Author Topic: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha  (Read 133101 times)

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #75 on: March 27, 2006, 03:15:37 am »
The problem with this is the problem is much more complexed. What you have behind these teachings, is a dangerous man named Harley Reagan. What puzzles me, is here you have this man that is obvious of breaking laws, not just state but I am sure federal, yet the FBI for instance doesn't touch the man. However they go after smaller group such as David Koresh's.
Have read a lot on Harley what a colorful human being, wonder how much of his life is really the truth and how much of it is fabricated.
It doesn't take money from your pockets if you have evidence that pertains to a state or federal offense. That is what the tax payers monies are for.
So my question is why hasn't the government touch this guy?
If the man harbors such a heavy weapon arson where's the ATF or the FBI?
From all the stories about him, I would think that he would be as dangerous as any foreign terrorists, and the government isn't messing around there, so where is the difference?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #76 on: August 02, 2008, 12:11:24 am »
Got sent some information on the Deer Tribe in Canada. So here, exposed to world, are some of their claims about their "warrior training" which sound remarkably like militia movement with pseudo Indian touches thrown in, ripoffs from Castaneda, Heywhatever Storm, and pop psychology and European mysticism to top it off.


From the Medicine Director…
Greetings from the Mother lodge.  I am always glad when Sundance time
comes around. We have for a few months now been in preparation. Taking
care for the expected as well as the unexpected challenges that always
comes along with Sundance.

I hope that this email finds you preparing for Sundance as well and
that I will see you there. The Sundance is the biggest ceremony of the
year and definitely a time to gain your vision, dance for the energy
for your Study Group or Lodge for the next year and a time to reconnect
with old and new friends and family.

We have two Sundances, it is not too late to sign up for one of them.
If you cannot spend the entire time there, come for a couple of days
and help out.

If you are not able to attend the Sundance, write your prayers on a
strip of cloth and send it with someone who is coming so they may dance
it for you to the tree. Through??? the One to the Many and Many back to
the One??? law all will be done.

Have a great summer.

When doing conjuring, there has been some confusion about when to name
the 10 Movers. Here is the complete answer from our Pipe Chief, Dianne

It is recommended that the apprentice respectfully name the 10 Movers
before the Standard Conjuring. For example when you say, “As my teacher
has taught me and his/her teacher before him/her, I name the 10 Movers
- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars….etc.??? This makes it a fluid energy for
any additional conjuring that might take place. If you name the 10
Movers at this point you do not repeat it when you do the remaining

If the apprentice does not name the 10 Movers before the Standard
Conjuring it does not make it wrong. However it should then be done
before any special conjuring (i.e. a set) is done.

How is it that naming the 10 movers is an essential detail?
It is essential because it speaks to Spirit that we humans understand
the respectful communication to and with the 10 movers.  It indicates
that the Pipe Person is educated to this spiritual etiquette.

In the last Monthly Update this wheel was reported incorrectly. Thank
you to those who wrote to me and here is the corrected wheel.
Personal Dream- south
Sacred Dream - north
Collective Dream - west
Planetary Dream - east
Dream of the Void - All 144 planets with human life

There is a rumor circulating that when you are in Dharma, you no longer
need the Maturational Development Wheel:

A note From the Nagual:
“The ladder of maturation continues until you climb into the heavens
and become god!
It’s necessary for evolution (and enlightenment)???

This scroll is your diploma for completing the first 3 gateways. It is
a pictorial depiction of the ceremonies that demonstrates your

You may choose to use the scroll as your pipe blanket. Some Apprentice
Guides choose to put it out when smoking the pipe with a new
apprentice, to describe the gateway process.

The scroll is made of fur or leather, any animal hide or leather of
your preference. It is often made of otter, badger, or beaver hide.  It
should be large enough for the sigils to be painted on it, yet not too
large if you plan to travel with it (e.g., hides like bear or elk are
very large).

If you have a 5th Gateway Guidebook and/or 5th Gateway DC Guidebook,
please change the following information on page 5-7:9 Snake Medicine

The Description of Ceremony should be changed to say:

Snake medicine training is utilizing teachings, ceremonies, and
assignments that help you to develop your ability to source the force
of the Everything. It includes learning all the acts and arts of
sorcery. All snake medicine training must be done under the direction
of the Naqual.

In other words, the reference to the Forbidden Book of Knowledge and
the Sorcery Sit Down Teachings is deleted.

The teachings on the Forbidden Book and Sorcery Sit Down have been
moved out of the 5th Gateway and into the 6th Gateway. They will be in
the Gold Lodge curriculum, not Alpha White Lodge from here on.

The intent of the first four dances is to help you come into more
balanced shields and align with the seasons and cycles of GM Earth and
Sister Moon. The summer solstice, for example, launches you out into
your vision. Eagle Dances are part of the progress of the shield’s

For some time there has been much confusion about what counts as an
Eagle Dance for the Gateway Process. There are many variations of what
can be counted as an Eagle Dance. In my presentation of this to the
Lineage members, I could site four off hand.

So with the above understanding of the intent of Eagle Dances, here is
the protocol about what can count as an Eagle Dance for the Third

There are four Eagle Dances (4) in total:
3 must be done in a group setting.
1 can be done solo
Any one of the four can be done at night to a fire

You must dance – dog soldiering, drumming and singing will not count as
an Eagle Dance for the Gateway Process.

This protocol for Eagle Dances will start now. If you have already done
Eagle Dances where you were a drummer or singer, they are allowed to

In a past Monthly Update I noted the people who were selling Crystal
Skulls. This is to let you know that in Canada Barbara Brachi can also
be added to this list.

Sempre Famiglia
Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror

From: Harley Swiftdeer Reagan <>
To: Brian obrecht <>; Anthony Jordan <>; Lou Brunato <>; John Kent <>; John Ardagh <>; Axel Schemuth <>; Jeff Hohensee <>; Martin Staaf <>; John E Kent <>
Cc: Medicine Director <>; Janneke Koole <>; Harley Swiftdeer Reagan <>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 7:20:53 PM
Subject: Eagle Warrior Society

Dear Brothers,

SwiftDeer is seeking to create a Gathering Together Circle of potential
Eagle Warrior Individuals and Clans

Please consider the following date, as he currently has this full week
available:  24-30 August 2009

The training would be 70% hands on Black Lodge Warrior training development
and 30% work with bundles and the patriarchy shield.

3rd gateway Firearms training is prerequisite, as this is to include
intermediate/semi advanced firearms training.

