Author Topic: Chief Phil Lane Jr.  (Read 65672 times)

Offline Sachem Laster

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2015, 01:01:02 pm »
Phil Lane Jr is also involved with the IPUN, though not one of the core members. Also one of the people I came here to check up on.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2015, 11:04:42 pm »
As we have seen, several members from IPUN / Indigenous Peoples' United Nations board and 'grandmother's circle' joined FWII (pls see  ,  ).

These persons are either pretending ndn descent or status, or are plain white Nuagers. This suggests that the persons registering with FWII will not be verified in any way by FWII nor does FWII apparently take much of an interest in their members' backgrounds. A short look at the FWII membership confirms this suspicion.

Having checked some 20 pages of newest members, it becomes apparent that more or less anybody is welcome to join. Many of the registrations state a residence outside of the USA, Canada or countries in the Americas. It is perhaps me, but seeing a person from Australia registering with a name of „Stormwalker“, or a „Lady Lozamay Luminiere“ from Lebanon, or „Windwalker“ from Leeds/UK, or one „SunWheel Ellen Sjödin“ from Sweden, my first thought does not happen to be „Ah, some expat ndns“....

A closer look at some of them yields results:

Ellen Sjödin – SunWheel / Solhjulet

She claims to be resp. sells:
Intermediary between worlds, shaman, shamanic treatment, medicine woman
Shift of the Ages, Shamanism, Medium, healer
On her facebook site, there are phtotos showing Sjödin in front of a sweatlodge, and there are ads for seminars, courses, and workshops:

Maria Wind Talker according to her site is a „Shamanic Practitioner and Animal Communication“:

From her intro:

Maria’s connection with the Ancestors started from her awakening at 2 years of age when she was taken momentarily from this world as a result of an abduction and drowning incident.

Her formal training began in her late 20’s after the passing of her mother.  She studied a vast array of Holistic Healing methods which included Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Regression, E.F.T.    Although her main passion always lay with nature and the Indigenous ways, which led to the  most recent Initiations into Munay Ki.
In honour of them she sends Love, Respect and Gratitude to Grandfather BearHeart, BJ Bear Claw, Von Harman (Lady Hawk), Elder Nick (Hopi), Elder Waya (Lakota), Chris Crow Summers, Paul Francis,Triona Martin, Tara Williams, Teresa Johnson, Alexander Valiente, Lizzie Saleh,Carla Meeske, Tim GoodBlood and Ally Wilkin.
Those who have passed on to spirit world continue to provide invaluable lessons and Maria is eternally grateful for their guidance.  In service as a hollow bone for spirit, always.
Although not of Native American blood, Maria’s soul has incarnated many times as a medicine woman/man and so it is that she again stands upon this path.
In honour of tradition, Maria offers her healing gifts without a fixed charge and trusts that those who seek her guidance respect the tradition of honouring the value of the work undergone with a suitable energy exchange.
The beauty of Shamanic healing is that physical contact is not necessary and can be applied to anyone across the world.   

And then there's this:

Beulah Tribe - the second happening will be tribal themed. We will be starting the evening with a Shamanic Drum Journey, led by Maria Wind Talker Maria will take us on a Shamanic journey to meet our power animals - all you'll have to do is lie down, get comfy and allow the drum and her voice take you on a little trip. […]

Yahara Golden Deer Katzeff
is now a member of World Wisdom Academy
Oct 3, 2013

The „shamanation“ site propagates Robin Youngblood and publishes three videos with Youngblood who they say was „Okanagon/Tsalagi“. The site also claims to be the „World Wisdom Academy“.

Katzeff's LinkedIn profile:

claims she is the founder of an enterprise called „Beloved's Way Wise Woman Arts“ situated in Turner Falls, MA.

Lookingthruwolfseyes Windenmyhair

According to her FB site, her real-life name is „Shar Schwindt“:

Jane Stormwalker

Welcome to stormwalker psychic services,

Hi my name is Jane Stormwalker, I have been in the psychic arts for 25 years and have many tools to assist with co creation of pathways through life’s journey. I can be contacted via email …

Lady Lozamay Luminiere

LLL is somewhat hard to research, as there are chiefly numerous sites, YT videos etc where she left a comment, but there's also other results:

FULL BODY CONSCIOUS CHANNEL/MEDIUM now ... - Diese Seite übersetzen
15.05.2015 - Hi, I AM Lady Lozamay Luminiere. Greetings to you all! And Much Love! I Live in the Oneness, The Isness, The NOW as Eckhart Tolle speaks of ...

