Author Topic: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle  (Read 48326 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« on: June 04, 2007, 01:18:22 am »
Before Marlon and the nice lady Ms. Dupree came along and took up our time, I'd planned to post about this.

By sheer chance, as I was flipping channels on one of my rare days off and I saw on the People's Court a case involving a group calling itself the Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle. Did anyone else see this?

The group appeared to be Blacks wearing bits of regalia combined with fezzes and skullcaps and a "chief" wearing a black head scarf or covering similar to what I've seen in pictures of Sikh believers from India. They all had various titles like Chief Two Feather. The chief was wearing a sash with what looked like the CNO symbol embroidered on it.

The case was a woman who'd lost money in a business venture with them and also given a donation. She wanted her money back but the "chief" was withholding it because she possessed COPIES of Cherokee treaties downloaded off the net. They insisted the copies were sacred and wouldn't give her money back until she gave them up. And (sounding familar) she'd criticized them and they insisted any criticism was "slander."

All I've been able to find so far is this brief notice.
 It gives the Native American Nations great pride in announcing this press
 release in regards to the FIRST ever in New York City, Assembly of Indian
 Nations Parade.   
    On Saturday, October 9, 1999 from 12:00 noon to 6:00pm, we will host the
 First Native American Day Parade, starting at Macy's on 34th Street and
 Broadway and ending at the Veteran's Memorial Eternal Light Circle on 23d
 Street and Park Avenue.
 For more information please contact:
 Chief Red Deer
 Cherokee/Blackfeet Cultural Circle
 Chief Firebird Graywolf
 Cherokee / Blackfeet Cultural Circle
 P. O. Box 2070
 New York, New York 10

Offline tachia

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 03:45:37 am »
here is the web site for the “cherokee/blackfeet cultural circle???
(it took a good bit of digging to find this site! .. enjoy .. *grin*)

there is a lot more if you really dig .. here is some of what i found ..
================= On Sat Jul 15 18:23:59  ;
Name: Chief Firebird GrayWolf
Comments:   Dear friends,My tribe is made up of people of African blood I am a Uku Chief and my Principal Chief is Chief Sitting Sun of the Ohatchee Cherokee Tribe of Alabama and New York we are recoginized by State Law . We would like to communicate with you and leaarn about your Association. I am also a Clan Mother for NENA.(north eastern native american association)which is a interbribal association. Would you be so kind as communicate with us. Thank you Chief Firebird Graywolf.
also found this, when i found the above ..
The Black Native American Association (BNA) is an intertribal group of people with African-American and Native American heritage who organized in the late summer of 1992. Due to the adverse impact of past and present governmental policies, the Black Native American Association does not minic 'Blood Quantum Police" tactics. We do not require proof of tribal enrollment or recognition. Our membership is comprised of people of all ages and from many walks of life including students, teachers, housing developers, trainers, social workers, journalists, activists, chemists, and more.

Although our association was founded in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area our intertribal membership includes indigenous peoples from all over the world. We intentionally honor ALL our ancestors. Our Association is an integral part of urban and rural Native American Communities as well as active in many different activities in the Black Community. In terms of Native American involvement we are a member of the Bay Area American Indian Representatives (BAAIR). We participate on various committees such as the Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration and Pow Wow in Berkeley, California, which replaces the exclusive and insulting Columbus Day. Additionally, we participate and support the International Indian Treaty Council’s United Nation’s activities for Non Governmental Organizations and the Bay Area’s Intertribal Friendship House.

The founders are Don ‘Little Cloud’ Davenport: Seminole ( Bird Clan/Creek/Chickasaw/Sudanese; Zenobia Embry-Nimmer: Black and Tslagi (Cherokee); Richard (Rip) " Henonoquaad ( Keeper of the Fire )" Harris: Creek and Choctaw, and Bonita Roxie Aleja Sizemore: ( Porch Creek Band / Seminole / Choctaw / Tslagi, with her African ancestors from Mali and Sudan. The BNA developed to its current state after the founders came together at the 1992 annual Silver Star Pow Wow held in Oakland, California, sponsored by the American Indian Film Institute A detailed history of the organization is available here. We have a collection of links useful for those interested in Native American geneology, crafts, dress and folklore.

