Author Topic: Phillip Landis AKA Cloudpiler & Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site  (Read 47649 times)

Offline Maggie

  • Posts: 9
I found this on another site and thought this was something that needed to be passed along.

I received a message from a woman who had sent me an email with no
response. She had the last portion of my email address entered
incorrectly, as instead of, so I
decided to do a search on Through google, I found
that there is a company called Native American Nutritionals that also
refers to themselves as Native Health. I browsed the site for a moment
to see if it was affiliated with any known tribal community or Urban
Indian Organization. On the last page of the site, entitled "The Native" I was appalled to see a link called "Becoming A Native
American Practitioner". I followed the link and was taken to another
site, for a group called Nemenhah - they state their official name as
The Nemenhah Band and Native American Traditional Organization (NAC).
The (NAC) implies, as is listed throughout their website, that they are
affiliated with the Native American Church.

At the bottom of their "Spiritual Adoption" page they offer to adopt
anyone with an open heart who is willing to pay them a $90 initiation
fee and a $5 monthly fee thereafter. When you click on the link to
start the adoption process, it states "If you wish to become a Native
American Medicine man or woman please click the payment option below."


The Native American Nutritionals website sells products that are given
stereotypical tribal names and invites its visitors to join a pyramid
scheme by "Profit Sharing" through a referral program. This entire
organization, Nemenhah and Native American Nutritionals a.k.a. Native
Health, is founded on the principles of profiting from the
bastardization and tokening of Native American people and practices.

I am putting the word out to as many tribal communities as I can in an
attempt to bring attention to this horrible travesty and find a way to
prevent this kind of deplorable treatment of our tribal ways. OUR WAYS
ARE NOT FOR SALE!! They never have been and they never will be and
people cannot claim to understand our ways with one breath and then
offer to sell them with their next breath. Please help tribal
communities throughout the nation and the future generations of Native
Americans who need your voice - and put a stop to this kind of trickery
and deceit!!

Here are the links so you can see for yourselves:






D'Shane Barnett
Special Projects Officer
Native American Health Center
(510) 747-3033
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 10:31:08 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Maggie

  • Posts: 9
Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 12:10:32 am »
Here are a couple of more sites regarding Phillip Cloudpiler (Landis). I copied some of the language from them..
"Weekend Seminar Instructors 
 Phillip R. (Cloudpiler) Landis, N.D.

    Phillip is the hereditary Medicine Chief of the Numi'Pu Tsu'Peli Chopunish healing lodge of the Nez Perce. He is trained in and teaches the Shahaptian Healing Way, also refered to as Medicine Shirt of the Seven Lodges Ceremony. He is certified Naturopath and is President of the Utah Naturopathic Medical Association. He will be leading the Sweatlodge Ceremonies on weekends beginning July 3."
"I am preparing for the worst and I would advise ALL of you to do the same."

"I am NOT just talking about stocking up on toilet paper, water, batteries and food... If you are smart, you would have done that years ago."

"I am talking about doing something that will save your life IF worse comes to worse and this country suddenly finds itself in the grip of something WORSE than Katrina and Rita... what will YOU do to survive? Katrina taught us that we will be on our own for up to a week. Do YOU have enough to survive for a week? Do you have something to protect yourself from looters who may kill you to get your food and valuables? "

"I have also included the links to Defense. Defense is a natural antibiotic that the Native Americans have used for centuries. To the best of my knowledge, Defense is the first formula which includes it. It was formulated by Dr. Phillip Landis, who is the grandson of the Great Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce.

Dr. Landis is now known by his Native American name, Cloudpiler. If you want to know more about their organization, please click through to their forum. You will find our DocMercer and Jasmine as regular contributors. Doc Mercer is a trained chiropractor, and Jasmine has been trained in the Cherokee medicine way."



Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2007, 02:01:27 am »

Oklevueha Native American Church of Sanpete

Utah County prosecutors said that because Mooney wasn't a member of one of 550 federally recognized tribes, he didn't have a right to administer the drug. His 4-year-old church, the Oklevueha EarthWalks Native American Church, was seen as a guise for a drug-dealing enterprise.
Soon, that charge would bring him trouble. In 2000, Mooney was arrested on 12 felony counts for selling peyote from his home.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 02:32:38 am by dabosijigwokush »

Offline Maggie

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2007, 09:53:10 am »
A few folks did a little checking around and did some archive is a posting from the Mormon Womens forum..

the mormom woman forums:

In re: Dr. Wilcox’s statemnet above about…be extremely careful!