Satsang now available - Craigslist - Diese Seite übersetzen
11.05.2015 - Lady Lozamay Luminiere now available for Satsangs! A Satsang is a gathering where wisdom of the Sages is shared in a Sacred, meditative ...

Katharina Sebert, Munich

Sebert is an altmed practitioner selling „deep healing“. Intro from her website:

All my supercisions and seminars reflect my long-term experience in therapeutic individual supervision, seminar leadership, essence work, holistic massaging and healthful touch, energy-, soul-, heart-, and earth healing, shamanic supervision, contact with the spirit world, Council, systemic constellations, medicine wheel work and ritual work, dance, chanting, healthful communication in groups and partnerships, tantra and healthful sexuality, ritual and spiritual arrangement of dying, farewell, and transition, heart practice, meditation and partnership work.

Pardon my French, but WTF are these people being accepted to register at a site claiming to work for indigenous peoples? Or did FWII perhaps just become lazy about weeding out the not appropriate registrations?

Let's have a look at the other end of the membership list – 20 pages of the oldest registrations: It is basically a similar mix of Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders, Euro-Americans, a few people from East Asia. And of course there's also interesting names.

Apparently, one Harvey Arden from Washington DC is among the most longstanding members of FWII.

Another name among the first 400 members happens to be „Angaangaq IceWisdom – Greenland“ (to be found on page 200 of a total of 214 pages as of yet) whose real-life name is Jens Lyberth – Mr Lyberth is an Inuit from Greenland living in Canada and has been selling indigenous ceremonies for more than 20 years. His latest „shame-on name“ is Angaangaq Angakorssuaq – pls see more here: . It is also quite interesting that both Phil Lane Jr. and Mr Lyberth happen to be members of the Bahai denomination.

Susanne Kasack Zürich
seems to be a member of Scientology:

Medicine Bear Whitebow

According to the info provided there, John Whitebow, calling himself „John Medicine Bear Whitebow“, is the owner of R.P.H.L. Medicine Lodge in Las Vegas/Nevada, and a „minister/ceremonial/spiritual leader of R.P.H.L a Native American based spirituality“. He specialises in „Pranic healing, tarot, dream interpitation [sic!], mentoring, counciling [sic!]“.
Whitebow also claims he is a war veteran having received a „Purple Hart, Silver Star, Bronz [sic] Star with „V“ 2 cluster“.

Has a profile here:

Another intro reveals his real-life name as „John Radell“:
From Warrior to Healer
Give an Hour™ spokesperson John "Medicine Bear" Radell shares his story (as excerpted from Celia Straus's book Hidden Battles on Unseen Fronts)

John Radell deployed for war in Iraq with the California National Guard's 1498th Transportation Company, on May 15, 2003. He was 35 and had served in the early 1990s with a Special Forces unit. His mission in Iraq was to supply, service, live in, drive, and provide protection for Heavy Equipment Transporter Systems, recovering and hauling everything from M-1 battle tanks and Humvees to Port-o-Johns across war-torn Iraq. He would be attacked, ambushed, blinded in sand storms, swelter in 130-degree heat, and perform two-week long dangerous convoy missions without adequate body armor, radios, or supplies--even, at times, basic parts to his truck such as cab doors that could open and shut. By the time he was injured on July 22, 2003, he had either experienced first-hand or observed enough violence, killing, torture, and mayhem to sear his psyche forever. […]

"The year at Fort Lewis was bad. My first therapist was an Army Major who refused to believe I had PTSD. […]

On February 1, 2004, John was retired from the Army with 100% disability, 70% of which was PTSD. It would be years before his Traumatic Brain Injury from repeated exposure to IED blasts would show up in a CATScan prescribed because he'd lost all feeling in his right arm. He returned to his family in Oceanside, California, a changed man. "I couldn't relate to anyone when I first got home. I couldn't hold my wife or my fifteen-year-old daughter. I felt like I was stained. I saw blood on my hands. I had night terrors. I've been prescribed up to 13 medications a day in various combinations depending on my levels of anxiety and depression." After four years of intense therapy, sometimes as often as three times a week, he is coping better with his level four PTSD but still grapples with his "evil twins, general anxiety and panic attacks."

