Author Topic: Rain Queen Mother, Herbal Wellbeing Sanctuary, High Hawk Mtn Feather Kontomble  (Read 84750 times)

Took this from the 2012 thread..

Some entertainment for the researcher can be found here


Link broken for obvious reasons

I would not advise anyone to approach this particular "shame on" in person as she is IMO a dangerous con woman.

I looked at the page above, and I looked at her page here:

Where it talks about her link through her g g g grandmother, and how she was guided by her
ancestors to this way.. and how she is like a chosen one, being recognized by elders and chiefs,
lama's and incan's..

And then her ancestors and the elders told her she needed to travel the world looking for ceremonies
cuz some of theirs is forgotten.  and she is to find and help all the lost and hurt people from wars and

Of course you have to pay her, and there is a lengthy thing goes into explaining how when doing this
work there is no pay cheques coming in, and of course to cover costs. 

Just seems to me, if god or some deity of some sort or another was saying you travel the world and do
this, then wouldn't you like, maybe.. win the powerball first?   ;)

[Removed inaccurate material. The Rain Queen Mother mentioned was of a different tribe entirely, in another part of Africa.]

If not, then I'd have to agree with nemesis, dangerous con woman.

Trying to find if it is, I found also this site.. kind of disturbing and seems to be made by same who makes rain queen's page.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 07:31:21 pm by educatedindian »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 07:02:39 pm »
Yes the link you provide does lead to some very disturbing material and yes it is the same person.

Please allow me to clarify my comment that this woman is dangerous.

I believe she is dangerous in that she uses entheogens and appropriated rituals in order to manipulate and control vulnerable people, to deplete their bank accounts and to secure their total loyalty and devotion.

She is capable of being extremely aggressive and is usually accompanied by her followers, some of whom are also very aggressive.

I would prefer that people here checked her websites and drew their own conclusions rather than hear more from me.  There is sufficient material there for you all to understand exactly what is going on.

More links
This is the same person using her "Dagara Peace Commission" front
(scroll to approx 1/2 way down - to "How to remember slavery and the slave trade?".  There is a small photo montage and the "rain queen" is the female top left)

Oh and you'll love this. *sarcasm*

and this too

« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 07:34:52 pm by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2010, 08:21:31 am »
I will say a little more about this person.

Names and aliases

Kanysa Amoo
Khanyisa Amoo
Rain Queen
Queen Mother Poo Naa
Rain Queen Poo Naa
Rain Queen Mother Pema Lhamo

DOB [exact date removed] 1970

Basically she provides various rituals that she says aim to cleanse and cure people and property of all kinds of demons and bad spirits that she claims are the result of the multi-generational result of colonial oppression, slavery and genocide.

So if you are an African, an NDN, or a person with an ancestral history of oppression / genocide then you will be in one of her target groups for exploitation.

She gets together with various shame ons, nuage frauds and fake Tibetan monks and works together with them to intimidate and defraud people.

From anecdotal reports it seems that some rituals simply consist of an agent (usually female) visiting the person / home in need of cleansing and arranging for Amoo to visit.  Amoo subsequently visits with one or more followers or with some other fraud and they start to perform a ceremony.  Soon it becomes clear that there are more / worse demons than originally thought.  Amoo "channels" these demons and the tormented spirits of the victim's ancestors.  All very dramatic and scary for the victims.  The fees demanded for these "services" are astronomical and increase as more / worse demons are channeled.  Amoo and her associates demand money in an extremely aggressive way and refuse to leave until the victim has paid up.

Some victims attend rituals on site at RQM's Wellbeing Sanctuary in the UK.  

Here they will be shown, via RQM channeling their ancestors, how their ancestors were raped, tortured and enslaved.  It happens in real time so to speak, so imagine if you will, an angry young person who is suffering from the multi-generational effects of racism, trauma and genocide, only instead of accessing helpful therapy or getting involved in conventional political activism, such people are given ayahuasca (or some other entheogen) and treated to witnessing Amoo screaming and pleading as she channels the ancestor's torture / rape / abuse.  Obviously this is a very traumatic experience for people.  Victims are told that the souls of their ancestors are suffering torment and that this will bring bad health and luck to their progeny unless certain very expensive rituals are performed.

