Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 701730 times)

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #720 on: February 04, 2012, 04:32:32 pm »
More silliness....

She's still duping people into believing she has some sort of "Indigenous" legitimacy.  These are a few of the newest videos she posted on her own youtube channel.  

Not surprisingly, she's filming herself, this time trying to pass off a channeling session.  They're two very long videos...about an hour each with not much happening other than her twitching and talking slowly as she channels the "divine mother" who speaks about Rachel being there to help Mt. guys get the picture.  Shameless self promotion wrapped up in a package of ceremony and ritual stolen from every place she visits and passed off as "given" to her.  While the videos themselves are enough, the most disturbing part is the description she posts...since this is her own youtube channel, I can only assume she wrote this herself and it seems still is trying to pass herself off as legitimized through some "indigenous cultures" which she, of course, never names because it's a lie:

"White Eagle Medicine Woman Channeling the Divine Mother Part 1 Pisac Peru "

Description (bold is mine for emphasis):
"White Eagle Medicine Woman at the Rainbow Fire Mystery School In Pisac Peru channeling " The Divine Mother" October 2011. White Eagle is known by indigenous cultures as a "Spirit Walker", a medium that the Ancestors, Ancient Ones, GrandMothers, Grandfathers and Masters in the Spirit World use to bring direct guidance for individuals and groups. Her individual and group sessions provide extensive spiritual teachings and practical detailed guidance from those in the Spirit World regarding your Higher Purpose (what you are here to receive) and your Life Purpose (what you are here to give) in order to take the next step on the path of your Soul Purpose (your path this lifetime). These guides and teachers are known to bestow a divine grace that is transforming."

"White Eagle Medicine Woman Channeling the 'Divine Mother' Part 2 Pisac Peru "

(Same description)


She also tags the vids with search queries like: "indigenous ceremony", "prophecy", "native american teachings" and "tribe"

So it seems...she's still up to her old tricks and apparently bold about it once more trying to claim that the gobbledygook of performances she puts on are somehow pre-ordained 'indigenous' ceremonies she alone was called for to conduct.....alll for the right price, as this particular "Rainbow Fire Mystery School" featured in the videos cost a few grand to attend.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 04:41:15 pm by Superdog »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #721 on: February 04, 2012, 05:02:31 pm »
Another one from the same event on another channel.  She sure loves people to bring the cameras doesn't she...

Sorry Earthw....this one might get to you little bit...

This just follows her method.  With every booking she inquires about anybody "indigenous" that may be attending and then asks them to be involved in her "prayerformances" so they look more legitimate.  Most often these people either didn't know what they were getting into and get taken advantage of by her....or they're looking for that stage on which to shine (in their own mind) and Rachel Holzwarth is more than willing to ride that train.  Either way it's wrong, but it still remains her mode of operation.  For anyone following her for a while, it's clear anyone she exploits usually doesn't stay with her long.

If anything this is a clear example of the awkwardness of just mixing everything together haphazardly because it makes a good show.  I pity the young lady with the pipe....she appears lost and I'm hoping she doesn't hurt herself or anyone else.  

Gotta add too, the hide on her drum seems pretty beat up now.  Got a good sized hole in it and appears to be showing stress marks...probably not far from tearing.  She probably should've learned something about how to take care of a drum before paying someone to use that animal's hide to construct something way too large for her to even carry and who always seems to sleep outside by itself with no one to care for it.  To me it's just another obvious sign of the consequences of her exploitation and claiming to be something she's not....and I've said it before, but I continue to see it....she seems much more aged and ragged than before....another consequence of her behavior.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 05:31:08 pm by Superdog »

Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #722 on: February 04, 2012, 08:43:13 pm »
never mind. i confused this one with the other one. they're all pretty much the same huh.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 04:09:22 am by critter - a white non-ndn person »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline nemesis

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #723 on: February 16, 2012, 10:49:27 pm »

Grandmother Drum 10th Anniversary Tour 2012 Australia
Public Event · By Suraj Holzwarth

February 20 at 10:00pm until June 1 at 10:00pm
throughout Australia
If you are interested in the Grandmother Drum's Australia Tour add your name and we will keep you posted! Contact Australia Director Sri Devi ( Deborah Nanschild) on fb or at:

Get Involved!
SPONSORS: radio, tv, magazines, event promoters, festival planners, retreat centers and healing centers, donors for freight and transportation, In country tour managers, school programs.