the above group has a yahoo group at:
also found these .. seems they have a lot of “chiefs??? ..
02-04-2006, 07:12 PM
maude is offline
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I am a ceremonial chief to the CherokeeBlackfeet Cultural Cirlce in New York. Many folks there also carry Saponi descendant blood in their veins.
Chief Red Deer's number is (917) 951-0294 or (877) 280-1625.
My number is 202) 986-3935. I would like to invite you to a meeting here in DC if you are on this end in April.
April 22nd, Chief Red Deer will be here to talk about the Cherokee Blackfeet Cultural Circle, we will have a naming ceremony & we will sign folks up for membership, that includes tax free status.
Do Na Da Gahvoni Wado
Louise Thundercloud
Chief Louise Thundercloud

02-05-2006, 02:15 AM
maude is offline
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Hello all, there is another group to consider, "The Cherokee Blackfeet Cultural Circle" in New York. We are currently in a membership drive, you need to supply ID . Contact Chief Red Deer at (917) 951-0294 or (877) 280-1625. My name is Chief Louise Thundercloud, I can be reached via email at: I am the Southeastern representative of the CherokeeBlackfeet Cultural Circle here in DC.
Chief Red Deer will be here on the 22nd of April to talk about the Cultural Circle, we will have a naming ceremony & folks will be able to sign up for membership.
It is the 22nd of April at 2:30, 901 G Street NW. Washington DC .
You can call (202) 986-3925 (me) for information.
I have a group in DC for the unity of all indigenous folks. Most of us are mixed bloods on this coast, many do not have any documentation on a written basis, most have oral history & actually both native & african peoples kept pretty strict oral histories, those things are very important.
Chief Louise Thundercloud
Monday April 23rd

We, The World, WBAI, Good News Broadcast, New Realities and Planet Heart
With 11 Days of Global Unity Present
Message from our Cherokee, Navajo, and Brazilian elders
7:00pm-9:00pm Kraine Theatre, 85 East 4th Street
Between 2nd and 3rd Aves, near 2nd in Manhattan
Take the F or V Train to 2nd Ave or the #6 Train to Astor Place
A gathering of our native Elders featuring:
    * Grandmother Two Feathers, Cherokee Tribe
    * Chief Red Deer, Cherokee and Apache Tribe
    * Margarita Romponas, Cherokee, Apache and Seminole Tribes
    * Lygia DMC, Tuti Guarani (Brazilian) Tribe
African-Native American Genealogy Forum
Coming Togather as One
Posted By: Chitua Duncan <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 18 October 2005, at 12:47 p.m.
    Halito! My People.
I am glad to join you once again here on this Black Indian Forum.
I just wanted to say that we had a great time at the Pow!Wow! in Enid Oklahoma. Their was the blessing of the grounds by Chief Red Deer of the Cherokee Nation in New York,the drumer's and singer's were from the Ponca Nation here in Oklahoma, there were Creek's Seminole's,as well as a few Sac/Fox,that took part in this Pow!Wow!.I would like to take this time to ask that all Black Indians try to come to next year's Pow!Wow! it's going to be bigger than this one was, the Black Indians United org, has asked the Navajo Nation to join us in 2006 for the next Pow!Wow!. I hope that we as a people can come togather and heal the sore that is eating away our pride,love,and the will to become one.
Monday April 23rd
We, The World, WBAI, Good News Broadcast, New Realities and Planet Heart
                 With 11 Days of Global Unity Present
Message from our Cherokee, Navajo,
and Brazilian elders
Kraine Theatre, 85 East 4th Street
Between 2nd and 3rd Aves, near 2nd
in Manhattan
Take the F or V Train to 2nd Ave or the #6 Train to Astor Place
A gathering of our native Elders featuring:
Grandmother Two Feathers, Cherokee Tribe
Chief Red Deer, Cherokee and Apache Tribe
Margarita Romponas, Cherokee, Apache and Seminole Tribes
Lygia DMC, Tuti Guarani (Brazilian) Tribe

With music by Rosemary Werley (Cherokee, Navajo and Seminole) and
her indigenous band Plus chants  and prayers with Lygia DMC, Spirit Walk Woman and musical accompanist Christopher, with  Ebony Three Arrows (Tsalagi Black
Indian, Fire Keeper for the Green Mountain Band of Ani Yun Wiwa under
Chief Dhyani Ywahoo) .
Come gather with Our Native Elders and hear important messages about our sacred mother earth. Don't miss this opportunity to be with them at this very special evening! Including live performances and prayers. Proceeds benefit 11 days, We, The World, WBAI and Planet Heart.
Suggested Donation: $10, Call 800-609-9202 ext. 2 or
Limited Seating!! Cash only at the door.

