Author Topic: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle  (Read 380121 times)

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #195 on: May 30, 2016, 11:37:44 pm »

Announcement at e-bay for a tour event scheduled June 11, 2016 – an entry ticket will be given for free:

The ad was published by „medicine turtle, active since 3/11/2016“

Henry Red Cloud in Karlsruhe on June 11, 2016
Fee: for free

The sacred chants of Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation with Henry Red Cloud, medicienman.
Have your instrument hand-signed by original historic Henry Red Cloud 5th generation descendant of biggest war chief Red Cloud 1822-1909 who signed the Fort Leremie [sic] treaty.

Henry will bring along this feather. Red Cloud: They made many false promises, but they kept one – they took our land.
Through the Henry Red Cloud Tour 2016 all persons can have their instruments like drum, guitar, violin, flute etc handsigned against a donation.
The instruments will be charged with power this way and will pulsate in the sign of peace on earth.
Donations will then passed on at Pine Ridge directly by Henry Red Cloud to the people for projects.

Emphasis mine

This is the way Jervis and Böhler are advertising tour events with Henry Red Cloud.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #197 on: June 02, 2016, 06:12:17 am »
I stumbled yesterday over the event in Darmstadt. It’s sad that Henry Red Cloud allows being misused by this person. I find his project wonderful, but I will not go to this event because of his “companions”.

And I’m really thinking about writing a notice to the event organizer in Darmstadt, especially because they also offer a workshop with “Medicine Turtle” for a lot of money.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #198 on: June 02, 2016, 05:24:38 pm »
And I’m really thinking about writing a notice to the event organizer in Darmstadt, especially because they also offer a workshop with “Medicine Turtle” for a lot of money.

As far as I established so far, all organisers of events with the tour some weeks ago received a warning mail providing them with information on Jervis. Some organisers then cancelled their events, others carried on.

For the convenience of our German-language readers:

Soweit ich bislang ermittelt habe, erhielten alle Organisatoren eines Tour-Events vor einigen Wochen eine Warnmail mit Informationen zu Jervis. Einige Organisatoren haben als Reaktion darauf ihre Veranstaltungen abgesagt, andere nicht.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #199 on: June 02, 2016, 05:30:21 pm »

Stephan Goetze and his „indi gen e.V.“ (   ) have also lured in Mr Red Cloud for presumably two events, one of them already having taken place at the end of May 2016 in the town of Mannheim.

It seems this connection was possible through the involvement of Raphael Mankau with the Red Cloud Tour, as Herr Mankau happens to own the publishing house Mankau-Verlag who publish Goetze's book. (Regarding the association, Goetze's book, and the way he misrepresents himself please also see:  )

It is very unfortunate that the involvement with „indi gen e.V.“ now also links Mr Red Cloud to ceremony sellers and exploiters like Goetze and John Fire Lame Deer Jr.

Association indi gen e.V. meets at the HDWM campus: „Red Cloud“ from the Lakota-Sioux at the Management Academy

Mannheim. A group of scientists at the Academy of Management (HdWM) works at setting up an IT educational platform for the scientifically founded integration of indigenous nature teachings into school teaching in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. A respective suggestion has already been sent to the ministry of education and the office for school development has already been included into the new educational plan in Baden-W?rttemberg.

At the end of May, a committee of indi gen e.V. met on the campus of HdWM in Mannheim. One participant came from the USA, the well-known representative of the Lakota-Sioux tribe, Red Cloud, who made himself a name regarding ecology in general and with the use of „ecological correct“ materials in particular. He had been invited by Dr Stephan Goetze, president of the association indi gen e.V. founded in autumn 2015.