It will have close combat fighting arts, bladed throwing arts, and the
following armed and unarmed self-defense training:
Chulua Stick (Yawara)
Jo (Short staff)
Bo (Long Staff)
Darts, Stars, knives, tomahawks (close quarter and throwing)
Projectile weapons (bows & arrows, crossbow, firearms)
Firearms training will include long guns (minor and major battle rifles,
from .223 cal and up, pistol caliber carbines) and handguns (.38 special and
up), with Force on Force Semunitions with Airsoft pistols.
The week would begin with a Warrior's Sweat, and end with a Warrior's Sweat
and feast.

The fee would be $800. We would need a minimum of 20 brothers. It would be
open to anyone interested in the Eagle Warrior Society, and dedicated to the

Please respond regarding your availability as soon as possible, as your
ability to participate is important to setting this date.

Thunder Strikes
From: Harley Swiftdeer Reagan <>
Date: Thu, 08 May 2008 14:27:20 -0700
To: Harley Swiftdeer Reagan <>
Conversation: Brotherhood
Subject: Brotherhood

Hello Brothers,

I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you in my new role with the Deer Tribe. 
I have been given the task of establishing and leading the tribal Brotherhood Society. 
Until now we have not had a unifying society to link all the various brotherhoods together, therefore one of my initial tasks will be to contact each of the existing brotherhood circles throughout the Deer Tribe to establish and maintain an open channel of communication. 

Both Swiftdeer and I agree it is essential that, as the men of this path continue to grow and heal, we must be current with the direction that our masculine collective is moving in. 
This will allow us to more effectively support men with their current needs.  I am delighted to take on this new role and I am very excited for the brotherhood as we collectively move forward into the 5th world.

In beauty,
Lou Brunato
Snow Bear Dreaming

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Institute for Contemporary Shamanic Studies
« Reply #77 on: August 02, 2008, 12:19:38 am »
Lou Brunato AKA Snow Bear Dreaming, a would be artist in addition to a cult leader.

The whole rogue's gallery of Deer Tribe cult leaders in Canada.


John Dowden Ardagh "Thunderwolf" is the Leader of Black Lightning Lodge, and leads the Brotherhood and the Warrior Clan, as well as teaching first year of the ICSS Red Lodge Longhouse Program. John has been studying the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path for 13 years and is a 4th gateway apprentice.  He is a psychotherapist and educator, and has studied many of the world's great spiritual disciplines including Zen Buddhism, martial arts, yoga,meditation, and shamanism. Before training as a psychotherapist, John spent many years as a professional musician.
 Lou Brunato "Snow Bear Dreaming" is an assistant with the Brotherhood, co-leader of the Fire Clan, and is a teaching assistant with the ICSS Red Lodge Longhouse Program. Lou has been studying the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path for 4 years, and is a 4th gateway apprentice.  He is a pipemaker and artist who works at home in order to be a stay-at-home father to his children,  and he holds a green belt in Kung Fu.
 Anita Shack "Twin Snakes Dreamer" is the leader of the Healing Team, and is a 4th gateway apprentice on the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path. Anita is a healer and teacher by profession, practicing chiropractic, acupuncture, and craniosacral therapies, and leading lecture workshops on a variety of health related topics.  She is the director of Health Focus, an alternative health care centre.
 Sue Burgon "Crystal Well Woman" is the Drum Chief of the Lodge, and is a 4th gateway apprentice on the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path. Sue is a psychotherapist in private practice, trained in Psychodramatic Bodywork, and she has worked in the addictions field for the past seven years.
 Raven Brunato "Raven's Moonlight" is the leader of the Children's Lodge, and has been studying the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path for three years. Raven is an active member of the Drum Teams and the Sisterhood, and is in the 3rd year of the ICSS Red Lodge Longhouse Program. She works and has diplomas in the fields of aromatherapy, shiatsu, and custom clothing design, is certified in One Brain and Advanced One Brain therapies, and has studied guided meditation.
 Kathleen Roerick "Dancing Spider Woman" is the leader of the Sisterhood, and has been studying the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path for eight years. Kathleen is active on the Healing Team, and is a teaching assistant with the ICSS Red Lodge Longhouse Programme. She has worked with children for twenty years, the past ten as the Director of the Waterfront Montessori School on Toronto Island.

ICSS is also one of theirs.

The Katana Edge Leadership Program is designed for apprentices who have completed their major ceremonies in the first three gateways of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and are committed to becoming leaders on this path. We offer training for Study Group Leaders, Study Group Lodge Leaders, Lodge Leaders, Roadpersons as well as Pipe and Sweat Lodge Training.

"In this training I developed my ability to lead others. More importantly, I discovered how to lead myself into excellence and my highest potential – a precious gift indeed. The facilitators are models of leadership. This is an opportunity not to be missed.???
- Jan Holmes, editor, Deer Tracks

"The training was one of the most powerful experiences I have had – both with myself and with others. The level of honesty and integrity displayed by our leaders, and demanded of the participants, enabled me to see my strengths and weaknesses as a leader, an apprentice and a person. I developed profound respect for what leadership means within the Sweet Medicine SunDance path.???
- Linda Morning Flower

"This program is the best way to get into the driver's seat and take leadership of your own life.???
- Lou Brunato, Road person in training

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #78 on: August 04, 2008, 12:46:28 pm »
More I've been sent, emails that show how the Deer Tribe scams its followers. They remind me more and more of Scientology, "buy your way into enlightenment."

Good to know there are people within their circles fed up enough to expose what the "tribe" is up to. Some amusing things:

The "Gus Grey Mountain" they claim is their "nagual" only shows up online as a name they took from a book with quotes from Natives.

Their "warrior training" includes go cart racing.

And they are selling crystal skulls.



Here is some more history, based on questions we’ve received.

It has been in existence since the 2nd Cycle of the Elders Council. When that was is hard to say, as the history is in the NW shield, and SwiftDeer does not have access to it.  Here is some information to help you imagine how long ago it was:
The current Naqual of the Council of Elders, Gus Grey Mountain is the 14th Naqual of the 22nd cycle. Each cycle comprises 20 Naquals.  We can guess that the 1st Cycle of the Council of Elders initiated in 2054 BC, when the Rattlesnake School of Turtle Island first gathered.  It’s hard to say exactly when the 2nd cycle began, as we don’t know how long each of the previous 20 Naquals may have held their positions.

The 3rd Dimensional Eagle Warrior Society is equivalent to Night Warriors in the 5th Dimension. They realized that they could be more effective in the the war against evil in the dream time if they were warriors in the 3rd dimension.