Offline tachia

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 04:03:12 am »
please note ..

*warning* surf the web site of the "cherokee/blackfeet cultural circle" at your own risk .. though i did find the site, i really do not wish to be held accountable for anyones subsequent health problems  .. .. actually i did not make it very far before turning back .. will try to peruse more tomorrow .. ;)


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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2007, 04:27:03 pm »
I've heard of them that's about it. But not very much. States they are recognized by Berlin, Germany the Indigenous Baltic People of Prussia. Need Ingleborg for that one. Looks like a mixture of African, Asian, Algonquian, South American, Cherokee and whose knows what else. It's hard to say what they are even talking about. frederica

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2007, 06:03:36 pm »
I'll be glad to comment, but I can't find anything like that on their page:

States they are recognized by Berlin, Germany the Indigenous Baltic People of Prussia

Can you give me some further directions, please? thnx

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2007, 06:32:53 pm »
That's the "chief" that was on TV, in the turban. If you go to the photo gallery, the woman suing was "Clan Mother Brown Eagle."

Some of this is unintentionally funny:

"Supreme Clans Mother Long Wind Nassar Muhammad"

Certainly long winded.

"We tend to accept an individual’s Indian identity or descent as proclamed and time will tell what’s incorrect, confused, or simply bogus."

"This part of mother earth was own rule and master by ancient Asiatic aboriginal kings the original inhibiters of the Western Hemisphere was the people call Indians."

"The people according to our history of Asiatic record were called (ong wee) the same people that have endured to this day called Indians. Our fore-father rule and built canals here (oseowa) of papaeunughevtowa which extended from the sea of Hoolahoola pan (Lake Superior) to the plains of Aigonquehanelachahoba (Taxas) ten thousand boats (canoes) was the canal extending along carrying copper and silver from the North Regions to the cities of the valley.  The great rich valley of Seganeogalgalyaluciahomaahomhor Louisiana and Mississippi the original ruler of Panama was a black native King of Asiatic descent.  He was also Indian the high Heogula Ophat is (Tennessee) in this Region the aboriginal native king Penambta.  Rule thirty tributary cities of tens of thousands of inhabitants."

Outside of saying that canoes are boats, I don't see a single correct thing in these passages.

"I am Shaman Red Deer, organizational Shaman and ascending Avatar"

Oh boy...
"of the great spirits"

Great Spirit is now plural?
"will of the Cherokee Blackfeet and Cultural Circle of New York City metropolitan area and the province of Long Island"

Long Island is a province?

"and the tri-state area calling for the assemblage and unity into oneness and peace of the thousands of Cherokee’s in the New York City area as it is my understanding there exist thousands of Cherokee’s in New York City."

Well, yes, but you're probably not one.

"The time has arrived in Asiatic history the Asiatic aboriginal nations call Indians to return to their ancient ways traditions!!"

Asiatic aboriginal?

"The Blue Fox Clan Cherokee of who Shaman Red Deer is a member our Cherokee forefather resisted and rebel against the death march that was force upon the Indian people in 1838 call the trail of tears in which approximately 4,000 Indians was slaughter by Europeans"

There's no Blue Fox Clan among the Cherokee that I've ever heard of.

"but thanks to the great spirits guidance the Blue Fox Clan, Cherokee rebellion and resistance, enable 12,000 out of the 16,000 Cherokee’s that was do to be rounded up by the government of the united state under fake pretend to escape into the hills and mountains of the Alleghenies and the Appalachian mountains."

Fake pretend to escape to the hills?

I'm not sure how many members the Eastern Band had in 1838, but it sure wasn't anything close to 12,000, and that alleged clan wasn't part of it.

"Preamblematic Dimension 7.
The Native American being less in the numeral population in the United States of America. The political system of America is not a mandate of promise for Native American people. The Americans, being the natural landlords of the western hemisphere is the existing quorum majority ruler’s that must be recognize in the western hemisphere as the ancient unicameral Indians governmental system of present day native American quorums of chiefs reservations and non-reservationist of the Indian people here in the western hemisphere."

I doubt anyone knows what he just said, including him.

"The Cherokee Blackfeet Cultural Circle of New York City has been represented by Renowned Shaman Red Deer on the Gil Noble Show, Like It Is on channel 7.
Renowned Shaman Red Deer has also appeared on the cable television show Community Round Table, channel 34."