Learnin from the nature teachings of indigenous peoples – number of members of indi gen e.V. on the rise

The association was coined by Prof Dr. Dr. h.c. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Chief John Fire „Lame Deer“, speaker of the indigenous peoples of North America, and Thiemo Fojkar, chairperson of the „International Bund“ (IB). The „International Bund“ is one of the large free educational institutions in Germany. On a national level, IB has 14,000 employees and runs 700 educational institutions at 300 locations. As a majority shareholder of HdWM, IB feels particularly connected to the association indi gen e.V. […]

Another event is scheduled for Mannheim on June 11, replacing Mr Red Cloud's appearance at a "Drum Event" in the Bavarian town of Bad Gögging. There is no place and exact time provided in online advertisements published by Jervis and Böhler who emphasise that prospective participants are expected to apply in writing (via e-mail) and provide their postal address and phone number. Same as with the above mentioned event, the second one particularly targets university staff.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #200 on: June 03, 2016, 11:05:37 pm »
Today's tour events have already been covered by the press.

Both event organisers have already cooperated with Jervis and Don Hines aka "He Who Knows" in 2010 and organised events with them - reports and photos of the 2010 events pls see here:

How one becomes a warrior for the trees
June 3, 2016 | 4:47 pm

The Indian Henry Red Cloud from South Dakota came to the town of Duisburg. During the guided tour, there were smudging rituals and exciting stories

A crew of 20 persons walks moist forest paths on Friday morning – persons looking for the Indian in themselves or who have found the inner Indian already. „This is a good spot for the smudging ritual“, says Petra Reif, a tree protector from Grossenbaum who also does courses on herbs and seminars on runes. Henry Red Cloud who is from the Pine Ridge Reservation of the Lakota in South Dakota is already the second Indian she has enticed to a walk in the woods in Duisburg.

The great-grandfather was war chief Red Cloud

Six years ago, „He-who-knows“ followed her call and put the forest under the protection of his ancestor, the great chief Sitting Bull. Now, Henry Red Cloud stops at the same place during his sixth tour in Germany in the company of Medicine-Turtle-Cherokee [sic] (half Irish and half Cherokee). And as coincidence has it, he also invokes a famous ancestor, his great-great-grandfather, the war chief Red Cloud who, during the Indian wars, presented the white people with many a nut to crack.

Henry nods at Sun-Turtle-Woman, his translator, and she opens a bag with the ingredients. „I am burning cedar, sweetgrass and sage from the reservation, together with Cherokee tobacco“, she says. The tobacco pouch indeed sports an Indian in full feather decoration, below the image a German caption „Smoking can damage your health considerably“. Sun-Turtle-Woman […] blows into the smudging pan and wraps participant after participant in pungent smoke. The effect varies, some seem to feel the energy, others start coughing. Henry Red Cloud speaks, his messages sound simple: „Return to the green path. Plant more little baby trees. The forest keeps the water and filters the air. You are all warriors for the trees now, fight for their preservation, when the forest dies, so will we.“

They all sing an ancient Lakota song together, and Burkhard Wruck is somewhat sad, because the skin of his home-made drum is so wet it only sounds muffled. Wruck got infected with the Indian fever the classical German way, he read Karl May novels. The fascination stayed when he grew up. During several trips to „Native America“, he received genuine impressions what Indian life on the reservations today is like, and he has also been to Pine Ridge where many households are not connected to the power supply and where there's only one grocery shop for 30,000 people.

Hearts' desires fulfilled

For Petra Reif, only the trees count. While the Indian guests offer a few books and silver jewelry for sale from the trunk of their car, she says: „Duisburg citizens in particular need to be told time and again they should pay attention to their trees. Since meanwhile ancient alleys may be chopped down, every tree warrior prepared to fight this is needed.“

Then she has to say „Good bye“, the Indians want to travel on. They got another appointment with a wild tribe in the town of Gummersbach.
- Sabine Merkelt-Rahm -
[Emphasis mine]

[Translator's note: I am sorry the article makes use of stereotypical and racist language.]

"Little baby trees"? ? ? ? WTF?!?! Either someone maliciously spiked Mr Red Cloud's morning coffee, or Ms "Sun Turtle" Böhler turns Red Cloud's words into loads of garbage and BS when translating.

Second event Friday, June 3, 2016:

(June 3, 2016 – 4:08 pm)

Gummersbach – Indian Henry Red Cloud during his European tour visited the Indian Community of Interest Tatonka in the town of Windhagen – His concern is to raise awareness to the grievances in his home country.