Early on he also knew his PTSD was affecting his marriage. While he sat paralyzed with anxiety and depression, his wife, Aiyana, was left to run the household and take care of everything from finances to children to pets. When John overdrew their bank account with his debit card, they decided she would give him a monthly allowance instead. By 2007 they were wise enough to get some marriage counseling. "There were only so many times that she could hear the same excuse, 'I've got PTSD.' We had to work through the issues. Now I have a weekly chore list I'm supposed to do, but I still forget about it, and that causes trouble." In the fall of 2008 John and Aiyana separated.

Today John is clear about who he is and what he wants to do. "I am John Medicine Bear Whitebow. I am of native indigenous ancestry from the Midwest, born and raised in California. My ancestral roots are of the Blackfoot, Yaqui, and Cherokee tribes, and I am a member of a non-federally recognized tribe. I am a descendant of medicine people, and I am also a medicine man. I have a vision to create a sanctuary where one can go to get away from the hectic lifestyle that modern life brings and become centered once again, where one can leave stress behind and seek the welcoming shelter of a sacred place that our Mother Earth has prepared for us.
To learn more about the Rainbow People's Medicine Lodge Sanctuary started by John, please visit:

The Sacred Pipe  "Chanupa"
Welcome to our Lodge!
Rainbow People’s Medicine Lodge. was founded in 2005. Located in the small community of Crestline, California.R.P.M.L. is an extension of other Medicine Lodges located in California, which have been in existence for many years.
The lodge represents a place for people attracted to the “Red Road” path of life, as well as a fullfillment of a vision and promise to a late Grandfather “Medicine Bear” Whitebow is the caretaker of the lodge here in North Las Vegas,Nevada. What is offered is the traditional teachings of the Red Path as it has been passed down through the generations. All of the lineage can be traced back through our Elders. We are a mix of tradtions as taught from various tribes as this is the way the teachings came through. We follow a basic code of ethics and do not wish to tread on other traditions or teachings. All Ceremonies are done in the way they were taught and have not been changed in order to keep the purity intact.’.

"Medicine Bear" Whitebow
AKA Bear
Care Taker/Ceremonial Teacher
Mato Wopiye (Medicine Bear) is a retired veteran; He Earned the Silver Star, Bronze Star w/Device, and was awarded the Purple Heart in 2004 after serving in the Army and being injured in combat.
 For many years he was a member of Heart Medicine Lodge as well as other Lodges throughout the southern California basin. He comes from Gabrilino/Tungva/Apache/Cherokee/Yaqui heritage. His teachings are varied from the Lakota Peoples, Mescalaro Apache,Cherokee, Yaqui, Arapaho, Kiowa. He is a traditional Pipe Carrier for the people and a ceremonial dancer, ordained minister, public speaker, has been featured in local newspapers and this last year had his personal story added to a book "Hidden Battles on Unseen Fronts".
As well he is the carrier of the Inipi ceremony, Medicine Wheel, Vision Quest,Water Dedication, Puberty,Making of Relatives ceremonies and many more. His healing teachings are passed down from generation to generation from a long line of Healer's/Medicine People, he practices crystal healings, pranic healing, and traditional teachings of the medicine peoples.
 His journey began at age 6, through the instructions of his first teacher Standing Eagle a holy man from the Arapaho peoples. He has spent time over the last 36 years with teachers from the Lakota Nation, Apache, Blackfoot,Cherokee to name but a few.

So how does a „Gabrilino/Tungva/Apache/Cherokee/Yaqui heritage“ go together with teachings „from the Lakota Peoples, Mescalaro Apache,Cherokee, Yaqui, Arapaho, Kiowa“? Plus a Lakota name and Lakota ceremonies? Or the earlier claim: „My ancestral roots are of the Blackfoot, Yaqui, and Cherokee tribes, and I am a member of a non-federally recognized tribe.“

Shuki Split-Feather Ben-Ami

An interesting addition at FWII, because Ben-Ami is apparently deeply involved with the Moonies, i.e. Unification Church:
[My comment: „tparents“ is a front for the Moonies and translates as „true parents“, the title Moon and his wife go by in the cult.]

Report on the NALA delegation to Israel March/April 2005
The April pilgrimage to Israel was attended by a delegation of four Native Americans including Fred Simpson, of the Alaska Tlingit tribe, George Akeen, a Cheyenne tribal chairman and medicine man from Oklahoma, Sue Senn, a Cherokee from Arizona working with the Peace and Dignity runners, and Dianna Uqualla, a tribal leader of the Havasupai residing with 300 others on the designated tribal land at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. We were, of course, joined by Shuki Split-Feather Ben Ami, our Native American/Jewish Israelite host.

