I will make a few quick posts here to pin down some loose ends left from my earlier posts to this thread. This and a few more posts are specific to the topic of this thread, "Is This For Real?"
In several of my posts I alluded to Jerry Dills' "church" as being a cult, rather than a church. This is not in any way meant to disparage the real Native American Church, which is absolutely legitimate. My comments are made in reference to Jerry Dills (Peshewa) only, and his cult-like bogus church, which he happens to call the "Native American Church."
Personally, I was with that group for nearly a decade, and have always felt that Dills' church felt more like a cult than a church. In doing research on this topic, I came across some very interesting and pertinent articles which helped me clarify this in my mind.
In an earlier post I made in this thread, I went to great lengths to document the legitimate Native American Church, and concluded that Dill's church is a cult, with a basic test which I devised on my own, the "
I Know It When I See It" test. I firmly believe that test will withstand scrutiny at any level. Those reading this thread in full will have already read the logic behind that test. Only later, in digging deeper into what is in fact a "church" and a "cult," I came across this article, which quotes Rick Ross, who heads an institute and website dedicated to exposing cults. In that articles, is found this quote:
http://www.rickross.com/reference/brainwashing/brainwashing56.htmlWhen it comes to cults, there's an old joke among religious scholars: A cult is a cult is a cult -- unless it's my religious group.
That jest highlights the tendency many people have to treat the identification of cults almost like the pinpointing of pornography. The don't have a good definition of what makes a cult, but they're sure they'll know one when they see it.
The FBI has produced an article which goes much deeper and includes tests, based primarily on established high court rulings, regarding how "churches" and "cults" are defined. For more information about why Dills' position of authority matters, read the article published by the FBI entitled "
Cults: A Conflict Between Religious Liberty and Involuntary Servitude" and I am providing a link to this article below. A very interesting read directly relevant to Jerry Dills' position of authority and his questionable practices and activities.
I will not bore those reading this post with specifics, or what these tests are or how they are applied. You can read this article and come to your own conclusions. Here is a link to that article, which is a 15-page .pdf file. Interesting stuff:
Cults: A Conflict Between Religious Liberty and Involuntary Servitudeby Orlin D. Lucksted and D.F. Martell
Special Agents and Legal Instructors
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Click here to read or download the article (.pdf file)(This is a rather large file (6mb) so be patient...)Happy reading
