Author Topic: Sundance ceremony in GA??  (Read 18926 times)

Offline sapa

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Sundance ceremony in GA??
« on: July 10, 2007, 09:55:23 pm »
Hello All,
Can anyone tell me if they know of a sundance ceremony performed in north georgia?
We have heard rumors that it is around the Hiawassee area on private property sometime in July but have not been able to nail it down more specifically.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 02:21:33 pm »
Found this.
"Longing for God - Faith matters
Christian Century,  August 23, 2003  by Barbara Brown Taylor
EVERY JULY for the past seven years, my quiet corner of North Georgia has become the site of a Native American Sundance ceremony. While the rest of the nation stocks up on beer and fire-crackers for the Fourth, the Sundancers arrive in cars with license plates from Florida, North Carolina, Massachusetts and Maine. They come for four days of purification followed by four days of prayer and fasting, during which many of them undergo physical trials that are hard to watch. They do this for the love of God, who has promised to meet them when they pray in this way. One of them dances for a sick wife, another for an autistic child. Some pray for their enemies and others for the healing of the earth, but on the whole they do not speak of this. They have come to dance, not to talk, and what happens to them in the Sundance arbor is all the proof they need that God hears their prayers.
This year the Sundance overlapped my two-week course in Christian mysticism at Columbia Seminary, so that I was on my way out of the driveway while everyone else was headed in. "Good-bye," I said to one of the leaders who appreciates irony, "while you're out there giving yourself to God, I'll be sitting in a classroom talking about it."
....This year there were 30 Sundancers in the arbor for the final round--the most there have ever been.

Taylor doesn't seem to be involved with it. She's a professor and ex Episcopal minister and author, no sign of being Nuage at all.

Offline sapa

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 10:51:45 pm »

Hi All,
We have been doing a little digging and have yet to come up with the exact location although we have been told the wacipi is around the Clarksville Ga area. We have also been told it is on private property and that someone named Pretty Face comes down from Lakota Country to run it. Does anyone know if this is true or who this person is? It is supposed to start this week. This has apparently been going on for a number of year but under different "management". We actually met someone that had a Tshirt proclaiming this dance that was given as a wopila.2004.

Offline wasna papa

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2007, 11:56:24 pm »

is this pretiface a man or a woman.

wasna papa

Offline sapa

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2007, 01:11:52 am »
Sorry, probably should have said.... a man....

Offline Cetan

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2007, 10:57:15 pm »
One of our local drums was invited to sing at a Sundance in GA (this is an intertribal drum with an Odawa drumkeeper). Heard it was run by someone whose name i forget but is Apache and Cherokee and it was a little strange. Got a lot of complaints from Lakota elders and from what I heard this dance is not longer going on.

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2008, 04:42:42 am »
from the moccosin relay there are various Sundances going on here in the South,I had a friend who comes back east to participate in a Sundance ,she even had pierceing marks on her chest and was told that after she was to give herself to the Sundance leader,Havent heard from her for 2 yrs now , But the one who does the Sundance is a Lakota from Rosebud ,thats all she told me but would not say what state ,cos she was told not to let ppl know ,it to is on private property

Offline bls926

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2008, 07:17:06 pm »
from the moccosin relay there are various Sundances going on here in the South,I had a friend who comes back east to participate in a Sundance ,she even had pierceing marks on her chest and was told that after she was to give herself to the Sundance leader,Havent heard from her for 2 yrs now , But the one who does the Sundance is a Lakota from Rosebud ,thats all she told me but would not say what state ,cos she was told not to let ppl know ,it to is on private property

I've never been to Sundance, so I have no first-hand knowledge. However, from what I've been told, woman don't pierce their chests. Women dancers pierce their arms or back. So why would your friend have piercing marks on her chest? She bared her chest during ceremony? And the part about having to "give herself to the Sundance leader" is ridiculous. That's enough right there to say this Sundance wasn't legit.