Another entry claims he was „Hebrew/Lakota“:
Dr. Shuki Y. Ben-Ami (Hebrew/Lakota)

Apparently, someone already researched Ben-Amis background before:

Standing behind Waldman in the picture of him provided by Gorenfeld (to our left) is Dr Joshua Ben-Ami (also known as Shuki Ben Ami and Shuki Yariv Ben-Ami). Ben-Ami flew from his native Israel to Washington for a press conference after the story broke, where he announced that only Moon has been interested in Israeli/Palestinian peace, so “I crowned, with my ten fingers, with white gloves, Father Moon, and I wish to do it again.” (Here on mp3). Unification Church press releases and other reports describe Ben-Ami as dean of the Emil Frank Institute in Jerusalem, afiliated to the University of Trier. The Trier Emil Frank Institute website makes no mention of this link (perhaps if someone could do a search in Hebrew more could be found).
Ben-Ami is also given the title of “President WMA, Israel” in this news report from Moon’s Interreligious and International Peace Council, where there is a photo. WMA is the World Media Association, another Moon concern directed by Mike Marshall, editor-in-chief of Moon’s United Press International. According to a Unification Church news report, Ben-Ami considers Moon to be the Second Coming, and at church events gives testimony “about giving Jesus the crown”.
I could not find out whether Ben-Ami is related to David Z Ben-Ami, founder of the American Forum for Jewish-Christian Cooperation, who has also made comments in support of Moon.

Although Unification Church claim Ben-Ami had a Ph.D., I could not establish any dissertation for him, just the publication of four books in 1992, 2003, 2007, and 2012.

Thomas Sasquatch Spirit

Thomas was  my first guest on Curious Times way back in the summer of 2011. He joins us again and we'll talk about Sasquatch and anything else that comes up along the way. Thomas is a most interesting man who for quite some time Hosted a show here on Blogtalk Radio.
Thomas has been communicating with numerous Sasquatch since his first encounter in April 2008.  He has a wealth of knowledge about their existence and whereabouts.
Feel free to call in with any questions or comments you have about Sasquatch, or any of the other topics we may discuss.

So indeed the FWII membership has been a mix of white Nuagers, plastics, pretendians, and sellers of ceremony right from the start - with a few cult members (Scientology, Moonies) thrown in for good measure.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2015, 01:05:35 am »
I can tell you right now off the top of my head that the NALA delegation had at least two VERY non-qualified people claiming medicine status.

That lady Dianna (White Dove) Uqualla's brother is actually "Uqualla" and deserves his own thread if he isn't already on here. One look at this tells me he's an active fraud.

George Akeen is actually listed as a reverend of some unspecified church. A simple internet search turns up several instances where he is titled as such. I am checking on his claims of being a medicine man as I type this. Cheyenne medicine people, besides not being church people in any way due to the extremely contrary nature of that tradition, do NOT let anyone who isn't at least Native know who they are. And they certainly don't travel with a group of people to the mountains of northwest Arizona to become a medicine person for the Cheyenne and Arapaho of Oklahoma. Here's his corny tale: Note that is a church site, not a cultural site of any sort.
As far as his being a Chief, it's hard to say, although I do not see his name listed anywhere I've looked so far as being an official Chief. Sometimes Chiefs are not listed if they're culturally-based and not elected in the modern way.  I am checking with blood relatives there on all this.
Stay tuned.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2015, 10:31:15 am »
We got a thread on James Uqalla:


And an info on Unification Church aka the Moonies:

George Akeen is actually listed as a reverend of some unspecified church. A simple internet search turns up several instances where he is titled as such. I am checking on his claims of being a medicine man as I type this. Cheyenne medicine people, besides not being church people in any way due to the extremely contrary nature of that tradition, do NOT let anyone who isn't at least Native know who they are. And they certainly don't travel with a group of people to the mountains of northwest Arizona to become a medicine person for the Cheyenne and Arapaho of Oklahoma. Here's his corny tale: Note that is a church site, not a cultural site of any sort.

The ACLC is another Moonie front - here's who ACLC claim as their founders:

« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 10:38:24 am by Ingeborg »

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2015, 06:34:37 pm »
I just came across that about the Moonies. Thx, Ingeborg.