Cloudpiler is a pseudonym for a Philip Landis, sentenced to 2 10-year prison terms in Montana for fraud. He has also been featured as a shaman, providing peyote to his “followers???…or he was until the Utah Supreme Court stepped in.

He latest “project??? is the Mentinah archives. After doing some independent research, my results are thus: he is bogus. He is in the same vein as Nehor.

So please be careful of anything having to do with “cloudpiler???.

His domain info was checked and found this guy Michael Vincent who is a recent college grad. Seems he set up the site for "Crap-piler". Heard he is lurking around trying to recruit new followers for his "leader".

Michael Vincent
1474 W 1460 N
Provo, Utah 84604
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 29-Nov-05
Expires on: 29-Nov-07
Last Updated on: 19-Aug-06

Administrative Contact:
Vincent, Michael
1474 W 1460 N
Provo, Utah 84604
United States
(801) 367-5308

Technical Contact:
Vincent, Michael
1474 W 1460 N
Provo, Utah 84604
United States
(801) 367-5308

Domain servers in listed order:

Offline Maggie

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2007, 11:12:20 pm »
A little quote from the Crap-piler ooops.... I mean Cloudpiler Native Healer site:


....Phillip R. Landis (Hemene Ot To-oh-yelo Akekt), known by the Band by his nickname "Cloudpiler", is the grandson of Pawna Tawny.  It was a custom in the Dreamer Religion to "make family".  Pawna Tawny was presented to Chief Joseph (Heinmot Tooyel Akekt) just prior to his death and he accepted her and presented her as his own granddaughter in a manner customary to his religion.    Cloudpiler is also a Medicine Shirt of the Sacred Shahaptian Healing Way and the elected Principle Medicine Chief of the Nemenhah Band and Oklevueha Native American Church of Sanpete, and he is a recognized Roadman, Medicine Man and Spiritual Leader of the Oklevueha Native American Church of Utah, which received its blessing from Chief Fool Bull of the Rosebud Native American Church.

.....As a teacher of the Sacred Shahaptian Healing Way, Cloudpiler exercises his traditional and hereditary right to spiritually adopt into his Band anyone who wishes to learn the ancient Faith and Medicine of the Grandfathers.   This is according to the Seven Lodges / Seven Drums Ceremony of the Dreamer or "Long Hair" tradition of the Plateau Tribes of the Columbia River Basin.  In this tradition, any family that desired a son or daughter to become a Healer, exercised faith in the traditional beliefs by giving their child to the Medicine Chief by adoption.  The child's natural father offered to "make meat" for the child and the mother offered to provide clothing and other needs until the child reached adulthood.  Our Thank Offering derives from this ceremonial pattern.  If the child showed the appropriate aptitude, dedication, and willingness to make and keep sacred covenants, the Medicine Chief adopted the child into his Band and supervised the child's training.  This system utilized the medium of exchange of the time.  The present system utilizes the medium of exchange or our time and is appropriate.  Accordingly, Cloudpiler, as Elected Principle Medicine Chief of the Nemenhah Band, offers, in a way that is both according to ancient religious tradition and appropriate to our times and our culture, spiritual adoption to all those wishing to so dedicated themselves.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2007, 01:28:02 am »
More on Landis. For someone claiming to be Nez Perce and NAC, his "training" includes some strange choices.
"S-2105  Death and Dying - The Tibetan Book of the Living and the Dead, Sogyal Rinpoche

Introduction to Chinese Medicine -  Chinese Herbal Medicine, Daniel P. Ried, Shamala Press, ISBN 0-8777-398-8;  Chinese Natural Cures, Henry C. Lu; Black Dog and Leventhal Publishers

N-3102P  Chinese Medicine Practicum.  20 Case Studies.  120 hrs.

N-3103  Fundamentals of Traditional Homeopathy - The Complete Guide to Homeopathy, Drs. Andrew Locke and Nicola Geddes, DK Publishing;  Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Material Medica and Repertory (or an appropriate equivalent), W. Boericke, M.D., Jain Publishes.  (you purchase all).

N-3104  Massage and Bodywork - Fundamentals of Elats Kowat Native American Body Balancing (in construction to be online); The Complete Book of Massage, Clare Maxwell-Hudson, Random House, ISBN 0-394-75975-3; Trailguide to the Body, Andrew Biel, Consolidated Press, ISBN 0-9658534-0-3;  Orthobionomy, Kathy L. Kain, North Atlantic Books,

N-3104Pa  Elats Kowat Practicum - 20 Case Studies.  120 Hrs.

N-3106  Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine - (course under construction).

N-3107  Introduction to Quantum Medicine
Enrollment in the Nemenhah Program N.A.C., Inc. is by Spiritual Adoption only....

