who have been blessed to share them with non-natives.  It is a narrative about a man who set out to heal his son and found beautiful beings transformed along the path circling back to self.

Indigenous Peoples Spirituality has been practiced in North and South America before recorded history.  The fundamental premise of all indigenous spirituality is to honor and respect Grandmother Earth, Grandfather Sky and all of their descendants.

The practicing of American Native Indigenous Spirituality is understood off and on Federally Recognized Indian Reservations, as the Native American Church, which has been granted exclusive federal laws to recognize the Spiritual Ceremonies and to protect and maintain access to their Sacred Ceremonial Grounds.
See the Trailer:
DVD Length  1:12:35
by Terri Holland and Paul Larson
Show Time: (donations accepted)
Dec 22, 2011 at 6:30pm (AZ) at 2945 Southwest Drive Sedona AZ 86336
Can't attend in person?  Watch the Live Broadcast:
Enter any guest name to view
Read More about the ONAC Habilitative Programs:

This event is tomorrow - sorry to give short notice, only just learned about it