Author Topic: hello from new member Ska  (Read 4204 times)

Offline ska

  • Posts: 162
hello from new member Ska
« on: October 20, 2007, 11:39:05 pm »
Hello everyone.

I signed up  a few days ago after reading your forum for a couple of years.  Apparently, this is considered poor internet etiquette.  I apologize - I am developing my web literacy slowly. 

I signed up to tell you all that I like your work and fine this forum very resourceful.

Another apology: I introduced myself a few days ago on the back of another thread - something else I'm not supposed to do (sorry Pat).

Best, Ska

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: hello from new member Ska
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 04:51:19 pm »
Hello Ska, welcome and thanks for the compliments. I hope you'll continue to find the forum useful.

Do you meet annoying hippies who insist on talking about karma and "Osho" and the amazing experiences they've had while spending their trust-fund interest in Goa?

(By the way, ska is one of my favourite kinds of music. I'm listening to the Specials as I type this.)

Offline ska

  • Posts: 162
Re: hello from new member Ska
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 06:24:38 pm »
Hi Barnaby,

Oh yes, I've had my share of experiences with the karma chameleons, and the various shakti-nirvana-seeking Gayatri geeks.  My brother is in Varanasi right now, doing his best to terrorize the Great White pilgrims that have come to get some religion and shit, you know, "release the goddess/serpent within", etc., ad nauseum.   I mean, it's good that they try to go to the source, but they also pack all their preconceptions and ill intentions into their expandable, rollable, three-piece luggage sets.  There are plenty of dollar-crazed "teachers" waiting there to help them part with their easily-converted currencies.

Yes,  there's an awful lot of "yogis", "tantrics", "devis" and "devas" walking the streets of Amerikkka, right next to the medicine men, shamans, and crystal clan mothers, and Indian princesses.   I'm surprised these charlatans can find anyone left to peddle their wares to, since everyone and his dog seems to be a spiritual teacher or chief these days. 

One thing that both my husband and I have observed is that exploiters often claim to be respectful of and interested in Indian cultures but they do NOT like having real Indians around.  And fakers have no sense of humor about themselves - can't stand to be teased, which immediately reveals their lack of experience in and around Indian communities.

That's one of the things that keeps me coming back here - some of the writers here have a good way of taking the piss out of some of these frauds.  I often laugh my ass off - oops, sorry, that should be LMAO (when in rome . . .)

I like ska music, too, (though it's appropriation by UK skinheads is unfortunate) but I am not very grounded in it.  My choice of "ska" as my name in this forum is just a coincidence and not related to my musical tastes. 

Thanks for taking the time to reply!  Best, ska