Author Topic: Is this group for real? AIM PA  (Read 89306 times)

Offline true_ blood

  • Posts: 6
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #90 on: October 28, 2009, 02:59:18 am »
yes...very correct.....little shadow....they do not seem to know how to let a good thing be.....i think it makes one feel powerful in this cyber world eh ?....But it is the real world issues that need taken care of !!

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #91 on: October 28, 2009, 04:28:29 am »
yes...very correct.....little shadow....they do not seem to know how to let a good thing be.....i think it makes one feel powerful in this cyber world eh ?....But it is the real world issues that need taken care of !!

I don't think y'all would know a "real world issue" if it was staring you in the face. If by chance you recognized it, you obviously wouldn't know how to deal with it. I keep hearing young, immature, inexperienced used to describe this group. Not so young, but definitely immature and inexperienced. Did y'all think that going to Lewisburg, drumming and demonstrating, would make you accepted in Indian Country? You don't have to be Indian to support Leonard. He has lots of support in Europe. There's so much more to life than powwows and bigger issues than Leonard Peltier.

No one has talked about anyone's family or children. No one has put anyone's "family business out there". I'm the one who brought up the names Gene Whisler gave his children and it wasn't to "belittle" the kids. Giving his children twinkie names and calling them "little savages" shows how little Whisler knows about or understands any of the "real world issues". Dressing in buckskin and claiming to have a traditional Cherokee wedding . . . Well, that screams wannabe. Being enrolled with SECCI . . . Why would anyone enroll in a fake tribe? How can we take y'all seriously?

I may have to accept the fact that Autonomous AIM of Lancaster & Chester County is a legitimate AIM chapter, but I don't have to accept any of y'all.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 04:30:33 am by bls926 »

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #92 on: October 28, 2009, 04:50:49 am »
Good words taraverti! I've really enjoyed your input on this thread.

Offline bls926

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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #93 on: October 28, 2009, 05:18:59 am »
That petition this group is endorsing was written by David Stands With Song Hughes, Chief of the Eagle Medicine Band of Cherokee Indians/former Chief of the Cherokee Nation of New Jersey. (I know, I know. Another group of Cherokees.)

Reclaiming Our Cherokee Culture...Again!!

To:  U.S. Congress
We, the undersigned, are requesting the President of the United States, The Senate and House of Representatives, and the Judiciary of the United States of America, along with the support of the public in defending the rights of non-reservation Cherokee descendants. We acknowledge that many persons today, who are descendants of American Indian people who were residing within the borders of the original thirteen colonies, upon first contact, rather enslaved or free Indians, ancestors were also labeled negro, colored, mulatto, and black, as were Africans, by the institution of colonization in an act to perpetuate the assimilation of our ancestors into a “non-white” class of American society.

Now, as law abiding citizens of the United States of America, autonomous Cherokee tribes, and Class IV Cherokees, we solicit protection against the infringements of our right to assemble, govern ourselves, raise awareness, promote, and organize as people of Cherokee descent. We ask that all actions made by any Governmental agency Federal, State, or Tribal with the intent to interfere and hinder our path-way of life as Cherokee descendants to cease and be relinquished.

Finally, we believe it is the will of the Creator to honor and celebrate The Great Spirit, our ancestors, elders, families, children, future generations, and earth mother through the public and private sharing of our distinct historical, cultural, and traditional values as Cherokees or, as we call ourselves, ani-yun-wi-ya (Principal People).

With both the Creator and your help..."We Can"

Please sign the petition.


The Reclaiming Our Cherokee Culture...Again!! Petition to U.S. Congress was created by Eagle Medicine Band of Cherokee Indians and written by David Stands with Song Hughes (

David Stands With Song Hughes

Now that's impressive!
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 05:47:15 am by bls926 »

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #94 on: October 28, 2009, 05:50:15 am »
Thanks for your kind words, BLS926. I've found a voice recently.

I think my oldest son and his girlfriend may know David Hughes. She graduated from CAPA, although she probably was several years behind him. I've emailed her a link to his bio.