I was just told by a blood-relative enrolled Cheyenne who lives in the community there that Akeen is NOT a medicine man and they were told he is not to be trusted, nor that "church", in any way. My relative is a church person as well as traditional person (that side of our family is Dog Soldier descendant and have been/are still involved in very important traditional matters among the C&A), so that is huge for them to say. I know personal anecdotes are not evidence, but this relative is not a gossiper and has recently had reason to have proximity to him due to several passings that Akeen attended the services of. That is more than enough for me. As far as his claim of Chief status, that too I am working on. As I said earlier, many called that title aren't listed anywhere, and many times the title is bestowed at ceremonies that people do not publicize. But the fact that no one I asked could remember off hand whether or not he's an actual chief of any sort indicates that's probably BS as well.
And I didn't finish looking for Uqualla here last night, so thank you for linking that thread. I heard of him in passing but hadn't really researched anything about him yet. Some friends who performed dance shows near his tribal area told us about him and some of the weird things they were told by members of his own tribe. A lot of hear say, I agree, but as we see so often here, where there's smoke there is usually fire.

Amazing how linked in Phil Lane is to all this fraud!!!
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2015, 08:48:40 pm »
Was just told Akeen is legit one of the 44 Southern Cheyenne chiefs but is definitely not a medicine man and he definitely is not allowed to say even IF he was. He is not regarded very well by a large number of Cheyennes involved in the Churches and Traditional communities there.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Online Sparks

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2017, 11:18:04 pm »
Starting with this post, Chief Phil Lane Jr. is now being discussed in this thread:

This old thread is also about Chief Phil Lane Jr.:

And then he was mentioned in this long comment:

Offline Diana

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2017, 12:29:49 am »
Thanks Sparks. He's come up so many times with all sorts of frauds on NAFPS, I couldn't remember if we had investigated him or not. Looks like he's could be one of those DAPL cons. He needs another look-see.

Offline Diana

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2018, 05:01:46 pm »
Phil Lane Sr., we have a post on him here.

Offline Diana

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2018, 06:28:48 pm »
 Oops! I meant to type Phil Lane Jr. not Sr.
Phil Lane Sr., we have a post on him here.

Online Sparks

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2018, 10:41:11 pm »

This link about Chief Phil Lane Jr. has not been posted before in this thread.

A very New Age site, with a total of 108 courses. I recognize names that have their own threads in the forum:

Online Sparks

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Online Sparks

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Re: Chief Phil Lane Jr.
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2019, 03:42:18 pm »
In Canada, "medicine wheel" teachings, workshops, and orientations are very popular and seem to have become adopted, at least in urban settings, as practices reflective of traditional ways.  This can be traced to the development of "The Sacred Tree" curriculum model which was developed by Phil Lane, Judy Bopp, and Lee Brown in the early '80s.

These "medicine wheel" ways also seemed to have taken off out here on the West Coast following Sun Bear's forays into these territories in the early '80s as well.

Now more on phil. I never heard he was a chief. he is also associated with the notorious Four Worlds International Institute. Who produced the vile book called the "Sacred  Tree". a handbook for the for all new agers based on the fraudulent medicine wheel which severely  damaged a generation of Mi'kmaq and Maliseet and Passamaquoddy childeren, for more information on that see the post by Esteemed Maliseet Elder Andrea Bear Nicholas.
The book supposedly was created by  Elders from all over canada,  but i know most of them were Native-Bahai, which in itself is not troublesome, what was troublesome was this was the first book in canada to start the pan-indian spirituality, and i believe that Bahai beliefs were mixed in with the rest of the pan-indian  spirituality presented in this book. it was a cash cow that allowed them to create a cirriculum based on the book. Phil is a techie for hire as long as theres money involved.

Some know of his work with the Four Worlds Institute and as one of the authors of "The Sacred Tree"  which seems rooted in Sun Bear's teachings but is now presented throughout Canada as "traditional" medicine wheel teachings.

That book is now being promoted by Scandinavian neoshamans to gullible New Agers with this new link:

The Story of The Sacred Tree
Posted by Phil Lane Jr. on August 20, 2019 at 12:00am

The book is sold here (link not shown before in the NAFPS forum):

By Bopp, Lane, et al, English Edition, 82 pages, Paperback ISBN 1-896905-00-5
This beautifully illustrated book presents many of the universal concepts and teachings handed down through the ages in Native societies throughout North America concerning the nature, purpose and possibilities of human existence. The book uses the ancient symbol of the medicine wheel as a mirror which reflects not only what a person is, but also what they might become through the development of their potentialities.

I am looking for a serious debunking of the contents of this book. Anyone?