In addition to this some victims, those who may be useful in some way, are ensnared as "apprentices".  They believe that Amoo is a living deity who must not be looked at directly in the eye and whose instructions must be followed without question.  Some of these people were extremely militant activists prior to their indoctrination and they become helpful to Amoo as muscle with which to scare victims.

From Amoo's websites it is clear that she provides rituals involving ayahusaca and possibly other entheogens / hallucinogens.  Sometimes these are administered openly in the form of ayahusaca tea, however, from victims reports it is also possible / likely that drugs are administered covertly via enemas and douches and also transdermally via massage.  

The victims tend to be people from ancestral heritages that have suffered cultural and actual genocide.  Some victims are young adults who are political activists and are angry and militant about the plight of their people.  Some are elderly, vulnerable people, some may be residing illegally in their country of residence.  Most victims feel unable to contact law enforcement agencies due to prior bad experiences of racism or because of their history of political activism or for other reasons, so Amoo can operate with impunity.  

The thing I find most infuriating about this is that Amoo is cynically exploiting a very sensitive and vulnerable aspect of people's lives, that is to say their ancestral wounds in relation to slavery and genocide.  I find this disgusting and extremely concerning.  I also believe that her cynical and abusive use of entheogens for her own financial gain to be a form of spiritual rape.  It is an evil strategy for getting right inside the most vulnerable parts of a person's psyche and abusing them.

I am very, very angry about this. As you can probably tell.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 01:11:53 pm by educatedindian »

Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2010, 02:54:44 pm »
That is really really wrong.

I think this should be moved to frauds. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 09:29:24 am »
I am not sure how much mileage there is in trying to prove or disprove her "rain queen" claim as she can probably invent all kinds of Dagara protocols and mandates to "validate" her claims.

As far as I'm aware there is no African equivalent of NAFPS, which is a shame as one is sorely needed.  It is the kind of thing I can imagine Amoo to try to create herself to dismiss her critics and slander her enemies.

I think that the people who run this site should be able to examine her websites and be able to draw their own conclusions, simply because there is so much offensive and dubious material there.  In fact the relocation of the thread to Frauds is evidence of this.  

Some more nonsense from one of her old postings (sorry can no longer find the link)........

[Inaccurate information deleted. This was a different person, though of the same tribe.]
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 01:12:04 am by educatedindian »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2010, 09:17:23 am »
Some good news - the awful Pujas for Peace website, complete with fake Tibetan monks, is down at the moment, let's hope this is a permanent thing

On the down side, RQM has been busy producing all kinds of risible media products, however there is a hilarious introduction to this page that I simply have to share

Internationally renowned Deity Healer, Shamanic Teacher, Philosopher and State Diviner

"2012: The Movie Decoded" is written by Rain Queen Mother who comes from a long lineage of Rain Queen Mother’s that descend from the continent that gave birth to humanity. She was Initiated by Yoda like beings in an ancient mountain cave in the sacred homelands of the Dagabah people. Her lineage stretches upwards through the Dogon to the original peoples of Egypt and then Southwards through the Sacred Tribes of the Bushmen and into the Limpopo Valley where the Rain Queens of the Modjavi reigned.

Her Sacred Teachings in the ‘Movies Decoded Dharma Scrolls’ are based on the sacred knowledge that was learnt over many hundreds of years by her enlightened Ancestors and comes from deep within the Stahrs. She learnt this knowledge during a long and arduous 13 year initiation to become a Rain Queen Mother. She has been recognised by Holy Elders in Africa, Asia and South America as being one of the important healers in the world whose work, amongst other things will help many people prepare for 2012 and beyond.

"Initiated by Yoda like beings"


At least she has removed text claiming that she has been recognised by North American Native people.  All I have to do now is to find a way of getting elders in Africa, Asia and South America to expose her as a fraud and I will sleep better at night.

Offline Lodro

  • Posts: 32
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2010, 10:07:47 am »
I have written to Samten Ling Monastery to ask if they have any connection with the Tibetan monks mentioned. I did a quick search for them, but could find no references for them in connection with Samten Ling. There is a Sangbo Lama Dawa who is not connected to Samten Ling and there is a Tsering Phuntsok, but he's a minister in the Dalai Lama's government in exile. There may be others of course, since both names are not exactly uncommon.

