Author Topic: Pete Bernard  (Read 90248 times)

Offline tenderhawk

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2014, 02:31:37 pm »
Pete Bernard offers a course entitled "Earning the Light."

There are two implications here: 1) We do not naturally embody the light; 2) Pete Bernard will judge when/whether we have "earned" it.

We do not need Pete Bernard or anyone else to judge our light-worthiness. No one has to "earn" the light - we are the light.

The title of this course tells us all we need to know about this sham "shaman."

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #46 on: August 19, 2014, 02:17:55 pm »
I'd like to clear something up.  There most certainly Algonquin Peoples.  It is not simply a language base.  There's more than a few bands in Canada with status.

Offline catecrow

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #47 on: August 19, 2014, 06:15:39 pm »
"I find it interesting that, having signed in to offer my experience regarding a person who was under attack here, I was in turn attacked.

One person here actually seemed to take the time to look into the situation, and found that Pete Barnard is indeed recognised within his own community for what he does.

I would suggest to you that, when a group of people get together and end up one-uping each other in denouncing others, then a dynamic inevitably develops whereby denouncing others takes precedence over actually looking into the situations which are supposedly being investigated.

This isn't a new phenomenon but it is one which has reached epidemic proportions with the introduction of the internet; because now groups can just connect with the like-minded, instead of interacting with society at large.

I am finding the arguments advanced here in support of your position(s) to be formulaic at best, with little regard to real life situations. There seems to be no concern given toward actual experience, and a very heavy weighting given over to what are essentially ideological determinations as to what is right and what is wrong.

I would suggest to you that, given the small number of genuine teachers relative to the abundance of frauds who are out there, that your efforts might actually be counter-productive if you end up denouncing legitimate teachers in your zeal to uncover posers."

That was exactly my experience here...there also seems to be no attempt at actually talking to the individual they are labelling...the judge, jury and executioner stance is a result, I am deleting all my comments and won't be back to participate in further discussions.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #48 on: August 19, 2014, 06:19:35 pm »
Cate, I've spoken with traditional people from the Algonquin communities and I'm sorry, they do not agree with or support what Pete and Nora are doing.  No one attacked you, no one was mean to you.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2014, 06:37:53 pm »
Cate, please check your private messages.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2014, 07:12:53 pm »
Did you ever take the time to actually sit down and talk with Pete and Nora?

No I haven't.  I don't live in Canada.  I have however, spoke with people living within the Algonquin community.  People allowed to speak for the community, who lead TRADITIONAL ceremony within community.  I defer to them.

You wrote I was doing damage to the NDN community. What? because I came in and defended a friend? "When you take from another culture, when you sell ceremony and 'initiation' to members of the dominant culture". When did Nora ever do any of that?

Yes, what you are doing is damaging to the community.  You are making excuses for your friend, who's conduct is disheartening and who's impressions are inaccurate.  Nora is all over the place with her spirituality and she is providing disrespectful and inaccurate information.  I private messaged you about one particular instance.  Pete is initiating people when he has no authority to do so.  It is offensive that you feel it is okay to tell indigenous peoples and their allies that simply because she is a good person we should not question her, period end of sentence.

I don't feel you have really done your research here...sorry, but I was really disturbed by this.

And the more I look into her goings on the more I am disturbed.

I totally understand the mission here, I get it...but be careful and really investigate people before you make these arbitrary decisions.
No, I don't think you get it at all.  Again, the more I look into her, the more disturbed I am.

To take a good native woman who has had her own profound life experience and is trying to do some good in the world and to just drag her through the mud because no one has bothered to really talk to her or get her story is not something I can participate in...I'm sorry.

She is not doing good in the world when she is teaching things like the universal medicine wheel (that's obnoxious, she is imposing on the many many Nations and cultures that do not ascribe to this 'teaching').

I've met Pete once, he seemed like a good guy. The Bernards are very respected in Canada and Pete and Nora are members of that family.

Pete may be a fantastic guy but he's conducting himself in a not so good way.  I know the Bernards are respected.

I don't know everything that Pete is up too, so I can't comment on that, but I do know Nora and I know her to be genuine and sincere.

If you don't know what he's up to then you may want to reconsider defending or making excuses for him.  Nora may be sincere however she has a lot of stuff wrong when it comes to other cultures and communities.

Talk to them first and then decide. I know traditional people from the Algonquin community too. I live here and they don't have a problem with Pete or Nora so you should really put both of them in the "research some more" column. It is so upsetting to see her sitting in "Fraud" with all these negative and nasty comments surrounding her. She's a good soul. It's just really sad to me and disturbing and I can't be part of this if this is how this works...sorry...