You can see evidence of the Eagle Warrior Society in pictures available. One such image is on the cover of the Green Manual. If you google “Eagle Warrior??? in the images sections, you’ll find all kinds of references.  There are mentions of the EWS in books by Hyemeyohsts Storm’s & Peter J Powell, Book of Mormon, Popol Vuh Codexes, and you see images of them in the Mayan book of life cards (numbers listed in the previous email below).

Before the Eagle Warrior Society could be brought into the patriarchy of this metis path, we needed to complete the following:
Finish the first wave of the Night of the Snake
Complete the 25th SunDance
Heal the collective Karma between the European Nations and Turtle Island (the last Deer Tracks has more about this)
Put Black Lodge back into its proper place as part of this warriors path

Elizabeth on behalf of Thunder Strikes

On 4/2/08 5:05 PM, "Harley Swiftdeer Reagan" <> wrote:

The Eagle Warrior Society is one of 3 societies that have exclusive membership. The other 2 are Band of Sorcerers and Lodge of Amenti. The Eagle Warrior Society is more open. 

The primary responsibility of the Eagle Warrior is to protect, provide and seed the preservation of the lineage of this path for all metis, and literally to be the dog soldier/law dog guardians of the children, women and elders, except those women that are called Bee Warrioresses.  One must be able to fight, especially with the ancient weapons, because of the responsibility to protect the children, women & elders.  You must be way ahead in the Black Lodge, compared to the Gateway process. These brothers are Warriors first, Medicine Apprentices 2nd.  Your night warrior mantles are an important part of this. Dedication to the Brotherhood is essential.

There are 4 levels of classification:

Inquisitive Seeker (7 card)
Initiated Apprentice (5 card)
Mason (i.e., grand architect, 9 card)
Master Mason (11 card); these are the leaders, of which there are 30 degrees.

At this point, all brothers are at level 1 as we are in the formational steps of the Eagle Warrior Society.  Any male apprentice can choose to make the commitment at level one, while we work on opening the society. 

When a clan of brothers has personal bundles, clan bundles, name and shield, they are a clan trying to move to level 2, the initiated apprentice. 

The next level is an individual movement. To go to level 3, you must:

Have completed 5th Gateway Black Lodge Requirements
Have received Brown Belt 1st grade (Ikkyu), and preferably the Black Belt 1st degree (ShoDan) in the Martial Arts
Be able to work with traditional weapons, including throwing at the ‘adept’ level.  The level of skill in these weapons is ranked from lowest to highest as follows: Initiate, Trainee, Adept, Eagle Warrior.  The Adept level of throwing arts is indicated by the following skill:

                 Bow & Arrow- can hit 7 arrows inside a 10??? ring at 25 yards.
                  Lance & Spear- can throw 7 inside a 10??? ring at 15 yards.
                  Knife & Tomahawk- can hit inside a 5??? ring at 25 feet.

Have Pipe Carrier Mantle
Have Fire Chief Mantle
Have completed 3rd Gateway

At level 3, you make the Eagle Warrior Society Vow (Swift is not speaking of this at this time).  One is not able to use the name and get Eagle Warrior Society Ring until you have completed the 5th Gateway, including the Black Belt 1st degree with all credentials. 

SwiftDeer recommends the following reading:  Unintended Consequences by John Ross, and Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles.

from Thunder Strikes

Hi Lou
Your understanding is accurate. “Tribal??? brotherhood indicates (As swift says) the whole enchilada. In other words, you can travel with respect to sharing brotherhood teachings.
Elizabeth for SwiftDeer

On 6/11/08 6:57 AM, "" <> wrote:

hi swift, i just received this letter from mary and i need some clarity.
when i checked back to my notes from our meeting regarding my leadership of the tribal brotherhood, i understood that as the leader of the tribal brotherhood, i was granted permission to work with any or all brotherhood circles or mens circles throughout the deer tribe including teaching from the 14 shield and offering sweatlodges.  meaning that i am authorized to travel and work with groups wherever there is a need and i am called to go and also to be a resource and assist any existing brotherhood or mens  group within the tribe. 
what is not clearly stated in her letter is my authorization to do this work throughout the deer tribe and not only within my immediate brotherhood circle that i lead.
Lou Brunato
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Mary Minor <>
To: Barbara Brachi <>
Cc: Lou Brunato <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:44:51 PM
Subject: RE: Lou Brunato

Dear Barbara
This is to inform you that Lou Brunato an apprentice in your area has
been given permission by Swift Deer to do special medicine work. I will
quote from the form that I received from Swift Deer's Office.

"Authorization to establish and lead the Tribal Brotherhood Society,
including the specialization of Sweat Lodg level necessary to run
Brotherhood Sweats. This gives Lou the ability to do Brotherhood work
that might otherwise be considered A Road Team Level".

When I asked Swift for clarification, he said that when Lou is doing
Brotherhood sweats, he has permission to pull a wheel from the
brotherhood teachings (14 shield) and teach it. This is what is meant
by "Might otherwise be considered A Road Team Level". This only refers
to the work Lou is doing with the Brotherhood and does not carry over
to A Road Work in general.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Fire Mountain Brotherhood,

The meeting on Friday was attended by 14 men.  It was a meeting with lots of
interesting discussion and the future of the group was the main topic of
conversation.  After a lively and engaging discussion we were mostly in
agreement about the following items:

General Intent: To come together and connect as men.

Substance: To drum, share and do ceremony.

Meetings: Every 6 to 8 weeks.

Events for the future: Go Kart racing and/or shooting.  Learning to use
traditional bow and arrows.

Next Meeting:  The consensus was that we take an entire day for our next get
together.  The activity we would like to do is to go to the Six Nations
reserve near Brantford and learn to use the traditional bow and arrow.
After this we would continue on for a communal meal and then some meeting
time.  Jack Eva has made contact with the man would makes and teaches about
the bow.  He will confirm with Jack if he is free on July 5 do work with us
in about one weeks time.  If this doesn't work then we will chose another

Would you please reply to this email when you get it and let me know if you
will be attending the July 5 meeting.

Ideas for future: Fire Dance as done in Europe, not a Fire Eagle Dance
                  Doing the Night Warrior Ceremony
                  Creating the Brotherhood Bundle
                  Creating Rites of Passage specifically for men

I look forward to seeing you in July.

In Beauty,


MONTHLY UPDATE: March/April 2008
From the Medicine Director…
Greetings from the Mother lodge. This is sure an intense time – in many
arenas and on many levels. So far this year we have launched the Wheel
Walker Program, revamped the Red Lodge Program, completed the first
round of training for Rites of Passage and made other policy changes
for the Pipe Teachers. This is to name just a few things that have been
going on since January 2008. Now we are gearing up for the Sundance.