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2008, 06:46:54 pm »
Bls yes i must agree w/you cos i was appauled when she told me . my only comment is that the Sundance should not have taken place any where other than where it orginated from , The Natives back east have there own ways and should be kept that way,

Offline Cat

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2008, 06:32:43 pm »
how weird.... i know Pretty Face... and he is Lakota, he is also from Rose Bud out of respect  thats all I have to say on that, and i have heard about this dance in Georgia. If you guys are really interested I can find out....I have never been there but I know Pretty Face is legit.
As for the dance staying where it originated... there are different beliefs on that one.. the one you stated and things I have heard too and know for fact... my husband came from a dance in Maryland, it was sanctioned by FoolsCrow and his family helped to start it. So, if  Frank Foolscrow thought it was ok... I'm not arguing it.
As for the woman with piercings on her chest..all I can say is  ???HUH??? wow... I can assure you if P.F. is running a dance.... that woudnt happen.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 08:26:59 pm by Ponshe Humma »

Offline froggerco

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2008, 01:05:31 am »
I kinow Pretty Face personally, he is a good man. He has been taught by many elders including Fools Crow and  Crow Dog just to name a few he helps at many sundances around the US and is very traditional. I myself attended the Georgia sundance 2 years ago and can assure you that there were no women bearing there chests or being asked to do favors or give of them selves to the leaders. The leader at this dance are all very happily married men who would bend over back ward to honor a womanespecially one who stands in her own strength. If you have questions about pretty face go straight to the grey eagle society that represents rosebud and pine ridge as his mother in law is a member and a huge fan of his.

Offline Cetan

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2008, 02:15:44 am »
I have never heard of any dance that Frank Fools Crow sanctioned in Maryland or any of his family helping to start one there.  I am curious, which family members helped to start it? He only had one daughter and she passed a long time ago, I dont know of any of the grandchildren who would have done that. 

Offline Cat

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2008, 03:03:43 am »
I have never heard of any dance that Frank Fools Crow sanctioned in Maryland or any of his family helping to start one there.  I am curious, which family members helped to start it? He only had one daughter and she passed a long time ago, I dont know of any of the grandchildren who would have done that. 

As I can best recall the story, Chief Billy Tayac, Piscataway Nation, had a daughter who was given a 10 % chance to live. Chief Tayac knew Fools Crow and that he was in Washington, D.C. at the time. So he approached Fools Crow and asked if he would come to the hospital and "doctor" his daughter.  Which Fools Crow did and Chief Tayacs daughter recovered.

Chief Tayacs son, Mark Tayac went and danced with Fools Crow and (Bill) Eagle Feather for several years, and then the Tayac family went to Fools Crow and asked for permission to bring the Sun Dance to Southern Maryland.

The dance was brought to Southern Maryland where Fools Crow and some elders, I think Nellie Red Owl was one, helped the family in preparing the grounds. Mel Lone Hill came and sang on the drum, and the late Hazel Little Hawk came until she passed.

The Tayac family has long been involved with the struggle for Native rights, not just in this country, but from across the Western Hemisphere. A number of gatherings have been hosted by this family, including AIM conferences. Bill Means, the Bellecourts, Roberta Blackgoat, Steve Robideau, and many other Native activists have been to this place called Tayac Territory.

After 20 years, the Sun Dance was put away a few years ago.

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2008, 02:37:31 pm »
Mark Billy Tayac wasnt he involved in the International Treaty Council back in the 80s and 90s ,if its the same Tayac I know than I would say Hmmmm, But as for Fools crow I have to agree with Cetan ,cos Frank was always traditional and he would never allow the Sundance to be off the reservation, As for Crow dog than I would say he would ,But I dont speak of the ppls who passed on ,Not the Native way,But i cant belive he would do that.. I spent alotta time w/Frank and listened to all his words in SD . But as for myself I belive that all the SunDances should be left on the rez where it belongs ,

Offline Cat

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Re: Sundance ceremony in GA??
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2008, 04:44:33 pm »
Mark and Billy have been involved in alot of things...I dont know if  they were  involved in the ITC...but they probably were..I will ask...
As for what I wrote before on how it came about I only have the story and know what happened. If people question it they can ask the family or research it. It is the truth.  I was told that Fools Crow said he was doing it to help mend the Hoop.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 05:42:06 pm by Ponshe Humma »