That's supposed to impress people?

"The Cherokee Algonquin Medicine Bundle Ceremony is rooted in the wisdom and science of indigenous Native American spirituality, which has been practice, by our ancestors for untold thousands of years! On This Continent.
Being a Ceremonial Shaman
 I have been entrusted as keeper of The Sacred Medicine Bundle for the Cherokee BlackFeet Cultural Circle of New York City Tri-State area.  The Medicine Bundle Ceremony of the Cherokee BlackFeet Cultural Circle carry a deeper meaning than the dictionary does not distinguish and difference in meaning between the terms Witch Doctor and Medicine Man"

No comment needed.

"In the Spiritual world I’m a Cherokee Universal Avatar Ceremonial
Chief and Shaman to my People
The name Avatar is a title of a Spiritual office held by one of spiritual qualifications who manifest the principles of the Great Spirit notably a wisdom Chief Shaman or learned eider. The title Avatar is a title and Office of Supremacy. The word Avatar is an ancient Asiatic Indian word that has its Etymology in the most Ancient Sanskrit language of Asia. In kinship we are a Universal People.
What is an Avatar?
The answer to this question must be given justice in its spiritual significance. The term Avatar must be well understood. The Avatar is a Great World teacher who sacred duties are to right the wrongs the indigenous People are suffering and to bring peace to the Indian Nations, Tribes, Kinder and Tongues of Indian People in the Four Directions of Mother Earth. The Avatar represents the fulfillment of the Embodiment of the Promise Indian Messiah of the Indigenous People of the Asiatic Western Hemisphere to come. Such advent among the Indigenous Asiatic Indians of a Spiritual magnitude of this nature has not been fulfilling in the Asiatic Western I Hemisphere in thousands of years!"

No comment needed.

"An Avatar represents the focusing and embodiment of the Principles and laws and way of the Great Spirit of Peace. I myself being a Supreme Ceremonial Chief Shaman and ascending work is due to the fact of my Indigenous Heritage being horn of the Blue Fox Clan of West Virginia."

Now it's W Virginia.

"In the spiritual world of Indian spirituality, the Energizer, the Avatar Chief or Sham spirituality are like the life giving sun to the people by way of feeding them with spiritual food for the soul. In spirit word spiritually trite spirituality are like sunshine. Our Indian’s are never outdated."

Well that's mighty white of you.

"The sun is an ancient red hail of tire but its’ energy are always new and refreshing.  The sun is never out dated. The Great Spirit is the Divine Electrical current that flows spiritually through the Indian people. Good Spirit, good energy are refreshing for the soul and always renewing. The Great Spirit is never out dated. The spiritual source in the spiritual theology of indigenous people, cultural and traditions represents the energizer and the energized. I. myself being a spiritual person upholding the sacred office of being the Avatar to my people I am not or desire to he deputize or ordain by the Secular Worlds Theology of Religion."

Again, even he doesn't seem to know what he's saying.

And of course:

"Cherokee Blackfeet Cultural Circle of New York City is a 501 C-3 non-profit federal recognize organization. All donations is tax deductible. Please send contributions to the Cherokee Blackfeet Cultural Circle of New York City, P.O. Box 2070, New York, NY 10027-2825.

Click here to download the donation form.
We Accept Credit Cards"

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2007, 07:01:00 pm »
Found it via google!

Under the renowned leadership of Shaman Red Deer the Cherokee Blackfeet Cultural Circle is recognized in Berlin, Germany by the indigenous Baltic People of Prussia and the indigenous Indians of Canada

I've got two answers for you, a short one and a long one.
The short one is: B.S.

The long(er) one:
The Prussians were the indigenous population of Prussia, that much is true. Their cousins were e.g. Lithuanians and Latvians; the languages and cultures were related. The languages belong to the Baltic branch of Indo-European languages, i.e. they are neither Germanic nor Slavic. The Prussians were organized in seven tribes who recognized being related but who were acting independent of each other and according to reports led by chiefs.

When the Templar Knights were sent to the region today known as East Prussia (its Northern part belongs to Russia today, its Southern part to Poland) to conquer and mission in the 12th century, the Prussians eventually were defeated and their land taken, and they became second-class citizens in their home country. Prussian was spoken until mid-18th century, but then it ceased to exist as a spoken language (whereas the language of my ancestors, Masurian, ceased to be spoken after 1945). When the reign of the Templar Knights ended, Prussia became a region which saw massive immigration from the German countries. Especially under King Frederic the Great, lots of immigrants poured in, as he offered security for Protestants who were harassed by authorities in their home countries (e.g. France and Austria, but
also many German states).

