Author Topic: Tecumseh Brown Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed, & James Oliver Johnson 111,  (Read 422812 times)

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
I have not had time to go through all the info sent to me, but just as a snippet in regards to the Olympic claims

U.S.A. Olympic Candidate - Tae Kwon Do /Karate; U.S.A. World Championship Karate Team
Member; GOLD Medalist - US OLYMPIC Elite Athlete Tae Kwon Do

From David Richmond, USA Olympic committee, Colorado Springs, CO

If someone is claiming to be an Olympic champion in KARATE I can guarantee you it is a false claim as Karate is not an Olympic sport as of 2008. Taekwondo was featured on the programme of the 1988 and 1992 Olympics as a demonstration sport, taekwondo became an official medal sport beginning with the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.

Hmmmm..... more of TBE's false claims! Proof of the many false claims he has made!!


Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
TBE is a familiar name in the phoniest of the phonies, the Binay "tribe" which he claims membership in. He also is associated with the Nation of Islam and the Nuwabians/Washitaw. He preaches their gospel along with brand of new age religion. I also find it interesting that he chose to claim Stand Watie, a black hating slaveholder and Confederate general responsible for atrocities against freedmen, as an ancestor. The Nuwabian/Washitaw mythology claims that slavery never existed and that black people were the "original indigenous people of the Americas". He is trying to create a new "black Indian" tribe and get paid like Jerry Monroe. Its interesting how he blends his story into this UFO stuff, like Jerry Monroe blends his story into fundamentalist Christianity. They both want to sell their mythology to black people who dream of being Indian for what they think its worth.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
TBE is a familiar name in the phoniest of the phonies, the Binay "tribe" which he claims membership in. He also is associated with the Nation of Islam and the Nuwabians/Washitaw. He preaches their gospel along with brand of new age religion. I also find it interesting that he chose to claim Stand Watie, a black hating slaveholder and Confederate general responsible for atrocities against freedmen, as an ancestor. The Nuwabian/Washitaw mythology claims that slavery never existed and that black people were the "original indigenous people of the Americas". He is trying to create a new "black Indian" tribe and get paid like Jerry Monroe. Its interesting how he blends his story into this UFO stuff, like Jerry Monroe blends his story into fundamentalist Christianity. They both want to sell their mythology to black people who dream of being Indian for what they think its worth.

Niawen Gowa for your posting Don!! Much appreciated!



Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

Offline educatedindian

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Ms. Hopkins (and other names):

Stating you think someone is acting crazy, as people often do in arguments as hyperbole, is one thing. But you're repeatedly claiming Redwolf is actually mentally ill and/or dangerous. I'm not a lawyer but it seems like you're opening yourself up to libel charges and a potential suit, in all seriousness.

Niiki, please inform Mr. Redwolf. If Redwolf would like to file a suit, we'll keep the possible libel here for him to gather the proof, if he wants. But we certainly don't want to be hosting libel, so we'll be deleting it should he ask us to.

Ms. Hopkins, once again, let's see any alleged libel you claim has been done vs J/TBE/M. He's already been caught lying about his genealogy, ethnicity, "chief" status, Olympic claims, royalty claims, claims about his phony "tribe."

And I'm still curious about your own pseudo Native names.


  • Guest
Yep, unless she has a medical degree with a residency in Psychiatry or a PHD in Psychology with a testing rating.  She's walking on very thin ice getting into DMS-III or !V territory.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216

Ms. Hopkins (and other names):

Stating you think someone is acting crazy, as people often do in arguments as hyperbole, is one thing. But you're repeatedly claiming Redwolf is actually mentally ill and/or dangerous. I'm not a lawyer but it seems like you're opening yourself up to libel charges and a potential suit, in all seriousness.

Niiki, please inform Mr. Redwolf. If Redwolf would like to file a suit, we'll keep the possible libel here for him to gather the proof, if he wants. But we certainly don't want to be hosting libel, so we'll be deleting it should he ask us to.

Ms. Hopkins, once again, let's see any alleged libel you claim has been done vs J/TBE/M. He's already been caught lying about his genealogy, ethnicity, "chief" status, Olympic claims, royalty claims, claims about his phony "tribe."

And I'm still curious about your own pseudo Native names.

