Author Topic: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind  (Read 178935 times)


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Re: Joseph Riverwind
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2017, 05:43:06 am »
11/2/15 – In a must-hear, shocking interview this week, Chief Joseph and his wife Dr. Laralyn RiverWind revealed two bombshells: they are aware of a “huge move of Islam to seed people into Native reservation lands” that are near uranium mines, and that the rumors of the U.S. buying thousands of guillotines are TRUE.

In the October 29th interview on Spiritual Encounters, they described the process that Islamist’s are using to infiltrate Native communities.


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Re: Joseph Riverwind
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2017, 02:27:54 pm »
The bankruptcy records were obtained through .

Most of the photos I'll upload were found on public social media. The military photo is from


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Re: Joseph Riverwind
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2017, 03:16:38 pm »
Laralyn's father Milton Lewis (Lew) Davis claims "Since I am part Native American (Cherokee and Creek), I have included some of my drawings of Native Americans." I think his claim is influenced by his daughter, his own wishes, and how he wants to present his artwork.

Milton Lewis Davis' parents are Jimmie Dixon Davis and Thetis Wynnelle Holloway. In census and military records I only see white listed for these families.

If there is something I and other researchers missed, Laralyn needs to clarify which ancestors she is speaking of, and then she at best has distant heritage.

I believe Jose Arnaldo Rivera/ Joseph Haozous RiverWind and Laralyn Mariesa Davis/ Laralyn Mariesa Riverwind are frauds. Joseph exaggerates his military service. Laralyn misrepresents her heritage. They claim they are Taino and Hebrew Roots spiritual missionary leaders. While in bankruptcy proceedings they are raising money to visit Israel. They spread conspiracy rumors. And they make sure to grab what publicity they can.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2017, 09:12:43 pm »
The Northern Arawak Nation has some confused claims, constantly assuming Arawak and Taino are the same. The Natives of Cuba are not the same nations as the Taino that fought Columbus, or those in Puerto Rico.

Some of the NAN leaders don't even claim to be Arawak. Their "ambassador" claims to be Chicamauga Cherokee. Laralyn, supposedly Cherokee/Creek, is their spokesperson. And she makes the unlikely claim to have been Ambassador to the Marshall Islands. Here she claims to have been kidnapped twice, struck by lightning, and escaped from a serial killer.
Who knows when she had time to be, or what made her ambassador? The link also says she studied biology but dropped out. Elsewhere she claims to be an herbal biologist.

The Trinity School of Natural Healing she claims a doctorate from is a degree mill. Both Texas and Michigan have warnings on them.
It's not accredited or even seeking to be. It's a one person mail order operation in Indiana. $1500 gets you a certificate, $3,995 gets you a four certificate package.

Rivera lists his time in service as 5 years 1 month. That sounds suspiciously like asked to leave. He's an NRA member and speaker for Act for America, a right wing anti Muslim group. The online programs of their ministry include:

Abominations of the Obama Nation 12 Jan 50:05
Welfare or Fairing Well 08 Jun 50:03
Be Fruitful Not Fruity! 01 Jun 50:00
Celts Before Columbus-The Irish Were Here 22 Mar 49:01

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2017, 10:19:25 pm »
Well, all the stuff they say about Gaelic cultures is fraudulent. Playing music at a Highland Games doesn't mean they met any criteria, especially as they may have b.s.ed their way in by pushing the pretendian angle as a curiosity for the white audiences.

The Highland Games are basically white people pow wows. Some are very traditional - family reunions for Scottish people and people with Scottish heritage, where merchants and performers are auditioned and chosen for cultural accuracy. Others are total debacles, like the infamous east coast, white people pow wows that are horrific, newage, pretendian dress-up parties. Most are somewhere on the continuum in between. The more tourists that attend, and the more the event is aimed at making money, the less accuracy is to be expected from performers and vendors.

In all the years this thread has been up, these people have not gotten more involved in any authentic cultural preservation community of any kind. From what I can tell, they've just gotten more outlandish with their claims and scams. I think whatever benefit of the doubt we were willing to initially give them, assuming they were just ignorant, was too generous on our part. I think it's clear now they are scammers.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2017, 01:17:10 am »
Laralyn claims to have been an Ambassador to the Marshall Islands, which sounds like she was an US ambassador, which she was not. She is a member of a missionary family that refer to themselves as ambassadors. She needs to make this distinction clear.
The RiverWind's have been ordained ministers with Indigenous Messengers International since 2007 and both come from families of ordained ministers.