Take some time to feed your hungers (All of them), get in touch with
family and just be darn good to yourself.

That’s it from where I sit.


For the purpose of helping Sacred Pipe Carriers handle a large influx
of Pipe students the Sacred Pipe Carrier Teaching Rider has been
adopted as a new policy. It is the focus of the Hereditary Lineage
Leaders to ease this influx of Pipe students and keep a high level of
Excellence at the same time.

The Sacred Pipe Carrier Teaching Rider is permission granted by the
Hereditary Lineage Leaders to Sacred Pipe Carriers who qualify to be
able to teach the Ways of the Pipe to their Pipe students in a small
group setting. This rider covers an SPC working with Pipe students at
the Pipe Holder and Pipe Carrier Level only up to and including the
Pipe Carrier test.

If you have been a Sacred Pipe Carrier for more then 3 years and would
like to apply for this Teaching Rider, email me for an application.

Circulating out there in some places are old order forms that have the
Gateway Guidebooks for sale. The Deer Tribe does not charge apprentices
for Gateway Guidebooks. However the 3rd Gateway Scroll made on an
animal hide is the responsibility of the apprentice to make and get
signed by Swift Deer.

This scroll is your diploma for completing the first 3 gateways. It is
a pictorial depiction of the ceremonies that demonstrates your

You may choose to use the scroll as your pipe blanket. Some Apprentice
Guides choose to put it out when smoking the pipe with a new
apprentice, to describe the gateway process.

The scroll is made of fur or leather, any animal hide or leather of
your preference. It is often made of otter, badger, or beaver hide.  It
should be large enough for the sigils to be painted on it, yet not too
large if you plan to travel with it (e.g., hides like bear or elk are
very large).  Email DTMMS for a copy of the pictures for the scroll.

Personal Dream - South
Sacred Dream – North
Collective Dream – West
Planetary Dream – East
Dream of the Void - All 144 planets with human life

When doing mesa workings there is a proper way to fire the mesa. Other
than simple personal mesas, all mesas should be fired to activate them.
All Gateway Ceremonies that have mesas should for sure be fired! If you
do not have a copy of the Lightning Conjuring for firing mesa’s, please
email me.


If you are planning to purchase a skull as a monitor there are certain
specifications that need to be in place. The crystal needs to be cut at
a C-Axis and the carving needs to be in human skull proportions.

Usually we use one specific carver (who has been carefully instructed)
who carves the crystal skulls used as monitors. You can get these
skulls from this carver from several people, some of them being Batty
Gold or Sweet Medicine Shoppe in Arizona.

Please be aware that skulls purchased from other carvers often do not
work as monitors. They might look very artistic or beautiful however
more often than not, they do not have the right human proportions and
are not cut at a C-Axis and therefore cannot hold programming over

Procedures to have your skull programmed:
1.    Arrange to have the skull/monitor Blessed and Awakened before you
have it programmed.
2.    Contact Thunder Strikes Office to arrange delivery and pick up of
your skull/monitor.
3.    The fee to program your crystal skull is $25.00 and a tobacco gift.
4.    Mark your skull and its container with your name before you deliver
your skull/monitor.
If you have a skull/monitor from our special carver the programming
takes around 24 hours – if you have a skull from another carver the
programming might not work at all or can take 72 hours and the
programming usually does not hold for any length of time.
Please invest the time and energy to purchase a crystal skull carved
correctly. This might be a little more costly upfront- however it will
assure that the programming will hold and the apprentice will have a
reliable monitor.

Sempre Famiglia
Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror

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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #79 on: August 04, 2008, 03:53:48 pm »
On 4/2/08 5:05 PM, "Harley Swiftdeer Reagan" <> wrote:

The Eagle Warrior Society is one of 3 societies that have exclusive membership. The other 2 are Band of Sorcerers and Lodge of Amenti. The Eagle Warrior Society is more open.

The primary responsibility of the Eagle Warrior is to protect, provide and seed the preservation of the lineage of this path for all metis, and literally to be the dog soldier/law dog guardians of the children, women and elders, except those women that are called Bee Warrioresses.

Woah. Now he's claiming the right to make people Dog Soldiers? For a fee...


Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #80 on: August 05, 2008, 01:14:17 am »
Mary Flaming Crystal Mirror

OMG!! Did she get this name from the teinkie name generator??

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #81 on: August 10, 2008, 07:02:01 pm »
Yet more emails from within the Deer Tribe's circles. Hopefully we'll start to see even more rifts among them, esp since they drive down their profit margin.


Hello Wheel Walkers!
It is just days before our annual SunDance and we are in a flurry of preparations. I know some of you may already be on your way to  join us. It is an exciting time - our 26th Dance here in Arizona and the 16th Dance in Sweden. Know that we will be dancing for all  Wheel Walkers at both dances - so send in your prayers and keep your intending strong!

I have heard from several of you that you are inspired, motivated and already preparing introductory evenings to prompt your circles of influence into enrolling for your first Wheel Walker events!  This is very exciting.

Of course, you are not authorized to go out until we have the agreement with the Deer Tribe signed and your certificate in hand. We have taken your thoughtful comments on the agreement to heart and are re-drafting it to reflect this input. Given the fact that the office closes for SunDance, the Deer Tribe should have this contract in your email box by July 15th. You can then print it out and mail in a hard copy which the Deer Tribe will return to you signed with your certificate.

Shortly after the session, we realized that the list of A-Roadpersons was not included in your list of SMSD Leadership. Here it is for you to add to your files.

I had promised myself that I would send you a note before leaving for the Dance and so here it is! Attached you will find a copy of my notes from SwiftDeer's teachings. I send them to you as a SunDance gift :-)

In all the flurry of the closing day, we did not share with you the plans and opportunity for Part III. Please see the attached file

for the initial notes about this next level of training. We already have one Wheel Walker signed up for it! Flying on your Own will be launched after the summer.  We will send you more information later this summer.

Many blessings to each of you. It is with great joy that we dance this dream of "walking the wheels out into the world"!
for the Wheel Walking Team
Hello Lou Brunato,

Thank you for your order.