Also I've written to the RQM site requesting a Chod puja be performed and asking them what the lineage is in which this will be performed. I'm a practitioner of Chod myself and know most notable Chod teachers and a number of their students personally. I wonder what the answer will be.

It may be that they request these pujas off Samten Ling and the monastery may not be aware who is requesting them. Usually practitioners give donations when they request pujas to be performed, and it may be that the RQM people give a donation but request more money to be donated to them for this. I'll keep you up to date as to what I discover.

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2010, 11:11:09 am »
Thank you Lodro

Very much appreciated :)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2010, 10:08:31 pm »
Did you ever hear back from her Lordo?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 11:30:58 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2010, 10:53:01 pm »
n her latest website offering ayahuasca ceremonies, Rain Queen Mother has rebranded herself as Rain Queen Mama, presumably to avoid google turning up the NAFPS thread here.

details as follows

3 Day Specialist Ayahuasca Retreats
This Retreat includes one Grandmother Ayahuasca Healing Ceremony with ; Ayahuasca-Cosmology Counselling; Herbal-Bathing; Smoke-Purification; offerings to Pachamama and Post-Ceremony Divination.
3 Day Ayahuasca Retreat Costs
FOR ONE PERSON: £450 - £550/ €530 - €650
FOR 2 PEOPLE: £350 - £450/ €415 - €530 (pp)
FOR 3 OR MORE PEOPLE: £275 - £375/ €325 - €445 (pp)
click here to book now

5 Day Specialist Ayahuasca Retreats
This Retreat includes two Grandmother Ayahuasca Healing Ceremonies; Tobacco Smoke-Purifications; Clay and Herbal Bathing; Stomach-Cleansing Vomitivo; Post Ceremony Divination, Counselling and offering a to Pachamama.5 Day Ayahuasca Retreat Costs
FOR ONE PERSON FOR 5 - 7 DAYS: £870 - £970/ €1,030- €1,145
FOR 2 PEOPLE: £700 - £800/ €830 - €945 (pp)
FOR 3 OR MORE PEOPLE: £630 - £730/ €745 - €865 (pp)
click here to book now

7 Day Specialist Ayahuasca Retreats
This Retreat includes two Grandmother Ayahuasca Healing Ceremonies; Amazonian Herbal Teas; Tobacco Smoke-Purifications; Clay and Herbal Bathing; Stomach-Cleansing Vomitivo; Post Ceremony Divinations, Rituals, Counselling and offerings to Pachamama.

7 Day Ayahuasca Retreat Costs
FOR ONE PERSON FOR 8-10 DAYS: £1,350 - £1,550/ €1,595 - €1,830
FOR 2 PEOPLE: £1,150 - £1,250/ €1,360 - €1,475 (pp)
FOR 3 OR MORE PEOPLE: £950 - £1,050/ €1,120 - €1,240 (pp)
click here to book now

7 Ceremony Specialist Ayahuasca Retreat
This Retreat includes seven Grandmother Ayahuasca Healing Ceremonies scheduled over a period of one year during two 5-day and one 7-day retreat.
7 Ceremony Ayahuasca Retreat Costs
FOR ONE PERSON: £3,090/ €3,650
click here to book now

on the following page she explains the very high costs of the ceremonies

Please note the rather menacing last sentence

How we Cost our Healing Retreats

 charges for her work based on the following cost factors:

a cost towards the accommodation where the Ceremonies take place
a donation towards the cost of maintaining the Sanctuary and Shrines
a donation towards the cost of her initiation in Africa
a donation towards the cost of the Medicine
a donation towards the time and labour when performing the Ceremony
a donation towards the huge cost incurred whilst travelling to purchase the Medicine
a donation to enable the healer to maintain an assistant
a donation towards other Medicines used during your retreat
a donation towards her own healing, cleansing and recovery after taking off her clients negative Karma
Over the last 13 years  has been travelling around the globe performing ‘Ley-Line’ Ceremonies to heal the Earth of the blocked traumas that she is still carrying from the 1st and 2nd world Wars, the Slave Trade Wars, Colonial Wars, Genocidal Wars and so on. This selfless merit-accumulating work, is what began her calling to healing on the international stage. As a result of years of costly, hard-selfless work  has been instrumental in helping kick start some of the changes that we have been seeing in the world over the last 10 years.

