Author Topic: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"  (Read 82749 times)

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2008, 12:56:47 pm »
My name is Paul Moore “Bear Paw???...
I have been told recently that I am on your site and after reading your site I have to wonder what makes a good person or a bad person in your eyes.
Many of you have questioned my being First Nation...and this you have right to do!  I know only what my Mother and Grandmother has told me and that is my heritage on my maternal side.
“Superdog??? says that I am being vague...well he is right!  Would it be better that I write and tell the stories of my Grandmother being kept inside to keep her lighter and that one of her four sisters refused and was raped for being what whites call a redskin...that is another topic should I tell everyone where the name redskin came from and how the whites skinned women and children’ no I think not; I would rather bring in the positive side of my culture.  I explain to them about women and how they are the creator, and how they create throw their Moon time...would you have me tell ever one that the European whites also realised this and this is why they waited till all the men left the village and then when in to kill all of the women...
I was raised by a beautifully Grandmother who was born in the mid 1800s and told the truth, the good bad and ugly, I know the tradition that I was taught, and I live it every day.
I teach people to see their spirit, to walk with their spirit and to heal by their spirit. I teach them to live in the moment and not to have a thought that can deter their moment in vision. I show them through my peacefulness that they can also have peace.
I bring them to their death that they may live in peace, so that they can see what problems they may encounter, so that they can adjust their behaviours. Yes I do fluff it up and yes I do shorten it up...there is no way that a person can learn full in a day, three days or a week what is a way of life, but they can learn to be at peace within themselves and with others.
This is to Zoi Lightfoot: I have read your print and I dispute this person has ever said anything to me like may have the wrong person Zoi.  Remember that lying in the world of a first Nation person is the worst crime of all in all bands and Nations. Look at my picture again on the website Zoi because there is a new one, maybe you have the wrong ugly face in mind.
To give references that I have peace with Zoi if you are truly from the European continent are Hawks Shadow, Cherokee who is in New Mexico presently, Peter Searching Owl, Mohawk who lives on the Mohawk trail in Massachusetts, Chief Little Feather western Cherokee and living in California and Russell Two Feathers Shaman, living in Oklahoma last I heard.   
I have to question why your forum is questioning my right to be “Bear Paw???, I was given this name and I was given my truth of life by my Mother and Grandmother.  I was given the good bad and ugly of all of my life, both Irish and First Nation.  You see, both Grandmothers lost at least 4 to 6 million of their people...but yet they each taught me to be positive.  I could run a website that is hatred towards all white or Europeans, but that would defeat what my Grandmothers have shown to me; I respect the old way too much to do that.

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2008, 01:17:52 pm »
Couple of things.
1) I am Mississippi Band Anishinaabe
2) i am an attorney
3) you are a fraud,to repeat what i told you in connection with anything remotely Indian.
4)do you have a lawyer if you want to call me a liar again?!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2008, 01:58:59 pm »
My name is Paul Moore “Bear Paw???...

1. Would it be better that I write and tell the stories of my Grandmother being kept inside to keep her lighter and that one of her four sisters refused and was raped for being what whites call a redskin...that is another topic should I tell everyone where the name redskin came from....

2. I was raised by a beautifully Grandmother who was born in the mid 1800s and told the truth, the good bad and ugly, I know the tradition that I was taught, and I live it every day.

3. I teach people to see their spirit, to walk with their spirit and to heal by their spirit. I teach them to live in the moment and not to have a thought that can deter their moment in vision.

4. I do fluff it up and yes I do shorten it up...

Hope you don't mind, but I added numbers to make it clearer what I was responding to.

To start with, the Tontospeak you choose to write in gets in the way. It's also insulting, racist, and doesn't sound a thing like any NDN I've ever heard. So kindly quit talking like the worst kind of racist old western movies.

1.  If this story is true, it's despicable for you to use a tragedy like this to try and avoid responsibility for your actions.

And if it's not true, it's a pretty despicable lie to tell.

2. If your grandmother supposedly was born about 1805, that would make her 150 to 160 years old when she was raising you. And that's not even counting the teenage years.

OK, maybe you meant 1850. Then you're still asking us to believe she was 100 to 110 years old. You didn't have parents? Aunts or uncles? Cousins? Only someone supposedly 100 to 160 years old?

I may regret asking that, because something tells me you'll go into another unlikely sad story done to win sympathy and avoid telling the truth.