Indigenous Messengers International
They are also
Pastors of Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat Center located on the White Earth Anishinaabe Indian Reservation in Minnesota.

Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat 33991 Victory Way Dr Ogema, MN 56569

According to the Riverwind 2016 bankruptcy petition, they are going through difficulties with Strawberry Lake:

Potential cause of action against Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat. Case has not been sued out. Laralyn and Joseph believe they suffered damages due to Strawberry Lake's misrepresentations.

Fundraising for their trip to Israel

Fundraising supposedly for Laralyn's mother to go to Israel
Joseph claims in their 2016 bankruptcy petition that his self published book That's What the Old Ones Say: Pre-Colonial Revelations of God makes an average of $800 a month.

Their music group Blessed Blend, did get a NAMMY for Best Rock Recording in 2011 (Some discussion of the Native American Music Awards )


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2017, 02:11:53 am »
In North Carolina they had several corporations: Native Touch LLC, Smoke Signals Satellites LLC, Adonai Security Plus LLC. I believe all of the companies were unsuccessful.

Their Native Touch products included Rooting Bear Rub and DreamCatcher Bath Salts.

In Minnesota now they have Firekeepers International , nonprofit corporation, filed 8/9/2016.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2017, 02:19:58 am »
The RiverWinds are approved national speakers supporting ACT for America.

SPLC report on the extremist group ACT for America

As for one of the conspiracy theories the Riverwinds spread, concerning supposed guillotine purchases by the feds


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2017, 03:22:09 am »

Both of the RiverWinds have Sephardic Jewish ancestry through their mothers.

These two worlds are embodied in Chief Riverwind, a descendant of both Native Americans and Bnei Anousim (Jews who hid their identity as a result of the Spanish Inquisition).

Joseph has Sephardic Jewish heritage through both sides and there is a rumor of Sephardic relations on Laralyn’s mother’s side. Most important, we are all Tribe of Judah awaiting Great Chief CornerStone Yeshua'

our awakening to our Sephardic Heritage in these end times

Is it possible that Native Americans are closely related to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
Native American Chief Joseph Riverwind of Northern Arawak Nation has put forward a controversial theory some think is worth closer investigation. The Amahura war chief is convinced the two nations have very much in common and he points out several striking similarities between their religion, customs and ancient history.

We believe that the Lord desires us to be cultural ambassadors from the First Nations people of America to His chosen people, Israel. Our Native American elders have encouraged us to build relationship with the people of Israel and so we look forward to doing so.

The Riverwinds are polishing up their new act. They are looking for a new gig, new ways to make some money and publicity. Their situation with Strawberry Lake Christian Center has soured. They are in bankruptcy proceedings.  The Riverwinds are reinventing themselves once again.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2017, 09:07:56 pm »
Another past Riverwind company is Sacred Hoop Ministries, Inc. Georgia.
The evangelist Billy Graham is quoted as saying "The greatest moments of Native history may lie ahead of us in a great spiritual renewal and awaking should take place. The Native American is a sleeping giant. He is awakening. The original Americans could become the evangelists who will help win America for Christ.". The Riverwinds often refer to this.
The Riverwinds move in fringe, conspiracy, extremist circles.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #40 on: January 20, 2017, 10:07:27 pm »

Case No. 03-CV-16-2220
Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc vs Joseph Riverwind, Laralyn Riverwind   
Case Type:   Eviction (UD)
Date Filed:   09/29/2016
Location:   Becker

Defendant   Riverwind, Joseph         
  Ogema, MN 56569
Defendant   Riverwind, Laralyn         
  Ogema, MN 56569
Plaintiff   Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc         
  Ogema, MN 56569


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2017, 03:50:21 am »
In the past, Joseph identified as "Mvskoke Creek/Seminole".

06-29-2000, 04:55 PM     
Guakia Taino Yahabo

Good tpoic. Im Mvskoke Creek/Seminole and Stomp Dance is a very big part of who we are. It goes WAYYY back and is something that we have always done. I dont know or have ever heard of the Smoke Dance so I cant comment on that.

