Author Topic: Red Nation of the Cherokee  (Read 25670 times)


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Re: Red Nation of the Cherokee
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2014, 11:05:03 pm »
Mr. Tate's heritage claims:

The Indian name of this seventh generation Cherokee is “Two Bears Standing.” On his mother’s side, Randy is a descendant of Ama Toya, a high chief and priest of the Cherokee people in the 1500s. On his father’s side, he’s related to Chief Quanah Parker of the Comanche Nation.

I am a Direct Decedent of Cherokee high Chief AmaToya, Cherokee high Chief Moytoy, Nancy Kingfisher Branch (Ward) ,Delaware high Chief Taminand , Quanah Parker Last Comanche War Chief, Delaware Chief in Oklahoma Chief JourneyCake from the Estes family line. .

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Red Nation of the Cherokee
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2014, 03:57:10 am »
You People, you don't even know the man TwoBears Standing TaTe and yet let on like you know everything about him, while hiding behind your computers and using fake names posting.... I know him and find him very Honest ! He has never claimed to be Lakota or anything other than what his blood is ! Now, in the matter of Kathleen Franklin 0r ShaunaSay WhiteFeather, I talked to her father (before his passing) and there was no Indian Blood that he knew about ! Chief TaTe has turned her into the International Trade com. and other authorities about her actions here in the United States. He also was never married to her and she has used his last name illegally as well ... I have known him for over thirty years, can any of You say that ???? No, so before you try to ruin a person or judge a person, maybe you should know what You are talking about or who You are talking about ! He has never said or told anyone he is a Shaman or ect, he has helped many people with the placing of American Indian children, as well as going to prisons and helping our lost Relations in there....He never bragged about those things or carried around a banner on many of the things he has done and I felt its about time he got this out to people on the internet! I pray for all those that has done such harmful, dishonest remarks about this man .......

Mr. Tate, we do know it is you.

I hope you will give more of your side of Shaunasay's actions. I notice her website and organization no longer seem to be active. Why would she try to start it in Australia of all places?

So her actual legal name is Kathleen Franklin? What led to the end of the relationship between you two?

RNC doesn't seem to be very active anymore. The forum there only shows posts by 5 people. One newspaper article about a friend's wedding mentions you are relocating it to West Virginia.

I also see you ran for president of the CNO and would like your account of Cherokee reaction to that.

Finally I'd like to hear your response to this article by Clifford Alford and what he says about you. (For those not familiar with the name, we have a thread on him, the "Naked Shaman" and former alleged occult expert for police as well as part of the racist Minutemen and DIY abortion doctor.)

Once upon a time there was a group known as the Red Nation of the Cherokee that was formed with the agreement of all of the temporal Cherokee nations as a spiritual nation, and I was their Medicine Chief. The Principal Chief was a man known as Randy “Two Bears Standing” Tate,and he and the tribal council gave me a pipe to use to pray for the members of this new spiritual nation, and they used my credentials as the means of getting set up as a 501(c)3 nonprofit religious association. I used that pipe to pray for them daily, and yet in the end that pipe showed me the truth about what they were really about.

We Cherokees, as I have said before, don’t think the same way as white people, and we have a different morality as well. When Two Bears Standing, and his wife Shaunasay Feather, began putting people out of the nation for living well within that Cherokee morality then I prayed with the tribal medicine pipe, and was told to immediately make the five hour drive from my home to theirs where the truth of the situation would be revealed to me. I got a few things together and did so, and I arrived at6AM in the morning.

Shaunasay answered the door, and wanted to know why I was there. I told her the spirits had told me to be there to ask Two Bears Standing a question, and she let me in. I was told to wait in the living room while she woke him up, and so I sat on the couch. The spirits then said that I was to sit on the floor, and look at the case that had all of his regalia in it. I did so, and saw a framed certificate hidden on the bottom shelf. I got it out and looked at it, and it was a certificate proclaiming him to be a Mormon Priest. I called a man I knew in the Mormon Church in Ogden, Utah, and I asked Duane if he knew anything about a Mormon Priest named Randy Tate. He told me that Tate was “a missionary to the Cherokees”. Then he wanted to know if he was going to be in trouble, and I said “Yes”.

When Tate came out then I informed him of my discoveries, and he admitted to it, and said that he was not concerned as he was too powerful and would simply destroy me, and he told me to get out of his house. I left, and went home, and then smoked the pipe one last time to help the people if I could, and the pipe would not light! I tried again, and it literally jumped off of the stem so I packaged it up, delivered it to the tribal council along with my resignation, and proceeded to make the Tate’s wish they were dead. When the legal authorities learned the truth about then their home, land, cars, bank accounts and other things listed as belonging to their fraudulently obtained nonprofit corporation were confiscated by the IRS, and Tate was fired from his job with Raytheon, an aircraft manufacturer with secret government contracts, and he and his wife were last seen walking out of town with only what they could wear and carry with them. He and his friends had tried to raid a class I was supposed to be teaching dressed as federal agents, and such an impersonation is a felony. He was not formally charged, but his company could not keep on someone who had done such a thing so he and his wife were the ones who were destroyed in the end. Today there are other groups who claim to be the “Red Nation”, but they are not to be confused with this defunct group that used to be headquartered in Andover, Kansas.