I'm sending you a PM

Offline true_ blood

  • Posts: 6
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #95 on: October 28, 2009, 02:56:04 pm »'ve done your home work....[Half a dozen childish insults, remarks, and personal attacks removed]
ok as for David Stands With Song....never met him....seems like a good his page...He has a sure i will back him....I'll sign the petition later....Have you called him to express your concerns yet ? [More childishness]
....So what blood are you ? And what is your name ? ....Let's see if you are legit ? ....Much bigger issues then Leonard Peltier ?? ...Where are they ?? i see none here, But i will recheck....As for me and so many others he is so worth fighting for....You see he is the real issues we stand for....and yes we will fight for his freedom....[Yet more]....Oh your real world issues are David ?? wow he is a threat hu ?....Bad David...I geuss he should be sent to the corner....And you keep saying ya'll like i am in their chapter....Defending them....doesn't mean that i am a part of them does it ?....just another concerned citizen  :)....who can't stand to see [Yet more] bring them down....It will never happen...they will grow get stronger and fight for their cause....and you'll still be on here doing your home work [Still more]....

[Mod's note: Keep the personal insults out and grow up. It also would help if you learned to write a sentence.]
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 04:02:24 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #96 on: October 29, 2009, 01:25:39 am »
Ok,im new here,but i do wish to say e few things,for both sides of this arguement,

I would like to say that AIM PA amy be immature and rude but i dont know,who in here is a member of this group besides Red Thunder?
I dont know this Gene Whisler guy but it seems like you guys are digging up alot on him,yet he says nothing on here so i commend him on that.
he is humble and mature for not contributing to this thread.I think when you were going after him on here,you all lost focus on the topic.

Trad Dancer,you are hot headed and need to calm down because if you are a member of this group,your not going to help the situation by being that way.
Your heart may be in the right place,and thats good,but there are better ways to handle things.

I also am of mixed blood,but does that mean i cant be Native? AIM? how can we say we dont discriminate,yet say things like Danny,Genes friend being the whitest,or something to those lines.If someone is half blood does that make them less Native than say a full blood who was raised by a white family?

BLS-or should i say BS,you seem to be an adjitater or an instigater,i see your name on here more than anyones,do you have nothing better to do? get a life!


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #97 on: October 29, 2009, 01:32:10 am »
And i would also like to say that,Hollow Bone,if you have something personal against Gene,do you really think putting his personal information out there is a intellegent thing to do?

Sky,i like how you are staying neutral dispite everyone on here,you have much courage!

Critter,you shouldnt not read the info. on Auto. Aim and GCCC,just because you are mad at this group,thats kind of immature.

I do understand people saying they dont trust this group,theyre new i dont trust them either.But that doesnt mean i wont let them help if it was needed.

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #98 on: October 29, 2009, 05:03:27 am »'ve done your home work....[Half a dozen childish insults, remarks, and personal attacks removed]
ok as for David Stands With Song....never met him....seems like a good his page...He has a sure i will back him....I'll sign the petition later....Have you called him to express your concerns yet ? [More childishness]
....So what blood are you ? And what is your name ? ....Let's see if you are legit ? ....Much bigger issues then Leonard Peltier ?? ...Where are they ?? i see none here, But i will recheck....As for me and so many others he is so worth fighting for....You see he is the real issues we stand for....and yes we will fight for his freedom....[Yet more]....Oh your real world issues are David ?? wow he is a threat hu ?....Bad David...I geuss he should be sent to the corner....And you keep saying ya'll like i am in their chapter....Defending them....doesn't mean that i am a part of them does it ?....just another concerned citizen  :)....who can't stand to see [Yet more] bring them down....It will never happen...they will grow get stronger and fight for their cause....and you'll still be on here doing your home work [Still more]....

[Mod's note: Keep the personal insults out and grow up. It also would help if you learned to write a sentence.]

Thanks for editing out true_blood's insults, Al, but it really wasn't necessary. "tough guy", "kindergarten behavior" . . . whatever. Have been called a whole lot worse; comes with the territory. Funny how people start calling names and attacking when you've touched a nerve, gotten a little too close to the truth.