3. If that's what you teach, it's Nuage nonsense that doesn't have a thing to do with any NDN tradition.

4. Oh wait, here you admit to being a Nuage fluffy teacher of falsehoods.

If you are Abenaki, you don't know a thing about your traditions from what I can tell, and you shouild be ashamed for spreading these lies.

And if you aren't, that still means you shame your ancestors with your lies.

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2008, 03:04:35 pm »
Sorry Zoi I didn't insult you... And to the other question my Grandmother was born 1861 and she died in her 90s and I am mid 60s.  Have peace all of you...I hope that you all lose anger in your life and gain knowledge of what your heritage was realy about...Thanksgiving is coming up soon and that is what life is about...

Offline Superdog

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2008, 03:05:45 pm »
My name is Paul Moore “Bear Paw???...
I have been told recently that I am on your site and after reading your site I have to wonder what makes a good person or a bad person in your eyes.
Many of you have questioned my being First Nation...and this you have right to do!  I know only what my Mother and Grandmother has told me and that is my heritage on my maternal side.
“Superdog??? says that I am being vague...well he is right!  Would it be better that I write and tell the stories of my Grandmother being kept inside to keep her lighter and that one of her four sisters refused and was raped for being what whites call a redskin...that is another topic should I tell everyone where the name redskin came from and how the whites skinned women and children’ no I think not; I would rather bring in the positive side of my culture.  I explain to them about women and how they are the creator, and how they create throw their Moon time...would you have me tell ever one that the European whites also realised this and this is why they waited till all the men left the village and then when in to kill all of the women...
I was raised by a beautifully Grandmother who was born in the mid 1800s and told the truth, the good bad and ugly, I know the tradition that I was taught, and I live it every day.
I teach people to see their spirit, to walk with their spirit and to heal by their spirit. I teach them to live in the moment and not to have a thought that can deter their moment in vision. I show them through my peacefulness that they can also have peace.
I bring them to their death that they may live in peace, so that they can see what problems they may encounter, so that they can adjust their behaviours. Yes I do fluff it up and yes I do shorten it up...there is no way that a person can learn full in a day, three days or a week what is a way of life, but they can learn to be at peace within themselves and with others.
This is to Zoi Lightfoot: I have read your print and I dispute this person has ever said anything to me like may have the wrong person Zoi.  Remember that lying in the world of a first Nation person is the worst crime of all in all bands and Nations. Look at my picture again on the website Zoi because there is a new one, maybe you have the wrong ugly face in mind.
To give references that I have peace with Zoi if you are truly from the European continent are Hawks Shadow, Cherokee who is in New Mexico presently, Peter Searching Owl, Mohawk who lives on the Mohawk trail in Massachusetts, Chief Little Feather western Cherokee and living in California and Russell Two Feathers Shaman, living in Oklahoma last I heard.   
I have to question why your forum is questioning my right to be “Bear Paw???, I was given this name and I was given my truth of life by my Mother and Grandmother.  I was given the good bad and ugly of all of my life, both Irish and First Nation.  You see, both Grandmothers lost at least 4 to 6 million of their people...but yet they each taught me to be positive.  I could run a website that is hatred towards all white or Europeans, but that would defeat what my Grandmothers have shown to me; I respect the old way too much to do that.

Hello Paul,

I don't think you're a bad person.  In fact, I think you're more confused and misled than found a schtick that people will pay for in an area where they won't question where the info comes from and it works for you and you're resisting anything that might change that for you.  None of that means you're means you're human just like me.

But let me explain my position as it pertains to what you are doing.  I think it's WRONG on many levels that you would take the stance of speaking for ALL Native Americans in order to sell your personal spirituality/clairvoyance materials.  Your CD should be taken off the market immediately.  The information in there isn't remotely correct when you frame it as "Native Americans do this, they think this and they act this way."  It sells CD's and seminars I'm sure, but at the expense of all the people you claim to represent.  What are these poor souls supposed to do when they feel empowered and think they are very familiar with Native American cultures (as Martina does) and then decide they want to explore that with real Natives.....they end up with a cruel awakening that the things you say don't fit into reality.  Native people are not as you describe them....the reason is, your personal knowledge of Natives is very superficial combined with the information taught by your Mother and Grandmother and you get a very mixed up cocktail of information confusing your clients with what they want to be told rather than the truth.  

Sell the clairvoyance workshops, but take the references to Native Americans out of it.  You don't speak for us all and you actually make life harder here in your efforts.  So the end product of your vague teachings is that you hurt an entire race of people for the benefit of a few lost souls who want a quick fix to their lives and think they just have to spend money to do it.

