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Research Needed / Re: Aoife & White Heart Healing
« Last post by cellophane on February 14, 2024, 08:04:14 pm »
Other than the use of the word "shamanic" and references to "Cacao ceremonies", she doesn't go very deeply into misrepresentation.

Her "Ceremonial Cacao" page ( links to "Keith's Ceremonial Cacao" ( That one is more blatantly exploitative. Their "practitioners' page" ( guides you toward taking their "training course" and then buying their "ceremonial grade cacao" (a minimum of 10 1-pound bricks).

Their founder, the "chocolate shaman", who passed away a month ago (, "traveled to Guatemala in 2003 and met the Cacao Spirit. She led him to rediscover the ancient Central and South American societies’ use of pure, Ceremonial Grade Cacao to open the heart, clear the mind, and empower those working toward creative goals."

The About page ( goes on about how "Kaqchikel Mayan women from 20+ local families earn an independent income, while working at home, at their own pace, preparing our cacao beans. There are few employment opportunities for women in our community. As we grow, we will create jobs for many more local, indigenous women, providing them with good pay and flexible hours. We are proud to help our community grow in this way." Doing well ($50/lb. cacao paste) by doing good, and getting to brand the cacao as authentically Mayan, too. A search shows various other outfits selling "ceremonial grade" cacao.
Research Needed / Aoife & White Heart Healing
« Last post by educatedindian on February 13, 2024, 02:49:22 pm »
Got a request about her. Nuage healer in Ireland.
"My name is Aoife. I have been a practicing Holistic Therapist for 15 years, and a Shamanic Healer for the last 11 years....
After finding cacao plant medicine, I felt a deeper connection with myself. I now run cacao ceremonies and private, one-to-one cacao sessions. I integrete meditation and shamanic journeying...."
"Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Therapist / Kundalini Yoga Teacher / Shamanic Practitioner / Ceremonial Cacao Facilitator / Reflexologist"

Basically a mix of altmedicine and the most generic Nuage claims. "Cacao ceremony" is Nuagers claiming to do healing just by drinking chocolate. They can't even agree on which tradition they rip off, claiming Mayan, Incan, or Aztec.
Frauds / Re: Jacob Chansley AKA Jake Angeli AKA Q Shaman, QAnon Terrorist
« Last post by milehighsalute on February 06, 2024, 07:28:00 pm »
its a matter of time before he starts speaking on behalf of the cheyenne haha

in all seriousness im sure the cheyenne would just dismiss him......but since he is such a high profile idiot whoops i mean persona......i think the cheyenne tribes should issue a statement about him
Frauds / Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Last post by milehighsalute on February 06, 2024, 06:25:26 pm »
My reply

Lakotiya TamakewasteWin iyuha cante wasteya nape ciyuzapelo!

My name is Tamaka waste Win I shake you hand from my heart

we do not pay to be enrolled, we pay to get a copy of our photo ID,
it is an option to have a photo ID but we can pick up our tribal enrollment
papers free. That is the difference in case you did not understand.
My people have story of different people we encountered as we traveled from
South America. I spent time with the Seminole and know from their history they
are Creek descendants. They keep the same culture as the Creek along with
the ceremonies.
When you live in Native Country you know that is the culture we have the right to
ask people who are u? What is your relatives names what band and clan do u come from?
Everyone in the old days would have witness to say I am come from this family and this
is who can tell you that.
Today we have people that dont understand native culture and get offend when we ask question of people.
We still live our culture and yes we still speak our langauge and live our culture.
I am not condeming anyone just asking question because the post was so strange to me.
Everyone we know is Native and that lives on our reservation.
We keep our family histories so i know who everyone is.
I dont have family who is not on our rolls as a tribal nation.
I have nothing aganist Black people this about people who make up history and make up cultures.

R-I-P Mrs. BraveBull

i miss her posts

anyways........indian country is small and if you grew up native you should know that NO ONE is exempt from the ol' ndn interrogation if they meet other natives

i proudly proclaim my family

i dont need to go way back in the woodpile to find someone who is indian or may be indian according to family lore, i actually talked to my native ancestors every day my mom my aunts my uncles my grandparents and great grandparents

and i grew up in an indian community who knew them all

i could never understand the appeal of taking an ancestor you never met generations back and making up this character of them and twisting stories up to make it all fit into some image you built up of yourself as a natives

its just insanity to me

sorry.......this doesnt have much to do with this old post or help very much but i was just commenting out of boredom

Etcetera / Re: Rachel Dolezal AKA Rachel Moore AKA Nkechi Amare Diallo
« Last post by Sparks on February 06, 2024, 06:22:07 pm »
This thread is presently in the section "Odds and Ends" > "Etcetera". I suggest it be moved to "Frauds".

I also suggest the title be changed from "A Civil Rights Leader Has Disguised Herself As Black For Years, Her Parents Say" to  something like "Rachel Dolezal AKA Rachel Moore AKA Nkechi Amare Diallo" (at least that first name should be in the title).

I maintain my suggestion of more than three years ago.
about 5 years ago i was youtubing and ran across an interesting character and by interesting i mean amusing

he tried turning himself black by injecting melanotan peptides

he also identifies as black

he is all over youtube under the moniker "nuka zeus"

look him up
Non-Frauds / Re: Bullshido Forums for Eastern Tradition and Martial Art Frauds
« Last post by Diana on February 04, 2024, 03:08:17 pm »
Hi Milehigh, as far as I know lipans are fake . They're a state recognized in Texas. Typical cpain phonies.

old thread i know.....was bored at work and scouring forum

anyways i know a guy here for about 15 years named "snake" blocker who is a war vet and teaches apache knife fighting as well as survival stuff

he is lipan so take that with the grain of salt (he is a nice guy but im still on the fence whether lipans are legit or not)

he does use the moniker of "snake" which i very strange for an apache being that its a taboo animal
Non-Frauds / Re: Bullshido Forums for Eastern Tradition and Martial Art Frauds
« Last post by milehighsalute on February 02, 2024, 09:24:24 pm »
old thread i know.....was bored at work and scouring forum

anyways i know a guy here for about 15 years named "snake" blocker who is a war vet and teaches apache knife fighting as well as survival stuff

he is lipan so take that with the grain of salt (he is a nice guy but im still on the fence whether lipans are legit or not)

he does use the moniker of "snake" which i very strange for an apache being that its a taboo animal
Frauds / Re: Jacob Chansley AKA Jake Angeli AKA Q Shaman, QAnon Terrorist
« Last post by milehighsalute on January 25, 2024, 11:15:08 pm »
just wondering......has chansley ever tried tying his "shamanism" in with ndn spirituality?
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