04-10-2000, 11:44 AM      #5
Guakia Taino Yahabo
Henga estonko!
Give me your email address and we'll talk. mine is Loking forward to talking with you.

We both share and identify with the Native American (Seminole, Creek, Cherokee, Taino, Choctaw) and Celtic( Roscommon Irish, Clan McDonald Scotland, Galicia-Land of the Gaelic People-Oldest of the seven recognized Celtic Nations, and Asturian) blood in our family history.

The Blessed Blend is a historical term used to describe the union of Native American and Celtic -- whether that be in the union of a marriage or the union as seen in the "blended" individuals created by that union.  The term is an old one, coined by the Scots, as described to us by a Scottish elder.
Joseph RiverWind is a member of the Jatibonicu Taino Indian Nation of Boriken. His great grandfather’s family was from Galicia (“Land of the Gaelic People”).

Laralyn RiverWind is descended from Muscogee Creek/Cherokee/Choctaw/Irish/Scottish families. Her Native blood comes through her father’s line and mother’s family is a union between Celtic Nations – Clan Liston of County Roscommon in Ireland and Clan McDonald of Scotland.

Joseph legally changed his name from Jose Arnaldo Rivera to Joseph Haozous Riverwind on 07/26/1996 Volusia county, Florida. (Florida records search ) The woman who was his wife at the time also legally changed her surname to Riverwind.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2017, 02:47:31 am »
Strawberry Lake Christian Center has had serious problems, including past sexual abuse accusations against a founder
(The Minnesota State Court case is No. 03-CV-11-2412, personal injury, Jane Doe 134, Mother Doe 134 vs Gerald Derstine, Gospel Crusade, Inc, Gospel Crusade Ministerial Fellowship, Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat, Inc, settlement for the minor plaintiff).
I'm not sure why the Riverwinds chose to work and minister there, the abuse allegations news are easily available online, why would they want to work there?

Now the Riverwinds have been evicted.
Strawberry Lake characterizes it this way: "But it was also a difficult summer, as Dad realized that the couple he had asked to be caretakers were ill-equipped for the job and were not compatible with his vision and ministry operations. Sadly, they have grievously slandered Dad and ignored our attempts to peacefully reconcile.".

Riverwinds: "As for Strawberry Lake we are not the ones who broke EVERY promise made to us when we were asked to come up here because God and the Holy Spirit told the head of this organization to transfer the camp to us. That is breaking treaty no matter how you look at it. There are many here in this community who know the truth about this place and its history long before we ever came here.".  (quote from their social media)

The Riverwinds have been criticized for their actions at Standing Rock (I don't know the specifics), their response on social media is: "Standing Rock? Ill gladly take the opposition from men, we were obedient to The LORD and people came to know Yeshua as a result.".

One of the fringe conspiracy groups the Riverwinds are active with is L.A. Marzulli's

The Riverwinds claim that Laralyn has a "blood-born affinity for birds of all kinds.". Doesn't that sound possibly contagious?  :)


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2017, 02:08:49 am »
Uploaded here is a copy of the 1996 Florida name change for Joseph Riverwind and a former wife.

The name change is Jose Arnaldo Rivera to Joseph Haozous Riverwind.

Joseph uses the name Joseph AmaHura Riverwind on Facebook. He also refers to himself as War Chief AmaHura.


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Re: Jose Arnaldo Rivera & Laralyn Davis AKA Joseph & Laralyn Riverwind
« Reply #44 on: February 13, 2017, 01:57:36 am »
Native American ambassadors to Israel

Are there remnants of the lost tribes of Israel among the First Nations? • Did native Americans have contact with ancient Hebrews? • Steve Ganot speaks with Chief Joseph and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind about the relationship between the two peoples.

In this episode of Israel Hayom Insider, Opinion Editor Steve Ganot speaks with Chief Joseph RiverWind, the acting principal chief, and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind, the tribal spokesperson, of the Northern Arawak Taino Tribal Nation, about surprising connections between native Americans and the Jewish people.

The RiverWind's are the second generation of First Nations ambassadors who have been released by their elders to walk this Sacred Land of Israel with outstretched hands of peace and blessings extended from Turtle Island. Many First Nations people are encouraged by seeing the hope of indigenous people restored to their ancient homeland.