Offline Wolf Clan

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Re: Red Nation of the Cherokee
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2014, 09:26:59 pm »
Been people telling this for years and no charges yet to be filled. Chief TwoBears has not broken the law and has not withheld any information as to who he is or his personal contact info, like so many making all these claims or postings !!!!! These other people hide behind their computers and never tell you who they are !!!! They proclaim much and tell so little of themselves .... strange how that works ???? The paper work is legal and many BIA Tribes & Nations have a non-profit status as well...hmmmmm ...Chief TaTe has had many claims made against him and none proven ... that s
peaks loud and clear to me !!!!!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Red Nation of the Cherokee
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2014, 12:09:29 pm »
Mr. Tate, it's not exactly hard to find out it's you. I'll let you guess how, since you were so clumsy at hiding your identity.

So you deny there were criminal charges and being fired for those charges? Why were others forced out of your group? It does seem like there are far fewer active members than a few years ago.

Why would you have anything to do with Alford? The man is a crackpot, and part of a notorious and dangerous group of white racists.

Here Franklin is wearing a plains style choker with some obvious tanning makeup.
Apparently she has falsely claimed to be Eastern Band.
Found this article where she looks extremely pale and perhaps 20 years younger than Tate, the last of which perhaps explains his bad judgment in being with her. Apparently she moved to Australia because of finding her brother there. The photo shows her with what seems to be hair dyed the color of shoe polish, much darker than her twin's, and wearing a medicine bag for jewelry. There's a claim her brother Scott Gardner is a "medicine leader" and they will teach or be in contact with aboriginals. That seems to have failed, can't find any trace of it.
...“I knew I was adopted, but always thought I was born in Australia,” says Scott Gardner, who has been visiting here from Orange, Australia, about 150 miles inland from Sydney.

He and Shaunasay now believe they were separated at birth more than 40 years ago in Pensacola, Fla., when their father was serving his last tour of duty with the U.S. Navy.

Gardner tried to trace his family roots when he was a teenager, but met “too many brick walls” in Australia and gave up.

After the death of her mother, Shaunasay asked for the “real story” from her grandparents in North Carolina. They told her she was a twin but the brother was never accounted for in American or Australian birth records.

The connection was made when Shaunasay was applying for an online adult monitoring job and she was interviewed by Scott, who calls himself “a retiree from married life.” He works as a truck mechanic in the Land Down Under.

He’s had a lifelong interest in the Aboriginal natives of Australia and Shaunasay has had an equal interest in the lifestyle of Native Americans. Both report they are medicine leaders for their respective groups.

They each tested one another with online questions for nearly a year before coming to the conclusion they could be brother and sister.

In 1982, Shaunasay was in an injury traffic accident in Alabama and alleges she had an out-of-body experience. She came to when they were checking her into the emergency room when they identified her as a  “caucasian woman.”

...Both strongly believe there is a connection between native tribal people of the world.

Shaunasay expects to return to Australia with Scott later this month and share her knowledge about Red Nation of the Cherokee with the Aborigines in that country.

Offline ShinianeDeDanaan

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Re: Red Nation of the Cherokee
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2015, 09:05:49 pm »
This is the thread that brought me to this website. I also noticed it has been dead for quite some time.

I first met Scott Gardner in 1985 in the city of Newcastle, NSW late 1985. He expressed interest in spirituality and he had no background in Aboriginal practices. To learn from a Kadaicha, it takes very special circumstances before they would consider teaching you anything whatsoever if you had white skin. I learned a little but the greater mysteries remain mysteries. Where I grew up, my grandparents farm was beside a reservation that housed Aborginals diagnosed with Hanson's Disease. The why's of why I was shown anything as I grew up amongst them for I had no fear or understanding of disease or hatred are unimportant as my claims are too, unimportant. The only reason it is brought up is because I know a TINY bit about practices of Native Australians.

If Kathleen (Shaunasay) is Scott Gardner's sister, then they committed a crime by marrying as they did. They're still in Orange, NSW, Australia as Scott recently re-contacted me. He then began to spill a great deal of information that I was dubious of, so I began to search for information. This was the page I found in one of my search engines not long after I got out of hospital.

Scott Gardner found and met his birth mother in the early 1990's, it wasn't a pleasant meeting for him, he was indeed born in Australia. His father could have been anyone.

This of course gives it all an interesting twist.

I understand I could be anyone. The truth is, I no longer use my birth name as it was given to me by a mother that I broke all ties with including blood (there are ways), so today, the name I answer to is not that of my birth. The name I am posting under is also not a real name though Shiniane is something I pulled out of the Sumerian language. I've been using it for quite some time, and the full user name I use here has pleasing Gematria as one of the meanings it has coincides with the meaning in Sumerian of the first name.
       ( if you want some fun)

Anyway, I've had issues with Scott in the past which is why I questioned his wishes to re-contact me out of the blue.

There is another name I use on the internet. "Wyrd Arcanum" (hardly anyone gets the joke in it). You can find me on Facebook, Google+ and YouTube though you'll be bored with crazy horses and perhaps online gaming videos (some on YouTube) as neither my husband nor myself watch television. It's more entertaining slaying monsters and gnomes. Since we bought our own home though, there's been little time for that sort of amusement. In this, I do in a way reveal myself as a real person.

I just find it offensive when someone makes false claims about knowing Aboriginal lore (the only Aboriginals Scott knew and grew up with was a family of alcoholics who were never a part of the tribes still around), I might know a tiny tiny bit, but I did grow up with those people in the Northern Territory of Australia where I was born. Through them, I met others later on in life. IF Scott has learned somehow from a tribe in the time since I left Australia forever (2002), then it won't have been much and he cannot share any of it with a woman - there is man's magic and woman's magic. Rarely does one learn both, by rare, perhaps once or twice in a century.

As for me, I'm a crazy Celt with crazy horses and other assorted creatures. I have strange and unusual interests.

Cath Stephens.