HOSTS: Host Grandmother Drum Prayerformance and workshops in your Community Hall or theatre. Housing the tour team, promoting events with your mailing lists, marketing and community outreach, childrens programs.

HELPERS: spread the word to email lists, local events and festivals, networking, locating transport for GMDRUM and team, interpreters and volunteer onsite support.

Participants: Sharing in the heartbeat of Mother Earth, the heartbeat of unity...listening to the heart, following the beat.



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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #724 on: January 12, 2013, 05:46:02 am »
Looks like Holzwarth is using Idle No More as a platform to try to have influence. Scroll a bit down this page to see her in a photo with her lackeys and abomination of a drum, bordered with the prophecy of the 8th fire.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #725 on: January 12, 2013, 04:43:48 pm »
This movement has all the fakes coming out and they dont even know what it is about they will cause the division among the people
why cant people just let us live we are fighting for our lives and the earth and we have the fakes just trying to make money off us,
do any of them go to the government and say stop what you doing , do they stand up for us or just them selves, where are they when
are people are in need, where were they when we fought for our land and our lives.
Sorry for the rant but right now we need support not people who want to use us for their own profit
In Spirit

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #726 on: February 17, 2013, 02:11:33 pm »
Just an update.  Rachel has made her personal FB account active again (for about the past year or so).

One of the funniest updates she posted came from January of last year:
"Tomorrow I enter my first year as an elder at 52,"

That's a good one....she's an elder now  ::)  Maybe she thinks that because she looks older than 52.... (I still maintain her haggard look is a consequence of her actions and playing with things she doesn't understand...).

The Whirling Rainbow site has also moved and been updated.  Now part of Wordpress.  Much of it is still the same, but some things have been added such as the History and Timeline....some definite stretching of the truth there.  Just a reminder...she's not changing her ways and still tries to cash in on the idea that somehow she accepted by indigenous peoples....which isn't the case.

There are also updated lists of staff and contributors....most of them not surprising...

She is working on a new product offering...a puppet show for children:
"This ancient traditional story has been told by Elders the world over and was creatively adapted for Puppet Theatre from our colorfully illustrated children story to include the journey of the Matanuska Valley’s own international peace drum, the Grandmother Drum. Set long ago when the Earth was still one massive and peaceful continent, the wise Elder Grandmother “See the Truth” longs to pass on her wisdom placed in her “Magic Bundle,” so future generations can remember they are one family and how to share and care for each other. With the help of her young assistant Orion, Grandmother “See the Truth” takes on a journey to the top of Denali, to the bottom of the ocean floor, to the center of the Earth and even to the Moon in search of a safe place to hide the Magic Bundle. As she grows tired from all her adventures into the future where humanity is still fighting, she turns the job over to young Orion. When Orion accidently drops the “Magic Bundle” it’s contents suddenly become revealed. This timeless children’s teaching story magically uncovers the truth of our Oneness and the promise of Peace on Earth."

As you can see.....more marketing BS in the description....basically she's written herself into a legend she created (not unlike the rest of what she does).

She's planning another trip to Peru (which if you act now you get a $200 discount for this super spirchual event) as well as a return to Hawaii and, of course, Alaska....


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #727 on: February 18, 2013, 02:43:28 pm »
There do seem to be some pleasant surprises on her site now. I don't see any sponsors or supporters in Alaska anymore. Before there were maybe half a dozen Alaska Natives. I wonder what she did to alienate them, or maybe they just discovered her lying and disprespect elsewhere.