Order Receipt:

Order ID: 127444498
Date: Thu Apr 03 17:53:31 -0400 2008
Payment Type: Visa
Order Status: Accepted

Part II: Seven Steps to Successful Wheel Walking - May 29-June 2, 2008
                                                  $750.00 X 1 = $750.00
Product Total                                                  $750.00
Grand Total                                                    $750.00

Name: Lou Brunato

Thank you again for your order. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below. If you

contact us regarding this order, please quote your Order ID # 127444498

Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society

Hello Brothers,

I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you in my new role with the Deer Tribe. 
Swiftdeer has given me the honour of establishing and leading the tribal Brotherhood Society. 
Until now we have not had a unifying link to all the various brotherhoods and men's activities
Therefore one of my initial tasks will be to contact each of the existing brotherhood circles
throughout the Deer Tribe to establish and maintain an open channel of communication.

Both Swiftdeer and I agree it is essential that, as the men of this path continue in their
evolution, we must be current with the direction that our masculine collective is moving in.
Some of the issues i will be focusing on will be to determine what it is that
men need and desire.  What kind of support are men looking for from the teachings of this
path and how can this path provide an empowering space for men to explore themselves,
heal, learn and grow.

I am reaching out to all men of this path to share your answers to the issues i listed and to
add any of your own.  I am also asking you what is working in your life and in the lives of the
brothers you touch.  If you are working with or know of any mens circles, what are they doing
and what are they focusing on. 
This will allow us to more effectively support men with their current needs. 
I am delighted to take on this new role and I am very excited for the brotherhood as we collectively move
forward into the 5th world.
In Beauty
Lou Brunato

----- Original Message ----
From: Harley Swiftdeer Reagan <>
To: Lou Brunato <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:50:06 PM
Subject: Re: brotherhood

Hey Lou...
How’s this going?

On 7/16/08 1:15 PM, "Harley Swiftdeer Reagan" <> wrote:

Hey Lou

Attached is what I have from brothers. Read it over, and see what you glean from that about our current state of affairs.
No one is currently holding vision for brotherhood in Phoenix (that I know of), although occasionally there are some rumblings.
Also, nothing I know of in California, though I would include Joerg in this ( 

I’ve been thinking how to best put this out. Here are the options I see:
    -We could email this (what you wrote below) with and introduction from Swift to the Lodge Leaders and the Brotherhood circles we

    -We could have Mary include it in the monthly medicine emails that go out to leaders.
    -We could put something in Deer Tracks about the vision, and calling all brothers...
    -We could do all of the above.

I’m trying to understand what this really means for the Brothers.  What do you see as things you’ll do in the next year, in addition

to “establish and maintain an open channel of communication????
What are some concrete plans? How can you support brothers who want to get a brotherhood started, but haven’t got it moving yet? How

can you support brothers in their medicine work? Whatcha gonna do?  We can crown you and give you a title, but what the men will be

interested in is – what is in it for them?!!

If you can you can vision/initiate this, I can take whatever actions are necessary, and get whatever you need from Swift. Be sparky

for me, will ya?

Let me know what you thinkin!

This is what you wrote so far!
Hello Brothers,

I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you in my new role with the Deer Tribe. 
I have been given the task of establishing and leading the tribal Brotherhood Society. 
Until now we have not had a unifying society to link all the various brotherhoods together,
therefore one of my initial tasks will be to contact each of the existing brotherhood circles
throughout the Deer Tribe to establish and maintain an open channel of communication. 

Both Swiftdeer and I agree it is essential that, as the men of this path continue to grow
and heal, we must be current with the direction that our masculine collective is moving in. 
This will allow us to more effectively support men with their current needs.  I am delighted
to take on this new role and I am very excited for the brotherhood as we collectively move
forward into the 5th world.

In beauty,
Lou Brunato
Snow Bear Dreaming
Hello Gold Lodge & BoS Members

You are asked to be on the SunDance land by noon on the 24th. We will begin ceremony immediately that evening/night - so come well rested J


The A-WL members will join us on the 26th at noon and we will all be able to leave the land after closing and clean-up on Wednesday, the 30th of April.


Since most of you are leaders on this path, I count on you being FirstAid prepared – when you register on site, please let us know if you are bringing special skills, certifications and/or medical supplies.


Even if you were successful in reserving a space in the house and a cot, please bring a tent so you also have a private resting place for your retreat in case the house becomes a meeting place just when you need a quiet rest! If you live out of town, contact your local buddies to haul tents etc.



It is critical to the success of your ceremonies that you come to this event fully prepared. This may require some research, some self-study and the preparations of materials. Read your Gateway Guidebook – attached is a simplified instruction for the 6th Gateway 8th Degree, NE Ceremony that will be our first ceremony. More specific instructions will be provided by the Naqual on site. Also see the list of items needed below.


Once this first ceremony (and the expansion Swift has planned for us) is complete, the remainder of the week will be an orchestration of personal ceremonies and further gateway work. YOU WILL BE ASKED TO WORK WITHIN YOUR CURRENT GATEWAY once the initial working is done. Please come prepared!



o      **Flashlight that has a red cover (red light) AND a laser light/pointer** This is critical to our first working.

o      Two packets of firewood (readily available at the Circle K type stores on the way to the land - if you do not bring this firewood you will be asked to contribute $20 to re-stock the SunDance fire wood.

o      Gateway Guidebooks and Logs (read up on the ceremonies you have requested – come prepared)

o      Medicine Pipe

o      Preparations for participating in Sweat Lodge Ceremonies

o      Medicine Gifts – your personal monitor may be doing a give-away

o      Medicine Bundle

o      Black Lightning Medicine

o      NightWarrior or Dream Journal

o      6th Gateway 8th Degree Northeast Ceremony

o      Soul Bundle

o      Spirit Catcher (bowl wrapped with red yarn)

o      Spirit Holder.  (A spirit holder is a large stone of one’s birth totem [if it is translucent] or a cave crystal. A cave crystal may be a river tumbled crystal, tunnel in shape with one side cut off so you can access the “cave???. It may have three sides that are opaque and one side that is very clear so you can see into the cave.)

o      Sage, red cloth and wrapping material so the Spirit Holder can be securely wrapped after the action in this ceremony.



o      You know SunDance Land – come prepared for cool nights and lots of wind!

o      Sunglasses and wind goggles, especially for those who wear contact lenses

o      Sunscreen and rain gear and layers of clothing to keep you warm

o      Good hiking boots or walking/running shoes that can take you on long walks and “night runs???

o      Some kind of hat and gloves

o      Lots of carbonated water for the workings (no citrus!)

o      Your own drinking water if you do not like the land’s water

o      Any medications that you take regularly – and any you feel you might need under these circumstances.

o      Folding chair, note pad and pens, book light to make it easy to read what you are writing in the dark (or dim lighting)

o      Trash bags – we will be carrying out the trash we bring in

o      Bring your walkie talkie, please! Set it to channel 6 when you arrive on the land.

o      Extra batteries for your flashlights, walkie talkies, etc.




o      We will set up a communal kitchen in the big house – it now has running water thanks to our hard-working land care committee! J. If you live locally, you will be asked to contribute a propane stove if you have one.

o      The water will be running and is good to drink. Showers (hot and cold) will be operational. Some porta-potties have been rented, the house now has a flush toilet and the compost toilet is also working fine.

o      The Yurt has been destroyed beyond repair so this is no longer a sanctuary for us to use.