Please do not tell us what to do.  The elders I've spoken with DO take issue with them, more-so Pete.  She may be a good soul but again she is doing damaging activities.  I truly hope that your desire to help her is because you are her friend, not because of the association you both have to Cherry Valley, which host new age workshops where you both have taught/facilitated
« Last Edit: December 29, 2018, 06:04:46 pm by Smart Mule »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #51 on: August 19, 2014, 07:15:30 pm »
I'm new to this board and I don't know where the messages are. I'm not good with computers. I belong to a different generation. We had typewriters  :) Please talk to people first, that is all I ask...then I'll come back.

Go to the top bar where home is highlighted in orange.  The button for messages is to your right a few.

I have talked to people.  I'm from the pre-computer generation as well ;)


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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2014, 04:00:39 pm »
This thread really went off on a tangent away from Pete Bernard.  Is there any way that it can be split off?  I realize that may be difficult to do, but the subjects now covered really have nothing to do with Mr. Bernard.


Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2014, 05:37:56 pm »
Discussion on Cherry Valley and Essiac moved here:

Nora Anderson / Nora WalksInSpirit thread here:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2019, 02:25:51 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #54 on: November 21, 2015, 09:08:45 pm »
Although this site is not about who is enrolled or not it is about people who take advantage of people for money,
Claiming some sort of spiritual beliefs and steal those belief from tribal people.
So if this person is enrolled! Which tribe and who are is relatives? I ask because I am enrolled and live
on my reservation know my culture.  Most of all since there is no Algonquin Medicine Man because Algonquin
is a language dialect not a people. next why would a person who knew his culture mix up all kinds of beliefs
why would he not just stay to the long house? Oh wait it is the women who run the Long houses.
Why too many problems with this guy you have to be crazy or one of those really damaged people to
believe what he is selling. Oh wait that is the point he is selling which is wrong on points.

What? I am Algonquin. I speak Anicinàpemowin. My family is Algonquin. My Band is Algonquin and my Nation is Algonquin. We have medicine people and we have Midewiwin Society. Why do you say we are not a people? We are recognized by other FNIW in Canada and we are recognized by the government. I am a status indian and I am from Wolf Lake First Nation. The address of my band office is Wolf Lake First Nation. P.O. 998, Hunter's Point, Témiscaming (Quebec) J0Z 3R0. The telephone for my band office is (819) 627-3628. We have a Ontario office to and the address is Wolf Lake First Nation. P.O. Box 27 Long Sault Island, P0H 2J0 and the phone number is (705) 981-0053. My chief is Harry St Denis. I was going to post about Pete, he is a crazy person but he IS Algonquin. I will post about him in a short while.

Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2015, 09:33:45 pm »
Pete Bernard is status FN from Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn The Pikwàkanagàn is recognized by other First Nation people and by the Canadian government. Pete has status yes but he is like the really crazy Uncle that you are really nice to but try to avoid because you do not know how he is going to conduct himself. I dont really know why he is on the bands website maybe because he wanted to and you do not say no to Pete because he can get confrontational and when he is angry or agitated it is not good. I dont think he is Mide. Society members would not tolerate his activities. He has participated in shake tent but does not have permission to teach shake tent ceremony. I am pretty sure that at one time he was respected and a good healer but not so much now. There is a book called A String of Pearls: One Woman's Search for Truth and in the book there is a quote from Pete that says "It is okay to disappoint everyone in your lives by doing what you love to do and not just what pleases others, you will begin to live a life of authenticity" to me that says lets ignore protochol and tradition and respect and do what we want. The white people seem to eat that kind of logic up because it validates appropriation and other activities that are disrespectful.

Offline Yorkie

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2016, 03:15:56 pm »

Who are some of the individuals claiming to be trained shamans?

this was already answered by another post, and i would never name people without their permission.

Which elder called it wong?
i felt reluctance at the time to name which elder, as i feel each person should speak for themselves. lets just say that the elder in question is no longer with us, and is and was the most well known and respected elder arround ottawa.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2016, 08:32:46 pm »
Is there anything he does not claim to be?Selling  Himalayan juice, Qui Jong, "luminous healing" Chakras,  and "Inka shamanism". And what seems really contemptible to me, hospice work with those in the final stages of dying.

Also some bad poetry of his that suggests he's pretty much a white pagan in what he believes.
"In the Arms of the Goddess     
By: Pete Bernard
 In the Arms of the Goddess
I remember those days my Beloved
When we danced in the teardrops of the Goddess
And the only Angels I had ever seen....
All was warmth, and that night, we slept in the arms of the Goddess....
And from your eyes will fall the rain, and the Angels will come....
And once again, we will dance in the teardrops of the Goddess....
- Pete Bernard (Shaman)
  About this poem:   
 Inspired initially by the death of my best friend Christine Dube, and realized when I began walking the Spirit Path on my journey through life, and in Shamanism."

Pete is enrolled and you are not Al.   So who is plastic by that definition?

Dumb question. He is and I am not. He makes a living by fraudulently posing as a healer. No one in this forum, except for the frauds who come to defend themselves. does the wrong he does.

You are not enrolled either. Does that make you a plastic shame on? No, just a shame on supporter whose ignorant.