At one point she claimed Maori support also, but that's gone too. Now her supporters are overwhelmingly white, even more than before. Mostly spiritual tourism peddlers in Latin America, including Aumrak and Baumgarten. Most of her other workshops are in Europe. I don't see any listed for the US or Canada at all, except one at a Methodist church in Anchorage. There are two other claimed future events in Alaska, but both TBA.

She does seem to have acquired some claimed support from Australian Aboriginals. I wonder if they just don't know the truth about her. I'm going to try contacting them, and urge others to do the same. Esp our Australian members.

Offline MsWilma

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #728 on: February 19, 2013, 02:54:53 pm »
Yes, hi from Australia.

I'd heard of a 'world music act' called Grandmother Drum years before I knew of NAFPS and I had no idea that she was offending Native Americans and misappropriating culture or spirituality. My guess is that many others in Australia are in a similar boat.
Just did a quick search and found, for example, that she toured out here last year through 'Ken Jacob World Music Promotions'
The company is basedin Northern New South Wales (very New Age community). Many of the events they've promoted are on the world music scene. For example, one of the artists mentioned by this events company teaches community groups how to build large homemade marimbas (like large wooden xylophones), then groups of people are taught to play the marimbas together. This is how she has contextualised herself.
Her promotions for the last tour seemed very very vague. The most specifically fake Indian thing about the way she presented herself on her last tour was her name and clothing. The way she describes her drum borrows from all over the place
Annoyingly, she seems to have been promoted by the regional arm of our national broadcaster ABC
- I think that she has connected herself with a great touring artists agency and they used all of their contacts for her. That's my guess. The world music scene has a lot of fusion of styles going on (some good, some bad..) She seems to have pushed the world music angle.
I've only done a very quick google but she has certainly had at least one well respected and well connected aboriginal elder hold a 'Welcome to Country' prior to a performance. Again, my guess is that this elder would have been asked to provide the Welcome prior to a world music event. He is connected to a Universityin Queensland- will message you his details as I've found them via google,  Educated Indian in case you want to contact him directly

« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 08:50:45 pm by MsWilma »

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #729 on: April 15, 2013, 07:43:42 am »
shes at it again....with new tour 2013 GRANDMOTHER DRUM EUROPE TOUR!
Grandmother Drum 2013 European Tour Page
Grandmother Drum Tour 2013 (Austria)
GrandMother Drum Tour 2013 (Germany)
GrandMother Drum Tour 2013 (UK)
GrandMother Drum Tour 2013 (Poland)
GrandMother Drum Tour 2013 (Sweden)
GrandMother Drum Tour 2013 (Denmark)
GrandMother Drum Tour 2013 (France)
GrandMother Drum Tour 2013 (Belgium)

shes talking equinox's, slstices, being initiated as a quero shaman blah blah blah......maybe now she gonna take a page from yraceburu and call herself a quero apache lol

Offline Freija

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #730 on: April 15, 2013, 01:16:34 pm »
Oh, noooo.... >:( :-\
Not here!

Will get the word out!

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #731 on: April 15, 2013, 01:49:18 pm »
She's stretching the truth (once again) on her tour dates.....several of the European tour sites list "TBA" for event and location.  Just the name of a country.