The story about your Grandmother and her sister is a sad one indeed and if it was intended to draw sympathy then it works, I feel very sympathetic towards them, but that story doesn't at all justify what you're doing and it's very bad taste to use their pain in order to divert the wrongs you're doing.  What you may not realize is that you're talking to Native people here who were raised in their culture and sadly we all have similar types of stories, but to bring them up in this discussion is beside the point and isn't remotely on topic and I would never publicly speak of my relatives tragedies in order to make myself look important.  You might owe your Grandmother and her sister an apology.

When it comes to your name, you admit on your own website that your name is not "Bear Paw", but is "Healing Hand of the Bear", but you've forgotten how to say your name in Abenaki.  I don't dispute that you were given that name....but if you're gonna use "Bear Paw" to reference "Healing Hand of the Bear", but you don't know how to say either in your language THAT should let you know how far you are in your spiritual journey.  In fact, it's a huge clue.  

If that name was as truly important to you, there's no way you would've forgotten it.  That name was given to you to be a part of you forever and  you chose along the path of your life to go away from it.  When it was convenient you turned back to it.  The identity you chose in life is Paul Moore, when you forgot your name you also left behind your Abenaki roots.  If you want to step back into Abenaki life your journey would start by discovering what your name really is and that would involve learning your language.  It isn't gonna happen overnight, just like we don't become life coaches overnight and life coaches don't become mediums overnight as you've outlined in your bio page.

The truth of the matter is you can only claim to speak about what your mother and grandmother taught you and when you speak of Native ways you should be truthful about that.  Vague descriptions like "For natives, our mother and grandmothers teach us only to think one thought" only confuse people.  It doesn't enlighten them, in fact the confusion in the end makes it darker for them.  That statement should read "For me, my mother and grandmother taught me only to think one thought"

There's a few other glaring truths you seem to not were taught your ways only by women.  Abenakis are patrilineal.  The men play an extremely important role.  You don't have that information so you are only teaching women's ways.  Men trying to live like women will find nothing but confusion in their lives and you're taking their hand and leading them there.....straight to confusion.
Also any information on Abenaki spirituality are not at all complete without including Gluskap.  If you don't know who that is you really, really, REALLY need to stop what you're doing and go and find out.  Not to find something else to sell, but to hear the true message of those stories.  They'll teach you that what you're specifically doing is wrong (yes they cover the areas of pride and overconfidence) and what the outcomes will be.  

So yes, sell the clairvoyance workshops, teach self-help, but don't reference anything Native in doing so.....those things don't mix and your own words prove how little experience you have there.  Being Native is not a selling point to sell CD's, books or workshops.  Your grandmother's and her sister's tragedy should not be either and should definitely NEVER be referenced in order to divert discussion away from what you're apparently ignorant about.  It's certainly sad indeed that you did that.

You have a way to go Paul...teaching things as you've done has done nothing more than arrest your spiritual growth and if you continue as you've been doing you'll be stuck in that limbo forever and miss what your mother and grandmother intended for you to find.  

« Last Edit: November 01, 2008, 03:18:58 pm by Superdog »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2008, 06:40:16 pm »
I hope that you all lose anger in your life and gain knowledge of what your heritage was realy about...Thanksgiving is coming up soon and that is what life is about...


(OK, I'll try)

A "holiday" that celebrates the betrayal and genocide of NDN people is "what life is all about" to you? So, are you celebrating the ancestors who were kind to the confused and starving white people, or the white people who repaid their kindness with evil and destruction?

Actually, it's a perfect analogy to the cultural misappropriation and spiritual genocide exploiters use: Exploit what few gifts you've been given by kind people from another culture, use them to make yourself feel better, and then stand aside or support enthusiastically as their culture and way of life are damaged by your actions.

By selling fake NDN wisdom and ceremonies, you are the most recent incarnation of those white invaders who benefited from the kindness of the Wampanoags here in Massachusetts. It doesn't matter if you have a bit of NDN blood, by selling a misrepresentation of NDN ways, you are just passing around the spiritual version of smallpox-infected blankets.

Happy Genocide Day, dude.


Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2008, 11:29:06 am »
Paul,you've got a selective memory "dude",you HAVE met me,told you then not to mess with our diverse cultural beleifs,homogenizing them into some nuage shamastic practise's.
I do not need a history lesson from you as to the losses sustained by the Indian Nations,some of us are the front line troops seeking restitution in the international courts so get over yourself.You did insult me but hey no matter i take it you don't want to prove me the liar you claim I am?.
If you want to realy impress me and our other relatives and friends on this board,give me the name or names of the Abenaki elders and spiritual leaders who SHOULD have taught and qualified you,I will put them in touch with MY elders,and MY elders can tell me if I am wrong about you,not you or them is that clear?Your references are Mohawk and Cherokee plus one you haven't identified whom you've not got a clue as to where they are.Why no references from Abenaki elders....cannot speak for shaman or the like as they are not my culture...or the Abenakis as far as i am aware.

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2008, 01:46:27 pm »
Hi Superdag,

I will take to heart what you have wrote and very well matter of fact, thank you. I also will remember to be the transformation...(:>) I do know some words Superdog. It was just to easy as a boy growing up in an irish neighborhood to forget my first language was Canadian French but I can't speak it but my Sister can. Like Abenaki, French is a distant you are right my friend...but I have never forgoten my Grandmothers lessons of life, respect and healing...

I have to stick up for my self in just a little bit though. I have never given the negitivity of life or of my family to any group or person, I was only given a dwelality "an example" to you, my website is positive always...I will try and redirect on the website the sugestions that you posted to me within the coming week.  I do teach the male aspect(s) of life Superdog...but as we know each aspect has its place in healing and in life.
I do teach in the way my Grandmother taught me Superdog, if this is wrong then more people than either one of us can count are healed through it. we all are taught by our closest mentors Superdog...arn't the Saint Jo Natives, "Abenaki)  healers that heal from a different method? 

Are you Abenaki Superdog? By the way, could you email me?

Zoi...I think I do remember you now...only because I contacted my clairvoyant partner and 4 people from the pub that  night in question, and he contacted 5 others.
You were the 5 foot 9 or10 blond lady with a twenty year old or so Bueatiful daughter.  My business partner said that you were looking at both of us and said some stuff like """you have not gotten any name right and some thing about a pregnant girl going into the hospital sooner..."""You then left messages on my guestbook on my website that were not see Zoi, Scott thought those were for him and that your coments on the night were for him because he directed the coment to the girl who was pregnate...His comments were that you will be going to the hospital very soon, and she did go to the hospital 4 weeks early and almost lost the baby; Scott knows this because he did a party for her a few months later and he was the one who got all of the name wrong, I got one wrong.
I came to you in the audience just before the half break and said that I have some one next to you with flowers and to be that close it must be a husband in spirit and you said in front of your daughter that, you only wished it was your husband...then I remembered, [Personal insults deleted] and I stopped and said I would be back to you after the break and I never came back because of [More insults deleted] and what you said in front of your Daughter.
I would give you a free reading anytime just finish off what I wanted to say Zoi as long as [Yet more insults deleted]. 

Lots of love to you Zoi
[Al's note: We don't allow the kinds of childish personal insults in here you keep using. Kindly knock it off. Hypocrisy does not help your case.]
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 02:05:40 pm by educatedindian »

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2008, 01:58:20 pm »
A so called shaman is not exactly a good character reference....

There are more than a couple Russell Two Feathers, but this looks to be the most likely one.

Russell Machen with his partner called, what else, Rolling Thunder. Not even original.

More tacky than offensive. I have no idea why they chose a web address that sounds like a porn site.

And his wife "Soft Whisper" wrote a novel about her hubby.

It does seem like Moore and Machen both were able to pass as white when younger, but came out as NDN later in life. They also have some strange habits, Moore of passing off Nuage nonsense as NDN, and Machen of mixing in some self help and Christian evangelism into what he claims is NDN thinking. And both of them talking about generic Indian rather than any one tribe's culture.

Searching Owl is a flute player in New England.
As for "Chief Little Feather", well, there are lots of toys and role playing game using that name. But no real people I could find unless you go back a couple hundred years.
Could you tell us his legal name?

Offline martina

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2008, 03:27:21 pm »
Thanks for making me laugh, no I never dressed up and my parents are not great story tellers, sorry to dissapoint you.
I didnt feel the need to tell you all that there is more than one native american culture, because it is just common sense.
Yes I did get info from books, from the internet, and from speaking to different people because I myself am not native american so where else would I recieve this information. I collect info for the last 20 years. I believe it dosen't matter how i explain myself as many of you will just twists words however i say anything. Many of you just use this site to get rid off their bad language, I was taught to respect and to be polite unlike some of you people who only listen to your side of an argument and who think that their opinion is above everyone else's.
Thanks for all your information, but i like to judge people after i have met them and not by info over the net.