Yes Mr. Redwolf would like it to be left there, although it is not proper to continue to mention his name as being associated with Tecumseh Brown Eagle or the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation. He has chosen not to support them anymore, and his name should be left out it in the future. I am sure that Mr. Redwolf will be glad to forward Ms. Hopkins comments onto legal council and proceed to the next level. It is good that her comments remain as proof of her posting them. We have been made aware of other information and support coming from other Nations. Tecumseh and his group of supporters are walking on very thin ice from what we have been informed. I do believe that Kahntinenta  and the Mohawk Nation News wrote an article about the fake Algonquins that Joan Holmes has set up. It's being investigated whether or not if Ms. Hopkins was a part of the Joan Holmes process!!


« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 03:42:19 am by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

Ms. Hopkins (and other names):

Stating you think someone is acting crazy, as people often do in arguments as hyperbole, is one thing. But you're repeatedly claiming Redwolf is actually mentally ill and/or dangerous. I'm not a lawyer but it seems like you're opening yourself up to libel charges and a potential suit, in all seriousness.

Niiki, please inform Mr. Redwolf. If Redwolf would like to file a suit, we'll keep the possible libel here for him to gather the proof, if he wants. But we certainly don't want to be hosting libel, so we'll be deleting it should he ask us to.

Ms. Hopkins, once again, let's see any alleged libel you claim has been done vs J/TBE/M. He's already been caught lying about his genealogy, ethnicity, "chief" status, Olympic claims, royalty claims, claims about his phony "tribe."

And I'm still curious about your own pseudo Native names.


Ms. Hopkins (and other names):

Stating you think someone is acting crazy, as people often do in arguments as hyperbole, is one thing. But you're repeatedly claiming Redwolf is actually mentally ill and/or dangerous. I'm not a lawyer but it seems like you're opening yourself up to libel charges and a potential suit, in all seriousness.

Niiki, please inform Mr. Redwolf. If Redwolf would like to file a suit, we'll keep the possible libel here for him to gather the proof, if he wants. But we certainly don't want to be hosting libel, so we'll be deleting it should he ask us to.

Ms. Hopkins, once again, let's see any alleged libel you claim has been done vs J/TBE/M. He's already been caught lying about his genealogy, ethnicity, "chief" status, Olympic claims, royalty claims, claims about his phony "tribe."

And I'm still curious about your own pseudo Native names.

Firstly, my name is NOT Ms. Hopkins, whoever gave you that information is WRONG!!!!  Secondly, thank you for your advice, but I do not recall ANYWHERE that I have EVER written the name Redwolf or associated ANY claim attached to that name in my postings, you and others have done that!!!  I aplogise if if you feel I was out of order, and would like to state for the record that it is only MY OPINION.  Now, YOU claim this.............  "He's already been caught lying about his genealogy, ethnicity, "chief" status, Olympic claims, royalty claims, claims about his phony "tribe".  My opinion is that there is NOT ANY actual PROOF of this, I mean ACTUAL DOCUMENTED PROOF, not just written or verbal diareahha.  Which, in my OPINION........ are the result of one who attacks all those that don't want anything more to do with him, or to let him know what is in the works, which is the main reason for all of this crap.  It makes me want to hurl.  TBE CAN PROVE that mostly what has been written about him is/are a lie(s).  The ridiculous part about all of this is that when I was in attendance at a Tribal Council meeting (first time there) I was approached almost immediately by NUMEROUS members (that didn't even know me) and given WARNINGS about GUESS WHO?????  That information IS NOT AN UNTRUTH and I keep for a later date.  Pretty much everything that has been written that is negative about TBE is a case for libel, because it IS an untruth (again, my opinion).  You say that you don't want to be hosting libel here?  If that is true, then most of the postings about TBE would need to be removed, in my opinion. 
btw, my pseudo Native names are personal.
libel 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity (like a newspaper, magazine or political organization) open to a lawsuit for damages by the person who can prove the statement about him/her was a lie. Publication need only be to one person, but it must be a statement which claims to be fact, and is not clearly identified as an opinion. While it is sometimes said that the person making the libelous statement must have been intentional and malicious, actually it need only be obvious that the statement would do harm and is untrue.

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22

Yes Mr. Redwolf would like it to be left there, although it is not proper to continue to mention his name as being associated with Tecumseh Brown Eagle or the Erie Indian Moundbuilders Tribal Nation. He has chosen not to support them anymore, and his name should be left out it in the future. I am sure that Mr. Redwolf will be glad to forward Ms. Hopkins comments onto legal council and proceed to the next level. It is good that her comments remain as proof of her posting them. We have been made aware of other information and support coming from other Nations. Tecumseh and his group of supporters are walking on very thin ice from what we have been informed. I do believe that Kahntinenta  and the Mohawk Nation News wrote an article about the fake Algonquins that Joan Holmes has set up. It's being investigated whether or not if Ms. Hopkins was a part of the Joan Holmes process!!