According to the Tamang Jhankri (Shamans in Nepal), as a result of the work she has done travelling across the seven seas of the world, she has become a spiritual Mascot symbol for the world, and is able to bring rain and blessings to communities that respect her Deities, Nature and their Ancestors.

People should be prepared to make a fair exchange for the work that has been done to get this Sacred Medicine to them and to help them achieve their healing. If you do not pay a fair exchange for the work you have received it is not good for ones Karma.

from the "about" page

About GrandMama Ayahuasca and

“to receive this healing, one must open their heart”

Rain queen mama's powerful Deities work with her to help people bring light out of all their darkness. It is healing work for people who want to experience authentic indigenous shamanic healing: She comes from a long line of healers from Egypt who have always practised the 'Amoon or Amoo' path of getting to the light to find peace by cleansing all of the darkness within. As a result of her own healing experiences , has created a healing sanctuary where people can come on retreat for several days at a time, and go on a healing journey safely into the underworld - guided by the four noble truths and the sacred plant medicine - to enter into the heart of all their darkness, so as to gradually be able to successfully reach the light.

blah blah blah

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2010, 12:34:38 am »

This is unbelievable!:

Our 2012 Spiritual
Preparation Packages

As part of Rain Queen Mother's work to help people prepare for 2012, the following combination packages of Pujas, Ceremonies and Divinations have been put together to help people know what to do for themselves as we approach 2012. People are strongly advised to think carefully about the need to spend money on their own spirits.

The truth be told we cannot get spiritual work done for free, not in this day and age.........(justification for this follows etc etc)....... if we do not spend money to make offerings to our Ancestors and to maintain and purify our Sprits we will not have wellbeing in our lives. Our spiritual wellbeing is far more important than our physical wellbeing..........

.............. the only way we can effectively prepare for 2012 is by engaging in appropriate Shamanic healing work...........

.......those who do not prepare will begin to experience lots of upheavals in their personal lives........

Package 1
This package is for people who are interested in high spiritual work and are already on their own spiritual path: .............................
Cost: £4,000

Package 2
This package is for people who are just beginning their spiritual awakening:..........
Cost: £3,500

Package 3
This package is for people who are yet to begin their spiritual journey:..................
Cost: £2,800

Tailored Packages
Please note that we can also create another package for you that is tailored to your particular budget. However, all preparation packages include a minimum of 3 Ayahuasca Ceremonies, a day Tara Puja, one Mallom Puja and 5 Mythic Divinations.

Wow, good job she does the mythic divinations, we would be lost without them!

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2010, 12:44:03 am »
and she then puts this in her terms and conditions page:

".....................The author of this site acknowledges and remembers the souls of those who died in Wars to bring the internet alive. We pay tribute to their memory, by hoping that more people use the internet for Sacred Healing work of our planet and not as a tool to exercise their lower emotions of greed, perversion and autocracy.

This site has been written with respect, dignity and dedication for the Medicine Elders, Holy peoples and the Sent Ones of Indigenous peoples around the world who have dedicated thier lives to the Sacred cause of living by the Laws of Nature."

Maybe Rain Queen Mama and Little Grandmother should get together, they could compare notes.

Offline Saga

  • Posts: 53
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2010, 10:09:10 am »
I am actually surprised that this one isn't claiming to be one of the other 12 wisdom keepers that are supposed to be around the globe, waiting them to start popping up any time to "prove" things true. :p

Maybe Rain Queen Mama and Little Grandmother should get together, they could compare notes.

Yes. They seem to have lots in common with the obsession to terms, conditions and exclusive rights amongst other things. One of the latest fb messages of Kiesha is about someone creating a fanpage there that has no approval from her...
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 10:39:28 am by Saga »

Offline czech

  • Posts: 76
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2010, 10:35:27 am »

"The author of this site acknowledges and remembers the souls of those who died in Wars to bring the internet alive.


Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
Re: Rain Queen Mother
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2010, 12:30:09 pm »
I just love the menacing subtext in her various procalamtions about why people should give her large amounts of money


if we do not spend money to make offerings to our Ancestors and to maintain and purify our Sprits we will not have wellbeing in our lives. Our spiritual wellbeing is far more important than our physical wellbeing..........

People should be prepared to make a fair exchange for the work that has been done to get this Sacred Medicine to them and to help them achieve their healing. If you do not pay a fair exchange for the work you have received it is not good for ones Karma.
