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Frauds / Re: Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native
« Last post by educatedindian on June 11, 2024, 02:15:24 am »
ONSP is the main producer of Nazi Black Metal in Mexico. Here's an image of them within an anti fascist logo. Notice the swastikas in the coats of arms.

These are their Nazi bands, almost all with faux Aztec names:

A.R.M. Acción Revolucionaria Mexicanista (Mexican Revolutionary Action) was a fascist group in Mexico, also known as Golden Shirts or Dorados because that was their uniform. They attacked Jews and Asians and got support from the Nazi Party during World War II. They claimed Mexicans were like Nordic people. Seriously.

ARM's singer is Tecuanotl Nexcoyotl. He also sings for-
Comando de Exterminio
Dragón de Hierro

Notice how almost all the band names are Aztec gods.
ARM song titles- Llamamiento antisemita (anti Semitic Lamentation)    Falange dorada   (Golden Fascist)   
México para los mexicanos   (Mexico for Mexicans)       Ni chinos, ni judíos! (No Chinese, No Jews!)   

His bandmate in Camaxtli posing in swastika tattoos.   

Comando de Exterminio (Extermination Command) album cover has seven swastikas.
Song titles include "La muerte nuestra doctrina" (Death is Our Doctrine) and "Mi lucha" (My Struggle) the same title as Hitler's Mein Kampf. They also did a split album with three German Nazi bands, Kampfgruppe, Pest of Isengard, and Deathcamp.

Dragón de Hierro (Iron Dragon) has a big swastika on their album cover and the band members in front of a Nazi flag.
Notice the album titles: Limpieza étnica (Ethnic Cleansing)
Marchando sobre sus cráneos simiescos (Marching About Your Apelike Brain)
Supremacía de odio (Hate Supremacy)
Judío al horno, feliz Hanukka (Jews to the Oven, Happy Hannukah)   
Flammable Nigger   
Aryan Roots (Mexican-Belgian Axis)   
Hate Against Subhumans   
United Front Against Jews   
Sangre Conquistadora (Conqueror's Blood)

Eztlacuani- Swastika tattoos on singer and more on album, plus Nazi SS symbols.
Among the songs- Blasfemando al rey de los judíos (Blaspheming the King of the Jews), "Arianismo indo-americano" (American Indian Aryanism) and "Tribute to Burzum." Burzum was a black metal band founded by a Nazi, Varg Vikernes, who did time for murdering a gay man and burning churches. Also an album "Devorando el mito de la igualdad" (Devouring the Myth of Equality.)

Kommando Pagano (Pagan Command) Compilation appearances:
- "When Totenkopf Rises" on Hellenic Warriors of Death -The Official Tribute to Der Stürmer (Nazi Party paper)
- "Wolves Against Antifa" on Anti-Antifa
Among the titles- "Lobos anti-antifa" (Anti Antifascist Wolves), "México antisemita" (Mexico Anti Semite), "When Totenkopf Rises" (T=Nazi skull symbol). Album title "In Unyielding Expression of Intolerance." Cover is dozens of Nazi flags.

Kukulcan (an Aztec god)
Swastikas on the album covers.
Compilation appearance on Ixachitlán: Frente Pagano Nacional Socialista (Nazi Pagan Front)

Mictlan This could easily fool people...except that their logo and every album cover has swastikas.

Nahual Compilation appearance on Ixachitlán: Frente Pagano Nacional Socialista (Nazi Pagan Front)

Sangre y Terror (Blood and Terror) One man project, calls himself Panzer Terrorist.
Double swastika in logo.
Song titles include "Odio e intolerancia" (Hate and Intolerance) and "Skinhead Violence."

Teyaotlani Compilation appearance on Ixachitlán: Frente Pagano Nacional Socialista (Nazi Pagan Front)
The other member has a project. Nican Tlaca is Nahua for "our people." Logo has a Plains Indian in headdress with swastikas. Project of Huitzauhqui Panquetzaliztli or Kukuulcaan. Most of it seems to be about Aztec history, until you find the song claiming the Aztec capital was really Atlantis.