Talk about grasping at straws, omg.  Joan Holmes???? what the????   Who chooses not to support who????? BAHHHH, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.  BTW  send Ms. Hopkins comments onto legal council, and take it to the next level, I am sure she (whoever she is) will be extremely SURPRISED.  Now I am done, I have more important things to do than read and respond to such garbage, like wash my hair or something trivial. 

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Firstly her name is Cindy Hopkins aka Cindy Lodouris. Fact! She also seems not to know how to use the quote as her post seems like a hiccough! Secondly, it has been confirmed with one our Chiefs who has been doing an investigation about TBE, that everything that has been posted about him, for example, not being a Tai Kwon Do Champion, not being a Karate Champion, not being a Master Mason, or a Shriner for that matter, or a legitamate Erie Chief is all factual and true. This things have all been confirmed by others investigating the truth about TBE! So far everything that he has put out there publicly about himself are all lies! Confirmed as such!

Thirdly, the approach by many tribal members, that she is speaking of is only people who have been against him ( Mr. R.) for quite some time because of his support of the people who were against the building of a highway through the Red Hill Valley. Mr. R. also supports the chiefs and clanmothers of Six Nations Confederacy and has stood behind one of our notable chiefs of the Six Nations Confederacy many times over, including his stance on the Red Hill Valley.

And you say Cindy Hopkins, "that the case against TBE Pretty much everything that has been written that is negative about TBE is a case for libel, because it IS an untruth (again, my opinion).  You say that you don't want to be hosting libel here?  If that is true, then most of the postings about TBE would need to be removed, in my opinion."

Unfortunately, one of our chiefs along with other Nations have also asked that people are warned about TBE. So the warnings will continue!! And we know from experience, that your warnings of legal action, have never have amounted to anything!! 

I agree with the educatedindian, that it was the choice of the moderator of this group to move the thread to this section , because it has been long overdue. And it has ! So we shall keep posting what we find!
So we will see if you post anymore Cindy Hopkins, as your undone dishes are piling up! So go do your  dishes and keep your verbal diarreha to yourself!!



« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 12:36:25 pm by Niiki »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
There will be more to report after today!

« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 12:40:45 pm by Niiki »

Offline wahyahahnae

  • Posts: 22
Firstly her name is Cindy Hopkins aka Cindy Lodouris. Fact! She also seems not to know how to use the quote as her post seems like a hiccough! Secondly, it has been confirmed with one our Chiefs who has been doing an investigation about TBE, that everything that has been posted about him, for example, not being a Tai Kwon Do Champion, not being a Karate Champion, not being a Master Mason, or a Shriner for that matter, or a legitamate Erie Chief is all factual and true. This things have all been confirmed by others investigating the truth about TBE! So far everything that he has put out there publicly about himself are all lies! Confirmed as such!

Thirdly, the approach by many tribal members, that she is speaking of is only people who have been against him ( Mr. R.) for quite some time because of his support of the people who were against the building of a highway through the Red Hill Valley. Mr. R. also supports the chiefs and clanmothers of Six Nations Confederacy and has stood behind one of our notable chiefs of the Six Nations Confederacy many times over, including his stance on the Red Hill Valley.

And you say Cindy Hopkins, "that the case against TBE Pretty much everything that has been written that is negative about TBE is a case for libel, because it IS an untruth (again, my opinion).  You say that you don't want to be hosting libel here?  If that is true, then most of the postings about TBE would need to be removed, in my opinion."

Unfortunately, one of our chiefs along with other Nations have also asked that people are warned about TBE. So the warnings will continue!! And we know from experience, that your warnings of legal action, have never have amounted to anything!! 

I agree with the educatedindian, that it was the choice of the moderator of this group to move the thread to this section , because it has been long overdue. And it has ! So we shall keep posting what we find!
So we will see if you post anymore Cindy Hopkins, as your undone dishes are piling up! So go do your  dishes and keep your verbal diarreha to yourself!!



