Author Topic: Hans Weijers AKA Chief Red Bear (Plastic Shamans in Holland, Belgium and Germany  (Read 9960 times)

Offline brodjaman

  • Posts: 7
Chief Red Bear, Hans Weijers, ist Chief des Bärenclans und ein Wicasa Wacan (heiliger Mann).
Mit 28 Jahren wurde er von dem Geist Big Bear`s besucht und gebeten im als Medium und Instrument zur Verfügung zu stehen. Daraufhin machte er in England eine 3 jährige Ausbildung in Stanstead für Medien. Seit 1998 lehrt er wie man ein Medium wird. Seit 1999 wurde er in den Stamm der Susquehannock USA aufgenommen und seit 2004 leitet er den Bären Stamm (Stamm der Mediums). Red Bear ist vom holländischen Staat und von der Gewerkschaft der professionellen Mediums anerkannt. Er führt für die Gewerkschaft alle Prüfungen für die Mediums durch und hat in Belgien eine TV-Sendung.
 Seit 1999 wurde er in den Stamm der Susquehannock USA aufgenommen und seit 2004 leitet er den Bären Stamm

Hans Weijers claims he is a Chief of the Bearclan and a Wicasa Wacan..his native name : Chief Red Bear  ???
When he was 28....the spirit of Big Bear came to him in a vision and asked him to be his Medium and instrument. To bring his message to the world......(text in German above)
He claims to be part and member  of Susquehannock tribe since 2004 and is leading the Bear Tribe

I believe this is one of the biggest insults for the Native American i white man in am shamed reading this bullshit

and then there is :

Mein Medizinname ist Wirbelnder Adler
Traditionell bin ich eine Mischung aus einer Waayatan (Seherin und Medium),
einer Pejuta Wicasa (Heilerin) und einer Heyoka (heiligen Clownfrau).
Seit meiner Kindheit bin ich mit der Natur und den Ahnen verbunden.
Das ist mein Weg gewesen, um Heilung zu denjenigen zu bringen, die dieses brauchen.
Ich bin in Holland von der Gewerkschaft für Medien anerkannt und arbeite viel mit
traumatisierten Klienten. Über die Zeit habe ich einen speziellen Zugang für
Menschen mit Traumata entwickelt.
Ich glaube an Reinheit, Gerechtigkeit und an die Ahnen, durch die ich die Medizinempfange, die notwendig für den Klienten ist.
Seit vielen Jahren bilde ich auch mediale Menschen in Ihrer Medialität aus.
Meine Ahnen regen mich dauernd an, dass wir ein Gleichgewicht schaffen,
welches jedem Mensch hilft, sein ganzes Potential zu leben.
Vom ganzen Herzen;
Mia Wirbelnder Adler Meuleman

My medicine name is Eagle ~ Whirling Twirling Eagle
Traditionally I am a mixture of a Waayatan (psychic and medium), a Pejuta Wicasa (healer) and a Heyoka (sacred clown).
Since my childhood I am connected with nature and the ancestors. That's been my way to bring healing to those who need it.
I am accepted into the union of Holland to the media and a lot of work with traumatized clients. Over time I developed a special access for people with trauma.
I believe in purity, justice, and to the ancestors, through which I receive the medicine that is necessary for the clients.
Mia Whirling Eagle "

« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 03:04:13 am by educatedindian »

Offline brodjaman

  • Posts: 7
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 06:42:20 am by brodjaman »

Offline Lodro

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Re: Plastic Shamans in Holland
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2011, 08:37:39 pm »
Yet, his site is a belgian domain

Offline brodjaman

  • Posts: 7
Re: Plastic Shamans in Holland
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2011, 06:32:24 am »
yes he is active in Belgium and Germany from origin he is Dutch
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 06:42:56 am by brodjaman »

Offline educatedindian

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The "Susquehannock Tribe" are pretenders in Europe, not Native at all. The actual tribe has been extinct for almost 300 years.That, plus his being a member of the Bear Tribe cult, are enough by themselves to put him under Frauds.

Plus that "ceremony" on the youtube link is downright laughable. It seems to be held in a subway entrance, or perhaps a bus station bathroom. I've never seen a "ceremony" where the performer looks so bored and clueless. Basically he's banging away disinterestedly at a drum and looking to see if the victims fall for it. At least one victim seems to be on either on something or fooling themselves because they keep thrusting their hands up in the air to do a silly dance of their own.

"Mia Whirling Eagle" also seems to be a Dutch imposter.

Offline brodjaman

  • Posts: 7
there is more where this came from.
i believe they have there own tribe  ;)
including : Siverbear Singinwolf an Julietta Healinghorse Klein, sister of the Wolf ( who pretends that she can speak with the animals)

and there is  : also in Englisch..
« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 12:32:06 pm by brodjaman »


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Plus that "ceremony" on the youtube link is downright laughable. It seems to be held in a subway entrance, or perhaps a bus station bathroom. I've never seen a "ceremony" where the performer looks so bored and clueless. Basically he's banging away disinterestedly at a drum and looking to see if the victims fall for it. At least one victim seems to be on either on something or fooling themselves because they keep thrusting their hands up in the air to do a silly dance of their own.

OMG!  Talk about being bored.  Toward the end of the video, when the woman lying on the floor starts waving her hands, he even picks his nose!  (Don't shake his hand when the "ceremony" ends!