Henry Red Cloud is a direct descendant of war chief Red Cloud of the Oglala Lakota Indians who today live in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, USA. Today he visited Gummersbach during his European tour to present his cause: While his great-great-grandfather more than 150 years ago fought against the European immigrants in his land, Henry Red Cloud and his people are facing quite different problems today. The unemployment rate in Pine Ridge is almost 90% and the simple shacks of the Indians do not offer protection from the weather and from temperatures of as low as minus 40 degrees. Therefore, the Indian travels Europe, raises awareness to the grievances, gathers donations for Pine Ridge and acquires important knowledge to help his people.

[Photo caption: Henry Red Cloud presented his book in the tipi and spoke about his concerns]

The Windhagen premises today offered the possibility to have one's instrument signed by Red Cloud against a donation. In the warm tipi, sitting on animal skins, the Indian reported how he makes use of these donations and uses the knowledge aquired to realise relief projects in his homeland. In 2004, he founded the „Lakota Solar Entreprises“ to facilitate independent sources of heating and electrical power in the reservation. He also worked for the return of the buffaloes to the reservation lands and for building weatherproof houses. Another grievance to the Indians is the commercial marketing of their ancient customs and traditions like e.g. the sweatlodge. Together with Medicine Turtle of the Cherokee-Indians, Henry Red Cloud has written a book on this issue which he also introduced at Windhagen.

Although the article is of course written in German language, it is worthwhile visiting the website for the photo: Mr Red Cloud in one of the "Tatonka" canvas tipis. The photo displays the mouldy tipi cover which can even be spotted from inside the tipi. The "Tatonkans" do not quite seem to take proper care of their equipment, because their former website presented photos of several tipis in different stages of mildew.

The name of their association is indeed "Indian Community of Interest Tatonka" - they do make it sound as if this was an association founded an run by ndn persons, which they are very clearly not, they are German hobbyists. And they do spell "Tatonka" this way. Their premises also display a totem pole in front of some tipis. Their former website had a voluminous photo gallery with various photos of more than one mouldy tipi, the totem pole in front of them, and of course several photos with German men proudly sporting brilliant white and hairy pot-bellies over low slung belts and breechcloths. However, they did not only cover the issue of "Indians", but also the stereotypical "Wild West". So they had (or still do) a Western town on their premises, too. Complete with a Sheriff's office. And right next to the law enforcement ---- there's the porta-potty. I suppose this is the only place in Germany where you can give a [...] on the law without the law getting cross at you. It is a pity Tatonka have taken down their website including the gallery...

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #201 on: June 08, 2016, 01:13:24 pm »

The event scheduled at June 6, 2016 was promoted as follows:

Reason and contents of the tour are the following:

To keep the earth for the next seven generations, too
To bring back the buffaloes to the meadows in Pine Ridge
To build houses for the entire reservation (about 12,000 are needed)
Donations for the elders (e.g. wood for the winter, food, …)
Lakota Solar Enterprises: Solar energy for the reservations – project by Henry Red Cloud

Reduction of coal mining
No pesticides and poisons in our food, water, and in the earth
Building up an economical system (unemployment 80% at Pine Ridge)

Freeing Leonard Peltier
„This changes everything“ - film – with Henry Red Cloud Lakota Solar Enterprises

Henry Red Cloud offers several programme items:
The correct connection of spirituality as viewed from Oglala Sioux Lakota tradition
The history of the 500 nations of Turtle Island
The sacred chants of the Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation.
Emphasis mine

Similar announcements have also been published at Jervis' website and on various internet event platforms. It becomes very apparent that Jervis and Böhler advertise Henry Red Cloud as a teacher of spirituality. So no matter which issues Mr Red Cloud may speak about during individual events, the audience will expect to be served with 'spiritual teachings' and 'sacred chants'.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #202 on: June 16, 2016, 03:52:51 pm »

Jervis seems to get under some pressure regarding his endeavours. A regional paper in Bavaria ran an article in the aftermath of the event in the town of Murnau:

updated: Jun 13, 2016, 17:47
Stir caused around Indian evening in Murnau
Scene expert calls organiser a „plastic shaman“

Murnau – The clash about the alleged sell-out of Indian culture has entered another round. Persons involved with the Europe tour of Lakota Indian Henry Red Cloud deny commercial interest. However, there is evidence to the contrary.

