Author Topic: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light  (Read 39495 times)

Offline educatedindian

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"Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« on: December 18, 2011, 04:32:38 pm »
Got a request about this group operating in Britain. They claim to work with NDN healers in Colombia. The concern is that they are making claims that encourage people to think ayahusca can cure HIV/AIDS.
Also claims that their healer made it impossible for needles to be injected.

"Inti Ananda" seems to be the leader/site owner but seems to be British. His email address on this group is gnosisre @

They claim to work with the Shamanic and Ecological Assn of Colombia, but the only thing I could find online about SEAC were SOL's claims and offers of workshops from them, like this.

The Shamanic and Ecological Association offer the following programme of workshops over the weekend

Saturday 15th
11 - 12.00p.m     -   the Solar Gods and human liberation
1 - 2 p.m               -   Celtic shamanism of light
3- 4 pm                 - Socalismo Latin Americano Bolivariano and our experience in Latin America with the social political situation.
5-6 pm                 -  Tiawanaku - Lago Titicaca + the origins of man

sunday 16th
10.30 - 11.30  - Maya Calendar + 2012. The end of the world ???????
12 -  1             -  green capitalism in Colombia exposed, with short video, showing how supposedly ecological groups such as rainforest alliance, and fair-trade have really capitalism at heart from our own experience.
1.30 - 2.30      -  San Agustin statues and Shamanic culture, hidden alchemical esoteric meaning....
3 - 4  -             Mapuche and Aymara  Cosmovision
Musical group Solas amaru from the shamanic and  ecological  association will perform a brief set from their  revolutionary  Andean acoustic folk  rock  repertoire .

Offline amorYcohetes

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2011, 06:47:29 am »
A note: "inti" is a Quechua word for Sun (Quechua-speaking communities exist in the Andean nations of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and also to some extent Argentina and Chile).  "Ananda" I believe is a Sanskrit term, or from a South Asian language.  I have heard it translated as "happiness" but I wouldn't know how accurate that is.

Offline nemesis

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2011, 01:09:23 pm »
Some more links

their events page shows that they have been running events in the UK very recently

Fundamentals of the Shamanism of Light

Cornerstone Community Centre Hove

Tuesday 23rd Nov 7:15pm
Fundamentals of the Shamanism of Light
Film screening of an interview with Colombian Shaman Vasudev
-followed by questions and answers with community members

Tuesday 30th Nov 7:15pm
Talk on Plant Spirit Medicine
Sacred plants, global Shamanic Consciousness and the creation of the soul

Tuesday 7th Dec 7:15pm
Shamanism of the Light Night
An informal evening with shamanic sound meditation, wisdom talks,storytelling
& shamanic songs and mantras

entry £5/£3conc.


There is a ton of information on the site if anyone has time to check it out.  I just lost a very long and detailed post on another thread (facepalm) and are pushed for time right now

Offline GodsLove

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2014, 09:42:05 pm »
I found this webpage more by accident.  I happen to know the woman in question who went through the healing experience.  From her perspective, she feels herself to be healed from AIDs.  The medical establishment however won't accept it, don't want to hear anything about it, because according to them AIDs is incurable, full-stop, despite the fact that the blood test after she came back from her time in the jungle proved that she had got considerably better.... which, according to the medical establishment, simply does not happen with AIDs, full stop.  She has become a medical anomaly.

During these blood tests, whilst putting the needle in her arm the nurse was commenting about how completely changed she appeared, and she responded to her that she had been living in the jungle and that mother nature gave her her life back.   At that moment, the needle in her arm was physically spat out of her veins, as if the jungle force in her body rejected it.  It fell to the floor to the amazement of both her and the nurse.  I know the woman, before she was a wreck on death's door, and today she has her life back.

I'm currently trying to get her story known in the wider public, and for that I was researching her English contact for the tribe in Colombia, and thus I found his name ("inti ananda") on your webpage.  The woman who went through the experience never says that ayahuasca itself healed her.  Her healing journey was initiated with ayahuasca, which told her that recovery was possible and that she would get much better if she just used plant medicines and stopped using the pharmaceutical drugs.  Through her contact in Britain, she was then able to visit the indigenous in Colombia in order to fulfill her yearning for healing.

Her healing journey was not just with plant medicines, but also included changing her diet, radically giving up old habits, and changing her mundane paradigm for a spiritual outlook.   She is still going strong and is very much trying to find ways to get her story heard.  From what I remember when I read Inti's article many months ago, he was writing the article as a means of consolidating all the aspects of her healing which she would be able to use a reference, as she does not have the same sophistication of expression as Inti.  I don't remember him ever saying that ayahuasca cures AIDs, because he knows full well that it was a whole combination of forces in her life, which BEGUN with ayahuasca.  Ayahuasca started the process, opened the door, but she had to walk through every step of the journey, with a lot of trials and tests.