Ok,im new here,but i do wish to say e few things,for both sides of this arguement,

I would like to say that AIM PA amy be immature and rude but i dont know,who in here is a member of this group besides Red Thunder?
I dont know this Gene Whisler guy but it seems like you guys are digging up alot on him,yet he says nothing on here so i commend him on that.
he is humble and mature for not contributing to this thread.I think when you were going after him on here,you all lost focus on the topic.

Trad Dancer,you are hot headed and need to calm down because if you are a member of this group,your not going to help the situation by being that way.
Your heart may be in the right place,and thats good,but there are better ways to handle things.

I also am of mixed blood,but does that mean i cant be Native? AIM? how can we say we dont discriminate,yet say things like Danny,Genes friend being the whitest,or something to those lines.If someone is half blood does that make them less Native than say a full blood who was raised by a white family?

BLS-or should i say BS,you seem to be an adjitater or an instigater,i see your name on here more than anyones,do you have nothing better to do? get a life!

First post on NAFPS and you're criticizing everything and everyone here. That shows a lot of class! I'm only going to address the part you directed to me. An agitator, an instigator . . . no, not at all. I'm someone who believes in being honest. I don't care if you're full-blood or little-to-none-at-all . . . just be truthful about it. Don't pretend to be someone or something you aren't. Descendants who think they're honoring their one Indian ancestor by claiming Indian status aren't honoring anyone at all. If someone wants to play Indian in their own backyard . . . have at it. If they think they can speak for Indian Country . . . that's something entirely different. Pretendians aren't helping; they're actually doing damage. Petitions like the one David Hughes has started and AIM-PA is supporting hurt the real Nations. How will anyone take sovereignty seriously, if every over-nighter thinks they're entitled? Fake tribes, like the one Gene/Thunderwolf is enrolled in, are an insult to the real Cherokee Nation. Nothing better to do? Get a life? I think exposing frauds is important. You have no idea what all I'm involved in; no idea how full my life is.

For both true_blood and Rkmiller . . . bls926 is my name, Bonnie L Singleton, and my birthday, September 26. I'm not hiding behind a computer screen or a silly nic.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 05:06:12 am by bls926 »

Offline true_ blood

  • Posts: 6
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #99 on: October 29, 2009, 05:37:22 pm »
I do things for a reason! I can make complete sentences. It wasn't to far back in this post that everyone jumped on trad dancer because of her saying something about someone else's grammar correct ? But yet you are allowed to ? You remove my insults and tell ME to keep my personal insults out ? Why is that ? But you allow your friends, your group to personally attack with vicious insults ! Why is that i ask again ? A nerve has not been touched on me. I had to see for myself that this is what was going on. As for Gene belonging to a fake tribe ? Did you ever once tell him why you believe that that this tribe is not legit ? To tell him without insults that he needs to look into it more ? Or ask him personally why it is that his children have the names that they do ? Did you write to him personally and tell him the concerns that you do have with the chapter he has ? Without the insults? When one insults another, do they not have the right to defend themselves? You brought his life out on these threads. But not once did you think about how that might effect him personally. And Bonnie you are right , No one knows what you are involved in. But do you know what he is involved in ? Do you not think that his heart is in the cause and maybe if things were said to him without insults by old timer A.I.M members about what you believe he is doing wrong and then tell him what you believe will help him steer in the right direction would be alot better then personal attacks on him and his family? would you not defend yourself in the same situation ? Every one of you in here started not knowing everything you should of known, but you learned and picked up on everything as you went along correct? Then i believe he should be given the same right. As for Redthunder, I see him at different gatherings, he may not know who i am or notice me, But he is not who you say he is, he is kind hearted and wishes nothing but good for all the people and and at times his temper may get the best of him but as i seen on this thread, doesn't everyones? And things get said in the heat of the moment that slips out. As for pretendindians, I am far from that. Yes i could throw my tribal numbers out there, but what good would that do ? That is government issued numbers. And for you other A.I.M members on here, i seem to recall the burning of these cards right? They do not make us who we are. It is just another tracking device to me. I choose to make who i am. And i am an honest, truthful, care for my people, care what happens to my people, will fight for my people, Blood. Because these things need done before my children and there children lose their rights, their land forever ! So these personal attacks that i have made on here and the insults are not who i am, I do not wish to belittle anyone, or try to tear them apart. I pray for unity that one day we can all come together and fight this fight that has been going on for centuries, and win, win our rights back, before it is to late. So i will take it upon my self to apologize for my personal insults Because i do not know you ,so  i have no right to judge you, correct ? But it is time for me to move on and i wish all of you the best of what you are fighting for.             


