Author Topic: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light  (Read 39498 times)

Offline GodsLove

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2016, 11:05:08 pm »
It's been a while since I've been on this web forum.  I can see that there have been some developments since I last signed on nearly two years ago.

There is a lot I can say about people's response, but for now I will keep this short and to the point...

I will start by saying that I am a little surprised by the tone and hostility of the responses: I would not expect to see this kind of base-speech on a spiritual site, especially a site that declares itself an anti-hate zone.

As I said in my initial message, I know this group, many of them are my personal friends, and there are many people in the UK who have received help and guidance from this group.  They do not sell ceremony.  They do not sell weekend workshops or offer initiation, they do not sell "miracle cures", they don't claim to be curers of cancer and AIDS, and to my knowledge nobody in this group has ever claimed to be a shaman (and I think those who do would be expelled).  However, people go to them to ask for healing, and like all true healers, they are obliged by spiritual duty.

The reason why so little has been heard about this group for the last few years is because they have been living in nature, farming, working the land, far from the hustle and bustle, far from the internet.  In many ways, they are more authentic in their indigenous understanding and respect for life than the great majority of indigenous folks today who indeed no longer value their heritage and sell it away for commodity and recognition.

Your website claims that it is anti-racist, yet on this very comments thread you seem to be claiming that only people born of indigenous decent can really be true shamans and healers... How much more racist can you get!

I advise you all a word of warning, because false allegations have been made, criticism, slander and gossip has filled up this webpage, up to the point of violating rights of freedom and privacy, including the publishing of people's personal details.  New Age Fraud and its members are at the legal, moral and spiritual disadvantage in this witch-hunt.  Someone in this comments thread accused me of believing in bizarre conspiracy theories, but ironically it is the members of this forum who are the one's conspiring and theorising... something which I can't imagine authentic indians and indigenous would ever engage in!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2016, 12:15:35 pm »
GL (it's more than a little ironic you call yourself that given your post is one long angry deeply racist attack) do you have anything to say besides that attack?

Can you confirm "Inti" is actually Mr. Rosas? Can you confirm Mr. Hallowell's role in the group? Why do they and perhaps you hide what their actual names are?

Their own websites and your own words claim he cures AIDS. Why the sudden denial? Do you have any evidence of their supposed cures, besides your own claims?

And the usual racism coming from someone who has never experienced it, and the empty legal threats, the claim that any criticism is a witch hunt...we've seen this all before many times. So much for your "I'm so spiritual" front.

Offline earthw7

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2016, 06:15:53 pm »
I guess for me the reference again :o   In many ways, they are more authentic in their indigenous understanding and respect for life than the great majority of indigenous folks today who indeed no longer value their heritage and sell it away for commodity and recognition.

So what does this woman know about our people? Have they travel to the reservations of live among my people,
another white privilege attitude from people who don't think its wrong to steal another people culture.
when was this a spiritual site 
In Spirit

Offline AnyName

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2016, 09:32:41 am »
Hello to all people reading.
I am a member of the said association that is being attacked here on this forum.  We have been studying the content of your webpages, the tone of your messages, and we do not find anything indigenous or genuine in your webpages.  Your opinions and attitudes are not indigenous values or traditions, nor any way closely represent the true indigenous ray.

Instead, the tone, attitudes and opinions on this webpage appear more like a psy-ops from the CIA, KGB, Mossad, MI6, which is obvious because this webpage is essentially a spy and information gathering operation, pro-military, pro-hatred, divide and conquer, and this is far removed from the indigenous world view.

{Extended personal attack]
brainwashed into the Western way of thinking, far removed from any genuine indigenous way of thinking… at least you don’t hide that fact... or at least you hide it in plain sight.

To further prove this, this forum attacks our "faith healer"... our "faith healer" is a PLANT.  This is something fundamental and obvious to the indigenous all over the world, that the plants can heal.  With these attacks, NAFPS are only proving their own fraudulence.

At the very least, you are all blind believers and followers doing this work free of charge.  At the most some of you perhaps are actual perpetrators and deceivers on a pay role.  Whatever the case, whether you are doing all this out of ignorance or purposely and with ill-intention, whether you are doing this as a hobby for free or doing this as a paid job, YOU ARE ALL SERVANTS OF THE BEAST.

Owing to this, I wish to send you my sincere THANK YOU…  THANK YOU for your attacks, THANK YOU for your slanderous comments, because your webpage confirms to us that we are on the right path to God... All servants and slaves of the Great Beast hate the way of God, hate spirituality, despise truth (though they pretend to be living in truth), and they attack the true path and those who walk it.

NAFPS attacking us is a great omen for us, and so it should be for all people who they attack... Therefore, THANK YOU!
The people who believe and follow your webpages are already lost souls, people who love spying, slander, gossip, calumny.  These kind of people, like NAFPS, know nothing about indigenous wisdom, and they deserve a big deception, like NAFPS.  For that reason, NAFPS was created... as well as to confirm to the righteous that they are walking the right path!  Therefore, THANK YOU for your great service.

There is no one you can “convince” with your ridiculous website, because the people with God consciousness can see right through your [childish cursing] from a mile off... Once again, THANK YOU.

NAFPS are very much like the Scribes and Pharisees of Biblical times, that Jesus Christ spoke about so openly.  Read Matthew 23, to get a good insight into the psychology of NAFPS.


When I think of NAFPS, I think of the Scribes (writers) and Pharisees (know-it-all phoney spiritual authorities)...
...When I think of the Scribes and Pharisees, I think of NAFPS (a bunch of writers and know-it-all phoney spiritual authorities!).

