Author Topic: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"  (Read 411400 times)

Offline earthw7

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2015, 02:34:09 pm »
why would you be ban :o
In Spirit

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2015, 05:51:01 pm »
Solidarity! *fist in the air*  LOL
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2015, 06:06:43 pm »

Cate Crow, she who promotes fake cancer cures that will make people sicker, seems to have teamed up with him, and both are sockpuppetting in various troll dumps in the dark corners of the intarwebs. Must suck to be them.

that a lie. very sad what you do to her. respected teacher and friend of native people. I gave her Ojibwe formula and she try to help people with it and she did help people with it. Cate is good person with big heart. she apologize for not giving source here. do honorable thing and lift ban.

good for Cate for defending herself from your lies and hypocrisy  >:(  please ban me from this site too

Hi Ian. I can appreciate that you feel that Cate is a good person and that she is your friend. Please try and understand that here conduct here was less than honorable. She has the right to criticize us and to quote unethical individuals to, in her mind, foster a defense for lack of a better term. We also have the right to offer criticism. Her deletion of posts and threads was juvenile. I understand that she was upset but that's no excuse to retaliate against people who take their time to do a public service. Again, she has every right to disagree however her juvenile reaction was inexcusable.

We don't ban people per their request. You can remove yourself from the forum if you choose though. If you need me to walk you through the process via messages let me know.



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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2015, 08:26:43 pm »
"Complaintsboard dot com"... OMG how ludicrous. Using a consumer complaint page as a sounding board because no one legitimate will take them serious is absolutely pathetic. Why not just write it on a bathroom wall at that point?

Yes, it is pathetic but anyone can join and they can post anything they want.  The thread was started by Nancy Red Star who has a thread on NAFPS here:

There was a comment made in the thread in 2010 and then it went dormant until 2014 when it was revised by Cate Crow posing as Reality Check4u. 

They are keeping an eye on us here and are re-posting what we put on the forum.  I was trying to figure out who rain or rain0033 was and had posed the question that perhaps it was Cate Crow since there were parallels between the Ojibway Nation and the fact that both Cate Crow and rain had deleted all their posts.  Doug A. reposted my comment and stated:

This time sky figured out it was not Cate. Leave the poor woman alone already

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2015, 08:36:43 pm »
This one is definitely getting interesting. "leave the poor woman alone..." LOL I am *so* glad to be here.  ;D
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline Larry Cope

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2015, 02:51:18 am »
Being new to this forum, I had to go back and trace the threads and references found in other threads and posts.
Having done so and admitting that I am in way a scholar of any native tradition, I will note that what little exposure I've had through Vine Deloria's books, Black Elk Speaks, the very wonderful film Wisdom Keepers and other limited references would lead me to conclude that anyone claiming to be a native teacher of any sort who would align themselves with the Starseed project or write of Star Ancestors and being "written about in numerous magazines including: Nexus, UFO Magazine, FATE, New York Magazine, ELLE, Shamans Drum, Majical Blend …etc." will most likely be impostors duping a willingly blind audience.
From what I've researched in my limited way, true native teachers do not go around bragging about themselves. They do not "sell" their services nor their knowledge. Please, if I am in error, feel free to correct me in this.
Just my 2 cents worth

Offline earthw7

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #51 on: May 24, 2015, 04:17:10 pm »
so true our people never advertise, make web pages, Facebook, ask for money or donations, never charge for ceremonies,
there are unwritten rules, you must be compassionate, you must be faithful, must be humble, modest, you must know the language,
and the songs in which order they come, you must complete 4 years of inipi, four years hanbleca, four year wiwicipi, and then given the
right to run a inipi,  no women can run, inipi, hanbelca, wiwicipi for men, these are men's ceremonies,   

When we have ceremony we must tell who taught us, what and how we got the right to sit at the door,
who our are families and who are our witnesses, you must provide the names of people who know you completed what
rights you are claiming,  anyone can challenge you if you do not tell the truth.

Finally because family adopts a non native person does not give them the right to run our ceremonies, or speak for us or make himself chief
Hetcu yelo
In Spirit

ian bear

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #52 on: November 28, 2015, 05:31:01 pm »
 You can remove yourself from the forum if you choose though. If you need me to walk you through the process via messages let me know.


sky walk me through process.
I do not want to stay here

ian bear

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #53 on: November 28, 2015, 06:11:08 pm »
i found delete account button. good bye sky.

you must be compassionate, you must be faithful, must be humble, modest 
good words to remeber from earth

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #54 on: March 14, 2016, 05:34:40 pm »
lol atehequa was banned from too

finally visited complaintsboard and left message

so thats where all the twinkies go lick their wounds?

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #55 on: March 14, 2016, 09:39:13 pm »
lol atehequa was banned from too

finally visited complaintsboard and left message

so thats where all the twinkies go lick their wounds?

John O'Brien, aka "Atehequa"... the nerve of a Wiccan white guy to come here and try to pretend he's a traditional Native. I guess he fooled the white people on the pagan boards, and actually thought it would fly here, too. He's also implicated in stalking a certain fantasy author. If he's who I think he is, he was thrown out of a SciFi convention by security, after allegedly sending threats to someone who was going to be appearing there. I'm not certain he's the same guy, but the people who were there think so.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #56 on: March 15, 2016, 02:21:00 pm »
after insulting natives here and on he is mirroring all of us in the ron paul forums haha

Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2016, 11:39:18 pm »
^Now THAT is comedy.
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Offline theredhairedcrow

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #58 on: June 23, 2016, 12:25:03 pm »
Likely, this article has been seen before by someone, but the fraudster William Jervis, under the new alias of "Eye Tuwe Slo Waya", recently attempted to post it at the Stop Misuse of Native Spirituality, etc. community on Facebook.
It is by Paul Runton, it is titled: "The Hate and Lies of NAFPS website".
"Don't let the sun step over you."--Apache saying, Eva Tulene-Watt

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: NAFPS takes pride in being called "Enemy"
« Reply #59 on: April 28, 2022, 05:22:54 pm »
Posts about new topics/individuals moved to Research Needed