Tlateotocani Both logos center around swastikas.
Song titles include "88" (meaning Heil Hitler), "Raza innecesaria Guerra a Israel" (Unnecessary Race War Against Israel),       
"Idealismo racial" (Racial Idealism), "1933 Élites doradas" a tribute to a Mexican fascist uprising in 1933, the Goldshirts. "Erradicación judaica" (Judaic Eradication), "Exterminio de inmigrantes Defiende México" (Exterminate Immigrants Defend Mexico), "México para los mexicanos" (Mexico for Mexicans), "Esplendor antisemita" (Anti Semite Splendor). Album titles include "Under Legacy of Racial Pride," "Greatness of Our Race," and "Combate 88" Combat 88 or code for Combat Heil Hitler.

War Command   Singer in front of a Nazi flag. In spite of his mask, you can see he's fair skinned not Native. It's amusing that in spite of trying to look scary, in fact he looks scared. Calls himself Mextremist, his bandmate Der Kriegsfurher (The War Leader). Song titles include "Nacional Socialismo Mexicano" (Mexican Nazism) but most other titles are pseudo Aztec.

Yaocuicatl swastika in logo.
Most of the titles are in Nahua. If not for the swastikas on literally every album cover you could be fooled into thinking their was supposed to be Native. This cover especially gives it away. Yes, that's Hitler with the leader of Mexican fascists Gold Shirts.

I'll post more tomorrow.
I'll start a thread listing as many of these imposters as I can name.

It's here:

[Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native]
Frauds / Re: Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native
« Last post by Sparks on June 11, 2024, 01:16:38 am »
ZOG is a Neo Nazi phrase, Zionist Organized Govt, their claim Jews control the govt.

Here is an interesting article, with many links and good references:
Frauds / Nazi Black Metal (NSBM) Bands/Performers Posing as Native
« Last post by educatedindian on June 10, 2024, 10:32:03 pm »
This will be a list of imposters in black metal or extreme metal who are literal Nazis and pretend to be Native. We already have a thread on Dawn Fitzpatrick and his phony claim to be Metis or Micmaq for his project Ifernach while having over half a dozen white supremacist music projects calling himself Maestro Holocausto and other race baiting names.

Almost all of these bands are from Mexico, white or mixed race Mexicans who've been taught to hate or deny being Native. Simplest way to track them down is look for white supremacist record labels, Nazi symbols on album covers, and racist lyrics. Not just Kid Rock or Ted Nugent style racism but "kill all Jews" kind of lyrics.

Martin Morales Tudon AKA Maquahuitl AKA Rottenfuhrer AKA Yahualcuauhli Eztli
Photo of him here masked, with swastika tattoo.
Band names Maquahuitl (Aztec sword), Orden (Order), Orden de Sol (Order of the Sun
Swastikas in all band logos.
Based in Los Angeles and Parker AZ.
As Yahualcuauhli Eztli, Morales was in Sturmgewehr, Toter Winter, Green Terror, Quasar, Blue Hummingbird on the Left (live), and Ifernach, Dawn Fitzpatrick's band, though they've only played live once AFAIK. Part of why they put out so much "music" is almost no place will let them play there. Usually they have to pose as something else, like Native, to fool people. But still, two of those band names are Germanic and Nazi, Storm War and Dead Winter.

Other band members in Orden use names like SS (Hitler's elite killers at the camps) and Itzcóatl Chimalli.
IC is in another band called Blood Division that did split albums with Neo Nazi band Terror 88. (88 is Nazi code for Heil Hitler, H being the 8th letter of the alphabet.)
Song titles like "Wreck Havoc on the Slaves of YHWH." IOW, "kill Jews."

Also album titled "Anti-ZOG supremacía bronce" or "Anti ZOG Artillery/Brown Skin Supremacy." Bronce can mean artillery or it can also mean bronze colored skin.
ZOG is a Neo Nazi phrase, Zionist Organized Govt, their claim Jews control the govt. IOW, "Kill all Jews with artillery" or "Brown colored people kill the Jews."
Also a split with Nokturnal Warfare. Their song titles include "SS Militia," "Rattenkrieg," and "Bronce Gestapo" along with Aztec or Nahua gods or phrases. Ratten means rats, a common Nazi smear comparing Jews to rats. So the title means "War Upon Rats" or kill all Jews.
Other songs "No One Escapes Treblinka" the Nazi concentration camp. "Legions of Totenkopf" a Nazi unit.   "Mexica Death Squad" and "Anti-ZOG War."