NOTE:  If you are staying in the house (and if you have a partner who is staying in the house with you) please know that your "sleeping quarters" will also be our "meeting room". This means we will need to remain ultra-flexible. It is also recommended that you organize your packing well as storage space will be very compact!  Bring a small tent or bivouac sac and ground pad so you can always find a quiet resting place at the time that you need one.
Hello fellow A-WLer
I hope your summer is going well.
I have it from our teacher that we would do well to study the Energy 
Light Movement Wheel and do some self-study by overlaying the Grand 
Design Spinner on it.
So in those "lazy, hazy days of summer", spin some wheels and come 
prepared for our session in October :-)
Thanks Lou.  My calculation of payments due to you for sweats during January to June is below.  The total is $540.  Are there any

other expenses that you have incurred in maintaining the lodge during the first half of this year?  If not, then I think  the easiest

thing will be if you send me a cheque for Black Lightning Lodge for the difference - $310.  If there are please let know, deduct them

from the $310, and send me the receipts, along with your attendance sheets for the sweats.  I ask for these because I can be asked by

the Deer Tribe for an accounting of expenses relating to Sweat Lodges (we are not supposed to make a profit from ceremony as you know)

so I do track them.

Thanks again Lou,



Payments due to Sweat Lodge Keepers: Jan- Jun. 2008



-  Brotherhood               6@ $30             $180

-  Sisterhood                  5@ $30             $150

-  White Lodge               1@ $30             $  30

-  Pipe Sweats                4@ $30             $120

-  Pattern Shifting           1@ $30             $  30

-  Healing Team             1@ $30             $  30

Total                $540


From: []
Sent: July 21, 2008 9:00 AM
To: anne trebilcock
Subject: brotherhood tally


hi anne, the total taken in for the brotherhood and including a pipe sweat is $850.00.


Lou Brunato

Swift & I talked.  I’m going to suggest to Jan that she do an apprentice feature with you in Deer Tracks, and we include this letter, plus more info.

On 8/8/08 1:09 PM, "" <> wrote:

hello harley, i have modified my introduction letter.  i invite your input and suggestions for improvement.
i have been very challenged to push through my resistance to fully claiming this new role with the brotherhood.
is there anything you would suggest either through ceremony, sweat lodge or teachings that i can use to help me
win this battle.

here is the new letter.

Hello Brothers,

I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you in my new role with the Deer Tribe. 
Swiftdeer has given me the honour of establishing and leading the tribal Brotherhood Society. 
Until now we have not had a unifying link to all the various brotherhoods and men's activities.
Therefore one of my initial tasks will be to contact each of the existing brotherhood circles
throughout the Deer Tribe to establish and maintain an open channel of communication.

Both Swiftdeer and I agree it is essential that, as the men of this path continue in their
evolution, we must be current with the direction that our masculine collective is moving in.
Some of the issues I will be focusing on will be to determine what it is that
men need and desire.  What kind of support are men looking for from the teachings of this
path and how can this path provide an empowering space for men to explore themselves,
heal, learn, grow and face their challenges.

I am reaching out to all men of this path to share your answers to the issues I listed and to
add any of your own.  I am also asking you what is working in your life and in the lives of the
brothers you touch.  If you are working with or know of any mens circles, what are they doing
and what are they focusing on?  What's working and not working?
This will allow for more effective support of men's current needs. 
I am delighted to take on this new role and I am very excited for the brotherhood as we collectively move
forward into the 5th world.

In Beauty
Lou Brunato

----- Original Message ----
From: Harley Swiftdeer Reagan <>
To: Lou Brunato <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:50:06 PM
Subject: Re: brotherhood

Re: brotherhood  Hey Lou...
How’s this going?

On 7/16/08 1:15 PM, "Harley Swiftdeer Reagan" <> wrote:

Hey Lou

Attached is what I have from brothers. Read it over, and see what you glean from that about our current state of affairs.
No one is currently holding vision for brotherhood in Phoenix (that I know of), although occasionally there are some rumblings.
Also, nothing I know of in California, though I would include Joerg in this ( 

I’ve been thinking how to best put this out. Here are the options I see:
    -We could email this (what you wrote below) with and introduction from Swift to the Lodge Leaders and the Brotherhood circles we know.
    -We could have Mary include it in the monthly medicine emails that go out to leaders.
    -We could put something in Deer Tracks about the vision, and calling all brothers...
    -We could do all of the above.

I’m trying to understand what this really means for the Brothers.  What do you see as things you’ll do in the next year, in addition to “establish and maintain an open channel of communication????
What are some concrete plans? How can you support brothers who want to get a brotherhood started, but haven’t got it moving yet? How can you support brothers in their medicine work? Whatcha gonna do?  We can crown you and give you a title, but what the men will be interested in is – what is in it for them?!!

If you can you can vision/initiate this, I can take whatever actions are necessary, and get whatever you need from Swift. Be sparky for me, will ya?

Let me know what you thinkin!

This is what you wrote so far!
Hello Brothers,

I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you in my new role with the Deer Tribe. 
I have been given the task of establishing and leading the tribal Brotherhood Society. 
Until now we have not had a unifying society to link all the various brotherhoods together,
therefore one of my initial tasks will be to contact each of the existing brotherhood circles
throughout the Deer Tribe to establish and maintain an open channel of communication. 

Both Swiftdeer and I agree it is essential that, as the men of this path continue to grow
and heal, we must be current with the direction that our masculine collective is moving in. 
This will allow us to more effectively support men with their current needs.  I am delighted
to take on this new role and I am very excited for the brotherhood as we collectively move
forward into the 5th world.

In beauty,
Lou Brunato
Snow Bear Dreaming

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: Chuluaqui Quodoushka yet again
« Reply #82 on: August 10, 2008, 07:31:47 pm »
Thanks, Al and whoever sent those emails in; they made very creepy reading.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #83 on: December 25, 2009, 12:41:33 am »
I thought the Cherokee Nation threatening lawsuits would have done something about it, but no... HBO is still running the footage from one of Reagan's workshops on their "Real Sex" show.