"    Events
    Grandmother Drum Tour
    Workshops and Courses

Upcoming Events
Date    Place    City/Country    
April 06    Workshop "Igniting Your Divine Fire" - Living a Spirit Driven Life
Pyewackets Metaphysical - 35282 Kenai Spur hwy    Soldotna, Alaska, United States    
April 13    Heart of One Free Monthly Teleconference- April 2013
-    This event does not have a physical location.    
April 18 - April 20    SOUND HEALING & THE POWER OF THE DRUM - 3 Day Workshops with White Eagle Medicine Woman
Israel - Israel    Israel, , Israel    
April 26 - April 28    SOUND HEALING & THE POWER OF THE DRUM - 3 Day Workshops with White Eagle Medicine Woman April 26-28
Israel - Israel    Israel, , Israel    
April 27    Drum Making Workshop with Michaela
Art Barn next to Many Rivers - 1060 East End Road    Homer, Alaska, United States    
May 01    Home in Alaska More to Come
Alaska - Alaska    Alaska, , Canada    
May 21    Drum for Change in 2013
Alaska - Alaska    Alaska, , Canada    
June 01    Home in Alaska: More to Come
Alaska - Alaska    Alaska, , Canada    
July 01    TBA
Ireland - Ireland    Ireland, , Ireland    
July 13 - July 16    Tentative Date - Details TBA
UK - UK    UK, , United Kingdom    
July 27 - July 30    Tentative Date - Details TBA
France - France    France, , France    
August 03 - August 06    Confirmed: Denmark, Glamsbjerg
Shamanhulen - Nyrupvej 19    Glamsbjerg, , Denmark    
August 17 - August 20    Tentative Date - Details TBA
Germany - Germany    Germany, , Germany    
August 31 - September 03    Confirmed: Austria, Gramastetten
Kultur Starzerhof - Hamberg 10    Gramastetten , , Austria    
September 14 - September 17    Confirmed Austria, Attersee am Attersee
Atterseehalle - Kirchenstraße 1    Attersee, , Austria    
September 28 - October 01    Tentative Date - Details TBA
Poland - Poland    Poland, , Poland    
October 12 - October 15    Tentative Date - Details TBA
Portugal - Portugal    Portugal, , Portugal    
October 26 - November 01    7 Days "Drum Keepers Initiation" - Tentative Date
-    This event does not have a physical location.    
December 03    6 Nations, Italy VS Ireland
Taaffes Bar - 19 Shop Street    Galway, Galway, Ireland    "

The last event in Ireland appears to be an evening performance (10-11pm) at a bar...(6 Nations refers to 6 Nations Rugby)...

Here's the fb for Taaffes Bar looks like your basic watering hole featuring live music.  It indicates she is more than likely pulling the "world music" wool over some people's eyes in order to get her foot in the door....but...a bar??  Weird....even for her.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 01:57:55 pm by Superdog »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #732 on: April 15, 2013, 04:42:33 pm »
Taking a drum she wants us to believe is a Native spiritual drum into a venue where people perform for money while surrounded by people drinking alcohol. Wow. Not surprising, though. Maybe we should send some folks over to spill some drink on the drum (as if it weren't cursed enough already).

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #733 on: April 15, 2013, 09:00:15 pm »
Her "tours" are becoming something out of Spinal Tap, dwindling and pathetic and self deluded.

I don't imagine she'll get much of a good reception playing for pumped up soccer fans just done watching the finals, with more than a few pints in them.

The only two listed "tours" in Alaska are both in small town book/curio/gift shops. There'll be all of space for ten people to hear her. Plus all those TBA dates, just listing countries, sound like quite a bit of wishful thinking. There are long stretches between those European dates, sometimes as much as five weeks. It'd be pretty expensive to fly back and forth between Europe and Alaska, so I guess she has some people sponsoring her, giving her places to stay or paying for tickets.


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #734 on: April 16, 2013, 03:39:20 am »
Ma Anand Suraj is her sannyasin name from the Rajneesh/Osho cult. Followers sometimes were given names in person but eventually more often through the mail.

She's still using her sannyasin name Suraj, that is important to keep in mind.

She is listed as an  Osho Information Center in Alaska:

Osho Information Center Ma Anand Suraj (Rachel Holzwarth) Sw Anand Shantam (Larry Mercutieff)
PO Box 773556
Eagle River 99577

This means she would most likely always have a place to stay when she travels. Sannyasins have lots of experience with frequent travel and with providing crash pads for fellow travelers.

A one day session with her only costs  $1111.00

Photo here is from about 1999