The Prussians were assimilated into the new population emerging of immigrants coming from more or less all over Europe. This means they do not exist as an ethnic entity today and have not for several hundreds of years. Thus they are not mentioned in the special status given to minorities in Germany (like Friesians, Sorbs, and Danes).

I googled a bit more, since East Prussia is a highly popular issue among some of our Nazi groups and parties who want the region back claiming the Germans brought so much culture into the country (now, this may sound familiar to ndns....). Though I never heard of any extreme right weirdos declaring themselves as the "People of Prussia", there might have been a chance such a group does exist. Nope. So, as I said above, this alleged recognition is nothing but B.S.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2007, 07:32:49 pm »
If they claim endorsement by a group on the far right, it wouldn't be the first time. There's a long history of allegedly radical Black groups with contacts with the far right. Malcolm X negotiating with the KKK for them to buy land for the Nation of Islam to set up an all Black nation, for example.

The Washitaws have been endorsed by the Republic of Texas, a militia group best known here in the US for a standoff with the feds. The Nuwaubians had lots of contacts with militia groups, even working with them for a fraud scam.

(For our European members, the militia movement sprang up mostly to oppose gun laws. Some are from the fringes of the Libertarians or anti tax conservatives, some are tied to white supremacists.)

Found these links in English.

And this collection of links mostly in German.


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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2007, 03:13:10 am »
I knew I had heard something about this. Here is what Tom Kunesh said about it.   frederica

Offline earthw7

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2007, 02:58:19 pm »
why are these guys not put in the fraud area??
In Spirit

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2007, 02:26:38 am »
Thank you
In Spirit

Offline V Hawkins

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2007, 07:55:41 pm »
howdy --

I was a member about a year or 2 ago and jus re-registered -- I had a sort of a "meltdown" -- but I am feeling better now. :)

There is a FAKE Cherokee ceremonial group based out of New York. It was talked about   back when I was a member previously.

Also about  the Saponitown forum that was mentioned by one poster -- it was one reason I quit posting here before -- they call themselves "Eastern Blackfoot". There ARE problems with that site.  One poster there especially calls himself Cherokee Blackfoot.

One of the men who helped organize a state recognized tribe (Occoneechi Band of the Saponi Nation) -- recognized in North Carolina -- he recently wrote me an email in which he said --

Hi Vance,
Good to hear from you..
I have not read Saponitown in over 4 months.  I decided it was an aggrevation I could do without  Too many folks on there are not interested in actual research, just fairy tales.  I'm on my way out the door for SC.  I'll try to write more when I get back.

[his name]


I’d like o note in some states, state recognition is more of a tourist attraction (I can back that up with my experiences) than actual tribes. However I have heard state recognition in North Carolina is a far more rigorous task.

I always kept the posers at the saponitown forum in line -- that is when someone would post something weird about having a (dream that proved they wre part Indian for instance) I’d always post something to get off that train of thought and expose it as nonsense. Now when that happens noone responds so I suppose they have more such conversations.

I feel vindicated in my attitude about that forum. I was once a moderator of the history section of that forum. I disagreed with some comments of th board owner (Linda Carter)and she deleted me in one day. I think she reinstated me but I never tested it to see if she did -- I have NOT posted again and I never will. I complained here about that group, but after that one very good and honest person on that forum asked me not to press the issue as they’d try to improve it, so I backed off. However in doing so it probably made me look foolish. I baced down because of thatb request only. I quit my own Chickamauga history research (to counter fake Cherokee groups -- in theory) at the same time. I'd lost my focus. Most posters seemed trying to prove the fake Cherokee history was correct and it was always a struggle with them to keep it going, anyhow.


Enough on that. Folks at Saponitown Forum believe the Saponi were once called “Eastern Blackfoot???. They have come up with 2 references in historical documents where the term “Blackfoot??? was used. Lie mos bad research, they combine a "little" real documentation with nonsense. People see the documentaion in one part and ignore the fact that other parts are NOT documented or cited at all -- just speculation.