The sole member calls himself Sardoniscorn or Storm Kommander. Based in Los Angeles.
These are the only ones I've found in the US so far. A small cluster in LA and AZ. I'll post next on those in Mexico itself.
The book I'm working on is about Natives in metal and punk music. There's a little section on racists posing as Native to spread confusion. Surprisingly, none in the US. Dawn is the only one in Canada so far. Most are in Mexico, white or mixed Mexicans claiming to be Aztec and saying it's a good thing they were conquered because they were savages.

I assume you've seen this list?
Referenced here:

Yes, seen a lot of online lists on forums to try and track all these groups down. Starting with the first black metal and extreme metal groups, there's a lot of hiding behind made up names, using corpsepaint, and having lots of projects under different names. The names get pretty ridiculous, trying to be mysterious and ominous by calling yourself Lord Kitty Cat Defiler or whatever. I saw an interview with Alice Cooper where he laughed about it. He went to Norway and all these groups that wear paint and growl like the cookie monster were coming up to him turned into timid nerds nervously saying "We love your music Mr. Cooper" in the most awkward voices you can imagine.

I'll start a thread listing as many of these imposters as I can name.
The book I'm working on is about Natives in metal and punk music. There's a little section on racists posing as Native to spread confusion. Surprisingly, none in the US. Dawn is the only one in Canada so far. Most are in Mexico, white or mixed Mexicans claiming to be Aztec and saying it's a good thing they were conquered because they were savages.

I assume you've seen this list?
Referenced here:
Thinking about the Reich, walking straight, sporting a fresh haircut, wearing one of the best uniforms out there, living in discipline and majesty.

I can tell that ‘indigenous black metal’ doesn’t mean all the bands agree on the same page. Of course, we could unite for a war to kick out the English Crown and Colonialism, or to kill Christianity for good – but what about protecting our land from the rising of Allah’s disciples?

He claims he is Native as an excuse to be anti-immigrant.

Irish on his father's side, very likely French on mother's. No current connection with any Native heritage, no signs either in parents and extended family/friends. No apparent effort to learn or work with an indigenous community. He is disdainful, superior, and emphasizes hate.

I keep recording and reading. And learning the native language. Ankami, Wije’wi. Kiwaja’lin, We’kwata’si… I have a surprise release for Halloween eve. A tribute to horror, something a little off-series for Ifernach.

Dawn Fitzpatrick may be learning from something like this language resource manual

The words he used could translate into something like: look at me, come with me, I am lonely, I am scared.
His father is somewhat of a public figure, in the snowmobiling communities, also on FB, so I'm thinking tis fine to identify.

Dale Fitzpatrick of Chandler Quebec is active in the local snowmobiling club, is a guide, active regionally to promote. Several mentions and interviews with him available online. No sign of him ever even doing a nod towards any heritage, no mention of the history of the land, no mention of Native communities currently. There are enough quotes from him online that I'd expect something to turn up, especially since he is a promoter and guide. 

“The people of Gaspésie are good people. Always willing to help! You will see, these are small villages and each community has its own accent, explains Dale, who also assures that English speakers will not have difficulty making themselves understood, since many Gaspé residents speak English.

Translate to English:

About Dawn Fitzpatrick:

He's a "native" so that he can claim to be indigenous to Canada and whine about Der juden across multiple projects.The more projects he starts up the worse they get too.

More trivia about Dawn - he's a Pink Floyd fan and has played in cover tribute bands, he's worked at a local youth center, describes himself as an "English-born person", left inner forearm tat looks to be a moth-man.

In my culture, the natives were strong people, fast hunters, we kinda lost our path.

Dawn never refers to actual current communities. No specifics. His references to history are general, romanticized, and pan-Indian. He metal persona is isolated, depressed, angry, grandiose. Honestly I can summarize all I've read as his claim that he can hunt moose better than local Native folks do. He is superior to everyone and the world needs to burn down.

No sign of heritage. I myself am not going try to work up genealogy on him. The surname Fitzpatrick is common, he's not given us any leads, access to records will cost money and time, and there are no signs of any communities claiming him.

Thanks for each of you working on this.

"Inspired" being almost an admission it's not Native, and then saying he wants to expose Natives as violent, barbaric.

Likely Irish ancestry even if he falls for Nuage "Gaelic" claims. Any sign of any NDN, even distant?

The book I'm working on is about Natives in metal and punk music. There's a little section on racists posing as Native to spread confusion. Surprisingly, none in the US. Dawn is the only one in Canada so far. Most are in Mexico, white or mixed Mexicans claiming to be Aztec and saying it's a good thing they were conquered because they were savages.
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