Background: Henry Red Cloud, descendant of Lakota chief Red Cloud, recently did a lecture in front of an audience of approx 70 persons in the Murnau Kultur- und Tagungszentrum (KTM) [Centre for Culture and Meetings]. Previous to the event, the „Native American Association of Germany“ (NAAoG) had voiced massive criticism regarding the organiser („Native American Medicine Academy“): „The so-called „academy“ offers Indian ceremonies for money, something which is fiercely rejected by the majority of Indian peoples, since it hurts their religious beliefs“, a press statement submitted by the association's president, Carmen Kwasny, read (see our earlier article). This „academy“ even offered a sweatlodge for money in connection with the tour. The attack mainly aims at the alleged founders of the „academy“, William Jervis and Sabine Böhler.

Henry Red Cloud and Jervis counter this in a press release of „Native American Friends of Luxembourg“ signed by both of them. „We did not offer sweatlodges with Henry Red Cloud and we reject this accusation“. This accusation, however, was not voiced by NAAoG who only explained that "in direct connection with the tour, sweatlodges were offered for money“. What is certain: on facebook, participation in a „Sweatlodge Crazy Horse & Black Elk“ was promoted which was said to take place in the vicinity of the  town of Nuremberg on April 9. Fee: € 75. „Part of this money directly goes to South Dakota“, the announcement reads. Bookings were accepted by Sabine Böhler. The news item at facebook was signed by „Medicine  turtle & Sunturtle woman“. These are the names Böhler and Jervis give themselves.

What is striking: the press release by Henry Red Cloud and Jervis says that one of the „academy's“ functions was to stop the abuse of Indian ceremonies. Both also published a book on this issue.

At the website of the „academy“, BTW, clients can purchase a hand-made Indian shower gel named „Holy Ghost“ at € 30. „10 Euro of each bottle will directly go to the Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota“, it says on the site.

Jervis also gets called a „plastic shaman“ at the website Psiram which is critical of Newage. That was „somehow funny“, he told Tagblatt as a comment on this. He does not seem to take this very serious. NAAoG also accuses him of claiming he was a Cherokee medicine-man. Up to now, however, he never presented any evidence for this claim. Jervis commented: „We don't care“.

Scene expert Kerstin Schmäling (from Hohenthann-Schönau) also voices criticism: „The main problem is that William Jervis claims to be a Cherokee medicine-man while this is not true at all“. He received a sort of legitimation by Henry Red Cloud because the public cannot imagine that Henry would have any dealings with such a „plastic shaman“. „I know Jervis from times when he capered about in a bear costume at the Munich event of 'Pfennigparade Foundation'“. This tour only served to give credibility to the academy, Schmäling emphasised.

Remarkable: At KTM, where an opening address was spoken by Mayor Rolf Beuting (ÖDP/Citizens' Forum), the criticism was not brought up, at least not during the initial 2.5 hours. The debate about commercial exploitation of the culture of American Natives is nothing new. Already in 1989, the elders' council of the Lakota-Sioux publically protested the „sell-out of Indian spirituality by 'plastic shamans'“.

However: Silvia Nestler-Mankau and Raphael Mankau who organised the evening in Murnau, were able to hand over donations of € 2,240 to Henry Red Cloud finally. The sum is meant as an assistance for his projects in the Lakota reservation Pine Ridge. Among the local supporters of the event is the ÖDP district chapter.
Roland Lory

Regarding a claimed press release published by the alleged "Native American Friends of Luxembourg" and signed by both Henry Red Cloud and Jervis: there is nothing to be found at any of the sites run by Jervis, or at platforms publishing press releases, neither in English, nor in German language.

It is therefore highly probably that Jervis only pretends such a press release exists and that HRC co-signed it.