Adoption is made based upon three factors:

The applicant must be able to declare that Natural Healing is part of their Spiritual Orientation to be considered for adoption.
The applicant must also make a commitment to continue in their self-directed studies in the curriculum even to the end of their lives, if need be.
Finally, the applicant commits to support the program  by including an Gift Offering of of $90.00 (non-refundable), and they pledge to continue in this commitment by making monthly Gift Offerings of $5.00 each month that they are enrolled in the program.  Your participation in the Sacred Giveaway is indication of your intention. 

>>>Those who do not meet these monetary obligations will result in temporary or even perminent deactivation of their status.

Medicine Man/Woman Documentation
Each adopted member of the Band becomes a Medicine Man or Medicine Woman and receives a Ministerial Card indicating the same, along with a Frame-quality Certificate.  This certified status remains active so long as the member is making regular offerings"

Offline Kaylee

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2007, 11:41:03 pm »
Jasmine Hisha is a regular contributer to this site.  She is listed elsewhere on this forum as a fraud/cult leader.  Also, a few of the other contributers are members of her band of followers.  Buying an adoption and sending out medicine man/woman cards!  This is a new low, even for "Jas."  Her delusional state must be getting worse. 

Offline Cetan

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2007, 11:55:56 pm »
Never read this post till today

....Phillip R. Landis (Hemene Ot To-oh-yelo Akekt), known by the Band by his nickname "Cloudpiler", is the grandson of Pawna Tawny.  It was a custom in the Dreamer Religion to "make family".  Pawna Tawny was presented to Chief Joseph (Heinmot Tooyel Akekt) just prior to his death and he accepted her and presented her as his own granddaughter in a manner customary to his religion.    Cloudpiler is also a Medicine Shirt of the Sacred Shahaptian Healing Way and the elected Principle Medicine Chief of the Nemenhah Band and Oklevueha Native American Church of Sanpete, and he is a recognized Roadman, Medicine Man and Spiritual Leader of the Oklevueha Native American Church of Utah, which received its blessing from Chief Fool Bull of the Rosebud Native American Church

I find it really hard to believe the last line. I do know that an adopted son of Leslie (who passed quite a while ago) was asked by some NAC elders and peyoteros to go and check out what was going on out in Utah with that bunch, he was there a while but said they are not bona fide.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2007, 05:09:32 pm »
I am curious ab out the claims about the Dreamer religion, also called Seven Drums. I don
t know that much about it only that it was started by Smohalla. I guess I wonder if Chief Joseph was part of  it. I don't know when it came to be, only that their  are m any tribes that have it besides the Nez Perce.  Just me being curious.


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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2007, 08:32:33 pm »
I think he was the forerunner to Wovoka. Wovoka spread his version. I believe it stayed mostly in the Northwest. We had similar but not related. Here is something   Still exists.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2007, 11:45:48 pm »
Oh, I know it exists still as I know people who are part of the Seven Drums (Dreamer) religion. I just don't know if Chief Joseph was in that religion. This person claims that his grandmother was adopted by Chief Joseph on his death bed and implies that Joseph did it as part of Seven Drums.


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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2007, 03:33:45 am »
Figure you knew, but was all I could find that mentioned Chief Joseph. Do you believe him?

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2007, 04:58:34 pm »
No, it's a little too convenient to have her adopted on Joseph's death bed. I would have to have people who knew her tell me that it's true.. People who knew what had been done.

Offline Kaylee

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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2007, 05:05:54 pm »
I did some internet hunting and it seems that the only Nemanha band is the association running this "Native Healer" web site.  So its not that these people are exploiting a group of people called the Nemanha, but that the web site people made up the name altogether.  Is this true?

Also, it seems that this Nemanha band on the web site is involved with a fake scroll translation that links them right to the Mormons!  I am rolling on the floor laughing about this.  Jasmine hated Christianity with a passion and now she's in bed with them.  Too funny.

I think I'm beginning to understand how difficult it can be to distinguish people re-claiming their spiritual heritage from people who just make stuff up so them can pull in the money.  Its made so much harder because these people act like and think that they are re-claimers, when really they are just frauds.

Also in my searches, I noticed that the forum on the web site has been unused since June.  Has some progress been made in prosecuting these folks?  Is there any sign they went underground?  


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Re: Plastic Medicine Man/Woman Online Site
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2007, 05:40:24 pm »
No, it's a little too convenient to have her adopted on Joseph's death bed. I would have to have people who knew her tell me that it's true.. People who knew what had been done.
      Yep, I am skeptical  of "death-bed" adoptions.  I've seen a couple go to court and were thrown out.