We are very aware of the implications of releasing her story, because her case is unique, insofar that she had a fighter's spirit in her, that she was not willing to give up and accept what the experts told her.  Sadly, for so many people with the illness, they have already given up hope of recovery.  We are in the process of communicating her story in a way that gives people the need for serious discernment and decision-making in terms of their healing journey, and to not act impulsively.  For her, it was not a matter of fashion or fad, but a life or death situation, and she threw herself into the deep-end.   Even though this is perhaps what cured her, we do not want people who suffer from AIDs to jump in the deep-end just by hearing her story.

Therefore, I am writing this to assure you that I can account for the authenticity of her case.  Her case may just be totally unique, because she was friends with someone (Inti) who was living with an indigenous tribe.  As far as we know, this treatment is not open to the public, especially from the people she stayed with.  However, if her story inspires people to initiate something of that sort, a medical school in Latin America that specifies in AIDs healing, then we believe that would be a great thing.

I wish to thank you for voicing your concerns for as it happens we are in the very process of making sure that her story is brought to the public in such a way that nobody misconstrues or twists the facts.

Carry on with your good work.


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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2014, 11:22:15 pm »
We are very aware of the implications of releasing her story, because her case is unique, insofar that she had a fighter's spirit in her, that she was not willing to give up and accept what the experts told her.  Sadly, for so many people with the illness, they have already given up hope of recovery. 

A "fighter's spirit" or lack thereof is not what keeps a person alive. The way you have worded this, it perpetuates the mistaken belief that when a person dies of an illness, they have not fought hard enough, they have given up and that is bad, they have accepted what experts have told them.

If people are insufficiently upbeat after a cancer diagnosis or inadequately “spiritual” after a diagnosis of AIDS, are we to assume they have willfully placed their health at risk? And if they fail to recover, is it really their fault?

It is difficult enough to be injured or gravely ill. To add to this the burden of guilt over a supposed failure to have the right attitude toward one’s illness is unconscionable. Linking health to personal virtue and vice not only is bad science, it’s bad medicine.

GodslLove, if you really want to do this: "I wish to thank you for voicing your concerns for as it happens we are in the very process of making sure that her story is brought to the public in such a way that nobody misconstrues or twists the facts." - you know you would absolutely have to have this story scientifically validated. Not given a public relations spin as I think you may be doing here. A claim of a cure needs to be validated. We can tell stories about cures all we want, but what actually matters is science.

I'm concerned also about this all being presented as special and secret. As if to pump up excitement and curiousity as a method of salesmanship.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2014, 01:15:03 am »

AIDS improves all the time (full stop). Since the introduction of the protease inhibitor cocktails, many people with full-blown AIDS have been brought back from death's doorstep to undetectable viral loads.

Whether or not it is considered a "cure" is simply a matter of semantics and opinion.

Your information on AIDS is incomplete and out of date. Then again, that's what faith healers prefer in their marks, er, clients. :)

How dare you insult all the people living with HIV, and those of us who have lost loved ones to AIDS, by implying they just lacked the right attitude and "fighting spirit." I saw a whole generation of warriors die, and their spirits would put nuage manipulators like you to shame.

If your friend's viral loads were dropped to undetectable levels by the protease inhibitors, and she stops them... I hate to break the news to you, but she could well relapse. I hope she is level-headed and is not convinced that, if she relapses, it is due to "a lack of faith," rather than the fact she stopped her meds.

Many of us have had remarkable healing through prayer and faith. It does happen. But so does exploitation and malpractice, and some people have died because people like you shamed them into stopping their medical care because you didn't think it was "spiritual."  I hope your friend doesn't wind up as one of these casualties due to the greed and ignorance of the, perhaps well-meaning but still dangerous, people around her.

I'm sorry, but your friend is not unique. And if you push that she is, and that this faith healer is the cure, you may well be implicated in killing people. The information you are posting about HIV/AIDS is woefully incomplete and misleading; you do not know what you are talking about and I suspect you have something to gain from this scam. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2014, 01:30:42 am »
Interesting how many of these "Columbian" "shamans" live in London, England and have names derived from Sanskrit.

With their talk of "shamanism" (even "Celtic Shamanism"[sic]) and "mantras" and the fake Hindu names, I think these are English nuagers who are involved in the usual hodgepodge of beliefs and capitalist scams we see every day among the spiritual tourists and Ayahuasca appropriators.

Looking at his registration info and IP, along with the writing style on their pages, I am confident "GodsLove" is one of the people running this scam.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2014, 01:55:17 am »

Their website is an eclectic mess, written from the worldview of Brit Occultists. The talk of "Rays" (The "Indigenous Ray," "The Celtic Ray,") comes largely from Theosophy - an occult movement started by ruling-class English people, which has some hard-core, white supremacist beliefs at it's root. As a product of the so-called "British Empire" - it's roots are colonial; they believe all the world's cultures simply exist for them to vulture from, and that they know more about what should be done with cultural property than do the poor, ignorant savages they are colonising.