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #100 on: October 29, 2009, 10:36:40 pm »
First post on NAFPS and you're criticizing everything and everyone here. That shows a lot of class!
------ i wasnt aware that we needed "Class" to put a post up on here,sounds discriminatory to me.I wa stating that your name is on here more than anyone elses,thats all,it does seem you do have alot of time to waste on this thread.------

 I'm only going to address the part you directed to me. An agitator, an instigator . . . no, not at all. I'm someone who believes in being honest. I don't care if you're full-blood or little-to-none-at-all ------apparently you do your own words state it,liar!-----. . . just be truthful about it. Don't pretend to be someone or something you aren't.------Whos pretending? your just accusing people of doing so------ Descendants who think they're honoring their one Indian ancestor by claiming Indian status aren't honoring anyone at all. If someone wants to play Indian in their own backyard . . . have at it. If they think they can speak for Indian Country -----again,if they dont live on a rez,they arent Indian? why do you keep repeating this?------. . . that's something entirely different. Pretendians aren't helping; they're actually doing damage. Petitions like the one David Hughes has started and AIM-PA is supporting hurt the real Nations. How will anyone take sovereignty seriously, if every over-nighter thinks they're entitled? Fake tribes, like the one Gene/Thunderwolf is enrolled in,------Hold on where is this proof of Gene Thunderwolf's card?,not hear say,PROOF!?----- are an insult to the real Cherokee Nation. Nothing better to do? Get a life? I think exposing frauds is important.------But your not really doing that,all you are doing is wasting everyones time,The question was,Is this group for real?,the answer is YES they are,enough said why do you keep this thread going with you bs? BS---- You have no idea what all I'm involved in; no idea how full my life is.

For both true_blood and Rkmiller . . . bls926 is my name, Bonnie L Singleton, and my birthday, September 26. I'm not hiding behind a computer screen or a silly nic.
Well my email says my name! Rick Miller,its kind of obvious,DUH!

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #101 on: October 29, 2009, 11:26:38 pm »
It's not heasay that the person who runs the AIM Lancaster County MySpace page (and I believe it is Gene) is a member of southeastern cherokee council of georgia. He said so himself to me in a message on MYSPACE.

AKA SECCI. Fake Cherokee tribe

edited to add - as far as writing and asking him and talking to him I DID write back to him mentioning how he must not been too happy with the CNO, being that SECCI is on their list of phony tribes. I would have been happy to dialogue about it, he never replied.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 11:30:07 pm by taraverti »

Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #102 on: October 30, 2009, 12:22:44 am »

Critter,you shouldnt not read the info. on Auto. Aim and GCCC,just because you are mad at this group,thats kind of immature.

Thanks, oh, no wasn't about the 'group' was about the representative, lost my appetite to really learn any more about it.. But, as I stated in my post, I will read the info as I prefer to be fair, and not let one apple spoil the barrel.  :)

btw..  it wasn't about 'grammar' it was about completely ignoring a true issue to instead, make comments on someone's spelling, which even that is bad enough.  No one is perfect, it's silly to attack someone for spelling.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 12:28:02 am by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet


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Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #103 on: October 30, 2009, 01:37:01 am »
Critter,of all the things that were said,the whole "grammer" thing is what make u lose your appetite? yeah,ok!

stop saying things like that,you will just make everyone else lose thiers.

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Re: Is this group for real? AIM PA, Leonard Peltier's son
« Reply #104 on: October 30, 2009, 01:46:23 am »
Critter,of all the things that were said,the whole "grammer" thing is what make u lose your appetite? yeah,ok!

stop saying things like that,you will just make everyone else lose thiers.

oh, good grief, critter has said SEVERAL times it was not the GRAMMAR that did it, it was the use of criticism of someones spelling to DEFLECT from the objection to the OFFENSIVE use of term "LITTLE SAVAGES" to refer to one's children.

It's all there in print if you read the thread.