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2008, 09:57:38 am »
Good morning Educatedindian,

Little Feather is a woman and she stepped down from her post about five years ago and her name is Barbara Smitheron...Could be a misspelling of her last name though.
Peter Searching Owl puts together the inter tribal gatherings in the Western Mass, NY Mohawk trail area, he had just begun to play the flute a year or two before I moved to England.
Russell Two Feathers is a real nice man, you shouldn’t bad-mouth people you don’t know EducatedIndian...
You show no respect which is not the First Nation way my friend.  You seem to be on a witch hunt crucifying everyone in sight who is not like you; it’s a good thing that our forefathers didn’t feel that way when they adopted tens of thousands of Africans into their Nations and tens of thousands of Chinese into their Nations back in the Mid 1800s when they were to week to build the railroad across the USA. One survey even has it that 1 out of every 125 people in the USA have First Nation blood lines...
I would hate to think about what you feel about Black Elk and thousands of others that try or tried to show peace and love in their teachings.
If you’re checking on Hawks Shadow she also goes by the name BJ Bear Claw, she has a PHD in Native American Poetry and Studies.
Bad mouthing people is the same as casting aspersions or spreading lies..please do remember that earlier statement I wrote about what lies meant to First Nation People.
Just because you have your truth it gives you no right to force it onto others.  Yes your website does have a place to stop those that are abusing the name Native American to gain whatever, but your website gives you no right to abuse people that have a legitimacy and that show respect and growth to individuals.
I have been calm and rational while I have been BBQed on this website and I have answered everyone with respect as I am doing to you and I have never lied. I take on board that I have to change my website not to include all Native Americans and to be more specific. Where you all are wrong is when you tell me that I don’t know what I am doing...have you taken a workshop? Have you heard me speak in a lecture hall?
You question my learning and my upbringing and how much I learned from my Abenaki Relatives, You have no right in doing so, but you do have a right to judge me on my being a good person or a bad person if you know me personally.
You have had no complaints about my workshops or my healing, yes you had a query about me in my clairvoyance and that was explained in my previous post on this website. I have done the same thing since I was in my twenties back in the USA my friend and never a complaint. This website casted barbs at my doing charity work also...someone said that I do it to gain business; not work in the European communities have strict rules about this that there cannot have advertisement laid out or around...What gives this website the right to judge what is in my heart. I do 6 to 10 charity events a year my friend, I offer terminally ill people healing for free. There are at least 2 out of every 10 people in my workshops that are free because they can’t afford it; this is in England, Germany, Belgium and Holland.
I don’t ask you what you are doing to better our world! My world is transparent for all to see with nothing to hide. Just remember my friend; we are all here to make a difference, to give people the hope of happiness, to give people the hope of healing so that they themselves can start the healing on themselves.

Thank you for listening, and have a sparkling day

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2008, 12:31:01 pm »
Hi Educatedindian,

I was just mowing the lawn and it dawned on me that it is not "Little Feather" but "Little Star", I always called her check away.


Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2008, 01:47:15 pm »
Blond? nope as i said,mississippi band Anishinaabe,5'9" ish,ha,i wish nope you've got the wrong person this time as i said selective memory.I think it would be fair to say that those who do know me and recall me in any way will be rolling on the floor wetting themselves at the notion i am almost six foot and blond.Still doesn't change the fact I will let you slug it out with the pagans re the Shaman tag,but as far as anything remotely to do with Indians,your a that you have no qualified standing to SELL what you do to non Indian peoples.And lastly,do you seriously think I would pay to attend one of your medicine shows?..I repeat.GET OVER YOURSELF.

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2008, 12:03:04 pm »
Ps My SON,is not very happy being discribed as my "beautiful daughter" either,but he can fight his own fanstasy story please.

Offline MatoSiWin

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2008, 05:32:11 pm »
I collect info for the last 20 years. 

But if you are collecting mis-information, what is that worth???  No one is attacking you or twisting words around.  If you're not even NDN, then what are you looking for?  I still stand firm on what I said about where your intimate knowledge comes from, although I like how Superdog said it better.  SD is not rude and doesn't twist things, so go back and read SD's posts to get a better understanding of the intention behind what many members of the forum are saying. 

Do you put this much energy and effort into studying your own culture? Do you communicate with your own ancestors in their own ways?