Dagsboro (spelling unsure) on the Md/De border was called “Blacfoot Town??? in its earliest days. There is a church in the southernmost parts of Indiana called “Blackfoot Church“, organized in the 1790s. A placque on the church grounds said old timers had said that it was named after a local tribe of Indians. These are the 2 documented cases where the term "Blacfoot" is used wrt possible Indian communities.

Problem is the Saponi did NOT live on the Maryland/Delaware border. They also did NOT live in Southern Indiana! BUT -- the Nanticoke DID live on the Maryland/Delaware border when Dagsboro was called Blackfoot Town, and historical documentation says some Nanticoke migrated west with the Delaware. There is a map of the Indians of Indiana about 1810 and the Nanticoke are shown with a village in central Indiana, surrounded by Delaware. There are also Delaware, Shawnee and Miami communities found on the southern tip of Indiana, near where that church was located. If there ever were a small community of  Indians called “Eastern Blackfoot??? it might have been Nanticoke -- just speculation. There are many people East of the Mississippi who claim their ancestors said they were “Blackfoot??? Indians. Make of this what you will.

Many people also claim to be Cherokee in the same geographical region.

As for the turban, there are historical records of several Southeastern tribes who wore turbans. Some of these folks are making the most of that I suppose.

Al, I guess I'm back.


Offline earthw7

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2007, 01:18:11 am »
Hi Al this has always been my petpeeve because i from the
Blackfeet/Hunkpapa -Lakota nation and I get calls from
people wanting to get enrolled or for me to help them
find some research. They ususally start out if my great-great
great great great grandfather/grandmother was Blackfeet/cherokee.
I have to tell them we have no relationship with the cherokee and they\
are not from my Nation.
In Spirit

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Cherokee Blackfoot Cultural Circle
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2008, 12:17:02 am »
Found it via google!

The Prussians were the indigenous population of Prussia, that much is true. Their cousins were e.g. Lithuanians and Latvians; the languages and cultures were related. The languages belong to the Baltic branch of Indo-European languages, i.e. they are neither Germanic nor Slavic. The Prussians were organized in seven tribes who recognized being related but who were acting independent of each other and according to reports led by chiefs.

When the Templar Knights were sent to the region today known as East Prussia (its Northern part belongs to Russia today, its Southern part to Poland) to conquer and mission in the 12th century, the Prussians eventually were defeated and their land taken, and they became second-class citizens in their home country. Prussian was spoken until mid-18th century, but then it ceased to exist as a spoken language (whereas the language of my ancestors, Masurian, ceased to be spoken after 1945). When the reign of the Templar Knights ended, Prussia became a region which saw massive immigration from the German countries. Especially under King Frederic the Great, lots of immigrants poured in, as he offered security for Protestants who were harassed by authorities in their home countries (e.g. France and Austria, but
also many German states).

The Prussians were assimilated into the new population emerging of immigrants coming from more or less all over Europe. This means they do not exist as an ethnic entity today and have not for several hundreds of years. Thus they are not mentioned in the special status given to minorities in Germany (like Friesians, Sorbs, and Danes).

I googled a bit more, since East Prussia is a highly popular issue among some of our Nazi groups and parties who want the region back claiming the Germans brought so much culture into the country (now, this may sound familiar to ndns....). Though I never heard of any extreme right weirdos declaring themselves as the "People of Prussia", there might have been a chance such a group does exist. Nope. So, as I said above, this alleged recognition is nothing but B.S.

 The Lithuanians were Indo-Iranian (Cimmerians). The Latvians were Finno-Urgic.
 The Knights of St. John and Hospitalers went to Prussia after getting a sound thrashing from the Magyars ( i.e. Hungarians another Finno-Urgic group). The Templars stayed in the Middle East.
 The originial Prussians were the  "Prusi"( Finno-Urgic) who were nomadic raiders who also "went Viking". Wends and Poles (Slavic) farmers came in later and a trade interchange began.
 The Prusi stoutly refused to be coverted to Catholicism and after a 4 decade war were anniliated. Survivors were absorbed by the Wends and Poles. Prussia than became a German Military State who provided soldiers/ Mercenarys (Landsnecht) to anybody who would have them.
 The Prussians ( who were Lutheran) later only minimally supported the Nazis ( who were staunch Catholics) and the "Nazi hotbed myth" was spread by the Russians as a excuse to go in and slaughter them to the last man,woman, and child. ( see Kalingrad).
  Never trust the internet for history. Visit a library............