Therefore, THANK YOU for your attacks and criticisms, we are very honoured indeed.

God bless you, and THANK YOU!
Always at your service.
Prabhu Temachtiani
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 12:35:19 am by educatedindian »

Offline White Horse

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2016, 01:50:36 pm »
Anyname really you are going to quote the Bible?  WHY, The bible did NOT exist here until this land was "discovered" and "your" religion was  forced upon us.  Native Americans have always had our our beliefs in the Creator and you quoting the bible?  Tells me yo know NOTHING about Native American Culture Traditions and Ways of Life except for what a wasichu has taught you, which is obviously WRONG! 

I would also like to add, I have the right as an Actual Native American Assiniboine member of the Great Sioux Nation and I have the blessing of a Chief!

Chief Arvol Looking Horse Proclamation on the Protection of Ceremonies

It was decided, from March 9, 2003 and forward, there will be no non-Natives allowed in our sacred Ho-c'o-ka (our sacred alters)

Arvol Looking Horse is the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe.

White Horse
Executive Director
American Indian Movement of Florida
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline earthw7

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2016, 01:45:49 pm »
Now this was funny I am Native i live on my reservation and live my way of life,
i know a fraud when we see them
In Spirit

Offline SallyN

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2016, 11:49:11 am »
I'm posting a video link to Temachtiani Prabhu's talk at the Green Gathering Festival in 2013. It's held in Chepstow, England every year. The vid. is about an hour long and is an illiterate mish-mash of basically every religious idea under the sun. He goes on and on about the "indigenous" without any awareness of the irony of him: a white, privileged person, speaking on behalf of, and instead of, the indigenous people themselves.

He also misrepresents indigenous south American religious beliefs and undermines their uniqueness. This, in my view, does violence to the people themselves.
The following is the text about the talk/video.
"A conference about the importance of the shamanic and indigenous ray of wisdom for our times, it's spiritual legacy. The term indigenous refers to people who live in close contact with nature, which is how all our ancestors used to live, and only in recent times is being lost globally en masse. The indigenous wisdom is for everyone who is authentically searching for their roots, whether one's skin colour is white, yellow, brown, red, black. Whether one's religious book is the Bible, Koran, Torah, the Vedas, the shamanic and indigenous wisdom is what turns those sacred texts back into a living alphabet of fire, still alive in the bosom of nature."

Offline Sparks

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2016, 06:24:00 pm »
I guess I had enough of the video after a couple of minutes of "the 2012 events" (as skeptics knew both before and after they were non-existing events), and what the Mayans really were telling us. Then when Atlantis was mentioned as a fact I quit. Before that, there was also much conspiracy talk about what governments hide from the people.

What a shame and what a pity that such stupid drivel is allowed at "a festival with an environmental and social justice focus, including workshops and talks on permaculture, politics, ecology and crafts, as well as art, live music and spoken word performances." (Read more at

I want to mention that the video site SallyN linked to is full of nasty click-bait commercials, so I preferred to watch what I was able to stand directly from YouTube:

Offline SallyN

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2016, 11:20:43 pm »
Hi people,
Apologies if my link had inappropriate advertising. I use a flash and adblocker which means I don't see them, so I forget to check for them.

Offline truthseeker2

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2017, 01:23:25 pm »
The most dangerous thing about this organisation is it resembles a cult, and all community members within it do not realize this. The leader is a narcissist, whom all believe to be an advanced enlightened person, whom has expertise to realize everyone else's defects, never looking at his own, as he is beyond criticism. Also, he abuses the power and authority he has by having sex with several of the women in the organisation, as well as children. I would advise staying clear of this organisation whilst this abusive leader is still in charge.


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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2017, 03:39:55 pm »
The most dangerous thing about this organisation is it resembles a cult, and all community members within it do not realize this. The leader is a narcissist, whom all believe to be an advanced enlightened person, whom has expertise to realize everyone else's defects, never looking at his own, as he is beyond criticism. Also, he abuses the power and authority he has by having sex with several of the women in the organisation, as well as children. I would advise staying clear of this organisation whilst this abusive leader is still in charge.

Thank you for this warning, valuable info.

What is the leader's actual name?

Has his claimed abuse of children been reported to law enforcement yet?

Offline cheetos paws

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2017, 09:03:03 am »
I agree w/ Piff. If you have knowledge of them abusing kids, or even suspect them to be doing so, definitely report them to the law enforcement agencies in your area. If you don't know where to start, these people may be able to help.

That said, I'm sorry you got caught up in their nonsense, and glad you took the time to share your story with us. Hopefully this will plant the seed of doubt in others currently involved with this group, or better yet, hopefully it will be the artillery they need to walk away from this creepy group once and for all.

Offline Shinefinder

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2017, 08:15:36 pm »
The name of the leader is CESAR ENRIQUE MUNDACA PIZARRO.

He is Chilean and is identified in Colombia with "cedula extranjeria" C.E. 181.322.

He is known in the community as "Vasudev".

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2017, 11:30:27 pm »
Cedula entranjera is foreigner's ID. Mundaca does show up on sites teaching a mix of Gnostic and Tantric ideas. Still unclear if he's of the same group. He uses the email, consistent with a Chilean or Colombian in Britain.


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Re: "Inti Ananda" & Shamanism of Light
« Reply #29 on: November 29, 2017, 02:02:40 am »
Archives of their :*/