FACT:  My name is NOT, again I repeat NOT  Cindy Hopkins!!!!!!!!!  Soooo saying that it is fact, IS AN UNTRUTH!! Just one of many.  No one talked to me about Red Hill Valley, again...... you are wrong!!!!  Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle's PHONE number is.........
1-814-572-4137   if anyone in this forum or outside of it, would like to call him and personally request any DOCUMENTS or CONTACT NAMES to verify that EVERYTHING he has asserted is TRUE and CORRECT!!!! The information you receive either written or verbal is to be kept confidential as it is personal.
You can, if you so choose, POST a statement after you have the ACTUAL proof you have requested, or have enough proof to confirm that what Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle claims is true, fact and correct, concerning the issue(s) you are wanting to confirm. 

Offline kosowith

  • Posts: 104
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Thank you for the invitation to collect more information.  The following has been sent as you suggested

Please forward any records and verification of enclosed personal claims made by: James Oliver Johnson III aka Tecumseh Brown-Eagle, aka Abdul Abdulla Mohammed.

As stated on -

claims stated - “U.S.A. Olympic Candidate - Tae Kwon Do /Karate; U.S.A. World Championship Karate Team Member; GOLD Medalist - US OLYMPIC Elite Athlete Tae Kwon Do - National Champion Rep of US Of AAU All American Karate Team-America, in South America, France, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.

Forwarded to United States Olympic Committee (USOC),  US Olympic Training Center, US Olympic Taewkondo Home Office, National Collegiate Sports Affiliation,  US PASA (Pan-American Sports Association) USA National Karate Federation, American Athletics Association, Association of American Universities, World Taekwondo Association, 

Please forward any records regarding the following statement as to membership in the FreeMasons and Shrine.  It is not stated if he is claiming membership in Scottish Rite, or Knights Templar. 

A Master Mason: of the 32nd Degree, Shriner and Past Master

Forwarded to, The US Supreme Council Scottish Rite,  US Grand Council Knights Templar, US Grand Council Masonic Order. International Guild of Masonic Webmasters

as a PS - this is from where the infomation about there not being a US Olympic Karate team in existance yet, and that taekwondo was not an Olympic event until the 2000 games came from.

Offline educatedindian

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1. Firstly, my name is NOT Ms. Hopkins, whoever gave you that information is WRONG!!!! 

2. Secondly, thank you for your advice, but I do not recall ANYWHERE that I have EVER written the name Redwolf or associated ANY claim attached to that name in my postings, you and others have done that!!!  I aplogise if if you feel I was out of order, and would like to state for the record that it is only MY OPINION. 

3. My opinion is that there is NOT ANY actual PROOF of this, I mean ACTUAL DOCUMENTED PROOF, not just written or verbal diareahha. 

4. Pretty much everything that has been written that is negative about TBE is a case for libel, because it IS an untruth (again, my opinion). 

5. btw, my pseudo Native names are personal.

I added numbers to make it clearer what I'm replying to.

1. What is your name then, or what do you claim is your name? We won't call you by alleged Native names, unless you actually are Native. Do you claim to be?

2. The proof is right there in your repeated posts. Since your memory is faulty, just look again.

3. Your opinion is wrong. You have repeatedly been given written proof.

4. It takes more than being "negative" to constitute libel. It takes deliberate wrong information designed to harm someone. So far the only one doing that here is you, to Redwolf.

5. If you want them to remain personal, then quit using them in public.

Let me ask, do you consider yourself to be an EMB? How well do you know the group, alleged tribe? Could you tell us how you became involved with them?

I'm always curious about these groups claiming to be tribes. Sometimes they are made up of hundreds of people with sincere interest in learning about claims their family makde about their ancestry. Some are tiny,a few dozen.

But if the EMB are like the groups they act the most like, Nuwaubians, Washitaws, Binays, Nation of Islam, then we may be talking about an outright cult of hundreds at least. The Washitaws are a militia group. The Nuwaubians were heavily armed and their leader abused and raped dozens of children. The EMB certainly needs a long hard look.

Offline educatedindian

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 if anyone in this forum or outside of it, would like to call him and personally request any DOCUMENTS or CONTACT NAMES to verify that EVERYTHING he has asserted is TRUE and CORRECT!!!! The information you receive either written or verbal is to be kept confidential as it is personal.
You can, if you so choose, POST a statement after you have the ACTUAL proof you have requested, or have enough proof to confirm that what Chief Tecumseh Brown-Eagle claims is true, fact and correct, concerning the issue(s) you are wanting to confirm. 

I'm overseas, so calling would be difficult. But send me an IM and I'll give you my regular email. I'll be glad to look at anything sent to me, not just J/TBE/M but about the EMB.

Can you arrange that?