It's the same old footage: Reagan claiming his bastardized, western "tantra" is "Cherokee", and groups of howling, convulsing, white hippies in beadwork and feathers having sex while Reagan watches, smoking a cigarette and saying, "Yeah..."

It's ugly, and he's one creepy white dude.

With his drawings of genitalia that he labels by "animal powers", and his claims of what these body types indicate in terms of sexual preference and performance, I'm thinking his moniker of "Swift Deer" may actually be him naming himself the equivalent of "ComesTooSoon".

[again, we need that vomiting icon]

Offline NDN_Outlaw

  • Posts: 104
Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #84 on: December 28, 2009, 03:26:50 am »
Shake a bush and all kinds of strange people fall out. The Canadian based Institute of Contemporary Shamanic Studies (ICSS) has two sites. One is in the west at Calgary Alberta and the other in Toronto Ontario. These three people are cited as ICSS faculty.
John Thunder Wolf has been a student of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path since 1985. He is a psychotherapist, educator, musician, and corporate speaker who has been presenting the Sweet Medicine Sundance teachings for the past 12 years…His continuing quest for knowledge led him to complete a Masters degree in psychology and his training as a psychotherapist. In 1990 he co-founded the Black Lightning Lodge to bring the Sweet Medicine Sundance teachings to Toronto and to provide a home for the students of this path. He continues to lead the Lodge and is a teacher at ICSS, Toronto, Canada which provides classes, lectures and workshops for personal self growth and development.
Jay Eagle Skyrider, psychotherapist and teacher in both the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and Gestalt therapy apprenticed to the path 1992 following a two year spiritual quest that led her through three countries and full circle back to Toronto….Jay is a writer, chef, lover, corporate regional manager and on the leading edge of working with aged. She is a psychotherapist with a successful ten-year practice, a trainer and a facilitator of groups, couples and individuals. She is the senior faculty at the Gestalt Institute, an instructor in the Red Lodge Longhouse program and co-creator of Healing the Broken Circle, a powerful shamanic program for addictions.
Barbara Butterfly Dreamer has been studying the Sweet Medicine Sundance path since 1989. She is an apprentice, parent of adult children, teacher and ceremonialist. Since 1993 she has been traveling and teaching internationally, the Wheels and Keys of the Sweet Medicine Sundance path, her 'path with heart'…In 1990 she co-founded a teaching Lodge in Toronto, Ontario Canada to facilitate her own growth and the growth of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path in Canada. In 1996 she co-founded the Institute of Contemporary Shamanic Studies, Toronto, Canada.

These people are therapists in a position of trust! OMG. Also why don't they simply and quietly work along side appropriate traditional people as is often the norm. Calgary especially is sorrounded by some of the most traditional people in north america- the Sarcee, Nakota, Blackfoot and Cree peoples. Why the need to give themselves phoney NDN names and practice Reagan darkness. Reagan certainly has long tentacles. Most sickening.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 03:31:18 am by NDN_Outlaw »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #85 on: January 07, 2010, 09:46:56 am »
Shake a bush and all kinds of strange people fall out. The Canadian based Institute of Contemporary Shamanic Studies (ICSS) has two sites. One is in the west at Calgary Alberta and the other in Toronto Ontario. These three people are cited as ICSS faculty.
John Thunder Wolf has been a student of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path since 1985. He is a psychotherapist, educator, musician, and corporate speaker who has been presenting the Sweet Medicine Sundance teachings for the past 12 years…His continuing quest for knowledge led him to complete a Masters degree in psychology and his training as a psychotherapist. In 1990 he co-founded the Black Lightning Lodge to bring the Sweet Medicine Sundance teachings to Toronto and to provide a home for the students of this path. He continues to lead the Lodge and is a teacher at ICSS, Toronto, Canada which provides classes, lectures and workshops for personal self growth and development.
Jay Eagle Skyrider, psychotherapist and teacher in both the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path and Gestalt therapy apprenticed to the path 1992 following a two year spiritual quest that led her through three countries and full circle back to Toronto….Jay is a writer, chef, lover, corporate regional manager and on the leading edge of working with aged. She is a psychotherapist with a successful ten-year practice, a trainer and a facilitator of groups, couples and individuals. She is the senior faculty at the Gestalt Institute, an instructor in the Red Lodge Longhouse program and co-creator of Healing the Broken Circle, a powerful shamanic program for addictions.
Barbara Butterfly Dreamer has been studying the Sweet Medicine Sundance path since 1989. She is an apprentice, parent of adult children, teacher and ceremonialist. Since 1993 she has been traveling and teaching internationally, the Wheels and Keys of the Sweet Medicine Sundance path, her 'path with heart'…In 1990 she co-founded a teaching Lodge in Toronto, Ontario Canada to facilitate her own growth and the growth of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path in Canada. In 1996 she co-founded the Institute of Contemporary Shamanic Studies, Toronto, Canada.

These people are therapists in a position of trust! OMG. Also why don't they simply and quietly work along side appropriate traditional people as is often the norm. Calgary especially is sorrounded by some of the most traditional people in north america- the Sarcee, Nakota, Blackfoot and Cree peoples. Why the need to give themselves phoney NDN names and practice Reagan darkness. Reagan certainly has long tentacles. Most sickening.

I am horrified but unsurprised by this

It is terrifying to imagine that vulnerable people could end up in the clutches of these "therapists"

I do not know a great deal about Canadian legislation regarding therapists, but here in the UK anyone can call themselves a therapist / counsellor and there are all kinds of dubious people offering weird types of therapy, ranging from "astrological psychoanalysis" (purleeeze) through to "tantric psychotherapy", the latter being something I am most concerned about as people are being violated sexually by these so called therapists.

There is such a tidal wave of this sh*t that I do not know where to start dealing with it.

One thing I am working on in the UK is to make the various regulating/ accrediting organisation aware of the situation.  This is easier said than done, but is an ongoing project for me.   It is also complicated by the fact that the UK regulating bodies (e.g. BACP and UKCP) can only handle complaints about its members and many of these abusive people do not belong to any regulating organisations.

One other possible way forward is to try to discover what, if any, professional insurance these "therapists" have. 

It is very difficult for a therapist to get professional insurance if they do not belong to a recognised accrediting body, so this could be a way to stop them.

We used to have a great resource called Witness Against Abuse, well it is still there website here but their helpline had to be cut due to lack of funds.  It is a terrible shame because right now it is absolutely essential that such a helpline exists. 

Please let me know if I can be of any help re this.

I will do my best to help in any way I can.