And then a shower gel sold at € 30 per bottle? With € 10 going to "Pine Ridge" - well, to whom exactly?
This still means the largest chunk of monies taken in on sales of this item will remain with Jervis' and Böhler's fake academy.

For the convenience of our German-language readers:
Bezüglich der erwähnten Presseerklärung, die von den angeblichen "Native American Friends of Luxembourg" veröffentlicht wurde und von Henry Red Cloud mit unterschrieben worden sein soll: diese läßt sich auf den von Jervis betriebenen Seiten nicht finden - auch nicht auf Portalen, die solche Presseerklärungen veröffentlichen lassen, weder auf Deutsch, noch auf Englisch.

Es ist daher sehr wahrscheinlich, daß Jervis die Existenz einer solchen Presseerklärung, ebenso wie eine Unterschrift von Henry Red Cloud, nur vorgibt.

Und dann noch ein Duschbad für € 30 die Flasche? Wobei dann ganze € 10 nach "Pine Ridge" gehen - wohin bzw zu wem eigentlich genau? Der größte Teil des durch den Verkauf dieses Artikels eingenommenen Geldes verbleibt dann immer noch bei der von Jervis und Böhler betriebenen Plastikakademie.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #203 on: June 16, 2016, 04:53:03 pm »

Jervis has also recently dug up an alleged non-profit association he used in previous years:

At both the jimdo-site and the blog, Jervis publishes various photos, many of them taken in 2007, 2008, and 2010. By 2008, Jervis wasn't even living in Luxembourg anymore, but had made it to Germany selling ceremonies.

There are also photos of Jervis with Henry Red Cloud and another person from the Red Cloud family which were taken in 2006/2007 when a German event organiser was daft enough to accept Jervis' organising two events in Luxemburg for HRC. Apparently, Jervis went to Pine Ridge after the speaking tour, as some of the photos he now publishes again under the label of NAFoL were taken there.

As far as we researched earlier, this NAFoL seems to have been founded in 2007. Whether it was ever recognised as a non-profit at any point in time is not certain. One aspect regarding this question certainly is that in order to receive such recognition, authorities need to be informed such and such an association has been founded and then they will require certain documents to be handed in to receive the non-profit status.;topicseen#msg21983

Alexa Jervis-Zenner comes up as Alexa Jervis-Zenner, Alexa Jervis and Alexa Zenner.  All the same person.  She's on the board of directors for a non-profit she and a few others founded with Burchett called Native American Friends of Luxembourg Association after his release.  On the board of directors the names listed are:

William Jervis, président
Joseph Heymanns, vice-président
Jean-Pierre Heymanns, secrétaire
Alexa Zenner, trésorière

This particular group was formed in 2007 and as you can see Burchett was using his alias William Jervis at the time it was formed.

The gap between 2008, or even 2010, and 2016 is considerable. As a non-profit is required to hand in documentation of their financial activities annually, as well as handing in documentation on their regular (annual or bi-annual) General Meetings and providing details on their board members, an officially recognised non-profit would have either been closed down by authorities meanwhile for not complying with their duties – or at least it would have had its non-profit status removed. So either way we look at it, things do not look to rosy for NAFoL being a non-profit organisation.

It seems probable that a non-profit status was never officially obtained, which now facilitates a resurrection of this alleged association. There are also no further details available regarding the association's president, vice-president or other board members. We may assume that Alexa Zenner, or Alexa Jervis-Zenner, will no longer be available as a treasurer. There is no indication she is cooperating with Jervis once again, and has probably had a few problems when Jervis left Luxemburg for the greener meadows in Germany and another woman.

Jervis also puts up some info re NAFoL on a LinkedIn profile:

In 1999, he founded the non-profit organisation „Native American Friends of Luxemburg“. Its main goal is to support the Indians in the advancement of their culture [sic]. Organise events and support projects in Indian reservations.

This paragraph, as the entire text published at LinkedIn, has been written in 2016.
Its wording, however, is quite detrimental to the impression Jervis aims at leaving with his readers: i.e. the one of being Cherokee. If he were a Cherokee in the first place, he would know far better than using phrases like „supporting the Indians“, and he would certainly be aware that there is not just one Indian culture, but a multitude of them. So this spells „fail“, Jervis.

Another interesting detail is Jervis' claim of having founded NAFoL in 1999 already. As has been established by our previous research, and published earlier in this thread, Jervis was in the clink for armed bank robbery including taking a hostage from the early 1990ies until 2004. We also may doubt he knew how to spell 'Luxemburg' in 1999 – let alone even as much as suspecting there was a country in Europe going by this name.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #204 on: June 16, 2016, 10:05:27 pm »

For the convenience of our German-language readers:

Jervis hat vor kurzem einen angeblich gemeinnützigen Verein ausgegraben, dessen er sich bereits in früheren Jahren bedient hat:

Sowohl auf der jimdo-Seite wie auch im Blog veröffentlicht Jervis Fotos, von denen etliche schon in den Jahren 2007, 2008 und 2010 aufgenommen wurden. Im Jahr 2008 lebte Jervis schon nicht mehr in Luxemburg, sondern war nach Deutschland übergewechselt, wo er Zeremonien verkaufte.

Darunter sind auch Fotos, die Jervis zusammen mit Henry Red Cloud sowie einer weiteren Person aus der Familie Red Cloud zeigen. Diese Fotos wurden 2006/2007 aufgenommen, als ein deutscher Organisator dumm genug war, Jervis als Ausrichter zweier Events für HRC in Luxemburg zu akzeptieren. Offenbar reiste Jervis nach der Vortragsreise nach Pine Ridge, da einige der Fotos, die Jervis nun nochmals unter dem Etikett der „NAFoL“ veröffentlicht, dort angefertigt wurden. (Diese Fotos veröffentlichte Jervis ursprünglich auf einer Webseite, die er für die NAFoL eingerichtet hatte. Die Webseite wurde bereits vor Jahren vom Netz genommen.)

Wie wir bereits zuvor recherchiert haben, scheint diese „NAFoL“ ca 2007 gegründet worden zu sein. Ob sie überhaupt je als gemeinnützig anerkannt war, ist nicht sicher. Ein Aspekt bei dieser Frage liegt sicherlich darin, daß zur Erlangung einer solchen Anerkennung natürlich zunächst einmal den Behörden die Gründung eines entsprechenden Vereins angezeigt werden muß, die dann bestimmte Dokumente sehen wollen.;topicseen#msg21983

Alexa Jervis-Zenner comes up as Alexa Jervis-Zenner, Alexa Jervis and Alexa Zenner.  All the same person.  She's on the board of directors for a non-profit she and a few others founded with Burchett called Native American Friends of Luxembourg Association after his release.  On the board of directors the names listed are:

William Jervis, président
Joseph Heymanns, vice-président
Jean-Pierre Heymanns, secrétaire
Alexa Zenner, trésorière

This particular group was formed in 2007 and as you can see Burchett was using his alias William Jervis at the time it was formed.

Die Lücke zwischen 2008 bzw 2010 und 2016 ist erheblich. Da ein gemeinnütziger Verein zb jährlich Unterlagen über seine finanziellen Transaktionen vorlegen muß sowie auch Unterlagen über regelmäßige (jährliche oder zweijährliche) Hauptversammlungen mit Details über gewählte Vorstandsmitglieder, wäre ein offiziell anerkannter gemeinnütziger Verein angesichts der langen Pause entweder behörderlicherseits zwangsstillgelegt worden bzw hätte mindestens den Status der Gemeinnützigkeit eingebüßt. Aus welchem Blickwinkel wir uns die Sache also anschauen: es sieht für die NAFoL als gemeinnütziger Verein nicht wirklich vielversprechend aus.