They admit in their blog post they'd never met a person with AIDS (PWA) before this woman (if she even has HIV/AIDS). Who on Earth has never met someone with HIV/AIDS? Think about it. Privileged, mainstream white people, that's who.

I think this group is dangerous and should be moved to frauds.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 01:59:11 am by Kathryn »


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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2014, 03:32:25 am »

Their website is an eclectic mess, written from the worldview of Brit Occultists. The talk of "Rays" (The "Indigenous Ray," "The Celtic Ray,") comes largely from Theosophy - an occult movement started by ruling-class English people, which has some hard-core, white supremacist beliefs at it's root. As a product of the so-called "British Empire" - it's roots are colonial; they believe all the world's cultures simply exist for them to vulture from, and that they know more about what should be done with cultural property than do the poor, ignorant savages they are colonising.

They admit in their blog post they'd never met a person with AIDS (PWA) before this woman (if she even has HIV/AIDS). Who on Earth has never met someone with HIV/AIDS? Think about it. Privileged, mainstream white people, that's who.

I think this group is dangerous and should be moved to frauds.

That site is very strange.  I thought at first it might somehow be related to the Hare Krishna's because they sign off on many pages with Hare Krishna. (click one of the left buttons and go down to the bottom of the page)

May the light of Christ shine in your hearts.



Also, I wonder why 2011 is the last blog post for the Shamanism of Light blog and that is the article about the woman who was HIV positive.

Kathryn, you are right about the Theosophy connection.  The individuals on the Shamanism of Light website are fond of Samael Aun Weor (if you Google him, there are serious charges of cultism) and he was involved with Theosophy early on.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 04:07:13 am by Autumn »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2014, 02:05:08 pm »
I found this webpage more by accident.  I happen to know the woman in question who went through the healing experience.  From her perspective, she feels herself to be healed from AIDs.  The medical establishment however won't accept it, don't want to hear anything about it, because according to them AIDs is incurable....

Therefore, I am writing this to assure you that I can account for the authenticity of her case.  Her case may just be totally unique, because she was friends with someone (Inti) who was living with an indigenous tribe.  As far as we know, this treatment is not open to the public, especially from the people she stayed with.  However, if her story inspires people to initiate something of that sort, a medical school in Latin America that specifies in AIDs healing, then we believe that would be a great thing.

I wish to thank you for voicing your concerns for as it happens we are in the very process of making sure that her story is brought to the public in such a way that nobody misconstrues or twists the facts.

Carry on with your good work.

You seem to believe in a really bizarre conspiracy theory. Do you seriously think each and every doctor and medical researcher absolutely would refuse to look at this alleged cure? You base this belief on...well, just because. Because you don't trust doctors and imagine them to be in on this conspiracy.

If this needle popped out from the woman's body, where's the testimony of the person giving the injection that this actually happened? For that matter, where is the supposedly cured woman? Something this allegedly miraculous is news for the whole world, and the secretive bit seems like a hustle to get more desperate people to buy dubious claims.

Like was pointed out, you don't seem understand either the treatment of the disease or for that matter how actual Native healers work. An actual healer would not deny treatment from western medicine or anything which can actually end suffering.

I did find another post by "Inti" and it seems pretty obvious he's a British pseudo-leftist obsessed with conspiracy theories, a Nuager or European pagan whose also deeply anti-Semitic and influenced by David Ickes (bolded below).

I'm moving the thread to Frauds because of the danger "Inti" could cause people to stop their treatment. But I want to emphasize we need more research to try and track down who he is, his actual name especially.

2012 is upon us, eclipses and galactic alignments, Barak Nobel Peace Prize Obama on the war path, the Zion Olympics in London, CCTV Social Control, Travellers and Harlequins, a fight between control and freedom, Pandemics, Epedemics, Financial corruption, planetary convulsions, Student protests, solar flares, sunspots, ET invasions (if you believe the hype), tunes played on HAARP, earthquakes and tornados,

2012 is upon us, will you watch it on TV mindless and numbed, business as usual? The forces of freedom and democracy test their white phosphorus, what will Gaza get for Christmas? The news comes ever faster, the optical wires hum, keep yer face outta facebook and your mind on the task, get ready in your heart, your head, your lungs, your soul,

2012 is upon us, no time for idle dreams only focus and action, civilization contraction, will it be Syria, Venezuela, Iran the next target for Uncle Sam? Do you believe what they tell you? Are you in the grid, caught in the matrix, slave to false politik, international banking criminals, black fraternities, Knights of Malta, Clubs of Rome, Illuminatis, dont want the people free only want New World Order international prison camp for you and me...

2012 is upon us, the reptilian lizard kings slide....


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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2014, 04:36:53 pm »
The registrant for is Lawrence Harrowell. Don't know if Harrowell = Inti Ananda.

Registrant Name:Lawrence Harrowell
Registrant Street: 38 Comonfield Road,
Registrant City:Banstead,
Registrant State/Province:Surrey
Registrant Postal Code:SM7 2JZ
Registrant Country:GB

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2014, 10:20:58 pm »
If Hallowell is not Inti, it seems likely that he at least works with him. Hallowell is on a few sites in Spanish, has worked as a translator. 28 years old in 2010 and living in SA since 2000 and in Colombia since 2006, where Inti claims to know healers.

In the comments on this site, he mentions trying to take herbal cures across the border, which is in a grey area about which are legal or not.

The only person I saw on FB with his name looks a bit old to be him, already partly grey haired.

Offline Intiananda

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2015, 01:37:56 am »
Hello, well it says here that this topic has not been written on for a while, I guess because no-one came up with much of substance with regard to this being or not a fraud... However I will introduce myself as being said Inti Ananda from the community in Colombia spoken about and if anybody is interested to hear my side of the story please login and reply or send me an email.. but for your interest I am not Harrowell.. my English name is another name and personally have nothing to hide or to worry about with respect to the unfounded accusations of fraud. Its amusing to read the posts and peoples speculations about which they know little. I have never claimed that ayahuasca cures aids... I think the article written on the blogspot is clear enough in that respect, neither do I have any interest in recruiting any followers or such like.. I was only a useful instrument in this story and did not myself do anything other than open the door to a willing individual who had suffered for many years... and I saw how her suffering was relieved.. Perhaps that is just too much for some people that they need to try and read more into this than there is.. it is a simple story that is interesting but we are not standing and shouting from the rooftops.. we are a very small community.. you might accuse us of being theosophist but with all respect I am not and never have been a theosophist, I have never even read a single book by Mdm Blavatsky and we live in a world where there is freedom of cult and religious conviction. If you don't like that then go speak to those that write human rights manuals if you feel it may be of use.... as for the other accusations, those could be discussed if the persons that made them are still around and are interested to debate the subjects.

So really just dropped in to see if anyone wants to converse the subject.. if not then we will leave it at that.

Best Wishes. Intiananda

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2015, 02:38:37 am »
Hello. Spokeo shows your legal name as being Andres Rosas. Will you confirm that? Why do you hide your actual legal name?

We have no reason to address you by your New Age name, esp since it is in part a New Age adoption of a Hindu name from India, not Latin American or Native. I'm not sure why you use the phrase "English name" unless you have a third AKA you have used.

You also frequently are on an Elistas group, Gnostic Shamanism. It's pretty clear you are not remotely traditional in your beliefs or practices, just an eclectic mix thrown together, and your claim of being able to cure AIDS is horrifying in the damage it can do.

You claim to be part of a Colombia community. If so, why sell ceremony in the UK?

And what are we to make of your belief in conspiracy theories, lizard people, Illuminati, etc?

Offline SallyN

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2016, 12:34:47 am »
I think some of these people have turned up in Glastonbury, UK. We have a local electronic message board where recently we've had several messages from someone called "Temachtiani Prabhu" looking for somewhere to live. The message reads

" Opportunity available for the right person to do a good noble deed:
We are all NGO workers, been living out in South America for the last few years, working with the campesinos and indigenous cultures of South America and involved in their struggle for survival. We are all back in the UK, and earnestly seeking a place for us to live.
We require : a place out in the countryside, with a garden where we can grow our food for the coming year. A house would be ideal, of minimum 2 to 4 bedrooms, unrenovated is fine, single-glazed windows and creaky doors not a problem.
We cannot house-share, nor live in someone else's space, as we are all committed to our NGO work, therefore we require our own place where we can live together, work together, and continue to focus on our project. We cannot volunteer, we are all engaged in full-time employment, we would rather come to an arrangement, to that end, we would be happy to pay rent.
Perhaps you have or know someone who has a property lying derelict in the countryside, a place that requires security, a dis-used pub, barn, farmstead, woods, or a corner of a field.

Feel free to get in contact, 07546443139.
May the road rise up to meet you!

The Shamanic and Ecological Association of Colombia.
The website of the above organisation is a very worrying mishmash of ayahuasca vision selling, misunderstood Hindu and Buddhist ideas, and dangerous misinformation about HIV and illness. Temachtiani Prabhu is clearly a false or assumed name, and I don't believe for a minute that these people are genuinely helping poor/indigenous people in south America. I will try to find out a bit more about them by asking around locally. Anyone UK- based have any more info?