Just one more thing, in one of the emails posted above I noticed this

The scroll is made of fur or leather, any animal hide or leather of
your preference. It is often made of otter, badger, or beaver hide. .  It
should be large enough for the sigils to be painted on it...

My understanding of sigils is that they are very commonly used by occult groups using sex magick. I find this extremely concerning given the allegations of rape and the sexual abuse of minors.

They are in the UK and I would really appreciate any help re collecting data on them here.

I am also, of course, happy to help in any way I can in stopping them wherever they are in the world, although I will need guidance from the people who know more about them. 

My background is in mental health. 

Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #86 on: January 07, 2010, 03:41:48 pm »
I don't know what a sigil is..  the first time I ever heard the term was when the man who was aiding me told me there were two sigils in affect on me.  I have no idea what they are.  He removed them and I got better, better than I had been in years.  I had a lot of dark/black magics attacked at me.  I don't know what occult practices the attackers were into, but that they used sigils and also used Egyptian magicks (for lack of better word).

There are some really dark evil people in the world.  No, I was not involved with them in any way whatsoever.  But my experience tells me that not everyone is a fraud and some of these people do get 'followers' and then they are caught in evil web.  No, I was not a follower of them. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #87 on: January 07, 2010, 04:26:38 pm »
Well, they are fraud in the sense that they offer "enlightenment' 'personal power' and the like when in reality they are not.  The frauds who without any knowledge and just raking in the dough is one thing, but the frauds who rake in people for other personal uses and keep them like captives is another.  I know from experience what they do, but not because I followed, but because trying to help someone being duped.  I was too late.  I failed it.  And nearly died in the process. 

They walk as though they are good people.  They talk as though they are shining the light or some such.  But they are dark and evil.  The one I know of I will not speak her name.  She is already fallen.  But I know there are others. 

This is one reason I feel strong about frauds.  The innocent people getting caught up in such groups.  It's bad enough to have your money stolen and your life upside down, it's worse when your soul is caught.  Some here may not believe such things, I wouldn't have if I had not spent the last 10 years fighting this nonsense.  I've come out the other side, perhaps just fortunate, or meant to.  I don't know.  Doesn't matter.  I lived. 

I wish people to be warned of these.  The good will never charge you money.. the fake will, so will the fraud.. and most importantly, so will the evil hiding within those nuage 'light workers'.  Stay away from it.  All of it.  Because you don't know who is simply a fake and who is of evil magic/sorcery or whatever until it is too late. 

New people reading here, stopping by, looking through, heed my words.  Stay away from it, the evil that attacked me came from people you would NEVER expect, using my friend as a front.. hiding behind.  When he found out it was too late..  but I still wait.. I have faith for his freedom.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #88 on: January 08, 2010, 10:57:26 am »
I don't know what a sigil is..  the first time I ever heard the term was when the man who was aiding me told me there were two sigils in affect on me.  I have no idea what they are.  He removed them and I got better, better than I had been in years.  I had a lot of dark/black magics attacked at me.  I don't know what occult practices the attackers were into, but that they used sigils and also used Egyptian magicks (for lack of better word).

There are some really dark evil people in the world.  No, I was not involved with them in any way whatsoever.  But my experience tells me that not everyone is a fraud and some of these people do get 'followers' and then they are caught in evil web.  No, I was not a follower of them.  

A sigil is a magical symbol so the word covers a broad range of things

I am concerned about "swiftdeer" using the word simply because of the nature of the allegations of sexual abuse against him.  

In terms of sex magic(k) the word refers to a symbol (or even some other visual / auditory creation) created by medatitive means, or by some other means but used as an aid to meditation to accomplish a magickal goal.  This relates to Crowley's concept of "love under will" which refers to the idea that people can use sexual energy (usually via the sublimation of orgasm) to make stuff happen in the real world.

So a sigil might be a diagram, drawing or even a piece of music or a video that contains within it an overt or (more usually covert) reference to the desired aim that the person concentrates on in order that, at the moment of orgasm, they use the "energy" created to bring about a desired change in the world or to open a doorway to other worlds.

At least that's the theory....

Clearly you don't need to be Einstein to understand that

a) vulnerable people who feel guilty about sex, for whatever reason, might find the idea of sex magick attractive (you get to have sex but hey, it's for a spiritual goal so you don't have to feel dirty)
b) the concept of sex magick is attractive to abusers / predators because it is an efficient way of attracting and controlling victims and having sex with them
c) when people get involved sexually with others in a religions / spiritual setting that advocates "free love" (usually under the guise of being sufficiently "brave" and "courageous" to challenge society's norms) people can very rapidly lose their sense of personal boundaries and self-respect and become easy to manipulate.

I am not saying that all and every person who has ever been interested in sex magick is an abuser or even a bad person.  

Personally I believe that what consenting adults get up to sexually is their own business and nobody else's.

However when you have a situation where this swiftdeer character (who is very clearly a dangerous person) is committing so many well documented abuses, is manipulating vulnerable people and represents a threat to minors then this is a different kettle of fish altogether.

I suppose I am saying that, critter, I do not know about the "sigils" that you were told you had.  They may be absolutely nothing to do with sex at all.  In fact I suspect that this is the case. I am concerned about the word being used in relation to a notorious sexual predator, swiftdeer, in an entirely different context.

I feel concerned about your posts though.  It sounds like you have experienced significant traumas and problems and I am very sorry for that.  I hope that you have been able to find good, decent, non-exploitative people who you can trust and feel safe with.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 11:04:38 am by nemesis »

Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #89 on: January 08, 2010, 04:29:15 pm »
Hi, don't feel concerned.  I put my posts for others to see for warning.  I do have some trust issues, but so what.  I don't put my attention on it.  I don't let it rule me.  I am happy for all the experiences I've had, even the most traumatic.  It makes me me.  I do have some people who live away.  Here, I have my cats and dog.  :)  But it's of no concern.  My fundamental belief is that all things in/of life are for good purpose and reason.  While living it was not good, now, it is good. 

I don't think the sigils attached to me were sexual.  I understand people using sexual energy in that way, I believe it is wrong.  Even if with consenting adults I believe any attempt to manipulate others and/or life is wrong.  What I mean by manipulate is not the same as the meaning of working to change something in life that could be or should be better.  I'm speaking of the direct intent to manipulate outcomes, or life events, or people and their choices.  It is a folly to believe we have such control, which is also the folly of the Jame Ray "Secret". 

It is also folly to believe we 'should' do such.  There is when to stand back and let life unfold as it must, and then, when to do something.  People trying to always control life and life events.  The only thing there is to control is one's self, and how to assimilate the experience. 

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet