Author Topic: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?  (Read 169093 times)

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #150 on: October 26, 2009, 12:01:30 am »
It seems now that cherokee's done most of there ceremony's during the time of the full moon
The chief is now giving lessons on old ways and tradition..


Offline goozih

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #151 on: October 26, 2009, 09:06:58 am »
Indians practicing their traditions = BEAUTIFUL

White people pretending to be Indian = RIDICULOUS (That's putting it mildly)

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #152 on: October 27, 2009, 04:14:27 pm »
Seems they have Chief Doublehead  Cornblossom  and a troxell baby buried on there great hill.
There great hill is a long way from Ywahoo falls.
the names on the stones looks more modern carved than carved in 1810


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #153 on: April 05, 2012, 03:55:09 pm »
I received this email from the SCNK new chief, formerly the vice chief. The old one stepped down...I'll let his email describe it.
Bolding is mine.

Osiyo ani oginali.

This letter is to introduce ourselves to the NAFPS and to learn from your site all that we can to further our cultural journey. You may not be aware, but there has been great turmoil within what WAS the Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky. Though the name, Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky does still exist, it was brought to real life on March 26th of 2012. More than half the original citizenry has determined that the former “Nation” was full of too many questionable habits and decided to move our Nation forward with honesty, dignity, transparency, and a zeal to learn, grow, and perpetuate our culture and heritage.

The former Principal Chief, Michael Manfox Buley did, of his own accord, send a letter of resignation to the entire leadership of the SCNofKY and the Council voted to accept his resignation. I, being the Vice-Chief, and by virtue of our constitution, did ascend to the position of Principal Chief and will remain in this position until such time as a formal election can be held.

As stated previously, the SCNKY “came to real life” on March 26th, 2012 when we filed for status as a non profit Corporation as the Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky, Inc. Our purpose is the education of our people in “traditional” Cherokee culture, the education of the average citizens of Kentucky and everywhere that Native Americans are still very much alive, and the continuation of our rich heritage. Though, as the former citizens of the Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky, we lay claim to all that our heritage has brought to us and that which we deserve, we are also realistic in our expectations. We will strive to live in harmony with ALL Native American entities, especially Cherokee and seek nothing other than what our heritage allows.

Dave “Stands With His People” Fallis, Principal Chief

Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky, Inc.

Offline UpRising

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #154 on: April 14, 2012, 02:13:07 pm »
I am so confused......... :-\ My Folks are Cherokee but born in the smoky mountains of Tennessee, I was born in North Carolina, does that make me a southern or a northern Cherokee and am I allowed to start my own "SouNor" Tribe???  Just a jokin bout the subject which I think all of "guests" seem to be confused on, and Yes Braveheart......IT DOES MATTER THE QUANTUM OF BLOOD! Other wise majority of the world is Cherokee. If I wouldbe a white woman who received a heart transplant from a Full Blood Cherokee would that make me Cherokee or a blood transfusion, would that make me Cherokee?? Me thinks your really good at copying and pasting the crap you find on the internet and skirt the issues and answer the questions asked with questions because you really don't know all that much truth about the Tsalagi people and that you are a wannabe with a white mans heart who wants to be NDN.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #155 on: April 17, 2012, 12:43:35 pm »
the problem with people who heard maybe they have native blood start doing what they believe is tradition
and believing they have the right to be what maybe their great great great great great grandparents were but they did not grow
up in the culture or understand the culture but want to be so bad they dont care how they do things they look in books and start with
what they believe is culture and it becomes a mixture of newage stuff, Cherokees dont have sweat lodges and today we see them all over
cherokee country because they dont know who they are
In Spirit