Es scheint jedoch möglich, daß ein gemeinnütziger Status niemals offiziell beantragt wurde, was jetzt natürlich die Wiedererweckung des angeblichen Vereins erleichtert. Es sind auch keinerlei weitere Details über den jetzigen Vorstand zugänglich. Wir können aber vermutlich davon ausgehen, daß Alexa Zenner, oder Alexa Zenner-Jervis, als Schatzmeisterin nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht. Es gibt auch keinen Hinweis darauf, daß sie neuerdings wieder mit Jervis zusammenarbeitet, und sie hat seinerzeit vermutlich auch ein paar Probleme gehabt, als Jervis Luxemburg für die grüneren Weiden in Deutschland sowie für eine Frau im Stich ließ.

Jervis veröffentlicht auch weitere Informationen zur NAFoL auf einem Profil bei LinkedIn:

1999 gruendete er die gemeinnuetzige Organisation „Native American Friends of Luxemburg“.
Hauptziel ist es, die Indianer in der Foerderung ihrer Kultur zu unterstuetzen. Veranstaltungen zu organisieren und Peojekte in den indianischen Reservaten zu foerdern.

Dieser Absatz ist wie der gesamte bei LinkedIn veröffentlichte Text 2016 geschrieben worden.
Die Formulierungen sind jedoch dem Eindruck, den Jervis bei seinen Lesern erwecken möchte, durchaus abträglich: so z.B. dem, er sei Cherokee. Wäre er tatsächlich Cherokee, wüßte er es besser als Sätzchen wie „die Indianer unterstützen“ zu verwenden [wieso "die Indianer"? - er will doch eigentlich selbst einer sein...], und wäre sich auch darüber im klaren, daß es nicht nur eine indianische Kultur gibt, sondern viele. Also: mal wieder in etwas Unangenehmes hineingetreten, Jervis.

Ein weiteres, interessantes Detail ist Jervis Behauptung, er habe die NAFoL bereits 1999 gegründet.  Wie unsere frühere Recherchearbeit belegt und auch bereits im Thread veröffentlicht wurde, saß Jervis ab Anfang der 1990er Jahre bis 2004 im Knast, wegen bewaffneten Banküberfalls mit einer Geiselnahme. Wir dürfen ebenfalls sehr stark bezweifeln, daß er 1999 überhaupt schon wußte, wie man „Luxemburg“ schreibt – oder daß er überhaupt Anlaß zur Vermutung hatte, in Europa könne es ein Land geben, das sich so nennt.

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #205 on: June 20, 2016, 10:17:34 am »
"Sowanla Weiß" is a new alias that has cropped up for what we believe if William Jervis, because of a phrase used to describe itself and its one he's used before: "He who knows". He is using an old photo of an actual Lakota person and in other places like YouTube, video footage to promote himself but also to attack Carmen Kwasny and the NAAoG. Here's one thread on the "Stop Misuse of Native Spirituality and Ceremonies" group, by alias Sowanla Weiß. Where "he" and an accomplice of sorts are trying the same tactics.

"Don't let the sun step over you."--Apache saying, Eva Tulene-Watt

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #206 on: June 21, 2016, 11:03:16 am »
New Update: William Jervis, aka "Firewalker", aka "Medicine Turtle" is also now using the identity and photo of "Eye Tuwe Slo Waya" ("He Who Knows"). It is a duplicate of the "Sowanla Weiss" Facebook profile I posted about yesterday. However, according to a comment on the website of William Jervis' and Sabine Böhler's "Academy", this Lakota elder passed away in 2013.

There is clear evidence based on threats and harassment we've by the NAAoG and at the Stop Misuse group on Facebook that Jervis is using this fake identity to defame the association. Currently he is setting up new websites and channels on YouTube. There he uses excerpts from videos of Eye Tuwe Slo Waya uploaded six years ago to make it sound like this "Lakota elder" is criticizing the association. There is also manipulation in one video where the association is accused of destroying a tour and that a German woman owns him 500 Dollars. Some of the videos have the NAAOG association's name in the title and/or in the text.
"Don't let the sun step over you."--Apache saying, Eva Tulene-Watt

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Online Sparks

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #208 on: June 30, 2016, 06:58:34 pm »
All the June 2016 posts in this thread are about William Jervis:
(ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders)

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